//Copyright (c) 2011 <>< Charles Lohr - Under the MIT/x11 or NewBSD License you choose. #include "os_generic.h" #define CNFG3D #define CNFG_IMPLEMENTATION //#define CNFGRASTERIZER #include "CNFG.h" double OGGetAbsoluteTime(); void OGUSleep( int us ); void prints( const char * sdebug ); void print( double idebug ); double sin( double x ); double cos( double x ); unsigned long iframeno = 0; int lastmousex; int lastmousey = 100; void __attribute__((export_name("HandleKey"))) HandleKey( int keycode, int bDown ) { } void __attribute__((export_name("HandleButton"))) HandleButton( int x, int y, int button, int bDown ) { } void __attribute__((export_name("HandleMotion"))) HandleMotion( int x, int y, int mask ) { lastmousex = x; lastmousey = y; } void HandleDestroy() { //printf( "Destroying\n" ); } #define HMX 40 #define HMY 40 short screenx, screeny; float Heightmap[HMX*HMY]; void DrawHeightmap(); int __attribute__((export_name("main"))) main() { int i, x, y; unsigned fpsframes = 0; double fpstime = OGGetAbsoluteTime(); //Setup colors. CNFGBGColor = 0xff800000; //Actually sets outside window title, and //If not in full-screen mode, will also resize. //CNFGSetup( "Test Bench", 640, 480 ); CNFGSetupFullscreen( "Test Bench", 0 ); //Configure heightmap. for( x = 0; x < HMX; x++ ) for( y = 0; y < HMY; y++ ) { Heightmap[x+y*HMX] = tdPerlin2D( x, y )*8.; } prints( "Main started. This will appear in your browser console." ); while(1) { int i, pos; float f; iframeno++; RDPoint pto[3]; //Normally this would invoke callbacks, but //at least currently, we do that out-of-band. CNFGHandleInput(); CNFGClearFrame(); CNFGColor( 0xFFFFFFFF ); CNFGGetDimensions( &screenx, &screeny ); CNFGPenX = 100; CNFGPenY = 100; //quick minitest // CNFGDrawText("+hello!!",4 ); // CNFGSwapBuffers(); // continue; // Mesh in background DrawHeightmap(); // Square behind text CNFGColor( 0xff444444 ); CNFGSetLineWidth(1); CNFGTackSegment( 0, 50, 100, 50 ); CNFGTackSegment( 0, 50, 0, 150 ); CNFGTackRectangle( 2, 2+50, 345, 345+50 ); CNFGSetLineWidth(1); // Text stuff in upper left. pos = 0; CNFGColor( 0xffffffff ); for( i = 0; i < 1; i++ ) { int c; char tw[2] = { 0, 0 }; for( c = 0; c < 256; c++ ) { tw[0] = c; CNFGPenX = ( c % 16 ) * 20+5; CNFGPenY = ( c / 16 ) * 20+55; CNFGDrawText( tw, 4 ); } } #if 1 // Green triangles CNFGPenX = 0; CNFGPenY = 0; RDPoint pp[3]; for( i = 0; i < 400; i++ ) { CNFGColor( 0xFF00FF00 ); pp[0].x = (short)(50*sin((float)(i+iframeno)*.01) + (i%20)*30); pp[0].y = (short)(50*cos((float)(i+iframeno)*.01) + (i/20)*20)+100; pp[1].x = (short)(20*sin((float)(i+iframeno)*.01) + (i%20)*30); pp[1].y = (short)(50*cos((float)(i+iframeno)*.01) + (i/20)*20)+100; pp[2].x = (short)(10*sin((float)(i+iframeno)*.01) + (i%20)*30); pp[2].y = (short)(30*cos((float)(i+iframeno)*.01) + (i/20)*20)+100; CNFGTackPoly( pp, 3 ); } #endif #if 0 //Profiling extern int Add1( int i ); double now = OGGetAbsoluteTime(); double k = 4; for( i = 0; i < 1000000; i++ ) { //CNFGTackPoly( pp, 3 ); //3200 ns CNFGTackPixel( 0,0 ); //340ns //CNFGTackSegment( 0, 0, 10, 10 ); //157ns //k = sin(k); //28ns //k = Add1(k); //16ns //NOTE: actual callback time is ~14ns, so loop overhead is about 10ns. } print( (OGGetAbsoluteTime() - now)*1000 ); print( k ); #endif fpsframes++; CNFGSwapBuffers(); double Now = OGGetAbsoluteTime(); if( Now - fpstime >= 1 ) { print( fpsframes ); fpsframes = 0; fpstime += 1; } } return(0); } void DrawHeightmap() { int x, y; float fdt = ((iframeno++)%(360*10))/100.0 + lastmousex; float eye[3] = { (float)sin(fdt*(3.14159/180.0))*1, (float)cos(fdt*(3.14159/180.0))*1, lastmousey*.01 }; float at[3] = { 0,0, 0 }; float up[3] = { 0,0, 1 }; tdSetViewport( -1, -1, 1, 1, screenx, screeny ); tdMode( tdPROJECTION ); tdIdentity( gSMatrix ); tdPerspective( 40, ((float)screenx)/((float)screeny), .1, 200., gSMatrix ); tdMode( tdMODELVIEW ); tdIdentity( gSMatrix ); tdTranslate( gSMatrix, 0, 0, -40 ); tdLookAt( gSMatrix, eye, at, up ); for( x = 0; x < HMX-1; x++ ) for( y = 0; y < HMY-1; y++ ) { float tx = x-HMX/2; float ty = y-HMY/2; float pta[3]; float ptb[3]; float ptc[3]; float ptd[3]; float normal[3]; float lightdir[3] = { 1, -1, 1 }; float tmp1[3]; float tmp2[3]; RDPoint pto[6]; pta[0] = tx+0; pta[1] = ty+0; pta[2] = Heightmap[(x+0)+(y+0)*HMX]; ptb[0] = tx+1; ptb[1] = ty+0; ptb[2] = Heightmap[(x+1)+(y+0)*HMX]; ptc[0] = tx+0; ptc[1] = ty+1; ptc[2] = Heightmap[(x+0)+(y+1)*HMX]; ptd[0] = tx+1; ptd[1] = ty+1; ptd[2] = Heightmap[(x+1)+(y+1)*HMX]; tdPSub( pta, ptb, tmp2 ); tdPSub( ptc, ptb, tmp1 ); tdCross( tmp1, tmp2, normal ); tdFinalPoint( pta, pta ); tdFinalPoint( ptb, ptb ); tdFinalPoint( ptc, ptc ); tdFinalPoint( ptd, ptd ); if( pta[2] >= 1.0 ) continue; if( ptb[2] >= 1.0 ) continue; if( ptc[2] >= 1.0 ) continue; if( ptd[2] >= 1.0 ) continue; if( pta[2] < 0 ) continue; if( ptb[2] < 0 ) continue; if( ptc[2] < 0 ) continue; if( ptd[2] < 0 ) continue; pto[0].x = pta[0]; pto[0].y = pta[1]; pto[1].x = ptb[0]; pto[1].y = ptb[1]; pto[2].x = ptd[0]; pto[2].y = ptd[1]; pto[3].x = ptc[0]; pto[3].y = ptc[1]; pto[4].x = ptd[0]; pto[4].y = ptd[1]; pto[5].x = pta[0]; pto[5].y = pta[1]; float bright = tdDot( normal, lightdir ); if( bright < 0 ) bright = 0; CNFGColor( 0xff000000 | (int)( bright * 50 ) ); CNFGTackSegment( pta[0], pta[1], ptb[0], ptb[1] ); CNFGTackSegment( pta[0], pta[1], ptc[0], ptc[1] ); } }