import hashlib import json import os import platform from pathlib import Path from subprocess import DEVNULL, STDOUT, CalledProcessError, check_output import pytest import requests import yaml from helpers import RattlerBuild, get_extracted_package, get_package def test_functionality(rattler_build: RattlerBuild): suffix = ".exe" if == "nt" else "" text = rattler_build("--help").splitlines() assert text[0] == f"Usage: rattler-build{suffix} [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]" def test_license_glob(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): / "globtest", tmp_path) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "globtest") assert (pkg / "info/licenses/LICENSE").exists() # Random files we moved into the package license folder assert (pkg / "info/licenses/cmake/FindTBB.cmake").exists() assert (pkg / "info/licenses/docs/ghp_environment.yml").exists() assert (pkg / "info/licenses/docs/rtd_environment.yml").exists() # Check that the total number of files under the license folder is correct # 4 files + 2 folders = 6 assert len(list(pkg.glob("info/licenses/**/*"))) == 6 def check_info(folder: Path, expected: Path): for f in ["index.json", "about.json", "link.json", "paths.json"]: assert (folder / "info" / f).exists() cmp = json.loads((expected / f).read_text()) actual = json.loads((folder / "info" / f).read_text()) if f == "index.json": # We need to remove the timestamp from the index.json cmp["timestamp"] = actual["timestamp"] if f == "paths.json": assert len(actual["paths"]) == len(cmp["paths"]) for i, p in enumerate(actual["paths"]): c = cmp["paths"][i] assert c["_path"] == p["_path"] assert c["path_type"] == p["path_type"] if "dist-info" not in p["_path"]: assert c["sha256"] == p["sha256"] assert c["size_in_bytes"] == p["size_in_bytes"] assert c.get("no_link") is None else: if actual != cmp: print(f"Expected {f} to be {cmp} but was {actual}") raise AssertionError(f"Expected {f} to be {cmp} but was {actual}") def test_python_noarch(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): / "toml", tmp_path) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "toml") assert (pkg / "info/licenses/LICENSE").exists() assert (pkg / "site-packages/toml-0.10.2.dist-info/INSTALLER").exists() installer = pkg / "site-packages/toml-0.10.2.dist-info/INSTALLER" assert installer.read_text().strip() == "conda" check_info(pkg, expected=recipes / "toml" / "expected") def test_run_exports(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): / "run_exports", tmp_path) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "run_exports_test") assert (pkg / "info/run_exports.json").exists() actual_run_export = json.loads((pkg / "info/run_exports.json").read_text()) assert set(actual_run_export.keys()) == {"weak"} assert len(actual_run_export["weak"]) == 1 x = actual_run_export["weak"][0] assert x.startswith("run_exports_test ==1.0.0 h") and x.endswith("_0") assert (pkg / "info/index.json").exists() index_json = json.loads((pkg / "info/index.json").read_text()) assert index_json.get("depends") is None def host_subdir(): """return conda subdir based on current platform""" plat = platform.system() if plat == "Linux": if platform.machine().endswith("aarch64"): return "linux-aarch64" return "linux-64" elif plat == "Darwin": if platform.machine().endswith("arm64"): return "osx-arm64" return "osx-64" elif plat == "Windows": return "win-64" else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported platform") def variant_hash(variant): hash_length = 7 m = hashlib.sha1() m.update(json.dumps(variant, sort_keys=True).encode()) return f"h{m.hexdigest()[:hash_length]}" def test_pkg_hash(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): / "pkg_hash", tmp_path, extra_args=["--no-test"]) pkg = get_package(tmp_path, "pkg_hash") expected_hash = variant_hash({"target_platform": host_subdir()}) assert"pkg_hash-1.0.0-{expected_hash}_my_pkg.tar.bz2") @pytest.mark.skipif( not os.environ.get("PREFIX_DEV_READ_ONLY_TOKEN", ""), reason="requires PREFIX_DEV_READ_ONLY_TOKEN", ) def test_auth_file( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch ): auth_file = tmp_path / "auth.json" monkeypatch.setenv("RATTLER_AUTH_FILE", str(auth_file)) with pytest.raises(CalledProcessError): recipes / "private-repository", tmp_path, custom_channels=["conda-forge", ""], ) auth_file.write_text( json.dumps( { "": { "BearerToken": os.environ["PREFIX_DEV_READ_ONLY_TOKEN"] } } ) ) recipes / "private-repository", tmp_path, custom_channels=["conda-forge", ""], ) @pytest.mark.skipif( not os.environ.get("ANACONDA_ORG_TEST_TOKEN", ""), reason="requires ANACONDA_ORG_TEST_TOKEN", ) def test_anaconda_upload( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch ): URL = "" # Make sure the package doesn't exist requests.delete( URL, headers={"Authorization": f"token {os.environ['ANACONDA_ORG_TEST_TOKEN']}"} ) assert requests.get(URL).status_code == 404 monkeypatch.setenv("ANACONDA_API_KEY", os.environ["ANACONDA_ORG_TEST_TOKEN"]) / "globtest", tmp_path) rattler_build( "upload", "-vvv", "anaconda", "--owner", "rattler-build-testpackages", str(get_package(tmp_path, "globtest")), ) # Make sure the package exists assert requests.get(URL).status_code == 200 # Make sure the package attempted overwrites fail without --force with pytest.raises(CalledProcessError): rattler_build( "upload", "-vvv", "anaconda", "--owner", "rattler-build-testpackages", str(get_package(tmp_path, "globtest")), ) # Make sure the package attempted overwrites succeed with --force rattler_build( "upload", "-vvv", "anaconda", "--owner", "rattler-build-testpackages", "--force", str(get_package(tmp_path, "globtest")), ) assert requests.get(URL).status_code == 200 @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="recipe does not support execution on windows" ) def test_cross_testing( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path ) -> None: native_platform = host_subdir() if native_platform.startswith("linux"): target_platform = "osx-64" elif native_platform.startswith("osx"): target_platform = "linux-64" recipes / "test-execution/recipe-test-succeed.yaml", tmp_path, extra_args=["--target-platform", target_platform], ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "test-execution") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() # make sure that the recipe is renamed to `recipe.yaml` in the package assert (pkg / "info/recipe/recipe.yaml").exists() def test_additional_entrypoints( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path ): recipes / "entry_points/additional_entrypoints.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "additional_entrypoints") if == "nt": assert (pkg / "Scripts/").exists() assert (pkg / "Scripts/additional_entrypoints.exe").exists() else: assert (pkg / "bin/additional_entrypoints").exists() def test_always_copy_files(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): recipes / "always-copy-files/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "always_copy_files") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() paths = json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) assert len(paths["paths"]) == 1 assert paths["paths"][0]["_path"] == "hello.txt" assert paths["paths"][0]["no_link"] is True def test_always_include_files( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path ): recipes / "always-include-files/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "force-include-base") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() paths = json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) assert len(paths["paths"]) == 1 assert paths["paths"][0]["_path"] == "hello.txt" assert paths["paths"][0].get("no_link") is None assert "Hello, world!" in (pkg / "hello.txt").read_text() pkg_sanity = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "force-include-sanity-check") paths = json.loads((pkg_sanity / "info/paths.json").read_text()) assert len(paths["paths"]) == 0 pkg_force = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "force-include-forced") paths = json.loads((pkg_force / "info/paths.json").read_text()) assert len(paths["paths"]) == 1 assert paths["paths"][0]["_path"] == "hello.txt" assert paths["paths"][0].get("no_link") is None assert (pkg_force / "hello.txt").exists() assert "Force include new file" in (pkg_force / "hello.txt").read_text() def test_script_env_in_recipe( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path ): recipes / "script_env/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "script_env") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() content = (pkg / "hello.txt").read_text() # Windows adds quotes to the string so we just check with `in` assert "FOO is Hello World!" in content def test_crazy_characters(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): recipes / "crazy_characters/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "crazy_characters") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() file_1 = pkg / "files" / "File(Glob …).tmSnippet" assert file_1.read_text() == file_2 = ( pkg / "files" / "a $random_crazy file name with spaces and (parentheses).txt" ) assert file_2.read_text() == # limit on Windows is 260 chars file_3 = pkg / "files" / ("a_really_long_" + ("a" * 200) + ".txt") assert file_3.read_text() == def test_variant_config(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): recipes / "variant_config/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, variant_config=recipes / "variant_config/variant_config.yaml", ) v1 = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "bla-0.1.0-h2c65b68_0") v2 = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "bla-0.1.0-h48a45df_0") assert (v1 / "info/paths.json").exists() assert (v2 / "info/paths.json").exists() assert (v1 / "info/hash_input.json").exists() assert (v2 / "info/hash_input.json").exists() print(v1) print(v2) print((v1 / "info/hash_input.json").read_text()) print((v2 / "info/hash_input.json").read_text()) hash_input = json.loads((v1 / "info/hash_input.json").read_text()) assert hash_input["some_option"] == "DEF" hash_input = json.loads((v2 / "info/hash_input.json").read_text()) assert hash_input["some_option"] == "ABC" def test_compile_python(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): recipes / "python_compilation/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "python_compilation") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() paths = json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) assert ( len([p for p in paths["paths"] if p["_path"].endswith(".cpython-311.pyc")]) == 2 ) assert len([p for p in paths["paths"] if p["_path"].endswith(".py")]) == 4 # make sure that we include the `info/recipe/` file py_files = list(pkg.glob("**/*.py")) assert len(py_files) == 5 def test_down_prioritize(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): recipes / "down_prioritize/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "down_prioritize") assert (pkg / "info/index.json").exists() index = json.loads((pkg / "info/index.json").read_text()) assert len(index["track_features"]) == 4 assert index["track_features"][0] == "down_prioritize-p-0" def test_prefix_detection(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): recipes / "prefix_detection/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "prefix_detection") assert (pkg / "info/index.json").exists() assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() index_json = json.loads((pkg / "info/index.json").read_text()) subdir = index_json["subdir"] is_win = subdir.startswith("win") def check_path(p, t): if t == "binary" and is_win or t is None: assert "file_mode" not in p assert "prefix_placeholder" not in p else: assert p["file_mode"] == t assert len(p["prefix_placeholder"]) > 10 paths = json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) for p in paths["paths"]: path = p["_path"] if path == "is_binary/file_with_prefix": check_path(p, "binary") elif path == "is_text/file_with_prefix": check_path(p, "text") elif path == "is_binary/file_without_prefix": check_path(p, None) elif path == "is_text/file_without_prefix": check_path(p, None) elif path == "force_text/file_with_prefix": if not is_win: check_path(p, "text") else: check_path(p, None) elif path == "force_text/file_without_prefix": check_path(p, None) elif path == "force_binary/file_with_prefix": check_path(p, "binary") elif path == "force_binary/file_without_prefix": check_path(p, None) elif path == "ignore/file_with_prefix": check_path(p, None) elif path == "ignore/text_with_prefix": check_path(p, None) def test_empty_folder(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): path_to_recipe = recipes / "empty_folder" (path_to_recipe / "empty_folder_in_recipe").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) recipes / "empty_folder/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "empty_folder") assert (pkg / "info/index.json").exists() assert (pkg / "info/recipe/empty_folder_in_recipe").exists() assert (pkg / "info/recipe/empty_folder_in_recipe").is_dir() assert not (pkg / "empty_folder").exists() assert not (pkg / "empty_folder").is_dir() # read paths json paths = json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) assert len(paths["paths"]) == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="recipe does not support execution on windows" ) def test_console_logging(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): path_to_recipe = recipes / "console_logging" os.environ["SECRET"] = "hahaha" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) output = check_output([str(rattler_build.path), *args], stderr=STDOUT, text=True) assert "hahaha" not in output assert "I am hahaha" not in output assert "I am ********" in output @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="recipe does not support execution on windows" ) def test_git_submodule( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): path_to_recipe = recipes / "git_source_submodule" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) _ = check_output([str(rattler_build.path), *args], stderr=STDOUT, text=True) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "nanobind") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() assert (pkg / "info/recipe/rendered_recipe.yaml").exists() # load recipe as YAML text = (pkg / "info/recipe/rendered_recipe.yaml").read_text() # parse the rendered recipe rendered_recipe = yaml.safe_load(text) assert snapshot_json == rendered_recipe["finalized_sources"] @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="recipe does not support execution on windows" ) def test_git_patch(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): path_to_recipe = recipes / "git_source_patch" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) _ = check_output([str(rattler_build.path), *args], stderr=STDOUT, text=True) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "ament_package") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() assert (pkg / "info/recipe/rendered_recipe.yaml").exists() # load recipe as YAML text = (pkg / "info/recipe/rendered_recipe.yaml").read_text() # parse the rendered recipe rendered_recipe = yaml.safe_load(text) sources = rendered_recipe["finalized_sources"] assert len(sources) == 1 source = sources[0] assert source["git"] == "" assert source["rev"] == "00da147b17c19bc225408dc693ed8fdc14c314ab" @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="recipe does not support execution on windows" ) def test_patch_strip_level(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): path_to_recipe = recipes / "patch_with_strip" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) _ = check_output([str(rattler_build.path), *args], stderr=STDOUT, text=True) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "patch_with_strip") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() assert (pkg / "info/recipe/rendered_recipe.yaml").exists() text = (pkg / "somefile").read_text() assert text == "123\n" @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="recipe does not support execution on windows" ) def test_symlink_recipe( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): path_to_recipe = recipes / "symlink" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) rattler_build(*args) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "symlink") assert snapshot_json == json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="recipe does not support execution on windows" ) def test_read_only_removal(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): path_to_recipe = recipes / "read_only_build_files" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) rattler_build(*args) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "read-only-build-files") assert (pkg / "info/index.json").exists() def test_noarch_variants(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): path_to_recipe = recipes / "noarch_variant" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) output = rattler_build( *args, "--target-platform=linux-64", "--render-only", stderr=DEVNULL ) # parse as json rendered = json.loads(output) assert len(rendered) == 2 assert rendered[0]["recipe"]["requirements"]["run"] == ["__unix"] assert rendered[0]["recipe"]["requirements"]["run"] == ["__unix"] assert rendered[0]["recipe"]["build"]["string"] == "unix_4616a5c_0" pin = { "pin_subpackage": { "name": "rattler-build-demo", "exact": True, } } assert rendered[1]["recipe"]["build"]["string"] == "unix_259ce3c_0" assert rendered[1]["recipe"]["build"]["noarch"] == "generic" assert rendered[1]["recipe"]["requirements"]["run"] == [pin] assert rendered[1]["build_configuration"]["variant"] == { "rattler_build_demo": "1 unix_4616a5c_0", "target_platform": "noarch", } output = rattler_build( *args, "--target-platform=win-64", "--render-only", stderr=DEVNULL ) rendered = json.loads(output) assert len(rendered) == 2 assert rendered[0]["recipe"]["requirements"]["run"] == ["__win"] assert rendered[0]["recipe"]["requirements"]["run"] == ["__win"] assert rendered[0]["recipe"]["build"]["string"] == "win_4616a5c_0" pin = { "pin_subpackage": { "name": "rattler-build-demo", "exact": True, } } assert rendered[1]["recipe"]["build"]["string"] == "win_c8f1e9f_0" assert rendered[1]["recipe"]["build"]["noarch"] == "generic" assert rendered[1]["recipe"]["requirements"]["run"] == [pin] assert rendered[1]["build_configuration"]["variant"] == { "rattler_build_demo": "1 win_4616a5c_0", "target_platform": "noarch", } def test_regex_post_process(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): path_to_recipe = recipes / "regex_post_process" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) _ = rattler_build(*args) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "regex-post-process") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() test_text = (pkg / "test.txt").read_text().splitlines() assert test_text[0] == "Building the regex-post-process-replaced package" assert test_text[1] == "Do not replace /some/path/to/sysroot/and/more this" text_pc = (pkg / "test.pc").read_text().splitlines() expect_begin = "I am a test file with $(CONDA_BUILD_SYSROOT_S)and/some/more" expect_end = "and: $(CONDA_BUILD_SYSROOT_S)and/some/more" assert text_pc[0] == expect_begin assert text_pc[2] == expect_end text_cmake = (pkg / "test.cmake").read_text() assert text_cmake.startswith( 'target_compile_definitions(test PRIVATE "some_path;{CONDA_BUILD_SYSROOT}/and/more;some_other_path;{CONDA_BUILD_SYSROOT}/and/more")' # noqa: E501 ) @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="recipe does not support execution on windows" ) def test_filter_files( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): path_to_recipe = recipes / "filter_files" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) rattler_build(*args) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "filter_files") assert snapshot_json == json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) def test_double_license(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): path_to_recipe = recipes / "double_license" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) # make sure that two license files in $SRC_DIR and $RECIPE_DIR raise an exception with pytest.raises(CalledProcessError): rattler_build(*args) @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="recipe does not support execution on windows" ) def test_post_link( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): path_to_recipe = recipes / "post-link" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) rattler_build(*args) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "postlink") assert snapshot_json == json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="recipe does not support execution on windows" ) def test_include_files( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): path_to_recipe = recipes / "include_files" args = rattler_build.build_args( path_to_recipe, tmp_path, ) rattler_build(*args) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "include_files") assert snapshot_json == json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) def test_nushell_implicit_recipe( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path ): recipes / "nushell-implicit/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "nushell") assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() content = (pkg / "hello.txt").read_text() assert "Hello, world!" == content def test_channel_specific(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): recipes / "channel_specific/recipe.yaml", tmp_path, extra_args="-c conda-forge -c quantstack".split(), ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "channel_specific") assert (pkg / "info/recipe/rendered_recipe.yaml").exists() # load yaml text = (pkg / "info/recipe/rendered_recipe.yaml").read_text() rendered_recipe = yaml.safe_load(text) print(text) deps = rendered_recipe["finalized_dependencies"]["host"]["resolved"] for d in deps: if d["name"] == "sphinx": assert d["channel"] == "" def test_run_exports_from( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): recipes / "run_exports_from", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "run_exports_test") assert (pkg / "info/run_exports.json").exists() actual_run_export = json.loads((pkg / "info/run_exports.json").read_text()) assert set(actual_run_export.keys()) == {"weak"} assert len(actual_run_export["weak"]) == 1 x = actual_run_export["weak"][0] assert x.startswith("run_exports_test ==1.0.0 h") and x.endswith("_0") index_json = json.loads((pkg / "info/index.json").read_text()) assert index_json.get("depends") is None def test_script_execution(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): recipes / "script", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "script-test") # grab paths.json paths = json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) assert len(paths["paths"]) == 1 assert paths["paths"][0]["_path"] == "script-executed.txt" recipes / "script/recipe_with_extensions.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "script-test-ext") # grab paths.json paths = json.loads((pkg / "info/paths.json").read_text()) assert len(paths["paths"]) == 1 assert paths["paths"][0]["_path"] == "script-executed.txt" def test_noarch_flask( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot ): recipes / "flask", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "flask") # this is to ensure that the clone happens correctly license_file = pkg / "info/licenses/LICENSE.rst" assert license_file.exists() assert (pkg / "info/tests/tests.yaml").exists() # check that the snapshot matches test_yaml = (pkg / "info/tests/tests.yaml").read_text() assert test_yaml == snapshot # make sure that the entry point does not exist assert not (pkg / "python-scripts/flask").exists() assert (pkg / "info/link.json").exists() def test_downstream_test( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): recipes / "downstream_test/succeed.yaml", tmp_path, ) pkg = next(tmp_path.rglob("**/upstream-good-*")) test_result = rattler_build.test(pkg, "-c", str(tmp_path)) assert "Running downstream test for package: downstream-good" in test_result assert "Downstream test could not run" not in test_result assert "Running test in downstream package" in test_result recipes / "downstream_test/fail_prelim.yaml", tmp_path, ) with pytest.raises(CalledProcessError) as e: recipes / "downstream_test/fail.yaml", tmp_path, ) assert "│ Failing test in downstream package" in e.value.output assert "│ Downstream test failed" in e.value.output def test_cache_runexports( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): / "cache_run_exports/helper.yaml", tmp_path) recipes / "cache_run_exports/recipe_test_1.yaml", tmp_path, extra_args=["--experimental"], ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "cache-run-exports") assert (pkg / "info/index.json").exists() index = json.loads((pkg / "info/index.json").read_text()) assert index["depends"] == ["normal-run-exports"] pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "no-cache-by-name-run-exports") assert (pkg / "info/index.json").exists() index = json.loads((pkg / "info/index.json").read_text()) assert index["name"] == "no-cache-by-name-run-exports" assert index.get("depends", []) == [] pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "no-cache-from-package-run-exports") assert (pkg / "info/index.json").exists() index = json.loads((pkg / "info/index.json").read_text()) assert index["name"] == "no-cache-from-package-run-exports" print(index) assert index.get("depends", []) == [] recipes / "cache_run_exports/recipe_test_2.yaml", tmp_path, extra_args=["--experimental"], ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "cache-ignore-run-exports") index = json.loads((pkg / "info/index.json").read_text()) assert index["name"] == "cache-ignore-run-exports" assert index.get("depends", []) == [] recipes / "cache_run_exports/recipe_test_3.yaml", tmp_path, extra_args=["--experimental"], ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "cache-ignore-run-exports-by-name") index = json.loads((pkg / "info/index.json").read_text()) assert index["name"] == "cache-ignore-run-exports-by-name" assert index.get("depends", []) == [] def test_extra_meta_is_recorded_into_about_json( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): recipes / "toml", tmp_path, extra_meta={"flow_run_id": "some_id", "sha": "24ee3"}, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "toml") about_json = json.loads((pkg / "info/about.json").read_text()) assert snapshot_json == about_json def test_used_vars(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): args = rattler_build.build_args( recipes / "used-vars/recipe_1.yaml", tmp_path, ) output = rattler_build( *args, "--target-platform=linux-64", "--render-only", stderr=DEVNULL ) rendered = json.loads(output) assert len(rendered) == 1 assert rendered[0]["build_configuration"]["variant"] == { "target_platform": "noarch" } def test_cache_install( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): recipes / "cache/recipe-cmake.yaml", tmp_path, extra_args=["--experimental"] ) pkg1 = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "check-1") pkg2 = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "check-2") assert (pkg1 / "info/index.json").exists() assert (pkg2 / "info/index.json").exists() def test_env_vars_override(rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path): recipes / "env_vars", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "env_var_test") # assert (pkg / "info/paths.json").exists() text = (pkg / "makeflags.txt").read_text() assert text.strip() == "OVERRIDDEN_MAKEFLAGS" variant_config = json.loads((pkg / "info/hash_input.json").read_text()) assert variant_config["MAKEFLAGS"] == "OVERRIDDEN_MAKEFLAGS" text = (pkg / "pybind_abi.txt").read_text() assert text.strip() == "4" assert variant_config["pybind11_abi"] == "4" # Check that we used the variant in the rendered recipe rendered_recipe = yaml.safe_load( (pkg / "info/recipe/rendered_recipe.yaml").read_text() ) assert rendered_recipe["finalized_dependencies"]["build"]["specs"][0] == { "variant": "pybind11-abi", "spec": "pybind11-abi 4.*", } def test_pin_subpackage( rattler_build: RattlerBuild, recipes: Path, tmp_path: Path, snapshot_json ): recipes / "pin_subpackage", tmp_path, ) pkg = get_extracted_package(tmp_path, "my.package-a") assert (pkg / "info/index.json").exists()