# Contributing Anyone is welcome to contribute! You can [open an issue], [Post to GitHub Discussions] or [send me an email] about anything related to this project. You may also [open a PR]. I don't require PRs to be formatted in a specific manner, since I'll run it through rustfmt after the merge anyway. If you're going to work on a PR, it would be preferred to let me know ahead of time (unless it's a quick fix), and open a draft PR if it's a large one. Then I'll assign the issue to you. Otherwise, I can't guarantee I won't duplicate your work. If I can't contact you within a week, I may unassign you and finish your work (opening a Draft PR on this repository puts your code under this crate's license). If you open a bug report, you can usually expect it to be fixed within a week. If you open a feature request it may stay open indefinitely, until I need it too. I mark feature requests as "enhancements" on GitHub issues. Happy coding! [open an issue]: https://github.com/AldaronLau/raw_audio/issues [send me an email]: mailto:aldaronlau@gmail.com [open a PR]: https://github.com/AldaronLau/raw_audio/pulls [Post to GitHub Discussions]: https://github.com/AldaronLau/raw_audio/discussions