use raxb::{XmlDeserialize, XmlSerialize}; #[derive(Debug, XmlDeserialize, XmlSerialize)] #[raxb(root = b"m")] pub struct M { #[raxb(name = b"o", ty = "child")] pub o: f32, #[raxb(name = b"u", ty = "child")] pub u: Option, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, XmlDeserialize, XmlSerialize)] #[raxb(root = b"k")] pub struct K { #[raxb(name = b"id", ty = "attr")] pub id: Option, #[raxb(name = b"n", ty = "attr")] pub n: i32, #[raxb(ty = "text")] pub content: String, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, XmlDeserialize, XmlSerialize)] #[raxb(root = b"f")] pub struct F { #[raxb(name = b"h", ty = "child")] pub h: Option, #[raxb(name = b"j", ty = "child")] pub j: String, } #[derive(Debug, XmlDeserialize, XmlSerialize)] #[raxb(root = b"d")] pub struct D { #[raxb(name = b"name", ty = "attr")] pub name: String, #[raxb(name = b"e", ty = "child")] pub e: Vec, #[raxb(name = b"f", ty = "child")] pub f: Vec, #[raxb(name = b"k", ty = "child")] pub k: Vec, #[raxb(name = b"d", ty = "child")] pub d: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, XmlDeserialize, XmlSerialize)] #[raxb(root = b"a")] pub struct A { #[raxb(name = b"id", ty = "attr")] pub id: String, #[raxb(name = b"b", ty = "sfc")] pub b: bool, #[raxb(name = b"c", ty = "child")] pub c: String, #[raxb(name = b"d", ty = "child")] pub d: D, } #[test] fn test_serialize_derive_2() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let a = M { o: 9.99, u: Some(1.11), }; let xml = raxb::ser::to_string(&a)?; assert_eq!(r#"9.991.11"#, xml); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_serialize_derive() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let a = A { id: "root".to_string(), b: true, c: "foo".to_string(), d: D { name: "foobar".to_string(), e: vec![1, 2, 3], f: vec![ F { h: Some("bar1".to_string()), j: "baz2".to_string(), }, F { h: None, j: "baz".to_string(), }, ], k: vec![K { content: "k content 1".to_string(), n: 32, id: Some("one".to_string()), }], d: vec![], }, }; let xml = raxb::ser::to_string(&a)?; assert_eq!( r#"foo123bar1baz2bazk content 1"#, xml ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_deserialize_with_derive_macro() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let xml = r#" foo 1 2 3 4 5 6 k content 1 k content 2 bar1 baz2 baz "#; let a = raxb::de::from_str::(xml)?; assert!(a.b); assert_eq!(a.c, "foo"); assert_eq!(, "foobar"); assert_eq!(a.d.e, vec![1, 2, 3]); assert_eq!(a.d.f.first().unwrap().h.as_ref().unwrap(), "bar1"); assert_eq!(a.d.f.first().unwrap().j, "baz2"); assert!(a.d.f.get(1).unwrap().h.is_none()); assert_eq!(a.d.f.get(1).unwrap().j, "baz"); assert_eq!(a.d.d.first().unwrap().name, "child"); assert_eq!(a.d.d.first().unwrap().e, vec![4, 5, 6]); assert_eq!(a.d.k.first().unwrap().id.as_ref().unwrap(), "one"); assert_eq!(a.d.k.first().unwrap().n, 32); assert_eq!(a.d.k.get(1).unwrap().id.as_ref().unwrap(), "two"); assert_eq!(a.d.k.get(1).unwrap().n, 64); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_deserialize_with_derive_macro_2() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let xml = r#" hello xml Hello World hello hello 0 1 2 3 4 this text belongs to K struct this text also belongs to K struct "#; let a = raxb::de::from_str::(xml)?; assert!(a.b); assert_eq!(a.c, "hello xml"); assert_eq!( a.d.f, vec![F { h: Some("Hello".to_string()), j: "World".to_string() }] ); assert_eq!(a.d.k.first().unwrap().id.as_ref().unwrap(), "id1"); assert_eq!(a.d.d.first().unwrap().e, vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); assert_eq!(a.d.d.first().unwrap().e.get(4).unwrap(), &4); assert_eq!( a.d.d.first().unwrap().k, vec![ K { id: Some("id2".to_string()), n: 9278345, content: "this text belongs to K struct".to_string() }, K { id: Some("id3".to_string()), n: 6543, content: "this text also belongs to K struct".to_string() } ] ); assert_eq!(a.d.d.first().unwrap().k.first().unwrap().n, 9278345); assert_eq!(a.d.d.first().unwrap().k.get(1).unwrap().n, 6543); assert_eq!( a.d.d.first().unwrap().k.get(1).unwrap().content, "this text also belongs to K struct".to_string() ); Ok(()) }