/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Novell Inc. * * This program is licensed under the BSD license, read LICENSE.BSD * for further information */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include "pool.h" #include "repo.h" #include "chksum.h" #include "solv_xmlparser.h" #include "repo_deltainfoxml.h" /* * * * * DRPMS/libtool-1.5.24-3.fc8_1.5.24-6.fc9.i386.drpm * libtool-1.5.24-3.fc8-d3571f98b048b1a870e40241bb46c67ab4 * 22452 * 8f05394695dee9399c204614e21e5f6848990ab7 * * * DRPMS/libtool-1.5.22-11.fc7_1.5.24-6.fc9.i386.drpm * libtool-1.5.22-11.fc7-e82691677eee1e83b4812572c5c9ce8eb * 110362 * 326658fee45c0baec1e70231046dbaf560f941ce * * * */ enum state { STATE_START, STATE_NEWPACKAGE, /* 1 */ STATE_DELTA, /* 2 */ STATE_FILENAME, /* 3 */ STATE_SEQUENCE, /* 4 */ STATE_SIZE, /* 5 */ STATE_CHECKSUM, /* 6 */ STATE_LOCATION, /* 7 */ NUMSTATES }; static struct solv_xmlparser_element stateswitches[] = { /* compatibility with old yum-presto */ { STATE_START, "prestodelta", STATE_START, 0 }, { STATE_START, "deltainfo", STATE_START, 0 }, { STATE_START, "newpackage", STATE_NEWPACKAGE, 0 }, { STATE_NEWPACKAGE, "delta", STATE_DELTA, 0 }, /* compatibility with yum-presto */ { STATE_DELTA, "filename", STATE_FILENAME, 1 }, { STATE_DELTA, "location", STATE_LOCATION, 0 }, { STATE_DELTA, "sequence", STATE_SEQUENCE, 1 }, { STATE_DELTA, "size", STATE_SIZE, 1 }, { STATE_DELTA, "checksum", STATE_CHECKSUM, 1 }, { NUMSTATES } }; /* Cumulated info about the current deltarpm or patchrpm */ struct deltarpm { char *location; char *locbase; unsigned int buildtime; unsigned long long downloadsize; char *filechecksum; int filechecksumtype; /* Baseversion. deltarpm only has one. */ Id *bevr; unsigned nbevr; Id seqname; Id seqevr; char *seqnum; }; struct parsedata { int ret; Pool *pool; Repo *repo; Repodata *data; struct deltarpm delta; Id newpkgevr; Id newpkgname; Id newpkgarch; Id *handles; int nhandles; struct solv_xmlparser xmlp; }; /* * create evr (as Id) from 'epoch', 'version' and 'release' attributes */ static Id makeevr_atts(Pool *pool, struct parsedata *pd, const char **atts) { const char *e, *v, *r, *v2; char *c, *space; int l; e = v = r = 0; for (; *atts; atts += 2) { if (!strcmp(*atts, "oldepoch")) e = atts[1]; else if (!strcmp(*atts, "epoch")) e = atts[1]; else if (!strcmp(*atts, "version")) v = atts[1]; else if (!strcmp(*atts, "oldversion")) v = atts[1]; else if (!strcmp(*atts, "release")) r = atts[1]; else if (!strcmp(*atts, "oldrelease")) r = atts[1]; } if (e && (!*e || !strcmp(e, "0"))) e = 0; if (v && !e) { for (v2 = v; *v2 >= '0' && *v2 <= '9'; v2++) ; if (v2 > v && *v2 == ':') e = "0"; } l = 1; if (e) l += strlen(e) + 1; if (v) l += strlen(v); if (r) l += strlen(r) + 1; c = space = solv_xmlparser_contentspace(&pd->xmlp, l); if (e) { strcpy(c, e); c += strlen(c); *c++ = ':'; } if (v) { strcpy(c, v); c += strlen(c); } if (r) { *c++ = '-'; strcpy(c, r); c += strlen(c); } *c = 0; if (!*space) return 0; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "evr: %s\n", space); #endif return pool_str2id(pool, space, 1); } static void startElement(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp, int state, const char *name, const char **atts) { struct parsedata *pd = xmlp->userdata; Pool *pool = pd->pool; const char *str; switch(state) { case STATE_NEWPACKAGE: if ((str = solv_xmlparser_find_attr("name", atts)) != 0) pd->newpkgname = pool_str2id(pool, str, 1); pd->newpkgevr = makeevr_atts(pool, pd, atts); if ((str = solv_xmlparser_find_attr("arch", atts)) != 0) pd->newpkgarch = pool_str2id(pool, str, 1); break; case STATE_DELTA: memset(&pd->delta, 0, sizeof(pd->delta)); pd->delta.bevr = solv_extend(pd->delta.bevr, pd->delta.nbevr, 1, sizeof(Id), 7); pd->delta.bevr[pd->delta.nbevr++] = makeevr_atts(pool, pd, atts); break; case STATE_FILENAME: if ((str = solv_xmlparser_find_attr("xml:base", atts))) pd->delta.locbase = solv_strdup(str); break; case STATE_LOCATION: pd->delta.location = solv_strdup(solv_xmlparser_find_attr("href", atts)); if ((str = solv_xmlparser_find_attr("xml:base", atts))) pd->delta.locbase = solv_strdup(str); break; case STATE_CHECKSUM: pd->delta.filechecksum = 0; pd->delta.filechecksumtype = REPOKEY_TYPE_SHA1; if ((str = solv_xmlparser_find_attr("type", atts)) != 0) { pd->delta.filechecksumtype = solv_chksum_str2type(str); if (!pd->delta.filechecksumtype) pool_debug(pool, SOLV_ERROR, "unknown checksum type: '%s'\n", str); } break; default: break; } } static void endElement(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp, int state, char *content) { struct parsedata *pd = xmlp->userdata; Pool *pool = pd->pool; const char *str; switch (state) { case STATE_DELTA: { /* read all data for a deltarpm. commit into attributes */ Id handle; struct deltarpm *d = &pd->delta; handle = repodata_new_handle(pd->data); /* we commit all handles later on in one go so that the * repodata code doesn't need to realloc every time */ pd->handles = solv_extend(pd->handles, pd->nhandles, 1, sizeof(Id), 63); pd->handles[pd->nhandles++] = handle; repodata_set_id(pd->data, handle, DELTA_PACKAGE_NAME, pd->newpkgname); repodata_set_id(pd->data, handle, DELTA_PACKAGE_EVR, pd->newpkgevr); repodata_set_id(pd->data, handle, DELTA_PACKAGE_ARCH, pd->newpkgarch); if (d->location) { repodata_set_deltalocation(pd->data, handle, 0, 0, d->location); if (d->locbase) repodata_set_poolstr(pd->data, handle, DELTA_LOCATION_BASE, d->locbase); } if (d->downloadsize) repodata_set_num(pd->data, handle, DELTA_DOWNLOADSIZE, d->downloadsize); if (d->filechecksum) repodata_set_checksum(pd->data, handle, DELTA_CHECKSUM, d->filechecksumtype, d->filechecksum); if (d->seqnum) { repodata_set_id(pd->data, handle, DELTA_BASE_EVR, d->bevr[0]); repodata_set_id(pd->data, handle, DELTA_SEQ_NAME, d->seqname); repodata_set_id(pd->data, handle, DELTA_SEQ_EVR, d->seqevr); /* should store as binary blob! */ repodata_set_str(pd->data, handle, DELTA_SEQ_NUM, d->seqnum); } } pd->delta.filechecksum = solv_free(pd->delta.filechecksum); pd->delta.bevr = solv_free(pd->delta.bevr); pd->delta.nbevr = 0; pd->delta.seqnum = solv_free(pd->delta.seqnum); pd->delta.location = solv_free(pd->delta.location); pd->delta.locbase = solv_free(pd->delta.locbase); break; case STATE_FILENAME: pd->delta.location = solv_strdup(content); break; case STATE_CHECKSUM: pd->delta.filechecksum = solv_strdup(content); break; case STATE_SIZE: pd->delta.downloadsize = strtoull(content, 0, 10); break; case STATE_SEQUENCE: if ((str = content) != 0) { const char *s1, *s2; s1 = strrchr(str, '-'); if (s1) { for (s2 = s1 - 1; s2 > str; s2--) if (*s2 == '-') break; if (*s2 == '-') { for (s2 = s2 - 1; s2 > str; s2--) if (*s2 == '-') break; if (*s2 == '-') { pd->delta.seqevr = pool_strn2id(pool, s2 + 1, s1 - s2 - 1, 1); pd->delta.seqname = pool_strn2id(pool, str, s2 - str, 1); str = s1 + 1; } } } pd->delta.seqnum = solv_strdup(str); } default: break; } } int repo_add_deltainfoxml(Repo *repo, FILE *fp, int flags) { Pool *pool = repo->pool; Repodata *data; struct parsedata pd; int i; data = repo_add_repodata(repo, flags); memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd)); pd.pool = pool; pd.repo = repo; pd.data = data; solv_xmlparser_init(&pd.xmlp, stateswitches, &pd, startElement, endElement); if (solv_xmlparser_parse(&pd.xmlp, fp) != SOLV_XMLPARSER_OK) pd.ret = pool_error(pd.pool, -1, "repo_deltainfoxml: %s at line %u:%u", pd.xmlp.errstr, pd.xmlp.line, pd.xmlp.column); solv_xmlparser_free(&pd.xmlp); /* now commit all handles */ if (!pd.ret) for (i = 0; i < pd.nhandles; i++) repodata_add_flexarray(pd.data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_DELTAINFO, pd.handles[i]); solv_free(pd.handles); if (!(flags & REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE)) repodata_internalize(data); return pd.ret; } /* EOF */