// Only compile this file if the feature "rawkit-tests" is enabled #![cfg(feature = "rawkit-tests")] use rawkit::RawImage; use image::codecs::png::{CompressionType, FilterType, PngEncoder}; use image::{ColorType, ImageEncoder}; use libraw::Processor; use rayon::prelude::*; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt::Write; use std::fs::{create_dir, metadata, read_dir, File}; use std::io::{BufWriter, Cursor, Read}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::time::Duration; const TEST_FILES: [&str; 3] = ["ILCE-7M3-ARW2.3.5-blossoms.arw", "ILCE-7RM4-ARW2.3.5-kestrel.arw", "ILCE-6000-ARW2.3.1-windsock.arw"]; const BASE_URL: &str = "https://static.graphite.rs/test-data/libraries/rawkit/"; const BASE_PATH: &str = "./tests/images/"; #[test] fn test_images_match_with_libraw() { download_images(); let paths: Vec<_> = read_dir(BASE_PATH) .unwrap() .map(|dir_entry| dir_entry.unwrap().path()) .filter(|path| path.is_file() && path.file_name().map(|file_name| file_name != ".gitkeep").unwrap_or(false)) .collect(); let failed_tests = if std::env::var("RAWKIT_TEST_RUN_SEQUENTIALLY").is_ok() { let mut failed_tests = 0; paths.iter().for_each(|path| { if !test_image(path) { failed_tests += 1; } }); failed_tests } else { let failed_tests = AtomicUsize::new(0); paths.par_iter().for_each(|path| { if !test_image(path) { failed_tests.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); } }); failed_tests.load(Ordering::SeqCst) }; if failed_tests != 0 { panic!("{} images have failed the tests", failed_tests); } } fn test_image(path: &Path) -> bool { let mut f = File::open(path).unwrap(); let mut content = vec![]; f.read_to_end(&mut content).unwrap(); let raw_image = match test_raw_data(&content) { Err(err_msg) => { println!("{} => {}", path.display(), err_msg); return false; } Ok(raw_image) => raw_image, }; // TODO: The code below is kept commented because raw data to final image processing is // incomplete. Remove this once it is done. // if let Err(err_msg) = test_final_image(&content, raw_image) { // failed_tests += 1; // return println!("{}", err_msg); // }; println!("{} => Passed", path.display()); // TODO: Remove this later let mut image = raw_image.process_8bit(); store_image(path, "rawkit", &mut image.data, image.width, image.height); let processor = Processor::new(); let libraw_image = processor.process_8bit(&content).unwrap(); let mut data = Vec::from_iter(libraw_image.iter().copied()); store_image(path, "libraw_rs", &mut data[..], libraw_image.width() as usize, libraw_image.height() as usize); true } fn store_image(path: &Path, suffix: &str, data: &mut [u8], width: usize, height: usize) { let mut output_path = PathBuf::new(); if let Some(parent) = path.parent() { output_path.push(parent); } output_path.push("output"); if metadata(&output_path).is_err() { create_dir(&output_path).unwrap(); } if let Some(filename) = path.file_stem() { let new_filename = format!("{}_{}.{}", filename.to_string_lossy(), suffix, "png"); output_path.push(new_filename); } output_path.set_extension("png"); let file = BufWriter::new(File::create(output_path).unwrap()); let png_encoder = PngEncoder::new_with_quality(file, CompressionType::Fast, FilterType::Adaptive); png_encoder.write_image(data, width as u32, height as u32, ColorType::Rgb8.into()).unwrap(); } fn download_images() { let mut path = Path::new(BASE_PATH).to_owned(); let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::builder().timeout(Duration::from_secs(60 * 5)).build().unwrap(); for filename in TEST_FILES { path.push(filename); if !path.exists() { let url = BASE_URL.to_owned() + filename; let mut response = client.get(url).send().unwrap(); let mut file = File::create(BASE_PATH.to_owned() + filename).unwrap(); std::io::copy(&mut response, &mut file).unwrap(); } path.pop(); } } fn test_raw_data(content: &[u8]) -> Result { let processor = libraw::Processor::new(); let libraw_raw_image = processor.decode(content).unwrap(); let mut content = Cursor::new(content); let raw_image = RawImage::decode(&mut content).unwrap(); if libraw_raw_image.sizes().raw_height as usize != raw_image.height { return Err(format!( "The height of raw image is {} but the expected value was {}", raw_image.height, libraw_raw_image.sizes().raw_height )); } if libraw_raw_image.sizes().raw_width as usize != raw_image.width { return Err(format!( "The width of raw image is {} but the expected value was {}", raw_image.width, libraw_raw_image.sizes().raw_width )); } if (*libraw_raw_image).len() != raw_image.data.len() { return Err(format!( "The size of data of raw image is {} but the expected value was {}", raw_image.data.len(), (*libraw_raw_image).len() )); } if (*libraw_raw_image) != raw_image.data { let mut err_msg = String::new(); write!(&mut err_msg, "The raw data does not match").unwrap(); if std::env::var("RAWKIT_TEST_PRINT_HISTOGRAM").is_ok() { writeln!(err_msg).unwrap(); let mut histogram: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut non_zero_count: usize = 0; (*libraw_raw_image) .iter() .zip(raw_image.data.iter()) .map(|(&a, &b)| { let a: i32 = a.into(); let b: i32 = b.into(); a - b }) .filter(|&x| x != 0) .for_each(|x| { *histogram.entry(x).or_default() += 1; non_zero_count += 1; }); let total_pixels = raw_image.height * raw_image.width; writeln!(err_msg, "{} ({:.5}%) pixels are different from expected", non_zero_count, non_zero_count as f64 / total_pixels as f64).unwrap(); writeln!(err_msg, "Diff Histogram:").unwrap(); let mut items: Vec<_> = histogram.iter().map(|(&a, &b)| (a, b)).collect(); items.sort(); for (key, value) in items { writeln!(err_msg, "{:05}: {:05} ({:02.5}%)", key, value, value as f64 / total_pixels as f64).unwrap(); } } return Err(err_msg); } Ok(raw_image) } fn _test_final_image(content: &[u8], raw_image: RawImage) -> Result<(), String> { let processor = libraw::Processor::new(); let libraw_image = processor.process_8bit(content).unwrap(); let image = raw_image.process_8bit(); if libraw_image.height() as usize != image.height { return Err(format!("The height of image is {} but the expected value was {}", image.height, libraw_image.height())); } if libraw_image.width() as usize != image.width { return Err(format!("The width of image is {} but the expected value was {}", image.width, libraw_image.width())); } if (*libraw_image).len() != image.data.len() { return Err(format!("The size of data of image is {} but the expected value was {}", image.data.len(), (*libraw_image).len())); } if (*libraw_image) != image.data { let mut err_msg = String::new(); write!(&mut err_msg, "The final image does not match").unwrap(); if std::env::var("RAWKIT_TEST_PRINT_HISTOGRAM").is_ok() { writeln!(err_msg).unwrap(); let mut histogram_red: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut histogram_green: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut histogram_blue: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut non_zero_count: usize = 0; let mut non_zero_count_red: usize = 0; let mut non_zero_count_green: usize = 0; let mut non_zero_count_blue: usize = 0; (*libraw_image) .chunks_exact(3) .zip(image.data.chunks_exact(3)) .map(|(a, b)| { let a: [u8; 3] = a.try_into().unwrap(); let b: [u8; 3] = b.try_into().unwrap(); (a, b) }) .map(|([r1, g1, b1], [r2, g2, b2])| { let r1: i16 = r1.into(); let g1: i16 = g1.into(); let b1: i16 = b1.into(); let r2: i16 = r2.into(); let g2: i16 = g2.into(); let b2: i16 = b2.into(); [r1 - r2, g1 - g2, b1 - b2] }) .filter(|&[r, g, b]| r != 0 || g != 0 || b != 0) .for_each(|[r, g, b]| { non_zero_count += 1; if r != 0 { *histogram_red.entry(r).or_default() += 1; non_zero_count_red += 1; } if g != 0 { *histogram_green.entry(g).or_default() += 1; non_zero_count_green += 1; } if b != 0 { *histogram_blue.entry(b).or_default() += 1; non_zero_count_blue += 1; } }); let total_pixels = image.height * image.width; writeln!(err_msg, "{} ({:.5}%) pixels are different from expected", non_zero_count, non_zero_count as f64 / total_pixels as f64,).unwrap(); writeln!( err_msg, "{} ({:.5}%) red pixels are different from expected", non_zero_count_red, non_zero_count_red as f64 / total_pixels as f64, ) .unwrap(); writeln!( err_msg, "{} ({:.5}%) green pixels are different from expected", non_zero_count_green, non_zero_count_green as f64 / total_pixels as f64, ) .unwrap(); writeln!( err_msg, "{} ({:.5}%) blue pixels are different from expected", non_zero_count_blue, non_zero_count_blue as f64 / total_pixels as f64, ) .unwrap(); writeln!(err_msg, "Diff Histogram for Red pixels:").unwrap(); let mut items: Vec<_> = histogram_red.iter().map(|(&a, &b)| (a, b)).collect(); items.sort(); for (key, value) in items { writeln!(err_msg, "{:05}: {:05} ({:02.5}%)", key, value, value as f64 / total_pixels as f64).unwrap(); } writeln!(err_msg, "Diff Histogram for Green pixels:").unwrap(); let mut items: Vec<_> = histogram_green.iter().map(|(&a, &b)| (a, b)).collect(); items.sort(); for (key, value) in items { writeln!(err_msg, "{:05}: {:05} ({:02.5}%)", key, value, value as f64 / total_pixels as f64).unwrap(); } writeln!(err_msg, "Diff Histogram for Blue pixels:").unwrap(); let mut items: Vec<_> = histogram_blue.iter().map(|(&a, &b)| (a, b)).collect(); items.sort(); for (key, value) in items { writeln!(err_msg, "{:05}: {:05} ({:02.5}%)", key, value, value as f64 / total_pixels as f64).unwrap(); } } return Err(err_msg); } Ok(()) } #[ignore] #[test] fn extract_data_from_dng_images() { read_dir(BASE_PATH) .unwrap() .map(|dir_entry| dir_entry.unwrap().path()) .filter(|path| path.is_file() && path.file_name().map(|file_name| file_name != ".gitkeep").unwrap_or(false)) .for_each(|path| { extract_data_from_dng_image(&path); }); } fn extract_data_from_dng_image(path: &Path) { use rawkit::tiff::file::TiffRead; use rawkit::tiff::tags::{ColorMatrix2, Make, Model}; use rawkit::tiff::values::ToFloat; use rawkit::tiff::Ifd; use std::io::{BufReader, Write}; let reader = BufReader::new(File::open(path).unwrap()); let mut file = TiffRead::new(reader).unwrap(); let ifd = Ifd::new_first_ifd(&mut file).unwrap(); let make = ifd.get_value::(&mut file).unwrap(); let model = ifd.get_value::(&mut file).unwrap(); let matrix = ifd.get_value::(&mut file).unwrap(); if model == "MODEL-NAME" { println!("{}", path.display()); return; } let output_folder = path.parent().unwrap().join(make); std::fs::create_dir_all(&output_folder).unwrap(); let mut output_file = File::create(output_folder.join(model + ".toml")).unwrap(); let matrix: Vec<_> = matrix.iter().map(|x| x.to_float()).collect(); writeln!(output_file, "camera_to_xyz = {:.4?}", matrix).unwrap(); }