[project] name = "rattler-build" description = "Conda package builder, using the rattler rust backend" authors = ["Wolf Vollprecht "] channels = ["conda-forge"] platforms = ["linux-64", "win-64", "osx-64", "osx-arm64"] [tasks] build = "cargo build --release" install = "cargo install --path . --locked" end_to_end_test = "pytest test/end-to-end --snapshot-warn-unused --snapshot-details" test = "cargo test" lint = "pre-commit run --all" generate-cli-docs = "cargo add clap-markdown --git https://github.com/ruben-arts/clap-markdown --branch main && cargo run --bin generate-cli-docs --features generate-cli-docs > docs/reference/cli.md && cargo rm clap-markdown" update-snapshots = "pytest test/end-to-end --snapshot-update" [feature.docs.tasks] build-docs = "mkdocs build --strict" docs = "mkdocs serve" deploy-latest = "mike deploy --push --update-aliases $RELEASE_VERSION latest" deploy-dev = "mike deploy --push dev devel" [dependencies] openssl = "3.*" rust = "~=1.80.0" pre-commit = "3.3.3.*" compilers = "1.6.0.*" libssh2 = "1.11.0.*" pkg-config = "0.29.2.*" cmake = "3.27.6.*" make = "4.3.*" perl = "5.32.1.*" pytest = "7.4.2.*" pyyaml = ">=6.0.1,<6.1" conda-package-handling = "2.2.0.*" requests = ">=2.32.2,<2.33" syrupy = "4.6.*" [feature.docs.dependencies] mkdocs = "1.5.3.*" mkdocs-material = ">=9.5.16,<9.7" pillow = ">=9.4.0" cairosvg = "2.7.1.*" mike = "2.0.0.*" [environments] # Using same solve group to keep the environment consistent in versions used and improving cache hits default = {solve-group = "default"} docs = {features = ["docs"], no-default-feature = true, solve-group = "default"}