# Raven [![](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/raventhemer.svg?style=flat-square)](https://crates.io/crates/raventhemer) [![builds.sr.ht status](https://builds.sr.ht/~nicohman/raven.svg)](https://builds.sr.ht/~nicohman/raven?) A theme manager for linux, currently focusing on i3. Supports multiple different configuration files, and is fast and portable. Upstream now hosted at [sr.ht](https://git.sr.ht/~nicohman/raven). You can find [ravenlib](https://git.sr.ht/~nicohman/ravenlib) there as well, if you're looking to add to or build off of the core features. ### Example ![A gif showing raven working](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/MenacingHandsomeCobra-size_restricted.gif) ## ThemeHub Raven supports installing themes from and publishing themes to [ThemeHub](https://demenses.net), or your own instance of [ravenserver](https://git.sr.ht/~nicohman/ravenserver). I encourage everyone to share their themes and rices there! ## Wiki There's a wiki [here](https://man.sr.ht/~nicohman/raven), which provides more in-depth information on raven and the surrounding projects. ## Getting Started If you just want to get going, you can install raven from [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/raventhemer) with `cargo install raventhemer` If you don't want to install cargo, you can download a binary built from the latest git commit [here](https://demenses,net/downloads). ## Installation All you technically require is [cargo](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo) to be installed. You can install from [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/raventhemer) by running `cargo install raventhemer`, or by building manually: Run: `git clone https://git.sr.ht/~nicohman/raven && cd raven` `cargo install --path . --force` The following packages are required for their relevant options: + [Polybar](https://github.com/jaagr/polybar): `poly` + [i3](https://github.com/i3/i3): `i3` + [Pywal](https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal) : `pywal` + [Feh](https://github.com/derf/feh): `wall` + [Ncmpcpp](https://github.com/arybczak/ncmpcpp) : `ncmpcpp` + [Termite](https://github.com/thestinger/termite/): `termite` + [Bspwm](https://github.com/baskerville/bspwm) : `bspwm` + [Rofi](https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi) is used in the default config and is recommended. You can also add a custom rofi theme with the `rofi` option. + [Ranger](https://github.com/ranger/ranger) : `ranger` + [Lemonbar](https://github.com/LemonBoy/bar) : `lemonbar` + [Openbox](https://github.com/danakj/openbox) : `openbox` + [Dunst](https://github.com/dunst-project/dunst) : `dunst` + [Sublime Text 3](https://www.sublimetext.com/) : `st_tmtheme`, `st_scs` and `st_subltheme` + [VSCode](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode) : `vscode` * New option suggestions are very welcome! You can also download a(possibly outdated prebuilt binary from [here](https://github.com/nicohman/raven/releases), or a binary built from the latest git commit at [my website](https://demenses.net/downloads). ## Usage `raven help` for a list of available commands: ``` raven nicohman A theme manager and switcher for desktop linux USAGE: raven FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information SUBCOMMANDS: add Add option to current theme cycle Control cycle daemon delete Delete a theme edit Edit theme help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) info Print info about the theme being currently edited install Install a theme from ThemeHub repo load Load a complete theme manage Manage online themes menu Show theme menu modify Open the currently edited themes's option in $EDITOR new Create a new theme refresh Load last loaded theme rm Remove an option from edited theme ``` ## Configuration The section on configuring raven has been moved to the [wiki](https://man.sr.ht/~nicohman/raven). Go check it to learn how to configure raven!