
tree - interfaces for tree manipulation

this module describes the structures found in an tree resulting from an XML or HTML parsing, as well as the API provided for various processing on that tree

Author(s): Daniel Veillard


#define XML_GET_LINE;
#define XML_XML_ID;
#define xmlChildrenNode;
#define xmlRootNode;
typedef struct _xmlAttr xmlAttr;
typedef xmlAttr * xmlAttrPtr;
typedef struct _xmlAttribute xmlAttribute;
typedef enum xmlAttributeDefault;
typedef xmlAttribute * xmlAttributePtr;
typedef enum xmlAttributeType;
typedef struct _xmlBuf xmlBuf;
typedef xmlBuf * xmlBufPtr;
typedef struct _xmlBuffer xmlBuffer;
typedef enum xmlBufferAllocationScheme;
typedef xmlBuffer * xmlBufferPtr;
typedef struct _xmlDOMWrapCtxt xmlDOMWrapCtxt;
typedef xmlDOMWrapCtxt * xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr;
typedef struct _xmlDoc xmlDoc;
typedef enum xmlDocProperties;
typedef xmlDoc * xmlDocPtr;
typedef struct _xmlDtd xmlDtd;
typedef xmlDtd * xmlDtdPtr;
typedef struct _xmlElement xmlElement;
typedef struct _xmlElementContent xmlElementContent;
typedef enum xmlElementContentOccur;
typedef xmlElementContent * xmlElementContentPtr;
typedef enum xmlElementContentType;
typedef xmlElement * xmlElementPtr;
typedef enum xmlElementType;
typedef enum xmlElementTypeVal;
typedef struct _xmlEntity xmlEntity;
typedef xmlEntity * xmlEntityPtr;
typedef struct _xmlEnumeration xmlEnumeration;
typedef xmlEnumeration * xmlEnumerationPtr;
typedef struct _xmlID xmlID;
typedef xmlID * xmlIDPtr;
typedef struct _xmlNode xmlNode;
typedef xmlNode * xmlNodePtr;
typedef struct _xmlNotation xmlNotation;
typedef xmlNotation * xmlNotationPtr;
typedef struct _xmlNs xmlNs;
typedef xmlNs * xmlNsPtr;
typedef xmlElementType xmlNsType;
typedef struct _xmlOutputBuffer xmlOutputBuffer;
typedef xmlOutputBuffer * xmlOutputBufferPtr;
typedef struct _xmlParserCtxt xmlParserCtxt;
typedef xmlParserCtxt * xmlParserCtxtPtr;
typedef struct _xmlParserInput xmlParserInput;
typedef struct _xmlParserInputBuffer xmlParserInputBuffer;
typedef xmlParserInputBuffer * xmlParserInputBufferPtr;
typedef xmlParserInput * xmlParserInputPtr;
typedef struct _xmlRef xmlRef;
typedef xmlRef * xmlRefPtr;
typedef struct _xmlSAXHandler xmlSAXHandler;
typedef xmlSAXHandler * xmlSAXHandlerPtr;
typedef struct _xmlSAXLocator xmlSAXLocator;
typedef xmlSAXLocator * xmlSAXLocatorPtr;
xmlNodePtr	xmlAddChild		(xmlNodePtr parent, 
xmlNodePtr cur); xmlNodePtr xmlAddChildList (xmlNodePtr parent,
xmlNodePtr cur); xmlNodePtr xmlAddNextSibling (xmlNodePtr cur,
xmlNodePtr elem); xmlNodePtr xmlAddPrevSibling (xmlNodePtr cur,
xmlNodePtr elem); xmlNodePtr xmlAddSibling (xmlNodePtr cur,
xmlNodePtr elem); void xmlAttrSerializeTxtContent (xmlBufferPtr buf,
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlAttrPtr attr,
const xmlChar * string); xmlChar * xmlBufContent (const xmlBuf * buf); xmlChar * xmlBufEnd (xmlBufPtr buf); int xmlBufGetNodeContent (xmlBufPtr buf,
const xmlNode * cur); size_t xmlBufNodeDump (xmlBufPtr buf,
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
int level,
int format); size_t xmlBufShrink (xmlBufPtr buf,
size_t len); size_t xmlBufUse (const xmlBufPtr buf); int xmlBufferAdd (xmlBufferPtr buf,
const xmlChar * str,
int len); int xmlBufferAddHead (xmlBufferPtr buf,
const xmlChar * str,
int len); int xmlBufferCCat (xmlBufferPtr buf,
const char * str); int xmlBufferCat (xmlBufferPtr buf,
const xmlChar * str); const xmlChar * xmlBufferContent (const xmlBuffer * buf); xmlBufferPtr xmlBufferCreate (void); xmlBufferPtr xmlBufferCreateSize (size_t size); xmlBufferPtr xmlBufferCreateStatic (void * mem,
size_t size); xmlChar * xmlBufferDetach (xmlBufferPtr buf); int xmlBufferDump (FILE * file,
xmlBufferPtr buf); void xmlBufferEmpty (xmlBufferPtr buf); void xmlBufferFree (xmlBufferPtr buf); int xmlBufferGrow (xmlBufferPtr buf,
unsigned int len); int xmlBufferLength (const xmlBuffer * buf); int xmlBufferResize (xmlBufferPtr buf,
unsigned int size); void xmlBufferSetAllocationScheme (xmlBufferPtr buf,
xmlBufferAllocationScheme scheme); int xmlBufferShrink (xmlBufferPtr buf,
unsigned int len); void xmlBufferWriteCHAR (xmlBufferPtr buf,
const xmlChar * string); void xmlBufferWriteChar (xmlBufferPtr buf,
const char * string); void xmlBufferWriteQuotedString (xmlBufferPtr buf,
const xmlChar * string); xmlChar * xmlBuildQName (const xmlChar * ncname,
const xmlChar * prefix,
xmlChar * memory,
int len); unsigned long xmlChildElementCount (xmlNodePtr parent); xmlDocPtr xmlCopyDoc (xmlDocPtr doc,
int recursive); xmlDtdPtr xmlCopyDtd (xmlDtdPtr dtd); xmlNsPtr xmlCopyNamespace (xmlNsPtr cur); xmlNsPtr xmlCopyNamespaceList (xmlNsPtr cur); xmlNodePtr xmlCopyNode (xmlNodePtr node,
int extended); xmlNodePtr xmlCopyNodeList (xmlNodePtr node); xmlAttrPtr xmlCopyProp (xmlNodePtr target,
xmlAttrPtr cur); xmlAttrPtr xmlCopyPropList (xmlNodePtr target,
xmlAttrPtr cur); xmlDtdPtr xmlCreateIntSubset (xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ExternalID,
const xmlChar * SystemID); typedef xmlNsPtr xmlDOMWrapAcquireNsFunction (xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * nsName,
const xmlChar * nsPrefix); int xmlDOMWrapAdoptNode (xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt,
xmlDocPtr sourceDoc,
xmlNodePtr node,
xmlDocPtr destDoc,
xmlNodePtr destParent,
int options); int xmlDOMWrapCloneNode (xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt,
xmlDocPtr sourceDoc,
xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNodePtr * resNode,
xmlDocPtr destDoc,
xmlNodePtr destParent,
int deep,
int options); void xmlDOMWrapFreeCtxt (xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt); xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr xmlDOMWrapNewCtxt (void); int xmlDOMWrapReconcileNamespaces (xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt,
xmlNodePtr elem,
int options); int xmlDOMWrapRemoveNode (xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt,
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr node,
int options); xmlDeregisterNodeFunc xmlDeregisterNodeDefault (xmlDeregisterNodeFunc func); typedef void xmlDeregisterNodeFunc (xmlNodePtr node); xmlNodePtr xmlDocCopyNode (xmlNodePtr node,
xmlDocPtr doc,
int extended); xmlNodePtr xmlDocCopyNodeList (xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr node); int xmlDocDump (FILE * f,
xmlDocPtr cur); void xmlDocDumpFormatMemory (xmlDocPtr cur,
xmlChar ** mem,
int * size,
int format); void xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc (xmlDocPtr out_doc,
xmlChar ** doc_txt_ptr,
int * doc_txt_len,
const char * txt_encoding,
int format); void xmlDocDumpMemory (xmlDocPtr cur,
xmlChar ** mem,
int * size); void xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc (xmlDocPtr out_doc,
xmlChar ** doc_txt_ptr,
int * doc_txt_len,
const char * txt_encoding); int xmlDocFormatDump (FILE * f,
xmlDocPtr cur,
int format); xmlNodePtr xmlDocGetRootElement (const xmlDoc * doc); xmlNodePtr xmlDocSetRootElement (xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr root); void xmlElemDump (FILE * f,
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur); xmlNodePtr xmlFirstElementChild (xmlNodePtr parent); void xmlFreeDoc (xmlDocPtr cur); void xmlFreeDtd (xmlDtdPtr cur); void xmlFreeNode (xmlNodePtr cur); void xmlFreeNodeList (xmlNodePtr cur); void xmlFreeNs (xmlNsPtr cur); void xmlFreeNsList (xmlNsPtr cur); void xmlFreeProp (xmlAttrPtr cur); void xmlFreePropList (xmlAttrPtr cur); xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlGetBufferAllocationScheme (void); int xmlGetCompressMode (void); int xmlGetDocCompressMode (const xmlDoc * doc); xmlDtdPtr xmlGetIntSubset (const xmlDoc * doc); xmlNodePtr xmlGetLastChild (const xmlNode * parent); long xmlGetLineNo (const xmlNode * node); xmlChar * xmlGetNoNsProp (const xmlNode * node,
const xmlChar * name); xmlChar * xmlGetNodePath (const xmlNode * node); xmlNsPtr * xmlGetNsList (const xmlDoc * doc,
const xmlNode * node); xmlChar * xmlGetNsProp (const xmlNode * node,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * nameSpace); xmlChar * xmlGetProp (const xmlNode * node,
const xmlChar * name); xmlAttrPtr xmlHasNsProp (const xmlNode * node,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * nameSpace); xmlAttrPtr xmlHasProp (const xmlNode * node,
const xmlChar * name); int xmlIsBlankNode (const xmlNode * node); int xmlIsXHTML (const xmlChar * systemID,
const xmlChar * publicID); xmlNodePtr xmlLastElementChild (xmlNodePtr parent); xmlNodePtr xmlNewCDataBlock (xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar * content,
int len); xmlNodePtr xmlNewCharRef (xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar * name); xmlNodePtr xmlNewChild (xmlNodePtr parent,
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); xmlNodePtr xmlNewComment (const xmlChar * content); xmlDocPtr xmlNewDoc (const xmlChar * version); xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocComment (xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar * content); xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocFragment (xmlDocPtr doc); xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocNode (xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocNodeEatName (xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNsPtr ns,
xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocPI (xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); xmlAttrPtr xmlNewDocProp (xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value); xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocRawNode (xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocText (const xmlDoc * doc,
const xmlChar * content); xmlNodePtr xmlNewDocTextLen (xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar * content,
int len); xmlDtdPtr xmlNewDtd (xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ExternalID,
const xmlChar * SystemID); xmlNsPtr xmlNewGlobalNs (xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar * href,
const xmlChar * prefix); xmlNodePtr xmlNewNode (xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name); xmlNodePtr xmlNewNodeEatName (xmlNsPtr ns,
xmlChar * name); xmlNsPtr xmlNewNs (xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * href,
const xmlChar * prefix); xmlAttrPtr xmlNewNsProp (xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value); xmlAttrPtr xmlNewNsPropEatName (xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNsPtr ns,
xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value); xmlNodePtr xmlNewPI (const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); xmlAttrPtr xmlNewProp (xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value); xmlNodePtr xmlNewReference (const xmlDoc * doc,
const xmlChar * name); xmlNodePtr xmlNewText (const xmlChar * content); xmlNodePtr xmlNewTextChild (xmlNodePtr parent,
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content); xmlNodePtr xmlNewTextLen (const xmlChar * content,
int len); xmlNodePtr xmlNextElementSibling (xmlNodePtr node); void xmlNodeAddContent (xmlNodePtr cur,
const xmlChar * content); void xmlNodeAddContentLen (xmlNodePtr cur,
const xmlChar * content,
int len); int xmlNodeBufGetContent (xmlBufferPtr buffer,
const xmlNode * cur); int xmlNodeDump (xmlBufferPtr buf,
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
int level,
int format); void xmlNodeDumpOutput (xmlOutputBufferPtr buf,
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
int level,
int format,
const char * encoding); xmlChar * xmlNodeGetBase (const xmlDoc * doc,
const xmlNode * cur); xmlChar * xmlNodeGetContent (const xmlNode * cur); xmlChar * xmlNodeGetLang (const xmlNode * cur); int xmlNodeGetSpacePreserve (const xmlNode * cur); int xmlNodeIsText (const xmlNode * node); xmlChar * xmlNodeListGetRawString (const xmlDoc * doc,
const xmlNode * list,
int inLine); xmlChar * xmlNodeListGetString (xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlNode * list,
int inLine); void xmlNodeSetBase (xmlNodePtr cur,
const xmlChar * uri); void xmlNodeSetContent (xmlNodePtr cur,
const xmlChar * content); void xmlNodeSetContentLen (xmlNodePtr cur,
const xmlChar * content,
int len); void xmlNodeSetLang (xmlNodePtr cur,
const xmlChar * lang); void xmlNodeSetName (xmlNodePtr cur,
const xmlChar * name); void xmlNodeSetSpacePreserve (xmlNodePtr cur,
int val); xmlNodePtr xmlPreviousElementSibling (xmlNodePtr node); int xmlReconciliateNs (xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr tree); xmlRegisterNodeFunc xmlRegisterNodeDefault (xmlRegisterNodeFunc func); typedef void xmlRegisterNodeFunc (xmlNodePtr node); int xmlRemoveProp (xmlAttrPtr cur); xmlNodePtr xmlReplaceNode (xmlNodePtr old,
xmlNodePtr cur); int xmlSaveFile (const char * filename,
xmlDocPtr cur); int xmlSaveFileEnc (const char * filename,
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding); int xmlSaveFileTo (xmlOutputBufferPtr buf,
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding); int xmlSaveFormatFile (const char * filename,
xmlDocPtr cur,
int format); int xmlSaveFormatFileEnc (const char * filename,
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format); int xmlSaveFormatFileTo (xmlOutputBufferPtr buf,
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format); xmlNsPtr xmlSearchNs (xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * nameSpace); xmlNsPtr xmlSearchNsByHref (xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * href); void xmlSetBufferAllocationScheme (xmlBufferAllocationScheme scheme); void xmlSetCompressMode (int mode); void xmlSetDocCompressMode (xmlDocPtr doc,
int mode); void xmlSetListDoc (xmlNodePtr list,
xmlDocPtr doc); void xmlSetNs (xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNsPtr ns); xmlAttrPtr xmlSetNsProp (xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value); xmlAttrPtr xmlSetProp (xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value); void xmlSetTreeDoc (xmlNodePtr tree,
xmlDocPtr doc); xmlChar * xmlSplitQName2 (const xmlChar * name,
xmlChar ** prefix); const xmlChar * xmlSplitQName3 (const xmlChar * name,
int * len); xmlNodePtr xmlStringGetNodeList (const xmlDoc * doc,
const xmlChar * value); xmlNodePtr xmlStringLenGetNodeList (const xmlDoc * doc,
const xmlChar * value,
int len); int xmlTextConcat (xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * content,
int len); xmlNodePtr xmlTextMerge (xmlNodePtr first,
xmlNodePtr second); xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlThrDefBufferAllocScheme (xmlBufferAllocationScheme v); int xmlThrDefDefaultBufferSize (int v); xmlDeregisterNodeFunc xmlThrDefDeregisterNodeDefault (xmlDeregisterNodeFunc func); xmlRegisterNodeFunc xmlThrDefRegisterNodeDefault (xmlRegisterNodeFunc func); void xmlUnlinkNode (xmlNodePtr cur); int xmlUnsetNsProp (xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name); int xmlUnsetProp (xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * name); int xmlValidateNCName (const xmlChar * value,
int space); int xmlValidateNMToken (const xmlChar * value,
int space); int xmlValidateName (const xmlChar * value,
int space); int xmlValidateQName (const xmlChar * value,
int space);





default buffer size 4000.



Macro used to express that the API use the new buffers for xmlParserInputBuffer and xmlOutputBuffer. The change was introduced in 2.9.0.



Macro to extract the content pointer of a node.


#define XML_GET_LINE;

Macro to extract the line number of an element node.



A namespace declaration node.


#define XML_XML_ID;

This is the name for the special xml:id attribute



This is the namespace for the special xml: prefix predefined in the XML Namespace specification.

Macro xmlChildrenNode

#define xmlChildrenNode;

Macro for compatibility naming layer with libxml1. Maps to "children."

Macro xmlRootNode

#define xmlRootNode;

Macro for compatibility naming layer with libxml1. Maps to "children".

Structure xmlAttr

struct _xmlAttr {
    void *	_private	: application data
    xmlElementType	type	: XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE, must be second !
    const xmlChar *	name	: the name of the property
    struct _xmlNode *	children	: the value of the property
    struct _xmlNode *	last	: NULL
    struct _xmlNode *	parent	: child->parent link
    struct _xmlAttr *	next	: next sibling link
    struct _xmlAttr *	prev	: previous sibling link
    struct _xmlDoc *	doc	: the containing document
    xmlNs *	ns	: pointer to the associated namespace
    xmlAttributeType	atype	: the attribute type if validating
    void *	psvi	: for type/PSVI information
} xmlAttr;

Typedef xmlAttrPtr

xmlAttr * xmlAttrPtr;

Structure xmlAttribute

struct _xmlAttribute {
    void *	_private	: application data
    xmlElementType	type	: XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL, must be second !
    const xmlChar *	name	: Attribute name
    struct _xmlNode *	children	: NULL
    struct _xmlNode *	last	: NULL
    struct _xmlDtd *	parent	: -> DTD
    struct _xmlNode *	next	: next sibling link
    struct _xmlNode *	prev	: previous sibling link
    struct _xmlDoc *	doc	: the containing document
    struct _xmlAttribute *	nexth	: next in hash table
    xmlAttributeType	atype	: The attribute type
    xmlAttributeDefault	def	: the default
    const xmlChar *	defaultValue	: or the default value
    xmlEnumerationPtr	tree	: or the enumeration tree if any
    const xmlChar *	prefix	: the namespace prefix if any
    const xmlChar *	elem	: Element holding the attribute
} xmlAttribute;

Typedef xmlAttributePtr

xmlAttribute * xmlAttributePtr;

Structure xmlBuf

struct _xmlBuf {
The content of this structure is not made public by the API.
} xmlBuf;

Typedef xmlBufPtr

xmlBuf * xmlBufPtr;

A pointer to a buffer structure, the actual structure internals are not public

Structure xmlBuffer

struct _xmlBuffer {
    xmlChar *	content	: The buffer content UTF8
    unsigned int	use	: The buffer size used
    unsigned int	size	: The buffer size
    xmlBufferAllocationScheme	alloc	: The realloc method
    xmlChar *	contentIO	: in IO mode we may have a different base
} xmlBuffer;

Enum xmlBufferAllocationScheme

enum xmlBufferAllocationScheme {
    XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_DOUBLEIT = 1 /* double each time one need to grow */
    XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_EXACT = 2 /* grow only to the minimal size */
    XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_IMMUTABLE = 3 /* immutable buffer, deprecated */
    XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_IO = 4 /* special allocation scheme used for I/O */
    XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_HYBRID = 5 /* exact up to a threshold, and doubleit thereafter */
    XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_BOUNDED = 6 /*  limit the upper size of the buffer */

Typedef xmlBufferPtr

xmlBuffer * xmlBufferPtr;

Structure xmlDOMWrapCtxt

struct _xmlDOMWrapCtxt {
    void *	_private	: * The type of this context, just in case we need specialized * context
    int	type	: * Internal namespace map used for various operations. *
    void *	namespaceMap	: * Use this one to acquire an xmlNsPtr intended for node->ns. * (Note t
    xmlDOMWrapAcquireNsFunction	getNsForNodeFunc
} xmlDOMWrapCtxt;

Typedef xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr

xmlDOMWrapCtxt * xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr;

Structure xmlDoc

struct _xmlDoc {
    void *	_private	: application data
    xmlElementType	type	: XML_DOCUMENT_NODE, must be second !
    char *	name	: name/filename/URI of the document
    struct _xmlNode *	children	: the document tree
    struct _xmlNode *	last	: last child link
    struct _xmlNode *	parent	: child->parent link
    struct _xmlNode *	next	: next sibling link
    struct _xmlNode *	prev	: previous sibling link
    struct _xmlDoc *	doc	: autoreference to itself End of common part
    int	compression	: level of zlib compression
    int	standalone	: standalone document (no external refs) 1 if standalone="yes" 0 if sta
    struct _xmlDtd *	intSubset	: the document internal subset
    struct _xmlDtd *	extSubset	: the document external subset
    struct _xmlNs *	oldNs	: Global namespace, the old way
    const xmlChar *	version	: the XML version string
    const xmlChar *	encoding	: actual encoding, if any
    void *	ids	: Hash table for ID attributes if any
    void *	refs	: Hash table for IDREFs attributes if any
    const xmlChar *	URL	: The URI for that document
    int	charset	: unused
    struct _xmlDict *	dict	: dict used to allocate names or NULL
    void *	psvi	: for type/PSVI information
    int	parseFlags	: set of xmlParserOption used to parse the document
    int	properties	: set of xmlDocProperties for this document set at the end of parsing
} xmlDoc;

Enum xmlDocProperties

enum xmlDocProperties {
    XML_DOC_WELLFORMED = 1 /* document is XML well formed */
    XML_DOC_NSVALID = 2 /* document is Namespace valid */
    XML_DOC_OLD10 = 4 /* parsed with old XML-1.0 parser */
    XML_DOC_DTDVALID = 8 /* DTD validation was successful */
    XML_DOC_XINCLUDE = 16 /* XInclude substitution was done */
    XML_DOC_USERBUILT = 32 /* Document was built using the API and not by parsing an instance */
    XML_DOC_INTERNAL = 64 /* built for internal processing */
    XML_DOC_HTML = 128 /*  parsed or built HTML document */

Typedef xmlDocPtr

xmlDoc * xmlDocPtr;

Structure xmlDtd

struct _xmlDtd {
    void *	_private	: application data
    xmlElementType	type	: XML_DTD_NODE, must be second !
    const xmlChar *	name	: Name of the DTD
    struct _xmlNode *	children	: the value of the property link
    struct _xmlNode *	last	: last child link
    struct _xmlDoc *	parent	: child->parent link
    struct _xmlNode *	next	: next sibling link
    struct _xmlNode *	prev	: previous sibling link
    struct _xmlDoc *	doc	: the containing document End of common part
    void *	notations	: Hash table for notations if any
    void *	elements	: Hash table for elements if any
    void *	attributes	: Hash table for attributes if any
    void *	entities	: Hash table for entities if any
    const xmlChar *	ExternalID	: External identifier for PUBLIC DTD
    const xmlChar *	SystemID	: URI for a SYSTEM or PUBLIC DTD
    void *	pentities	: Hash table for param entities if any
} xmlDtd;

Typedef xmlDtdPtr

xmlDtd * xmlDtdPtr;

Structure xmlElement

struct _xmlElement {
    void *	_private	: application data
    xmlElementType	type	: XML_ELEMENT_DECL, must be second !
    const xmlChar *	name	: Element name
    struct _xmlNode *	children	: NULL
    struct _xmlNode *	last	: NULL
    struct _xmlDtd *	parent	: -> DTD
    struct _xmlNode *	next	: next sibling link
    struct _xmlNode *	prev	: previous sibling link
    struct _xmlDoc *	doc	: the containing document
    xmlElementTypeVal	etype	: The type
    xmlElementContentPtr	content	: the allowed element content
    xmlAttributePtr	attributes	: List of the declared attributes
    const xmlChar *	prefix	: the namespace prefix if any
    xmlRegexpPtr	contModel	: the validating regexp
    void *	contModel
} xmlElement;

Structure xmlElementContent

struct _xmlElementContent {
    xmlElementContentType	type	: PCDATA, ELEMENT, SEQ or OR
    xmlElementContentOccur	ocur	: ONCE, OPT, MULT or PLUS
    const xmlChar *	name	: Element name
    struct _xmlElementContent *	c1	: first child
    struct _xmlElementContent *	c2	: second child
    struct _xmlElementContent *	parent	: parent
    const xmlChar *	prefix	: Namespace prefix
} xmlElementContent;

Typedef xmlElementContentPtr

xmlElementContent * xmlElementContentPtr;

Typedef xmlElementPtr

xmlElement * xmlElementPtr;

Structure xmlEntity

struct _xmlEntity {
    void *	_private	: application data
    xmlElementType	type	: XML_ENTITY_DECL, must be second !
    const xmlChar *	name	: Entity name
    struct _xmlNode *	children	: First child link
    struct _xmlNode *	last	: Last child link
    struct _xmlDtd *	parent	: -> DTD
    struct _xmlNode *	next	: next sibling link
    struct _xmlNode *	prev	: previous sibling link
    struct _xmlDoc *	doc	: the containing document
    xmlChar *	orig	: content without ref substitution
    xmlChar *	content	: content or ndata if unparsed
    int	length	: the content length
    xmlEntityType	etype	: The entity type
    const xmlChar *	ExternalID	: External identifier for PUBLIC
    const xmlChar *	SystemID	: URI for a SYSTEM or PUBLIC Entity
    struct _xmlEntity *	nexte	: unused
    const xmlChar *	URI	: the full URI as computed
    int	owner	: does the entity own the childrens
    int	flags	: various flags
    unsigned long	expandedSize	: expanded size
} xmlEntity;

Typedef xmlEntityPtr

xmlEntity * xmlEntityPtr;

Structure xmlEnumeration

struct _xmlEnumeration {
    struct _xmlEnumeration *	next	: next one
    const xmlChar *	name	: Enumeration name
} xmlEnumeration;

Typedef xmlEnumerationPtr

xmlEnumeration * xmlEnumerationPtr;

Structure xmlID

struct _xmlID {
    struct _xmlID *	next	: next ID
    const xmlChar *	value	: The ID name
    xmlAttrPtr	attr	: The attribute holding it
    const xmlChar *	name	: The attribute if attr is not available
    int	lineno	: The line number if attr is not available
    struct _xmlDoc *	doc	: The document holding the ID
} xmlID;

Typedef xmlIDPtr

xmlID * xmlIDPtr;

Structure xmlNode

struct _xmlNode {
    void *	_private	: application data
    xmlElementType	type	: type number, must be second !
    const xmlChar *	name	: the name of the node, or the entity
    struct _xmlNode *	children	: parent->childs link
    struct _xmlNode *	last	: last child link
    struct _xmlNode *	parent	: child->parent link
    struct _xmlNode *	next	: next sibling link
    struct _xmlNode *	prev	: previous sibling link
    struct _xmlDoc *	doc	: the containing document End of common part
    xmlNs *	ns	: pointer to the associated namespace
    xmlChar *	content	: the content
    struct _xmlAttr *	properties	: properties list
    xmlNs *	nsDef	: namespace definitions on this node
    void *	psvi	: for type/PSVI information
    unsigned short	line	: line number
    unsigned short	extra	: extra data for XPath/XSLT
} xmlNode;

Typedef xmlNodePtr

xmlNode * xmlNodePtr;

Structure xmlNotation

struct _xmlNotation {
    const xmlChar *	name	: Notation name
    const xmlChar *	PublicID	: Public identifier, if any
    const xmlChar *	SystemID	: System identifier, if any
} xmlNotation;

Typedef xmlNotationPtr

xmlNotation * xmlNotationPtr;

Structure xmlNs

struct _xmlNs {
    struct _xmlNs *	next	: next Ns link for this node
    xmlNsType	type	: global or local
    const xmlChar *	href	: URL for the namespace
    const xmlChar *	prefix	: prefix for the namespace
    void *	_private	: application data
    struct _xmlDoc *	context	: normally an xmlDoc
} xmlNs;

Typedef xmlNsPtr

xmlNs * xmlNsPtr;

Typedef xmlNsType

xmlElementType xmlNsType;

Structure xmlOutputBuffer

struct _xmlOutputBuffer {
    void *	context
    xmlOutputWriteCallback	writecallback
    xmlOutputCloseCallback	closecallback
    xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr	encoder	: I18N conversions to UTF-8
    xmlBufPtr	buffer	: Local buffer encoded in UTF-8 or ISOLatin
    xmlBufPtr	conv	: if encoder != NULL buffer for output
    int	written	: total number of byte written
    int	error
} xmlOutputBuffer;

Typedef xmlOutputBufferPtr

xmlOutputBuffer * xmlOutputBufferPtr;

Structure xmlParserCtxt

struct _xmlParserCtxt {
    struct _xmlSAXHandler *	sax	: The SAX handler
    void *	userData	: For SAX interface only, used by DOM build
    xmlDocPtr	myDoc	: the document being built
    int	wellFormed	: is the document well formed
    int	replaceEntities	: shall we replace entities ?
    const xmlChar *	version	: the XML version string
    const xmlChar *	encoding	: the declared encoding, if any
    int	standalone	: standalone document
    int	html	: an HTML(1) document * 3 is HTML after <head> * 10 is HTML after <body
    xmlParserInputPtr	input	: Current input stream
    int	inputNr	: Number of current input streams
    int	inputMax	: Max number of input streams
    xmlParserInputPtr *	inputTab	: stack of inputs Node analysis stack only used for DOM building
    xmlNodePtr	node	: Current parsed Node
    int	nodeNr	: Depth of the parsing stack
    int	nodeMax	: Max depth of the parsing stack
    xmlNodePtr *	nodeTab	: array of nodes
    int	record_info	: Whether node info should be kept
    xmlParserNodeInfoSeq	node_seq	: info about each node parsed
    int	errNo	: error code
    int	hasExternalSubset	: reference and external subset
    int	hasPErefs	: the internal subset has PE refs
    int	external	: are we parsing an external entity
    int	valid	: is the document valid
    int	validate	: shall we try to validate ?
    xmlValidCtxt	vctxt	: The validity context
    xmlParserInputState	instate	: current type of input
    int	token	: next char look-ahead
    char *	directory	: the data directory Node name stack
    const xmlChar *	name	: Current parsed Node
    int	nameNr	: Depth of the parsing stack
    int	nameMax	: Max depth of the parsing stack
    const xmlChar * *	nameTab	: array of nodes
    long	nbChars	: unused
    long	checkIndex	: used by progressive parsing lookup
    int	keepBlanks	: ugly but ...
    int	disableSAX	: SAX callbacks are disabled
    int	inSubset	: Parsing is in int 1/ext 2 subset
    const xmlChar *	intSubName	: name of subset
    xmlChar *	extSubURI	: URI of external subset
    xmlChar *	extSubSystem	: SYSTEM ID of external subset xml:space values
    int *	space	: Should the parser preserve spaces
    int	spaceNr	: Depth of the parsing stack
    int	spaceMax	: Max depth of the parsing stack
    int *	spaceTab	: array of space infos
    int	depth	: to prevent entity substitution loops
    xmlParserInputPtr	entity	: used to check entities boundaries
    int	charset	: unused
    int	nodelen	: Those two fields are there to
    int	nodemem	: Speed up large node parsing
    int	pedantic	: signal pedantic warnings
    void *	_private	: For user data, libxml won't touch it
    int	loadsubset	: should the external subset be loaded
    int	linenumbers	: set line number in element content
    void *	catalogs	: document's own catalog
    int	recovery	: run in recovery mode
    int	progressive	: is this a progressive parsing
    xmlDictPtr	dict	: dictionary for the parser
    const xmlChar * *	atts	: array for the attributes callbacks
    int	maxatts	: the size of the array
    int	docdict	: * pre-interned strings *
    const xmlChar *	str_xml
    const xmlChar *	str_xmlns
    const xmlChar *	str_xml_ns	: * Everything below is used only by the new SAX mode *
    int	sax2	: operating in the new SAX mode
    int	nsNr	: the number of inherited namespaces
    int	nsMax	: the size of the arrays
    const xmlChar * *	nsTab	: the array of prefix/namespace name
    unsigned *	attallocs	: which attribute were allocated
    xmlStartTag *	pushTab	: array of data for push
    xmlHashTablePtr	attsDefault	: defaulted attributes if any
    xmlHashTablePtr	attsSpecial	: non-CDATA attributes if any
    int	nsWellFormed	: is the document XML Namespace okay
    int	options	: * Those fields are needed only for streaming parsing so far *
    int	dictNames	: Use dictionary names for the tree
    int	freeElemsNr	: number of freed element nodes
    xmlNodePtr	freeElems	: List of freed element nodes
    int	freeAttrsNr	: number of freed attributes nodes
    xmlAttrPtr	freeAttrs	: * the complete error information for the last error. *
    xmlError	lastError
    xmlParserMode	parseMode	: the parser mode
    unsigned long	nbentities	: unused
    unsigned long	sizeentities	: size of parsed entities for use by HTML non-recursive parser
    xmlParserNodeInfo *	nodeInfo	: Current NodeInfo
    int	nodeInfoNr	: Depth of the parsing stack
    int	nodeInfoMax	: Max depth of the parsing stack
    xmlParserNodeInfo *	nodeInfoTab	: array of nodeInfos
    int	input_id	: we need to label inputs
    unsigned long	sizeentcopy	: volume of entity copy
    int	endCheckState	: quote state for push parser
    unsigned short	nbErrors	: number of errors
    unsigned short	nbWarnings	: number of warnings
    unsigned	maxAmpl	: maximum amplification factor
    xmlParserNsData *	nsdb	: namespace database
    unsigned	attrHashMax	: allocated size
    xmlAttrHashBucket *	attrHash	: atttribute hash table
} xmlParserCtxt;

Typedef xmlParserCtxtPtr

xmlParserCtxt * xmlParserCtxtPtr;

Structure xmlParserInput

struct _xmlParserInput {
    xmlParserInputBufferPtr	buf	: UTF-8 encoded buffer
    const char *	filename	: The file analyzed, if any
    const char *	directory	: the directory/base of the file
    const xmlChar *	base	: Base of the array to parse
    const xmlChar *	cur	: Current char being parsed
    const xmlChar *	end	: end of the array to parse
    int	length	: length if known
    int	line	: Current line
    int	col	: Current column
    unsigned long	consumed	: How many xmlChars already consumed
    xmlParserInputDeallocate	free	: function to deallocate the base
    const xmlChar *	encoding	: unused
    const xmlChar *	version	: the version string for entity
    int	flags	: Flags
    int	id	: an unique identifier for the entity
    unsigned long	parentConsumed	: consumed bytes from parents
    xmlEntityPtr	entity	: entity, if any
} xmlParserInput;

Structure xmlParserInputBuffer

struct _xmlParserInputBuffer {
    void *	context
    xmlInputReadCallback	readcallback
    xmlInputCloseCallback	closecallback
    xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr	encoder	: I18N conversions to UTF-8
    xmlBufPtr	buffer	: Local buffer encoded in UTF-8
    xmlBufPtr	raw	: if encoder != NULL buffer for raw input
    int	compressed	: -1=unknown, 0=not compressed, 1=compressed
    int	error
    unsigned long	rawconsumed	: amount consumed from raw
} xmlParserInputBuffer;

Typedef xmlParserInputBufferPtr

xmlParserInputBuffer * xmlParserInputBufferPtr;

Typedef xmlParserInputPtr

xmlParserInput * xmlParserInputPtr;

Structure xmlRef

struct _xmlRef {
    struct _xmlRef *	next	: next Ref
    const xmlChar *	value	: The Ref name
    xmlAttrPtr	attr	: The attribute holding it
    const xmlChar *	name	: The attribute if attr is not available
    int	lineno	: The line number if attr is not available
} xmlRef;

Typedef xmlRefPtr

xmlRef * xmlRefPtr;

Structure xmlSAXHandler

struct _xmlSAXHandler {
    internalSubsetSAXFunc	internalSubset
    isStandaloneSAXFunc	isStandalone
    hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc	hasInternalSubset
    hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc	hasExternalSubset
    resolveEntitySAXFunc	resolveEntity
    getEntitySAXFunc	getEntity
    entityDeclSAXFunc	entityDecl
    notationDeclSAXFunc	notationDecl
    attributeDeclSAXFunc	attributeDecl
    elementDeclSAXFunc	elementDecl
    unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc	unparsedEntityDecl
    setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc	setDocumentLocator
    startDocumentSAXFunc	startDocument
    endDocumentSAXFunc	endDocument
    startElementSAXFunc	startElement
    endElementSAXFunc	endElement
    referenceSAXFunc	reference
    charactersSAXFunc	characters
    ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc	ignorableWhitespace
    processingInstructionSAXFunc	processingInstruction
    commentSAXFunc	comment
    warningSAXFunc	warning
    errorSAXFunc	error
    fatalErrorSAXFunc	fatalError	: unused error() get all the errors
    getParameterEntitySAXFunc	getParameterEntity
    cdataBlockSAXFunc	cdataBlock
    externalSubsetSAXFunc	externalSubset
    unsigned int	initialized	: The following fields are extensions available only on version 2
    void *	_private
    startElementNsSAX2Func	startElementNs
    endElementNsSAX2Func	endElementNs
    xmlStructuredErrorFunc	serror
} xmlSAXHandler;

Typedef xmlSAXHandlerPtr

xmlSAXHandler * xmlSAXHandlerPtr;

Structure xmlSAXLocator

struct _xmlSAXLocator {
    const xmlChar *(*getPublicId)	getPublicId
    const xmlChar *(*getSystemId)	getSystemId
    int(*getLineNumber)	getLineNumber
    int(*getColumnNumber)	getColumnNumber
} xmlSAXLocator;

Typedef xmlSAXLocatorPtr

xmlSAXLocator * xmlSAXLocatorPtr;

Function type xmlDOMWrapAcquireNsFunction

xmlNsPtr	xmlDOMWrapAcquireNsFunction	(xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * nsName,
const xmlChar * nsPrefix)

A function called to acquire namespaces (xmlNs) from the wrapper.

ctxt: a DOM wrapper context
node: the context node (element or attribute)
nsName: the requested namespace name
nsPrefix: the requested namespace prefix
Returns: an xmlNsPtr or NULL in case of an error.

Function type xmlDeregisterNodeFunc

void	xmlDeregisterNodeFunc		(xmlNodePtr node)

Signature for the deregistration callback of a discarded node

node: the current node

Function type xmlRegisterNodeFunc

void	xmlRegisterNodeFunc		(xmlNodePtr node)

Signature for the registration callback of a created node

node: the current node

xmlAddChild ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlAddChild		(xmlNodePtr parent, 
xmlNodePtr cur)

Add a new node to @parent, at the end of the child (or property) list merging adjacent TEXT nodes (in which case @cur is freed) If the new node is ATTRIBUTE, it is added into properties instead of children. If there is an attribute with equal name, it is first destroyed. All tree manipulation functions can safely move nodes within a document. But when moving nodes from one document to another, references to namespaces in element or attribute nodes are NOT fixed. In this case, you MUST call xmlReconciliateNs after the move operation to avoid memory errors.

parent: the parent node
cur: the child node
Returns: the child or NULL in case of error.

xmlAddChildList ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlAddChildList		(xmlNodePtr parent, 
xmlNodePtr cur)

Add a list of node at the end of the child list of the parent merging adjacent TEXT nodes (@cur may be freed) See the note regarding namespaces in xmlAddChild.

parent: the parent node
cur: the first node in the list
Returns: the last child or NULL in case of error.

xmlAddNextSibling ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlAddNextSibling	(xmlNodePtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr elem)

Add a new node @elem as the next sibling of @cur If the new node was already inserted in a document it is first unlinked from its existing context. As a result of text merging @elem may be freed. If the new node is ATTRIBUTE, it is added into properties instead of children. If there is an attribute with equal name, it is first destroyed. See the note regarding namespaces in xmlAddChild.

cur: the child node
elem: the new node
Returns: the new node or NULL in case of error.

xmlAddPrevSibling ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlAddPrevSibling	(xmlNodePtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr elem)

Add a new node @elem as the previous sibling of @cur merging adjacent TEXT nodes (@elem may be freed) If the new node was already inserted in a document it is first unlinked from its existing context. If the new node is ATTRIBUTE, it is added into properties instead of children. If there is an attribute with equal name, it is first destroyed. See the note regarding namespaces in xmlAddChild.

cur: the child node
elem: the new node
Returns: the new node or NULL in case of error.

xmlAddSibling ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlAddSibling		(xmlNodePtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr elem)

Add a new element @elem to the list of siblings of @cur merging adjacent TEXT nodes (@elem may be freed) If the new element was already inserted in a document it is first unlinked from its existing context. See the note regarding namespaces in xmlAddChild.

cur: the child node
elem: the new node
Returns: the new element or NULL in case of error.

xmlAttrSerializeTxtContent ()

void	xmlAttrSerializeTxtContent	(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlAttrPtr attr,
const xmlChar * string)

Serialize text attribute values to an xml simple buffer

buf: the XML buffer output
doc: the document
attr: the attribute node
string: the text content

xmlBufContent ()

xmlChar *	xmlBufContent		(const xmlBuf * buf)

Function to extract the content of a buffer

buf: the buffer
Returns: the internal content

xmlBufEnd ()

xmlChar *	xmlBufEnd		(xmlBufPtr buf)

Function to extract the end of the content of a buffer

buf: the buffer
Returns: the end of the internal content or NULL in case of error

xmlBufGetNodeContent ()

int	xmlBufGetNodeContent		(xmlBufPtr buf, 
const xmlNode * cur)

Read the value of a node @cur, this can be either the text carried directly by this node if it's a TEXT node or the aggregate string of the values carried by this node child's (TEXT and ENTITY_REF). Entity references are substituted. Fills up the buffer @buf with this value

buf: a buffer xmlBufPtr
cur: the node being read
Returns: 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

xmlBufNodeDump ()

size_t	xmlBufNodeDump			(xmlBufPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
int level,
int format)

Dump an XML node, recursive behaviour,children are printed too. Note that @format = 1 provide node indenting only if xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1 or xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0) was called

buf: the XML buffer output
doc: the document
cur: the current node
level: the imbrication level for indenting
format: is formatting allowed
Returns: the number of bytes written to the buffer, in case of error 0 is returned or @buf stores the error

xmlBufShrink ()

size_t	xmlBufShrink			(xmlBufPtr buf, 
size_t len)

Remove the beginning of an XML buffer. NOTE that this routine behaviour differs from xmlBufferShrink() as it will return 0 on error instead of -1 due to size_t being used as the return type.

buf: the buffer to dump
len: the number of xmlChar to remove
Returns: the number of byte removed or 0 in case of failure

xmlBufUse ()

size_t	xmlBufUse			(const xmlBufPtr buf)

Function to get the length of a buffer

buf: the buffer
Returns: the length of data in the internal content

xmlBufferAdd ()

int	xmlBufferAdd			(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
const xmlChar * str,
int len)

Add a string range to an XML buffer. if len == -1, the length of str is recomputed.

buf: the buffer to dump
str: the #xmlChar string
len: the number of #xmlChar to add
Returns: 0 successful, a positive error code number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.

xmlBufferAddHead ()

int	xmlBufferAddHead		(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
const xmlChar * str,
int len)

Add a string range to the beginning of an XML buffer. if len == -1, the length of @str is recomputed.

buf: the buffer
str: the #xmlChar string
len: the number of #xmlChar to add
Returns: 0 successful, a positive error code number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.

xmlBufferCCat ()

int	xmlBufferCCat			(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
const char * str)

Append a zero terminated C string to an XML buffer.

buf: the buffer to dump
str: the C char string
Returns: 0 successful, a positive error code number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.

xmlBufferCat ()

int	xmlBufferCat			(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
const xmlChar * str)

Append a zero terminated string to an XML buffer.

buf: the buffer to add to
str: the #xmlChar string
Returns: 0 successful, a positive error code number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.

xmlBufferContent ()

const xmlChar *	xmlBufferContent	(const xmlBuffer * buf)

Function to extract the content of a buffer

buf: the buffer
Returns: the internal content

xmlBufferCreate ()

xmlBufferPtr	xmlBufferCreate		(void)

routine to create an XML buffer.

Returns: the new structure.

xmlBufferCreateSize ()

xmlBufferPtr	xmlBufferCreateSize	(size_t size)

routine to create an XML buffer.

size: initial size of buffer
Returns: the new structure.

xmlBufferCreateStatic ()

xmlBufferPtr	xmlBufferCreateStatic	(void * mem, 
size_t size)

mem: the memory area
size: the size in byte
Returns: an XML buffer initialized with bytes.

xmlBufferDetach ()

xmlChar *	xmlBufferDetach		(xmlBufferPtr buf)

Remove the string contained in a buffer and gie it back to the caller. The buffer is reset to an empty content. This doesn't work with immutable buffers as they can't be reset.

buf: the buffer
Returns: the previous string contained by the buffer.

xmlBufferDump ()

int	xmlBufferDump			(FILE * file, 
xmlBufferPtr buf)

Dumps an XML buffer to a FILE *.

file: the file output
buf: the buffer to dump
Returns: the number of #xmlChar written

xmlBufferEmpty ()

void	xmlBufferEmpty			(xmlBufferPtr buf)

empty a buffer.

buf: the buffer

xmlBufferFree ()

void	xmlBufferFree			(xmlBufferPtr buf)

Frees an XML buffer. It frees both the content and the structure which encapsulate it.

buf: the buffer to free

xmlBufferGrow ()

int	xmlBufferGrow			(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
unsigned int len)

Grow the available space of an XML buffer.

buf: the buffer
len: the minimum free size to allocate
Returns: the new available space or -1 in case of error

xmlBufferLength ()

int	xmlBufferLength			(const xmlBuffer * buf)

Function to get the length of a buffer

buf: the buffer
Returns: the length of data in the internal content

xmlBufferResize ()

int	xmlBufferResize			(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
unsigned int size)

Resize a buffer to accommodate minimum size of @size.

buf: the buffer to resize
size: the desired size
Returns: 0 in case of problems, 1 otherwise

xmlBufferSetAllocationScheme ()

void	xmlBufferSetAllocationScheme	(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
xmlBufferAllocationScheme scheme)

Sets the allocation scheme for this buffer

buf: the buffer to tune
scheme: allocation scheme to use

xmlBufferShrink ()

int	xmlBufferShrink			(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
unsigned int len)

Remove the beginning of an XML buffer.

buf: the buffer to dump
len: the number of xmlChar to remove
Returns: the number of #xmlChar removed, or -1 in case of failure.

xmlBufferWriteCHAR ()

void	xmlBufferWriteCHAR		(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
const xmlChar * string)

routine which manages and grows an output buffer. This one adds xmlChars at the end of the buffer.

buf: the XML buffer
string: the string to add

xmlBufferWriteChar ()

void	xmlBufferWriteChar		(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
const char * string)

routine which manage and grows an output buffer. This one add C chars at the end of the array.

buf: the XML buffer output
string: the string to add

xmlBufferWriteQuotedString ()

void	xmlBufferWriteQuotedString	(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
const xmlChar * string)

routine which manage and grows an output buffer. This one writes a quoted or double quoted #xmlChar string, checking first if it holds quote or double-quotes internally

buf: the XML buffer output
string: the string to add

xmlBuildQName ()

xmlChar *	xmlBuildQName		(const xmlChar * ncname, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
xmlChar * memory,
int len)

Builds the QName @prefix:@ncname in @memory if there is enough space and prefix is not NULL nor empty, otherwise allocate a new string. If prefix is NULL or empty it returns ncname.

ncname: the Name
prefix: the prefix
memory: preallocated memory
len: preallocated memory length
Returns: the new string which must be freed by the caller if different from @memory and @ncname or NULL in case of error

xmlChildElementCount ()

unsigned long	xmlChildElementCount	(xmlNodePtr parent)

Finds the current number of child nodes of that element which are element nodes. Note the handling of entities references is different than in the W3C DOM element traversal spec since we don't have back reference from entities content to entities references.

parent: the parent node
Returns: the count of element child or 0 if not available

xmlCopyDoc ()

xmlDocPtr	xmlCopyDoc		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
int recursive)

Do a copy of the document info. If recursive, the content tree will be copied too as well as DTD, namespaces and entities.

doc: the document
recursive: if not zero do a recursive copy.
Returns: a new #xmlDocPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyDtd ()

xmlDtdPtr	xmlCopyDtd		(xmlDtdPtr dtd)

Do a copy of the dtd.

dtd: the dtd
Returns: a new #xmlDtdPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyNamespace ()

xmlNsPtr	xmlCopyNamespace	(xmlNsPtr cur)

Do a copy of the namespace.

cur: the namespace
Returns: a new #xmlNsPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyNamespaceList ()

xmlNsPtr	xmlCopyNamespaceList	(xmlNsPtr cur)

Do a copy of an namespace list.

cur: the first namespace
Returns: a new #xmlNsPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyNode ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlCopyNode		(xmlNodePtr node, 
int extended)

Do a copy of the node.

node: the node
extended: if 1 do a recursive copy (properties, namespaces and children when applicable) if 2 copy properties and namespaces (when applicable)
Returns: a new #xmlNodePtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyNodeList ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlCopyNodeList		(xmlNodePtr node)

Do a recursive copy of the node list. Use xmlDocCopyNodeList() if possible to ensure string interning.

node: the first node in the list.
Returns: a new #xmlNodePtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyProp ()

xmlAttrPtr	xmlCopyProp		(xmlNodePtr target, 
xmlAttrPtr cur)

Do a copy of the attribute.

target: the element where the attribute will be grafted
cur: the attribute
Returns: a new #xmlAttrPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyPropList ()

xmlAttrPtr	xmlCopyPropList		(xmlNodePtr target, 
xmlAttrPtr cur)

Do a copy of an attribute list.

target: the element where the attributes will be grafted
cur: the first attribute
Returns: a new #xmlAttrPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCreateIntSubset ()

xmlDtdPtr	xmlCreateIntSubset	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ExternalID,
const xmlChar * SystemID)

Create the internal subset of a document

doc: the document pointer
name: the DTD name
ExternalID: the external (PUBLIC) ID
SystemID: the system ID
Returns: a pointer to the new DTD structure

xmlDOMWrapAdoptNode ()

int	xmlDOMWrapAdoptNode		(xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt, 
xmlDocPtr sourceDoc,
xmlNodePtr node,
xmlDocPtr destDoc,
xmlNodePtr destParent,
int options)

References of out-of scope ns-decls are remapped to point to @destDoc: 1) If @destParent is given, then nsDef entries on element-nodes are used 2) If *no* @destParent is given, then @destDoc->oldNs entries are used This is the case when you have an unlinked node and just want to move it to the context of If @destParent is given, it ensures that the tree is namespace wellformed by creating additional ns-decls where needed. Note that, since prefixes of already existent ns-decls can be shadowed by this process, it could break QNames in attribute values or element content. NOTE: This function was not intensively tested.

ctxt: the optional context for custom processing
sourceDoc: the optional sourceDoc
node: the node to start with
destDoc: the destination doc
destParent: the optional new parent of @node in @destDoc
options: option flags
Returns: 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 if a node of unsupported type was given, 2 if a node of not yet supported type was given and -1 on API/internal errors.

xmlDOMWrapCloneNode ()

int	xmlDOMWrapCloneNode		(xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt, 
xmlDocPtr sourceDoc,
xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNodePtr * resNode,
xmlDocPtr destDoc,
xmlNodePtr destParent,
int deep,
int options)

References of out-of scope ns-decls are remapped to point to @destDoc: 1) If @destParent is given, then nsDef entries on element-nodes are used 2) If *no* @destParent is given, then @destDoc->oldNs entries are used. This is the case when you don't know already where the cloned branch will be added to. If @destParent is given, it ensures that the tree is namespace wellformed by creating additional ns-decls where needed. Note that, since prefixes of already existent ns-decls can be shadowed by this process, it could break QNames in attribute values or element content. TODO: 1) What to do with XInclude? Currently this returns an error for XInclude.

ctxt: the optional context for custom processing
sourceDoc: the optional sourceDoc
node: the node to start with
resNode: the clone of the given @node
destDoc: the destination doc
destParent: the optional new parent of @node in @destDoc
deep: descend into child if set
options: option flags
Returns: 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 if a node of unsupported (or not yet supported) type was given, -1 on API/internal errors.

xmlDOMWrapFreeCtxt ()

void	xmlDOMWrapFreeCtxt		(xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt)

Frees the DOM-wrapper context.

ctxt: the DOM-wrapper context

xmlDOMWrapNewCtxt ()

xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr	xmlDOMWrapNewCtxt	(void)

Allocates and initializes a new DOM-wrapper context.

Returns: the xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr or NULL in case of an internal error.

xmlDOMWrapReconcileNamespaces ()

int	xmlDOMWrapReconcileNamespaces	(xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr elem,
int options)

Ensures that ns-references point to ns-decls hold on element-nodes. Ensures that the tree is namespace wellformed by creating additional ns-decls where needed. Note that, since prefixes of already existent ns-decls can be shadowed by this process, it could break QNames in attribute values or element content. NOTE: This function was not intensively tested.

ctxt: DOM wrapper context, unused at the moment
elem: the element-node
options: option flags
Returns: 0 if succeeded, -1 otherwise and on API/internal errors.

xmlDOMWrapRemoveNode ()

int	xmlDOMWrapRemoveNode		(xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr ctxt, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr node,
int options)

Unlinks the given node from its owner. This will substitute ns-references to node->nsDef for ns-references to doc->oldNs, thus ensuring the removed branch to be autark wrt ns-references. NOTE: This function was not intensively tested.

ctxt: a DOM wrapper context
doc: the doc
node: the node to be removed.
options: set of options, unused at the moment
Returns: 0 on success, 1 if the node is not supported, -1 on API and internal errors.

xmlDeregisterNodeDefault ()

xmlDeregisterNodeFunc	xmlDeregisterNodeDefault	(xmlDeregisterNodeFunc func)

Registers a callback for node destruction

func: function pointer to the new DeregisterNodeFunc
Returns: the previous value of the deregistration function

xmlDocCopyNode ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlDocCopyNode		(xmlNodePtr node, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
int extended)

Do a copy of the node to a given document.

node: the node
doc: the document
extended: if 1 do a recursive copy (properties, namespaces and children when applicable) if 2 copy properties and namespaces (when applicable)
Returns: a new #xmlNodePtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlDocCopyNodeList ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlDocCopyNodeList	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodePtr node)

Do a recursive copy of the node list.

doc: the target document
node: the first node in the list.
Returns: a new #xmlNodePtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlDocDump ()

int	xmlDocDump			(FILE * f, 
xmlDocPtr cur)

Dump an XML document to an open FILE.

f: the FILE*
cur: the document
Returns: the number of bytes written or -1 in case of failure.

xmlDocDumpFormatMemory ()

void	xmlDocDumpFormatMemory		(xmlDocPtr cur, 
xmlChar ** mem,
int * size,
int format)

Dump an XML document in memory and return the #xmlChar * and it's size. It's up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree(). Note that @format = 1 provide node indenting only if xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1 or xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0) was called

cur: the document
mem: OUT: the memory pointer
size: OUT: the memory length
format: should formatting spaces been added

xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc ()

void	xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc	(xmlDocPtr out_doc, 
xmlChar ** doc_txt_ptr,
int * doc_txt_len,
const char * txt_encoding,
int format)

Dump the current DOM tree into memory using the character encoding specified by the caller. Note it is up to the caller of this function to free the allocated memory with xmlFree(). Note that @format = 1 provide node indenting only if xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1 or xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0) was called

out_doc: Document to generate XML text from
doc_txt_ptr: Memory pointer for allocated XML text
doc_txt_len: Length of the generated XML text
txt_encoding: Character encoding to use when generating XML text
format: should formatting spaces been added

xmlDocDumpMemory ()

void	xmlDocDumpMemory		(xmlDocPtr cur, 
xmlChar ** mem,
int * size)

Dump an XML document in memory and return the #xmlChar * and it's size in bytes. It's up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree(). The resulting byte array is zero terminated, though the last 0 is not included in the returned size.

cur: the document
mem: OUT: the memory pointer
size: OUT: the memory length

xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc ()

void	xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc		(xmlDocPtr out_doc, 
xmlChar ** doc_txt_ptr,
int * doc_txt_len,
const char * txt_encoding)

Dump the current DOM tree into memory using the character encoding specified by the caller. Note it is up to the caller of this function to free the allocated memory with xmlFree().

out_doc: Document to generate XML text from
doc_txt_ptr: Memory pointer for allocated XML text
doc_txt_len: Length of the generated XML text
txt_encoding: Character encoding to use when generating XML text

xmlDocFormatDump ()

int	xmlDocFormatDump		(FILE * f, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
int format)

Dump an XML document to an open FILE.

f: the FILE*
cur: the document
format: should formatting spaces been added
Returns: the number of bytes written or -1 in case of failure. Note that @format = 1 provide node indenting only if xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1 or xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0) was called

xmlDocGetRootElement ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlDocGetRootElement	(const xmlDoc * doc)

Get the root element of the document (doc->children is a list containing possibly comments, PIs, etc ...).

doc: the document
Returns: the #xmlNodePtr for the root or NULL

xmlDocSetRootElement ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlDocSetRootElement	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodePtr root)

Set the root element of the document (doc->children is a list containing possibly comments, PIs, etc ...).

doc: the document
root: the new document root element, if root is NULL no action is taken, to remove a node from a document use xmlUnlinkNode(root) instead.
Returns: the old root element if any was found, NULL if root was NULL

xmlElemDump ()

void	xmlElemDump			(FILE * f, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur)

Dump an XML/HTML node, recursive behaviour, children are printed too.

f: the FILE * for the output
doc: the document
cur: the current node

xmlFirstElementChild ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlFirstElementChild	(xmlNodePtr parent)

Finds the first child node of that element which is a Element node Note the handling of entities references is different than in the W3C DOM element traversal spec since we don't have back reference from entities content to entities references.

parent: the parent node
Returns: the first element child or NULL if not available

xmlFreeDoc ()

void	xmlFreeDoc			(xmlDocPtr cur)

Free up all the structures used by a document, tree included.

cur: pointer to the document

xmlFreeDtd ()

void	xmlFreeDtd			(xmlDtdPtr cur)

Free a DTD structure.

cur: the DTD structure to free up

xmlFreeNode ()

void	xmlFreeNode			(xmlNodePtr cur)

Free a node, this is a recursive behaviour, all the children are freed too. This doesn't unlink the child from the list, use xmlUnlinkNode() first.

cur: the node

xmlFreeNodeList ()

void	xmlFreeNodeList			(xmlNodePtr cur)

Free a node and all its siblings, this is a recursive behaviour, all the children are freed too.

cur: the first node in the list

xmlFreeNs ()

void	xmlFreeNs			(xmlNsPtr cur)

Free up the structures associated to a namespace

cur: the namespace pointer

xmlFreeNsList ()

void	xmlFreeNsList			(xmlNsPtr cur)

Free up all the structures associated to the chained namespaces.

cur: the first namespace pointer

xmlFreeProp ()

void	xmlFreeProp			(xmlAttrPtr cur)

Free one attribute, all the content is freed too

cur: an attribute

xmlFreePropList ()

void	xmlFreePropList			(xmlAttrPtr cur)

Free a property and all its siblings, all the children are freed too.

cur: the first property in the list

xmlGetBufferAllocationScheme ()

xmlBufferAllocationScheme	xmlGetBufferAllocationScheme	(void)

Types are XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_EXACT - use exact sizes, keeps memory usage down XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_DOUBLEIT - double buffer when extra needed, improves performance XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_HYBRID - use exact sizes on small strings to keep memory usage tight in normal usage, and doubleit on large strings to avoid pathological performance.

Returns: the current allocation scheme

xmlGetCompressMode ()

int	xmlGetCompressMode		(void)

get the default compression mode used, ZLIB based.

Returns: 0 (uncompressed) to 9 (max compression)

xmlGetDocCompressMode ()

int	xmlGetDocCompressMode		(const xmlDoc * doc)

get the compression ratio for a document, ZLIB based

doc: the document
Returns: 0 (uncompressed) to 9 (max compression)

xmlGetIntSubset ()

xmlDtdPtr	xmlGetIntSubset		(const xmlDoc * doc)

Get the internal subset of a document

doc: the document pointer
Returns: a pointer to the DTD structure or NULL if not found

xmlGetLastChild ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlGetLastChild		(const xmlNode * parent)

Search the last child of a node.

parent: the parent node
Returns: the last child or NULL if none.

xmlGetLineNo ()

long	xmlGetLineNo			(const xmlNode * node)

Get line number of @node. Try to override the limitation of lines being store in 16 bits ints if XML_PARSE_BIG_LINES parser option was used

node: valid node
Returns: the line number if successful, -1 otherwise

xmlGetNoNsProp ()

xmlChar *	xmlGetNoNsProp		(const xmlNode * node, 
const xmlChar * name)

Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for #FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off. This function is similar to xmlGetProp except it will accept only an attribute in no namespace.

node: the node
name: the attribute name
Returns: the attribute value or NULL if not found. It's up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree().

xmlGetNodePath ()

xmlChar *	xmlGetNodePath		(const xmlNode * node)

Build a structure based Path for the given node

node: a node
Returns: the new path or NULL in case of error. The caller must free the returned string

xmlGetNsList ()

xmlNsPtr *	xmlGetNsList		(const xmlDoc * doc, 
const xmlNode * node)

Search all the namespace applying to a given element.

doc: the document
node: the current node
Returns: an NULL terminated array of all the #xmlNsPtr found that need to be freed by the caller or NULL if no namespace if defined

xmlGetNsProp ()

xmlChar *	xmlGetNsProp		(const xmlNode * node, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * nameSpace)

Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This attribute has to be anchored in the namespace specified. This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for #FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off.

node: the node
name: the attribute name
nameSpace: the URI of the namespace
Returns: the attribute value or NULL if not found. It's up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree().

xmlGetProp ()

xmlChar *	xmlGetProp		(const xmlNode * node, 
const xmlChar * name)

Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for #FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off. NOTE: this function acts independently of namespaces associated to the attribute. Use xmlGetNsProp() or xmlGetNoNsProp() for namespace aware processing.

node: the node
name: the attribute name
Returns: the attribute value or NULL if not found. It's up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree().

xmlHasNsProp ()

xmlAttrPtr	xmlHasNsProp		(const xmlNode * node, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * nameSpace)

Search for an attribute associated to a node This attribute has to be anchored in the namespace specified. This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for #FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off. Note that a namespace of NULL indicates to use the default namespace.

node: the node
name: the attribute name
nameSpace: the URI of the namespace
Returns: the attribute or the attribute declaration or NULL if neither was found.

xmlHasProp ()

xmlAttrPtr	xmlHasProp		(const xmlNode * node, 
const xmlChar * name)

Search an attribute associated to a node This function also looks in DTD attribute declaration for #FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off.

node: the node
name: the attribute name
Returns: the attribute or the attribute declaration or NULL if neither was found.

xmlIsBlankNode ()

int	xmlIsBlankNode			(const xmlNode * node)

Checks whether this node is an empty or whitespace only (and possibly ignorable) text-node.

node: the node
Returns: 1 yes, 0 no

xmlIsXHTML ()

int	xmlIsXHTML			(const xmlChar * systemID, 
const xmlChar * publicID)

Try to find if the document correspond to an XHTML DTD

systemID: the system identifier
publicID: the public identifier
Returns: 1 if true, 0 if not and -1 in case of error

xmlLastElementChild ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlLastElementChild	(xmlNodePtr parent)

Finds the last child node of that element which is a Element node Note the handling of entities references is different than in the W3C DOM element traversal spec since we don't have back reference from entities content to entities references.

parent: the parent node
Returns: the last element child or NULL if not available

xmlNewCDataBlock ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewCDataBlock	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * content,
int len)

Creation of a new node containing a CDATA block.

doc: the document
content: the CDATA block content content
len: the length of the block
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewCharRef ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewCharRef		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * name)

Creation of a new character reference node.

doc: the document
name: the char ref string, starting with # or "&# ... ;"
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewChild ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewChild		(xmlNodePtr parent, 
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)

Creation of a new child element, added at the end of @parent children list. @ns and @content parameters are optional (NULL). If @ns is NULL, the newly created element inherits the namespace of @parent. If @content is non NULL, a child list containing the TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs node will be created. NOTE: @content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allows entity references. XML special chars must be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(), or xmlNewTextChild() should be used.

parent: the parent node
ns: a namespace if any
name: the name of the child
content: the XML content of the child if any.
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewComment ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewComment		(const xmlChar * content)

Use of this function is DISCOURAGED in favor of xmlNewDocComment. Creation of a new node containing a comment.

content: the comment content
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDoc ()

xmlDocPtr	xmlNewDoc		(const xmlChar * version)

Creates a new XML document

version: xmlChar string giving the version of XML "1.0"
Returns: a new document

xmlNewDocComment ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewDocComment	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * content)

Creation of a new node containing a comment within a document.

doc: the document
content: the comment content
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocFragment ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewDocFragment	(xmlDocPtr doc)

Creation of a new Fragment node.

doc: the document owning the fragment
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocNode ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewDocNode		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)

Creation of a new node element within a document. @ns and @content are optional (NULL). NOTE: @content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allow entities references, but XML special chars need to be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(). Use xmlNewDocRawNode() if you don't need entities support.

doc: the document
ns: namespace if any
name: the node name
content: the XML text content if any
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocNodeEatName ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewDocNodeEatName	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNsPtr ns,
xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)

Creation of a new node element within a document. @ns and @content are optional (NULL). NOTE: @content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allow entities references, but XML special chars need to be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(). Use xmlNewDocRawNode() if you don't need entities support.

doc: the document
ns: namespace if any
name: the node name
content: the XML text content if any
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocPI ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewDocPI		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)

Creation of a processing instruction element.

doc: the target document
name: the processing instruction name
content: the PI content
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocProp ()

xmlAttrPtr	xmlNewDocProp		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value)

Create a new property carried by a document. NOTE: @value is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allows entity references, but XML special chars need to be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(). Use xmlNewProp() if you don't need entities support.

doc: the document
name: the name of the attribute
value: the value of the attribute
Returns: a pointer to the attribute

xmlNewDocRawNode ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewDocRawNode	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)

Creation of a new node element within a document. @ns and @content are optional (NULL).

doc: the document
ns: namespace if any
name: the node name
content: the text content if any
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocText ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewDocText		(const xmlDoc * doc, 
const xmlChar * content)

Creation of a new text node within a document.

doc: the document
content: the text content
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocTextLen ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewDocTextLen	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * content,
int len)

Creation of a new text node with an extra content length parameter. The text node pertain to a given document.

doc: the document
content: the text content
len: the text len.
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDtd ()

xmlDtdPtr	xmlNewDtd		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ExternalID,
const xmlChar * SystemID)

Creation of a new DTD for the external subset. To create an internal subset, use xmlCreateIntSubset().

doc: the document pointer
name: the DTD name
ExternalID: the external ID
SystemID: the system ID
Returns: a pointer to the new DTD structure

xmlNewGlobalNs ()

xmlNsPtr	xmlNewGlobalNs		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * href,
const xmlChar * prefix)

Creation of a Namespace, the old way using PI and without scoping DEPRECATED !!!

doc: the document carrying the namespace
href: the URI associated
prefix: the prefix for the namespace
Returns: NULL this functionality had been removed

xmlNewNode ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewNode		(xmlNsPtr ns, 
const xmlChar * name)

Creation of a new node element. @ns is optional (NULL). Use of this function is DISCOURAGED in favor of xmlNewDocNode.

ns: namespace if any
name: the node name
Returns: a pointer to the new node object. Uses xmlStrdup() to make copy of @name.

xmlNewNodeEatName ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewNodeEatName	(xmlNsPtr ns, 
xmlChar * name)

Creation of a new node element. @ns is optional (NULL). Use of this function is DISCOURAGED in favor of xmlNewDocNodeEatName.

ns: namespace if any
name: the node name
Returns: a pointer to the new node object, with pointer @name as new node's name. Use xmlNewNode() if a copy of @name string is is needed as new node's name.

xmlNewNs ()

xmlNsPtr	xmlNewNs		(xmlNodePtr node, 
const xmlChar * href,
const xmlChar * prefix)

Creation of a new Namespace. This function will refuse to create a namespace with a similar prefix than an existing one present on this node. Note that for a default namespace, @prefix should be NULL. We use href==NULL in the case of an element creation where the namespace was not defined.

node: the element carrying the namespace
href: the URI associated
prefix: the prefix for the namespace
Returns: a new namespace pointer or NULL

xmlNewNsProp ()

xmlAttrPtr	xmlNewNsProp		(xmlNodePtr node, 
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value)

Create a new property tagged with a namespace and carried by a node.

node: the holding node
ns: the namespace
name: the name of the attribute
value: the value of the attribute
Returns: a pointer to the attribute

xmlNewNsPropEatName ()

xmlAttrPtr	xmlNewNsPropEatName	(xmlNodePtr node, 
xmlNsPtr ns,
xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value)

Create a new property tagged with a namespace and carried by a node.

node: the holding node
ns: the namespace
name: the name of the attribute
value: the value of the attribute
Returns: a pointer to the attribute

xmlNewPI ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewPI		(const xmlChar * name, 
const xmlChar * content)

Creation of a processing instruction element. Use of this function is DISCOURAGED in favor of xmlNewDocPI.

name: the processing instruction name
content: the PI content
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewProp ()

xmlAttrPtr	xmlNewProp		(xmlNodePtr node, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value)

Create a new property carried by a node.

node: the holding node
name: the name of the attribute
value: the value of the attribute
Returns: a pointer to the attribute

xmlNewReference ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewReference		(const xmlDoc * doc, 
const xmlChar * name)

Creation of a new reference node.

doc: the document
name: the reference name, or the reference string with & and ;
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewText ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewText		(const xmlChar * content)

Creation of a new text node. Use of this function is DISCOURAGED in favor of xmlNewDocText.

content: the text content
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewTextChild ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewTextChild		(xmlNodePtr parent, 
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)

Creation of a new child element, added at the end of @parent children list. @ns and @content parameters are optional (NULL). If @ns is NULL, the newly created element inherits the namespace of @parent. If @content is non NULL, a child TEXT node will be created containing the string @content. NOTE: Use xmlNewChild() if @content will contain entities that need to be preserved. Use this function, xmlNewTextChild(), if you need to ensure that reserved XML chars that might appear in @content, such as the ampersand, greater-than or less-than signs, are automatically replaced by their XML escaped entity representations.

parent: the parent node
ns: a namespace if any
name: the name of the child
content: the text content of the child if any.
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewTextLen ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNewTextLen		(const xmlChar * content, 
int len)

Use of this function is DISCOURAGED in favor of xmlNewDocTextLen. Creation of a new text node with an extra parameter for the content's length

content: the text content
len: the text len.
Returns: a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNextElementSibling ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlNextElementSibling	(xmlNodePtr node)

Finds the first closest next sibling of the node which is an element node. Note the handling of entities references is different than in the W3C DOM element traversal spec since we don't have back reference from entities content to entities references.

node: the current node
Returns: the next element sibling or NULL if not available

xmlNodeAddContent ()

void	xmlNodeAddContent		(xmlNodePtr cur, 
const xmlChar * content)

Append the extra substring to the node content. NOTE: In contrast to xmlNodeSetContent(), @content is supposed to be raw text, so unescaped XML special chars are allowed, entity references are not supported.

cur: the node being modified
content: extra content

xmlNodeAddContentLen ()

void	xmlNodeAddContentLen		(xmlNodePtr cur, 
const xmlChar * content,
int len)

Append the extra substring to the node content. NOTE: In contrast to xmlNodeSetContentLen(), @content is supposed to be raw text, so unescaped XML special chars are allowed, entity references are not supported.

cur: the node being modified
content: extra content
len: the size of @content

xmlNodeBufGetContent ()

int	xmlNodeBufGetContent		(xmlBufferPtr buffer, 
const xmlNode * cur)

Read the value of a node @cur, this can be either the text carried directly by this node if it's a TEXT node or the aggregate string of the values carried by this node child's (TEXT and ENTITY_REF). Entity references are substituted. Fills up the buffer @buffer with this value

buffer: a buffer
cur: the node being read
Returns: 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

xmlNodeDump ()

int	xmlNodeDump			(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
int level,
int format)

Dump an XML node, recursive behaviour,children are printed too. Note that @format = 1 provide node indenting only if xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1 or xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0) was called. Since this is using xmlBuffer structures it is limited to 2GB and somehow deprecated, use xmlNodeDumpOutput() instead.

buf: the XML buffer output
doc: the document
cur: the current node
level: the imbrication level for indenting
format: is formatting allowed
Returns: the number of bytes written to the buffer or -1 in case of error

xmlNodeDumpOutput ()

void	xmlNodeDumpOutput		(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
int level,
int format,
const char * encoding)

Dump an XML node, recursive behaviour, children are printed too. Note that @format = 1 provide node indenting only if xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1 or xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0) was called

buf: the XML buffer output
doc: the document
cur: the current node
level: the imbrication level for indenting
format: is formatting allowed
encoding: an optional encoding string

xmlNodeGetBase ()

xmlChar *	xmlNodeGetBase		(const xmlDoc * doc, 
const xmlNode * cur)

Searches for the BASE URL. The code should work on both XML and HTML document even if base mechanisms are completely different. It returns the base as defined in RFC 2396 sections 5.1.1. Base URI within Document Content and 5.1.2. Base URI from the Encapsulating Entity However it does not return the document base (5.1.3), use doc->URL in this case

doc: the document the node pertains to
cur: the node being checked
Returns: a pointer to the base URL, or NULL if not found It's up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree().

xmlNodeGetContent ()

xmlChar *	xmlNodeGetContent	(const xmlNode * cur)

Read the value of a node, this can be either the text carried directly by this node if it's a TEXT node or the aggregate string of the values carried by this node child's (TEXT and ENTITY_REF). Entity references are substituted.

cur: the node being read
Returns: a new #xmlChar * or NULL if no content is available. It's up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree().

xmlNodeGetLang ()

xmlChar *	xmlNodeGetLang		(const xmlNode * cur)

Searches the language of a node, i.e. the values of the xml:lang attribute or the one carried by the nearest ancestor.

cur: the node being checked
Returns: a pointer to the lang value, or NULL if not found It's up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree().

xmlNodeGetSpacePreserve ()

int	xmlNodeGetSpacePreserve		(const xmlNode * cur)

Searches the space preserving behaviour of a node, i.e. the values of the xml:space attribute or the one carried by the nearest ancestor.

cur: the node being checked
Returns: -1 if xml:space is not inherited, 0 if "default", 1 if "preserve"

xmlNodeIsText ()

int	xmlNodeIsText			(const xmlNode * node)

Is this node a Text node ?

node: the node
Returns: 1 yes, 0 no

xmlNodeListGetRawString ()

xmlChar *	xmlNodeListGetRawString	(const xmlDoc * doc, 
const xmlNode * list,
int inLine)

Builds the string equivalent to the text contained in the Node list made of TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs, contrary to xmlNodeListGetString() this function doesn't do any character encoding handling.

doc: the document
list: a Node list
inLine: should we replace entity contents or show their external form
Returns: a pointer to the string copy, the caller must free it with xmlFree().

xmlNodeListGetString ()

xmlChar *	xmlNodeListGetString	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlNode * list,
int inLine)

Build the string equivalent to the text contained in the Node list made of TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs

doc: the document
list: a Node list
inLine: should we replace entity contents or show their external form
Returns: a pointer to the string copy, the caller must free it with xmlFree().

xmlNodeSetBase ()

void	xmlNodeSetBase			(xmlNodePtr cur, 
const xmlChar * uri)

Set (or reset) the base URI of a node, i.e. the value of the xml:base attribute.

cur: the node being changed
uri: the new base URI

xmlNodeSetContent ()

void	xmlNodeSetContent		(xmlNodePtr cur, 
const xmlChar * content)

Replace the content of a node. NOTE: @content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allows entity references, but XML special chars need to be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant() resp. xmlEncodeSpecialChars().

cur: the node being modified
content: the new value of the content

xmlNodeSetContentLen ()

void	xmlNodeSetContentLen		(xmlNodePtr cur, 
const xmlChar * content,
int len)

Replace the content of a node. NOTE: @content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allows entity references, but XML special chars need to be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant() resp. xmlEncodeSpecialChars().

cur: the node being modified
content: the new value of the content
len: the size of @content

xmlNodeSetLang ()

void	xmlNodeSetLang			(xmlNodePtr cur, 
const xmlChar * lang)

Set the language of a node, i.e. the values of the xml:lang attribute.

cur: the node being changed
lang: the language description

xmlNodeSetName ()

void	xmlNodeSetName			(xmlNodePtr cur, 
const xmlChar * name)

Set (or reset) the name of a node.

cur: the node being changed
name: the new tag name

xmlNodeSetSpacePreserve ()

void	xmlNodeSetSpacePreserve		(xmlNodePtr cur, 
int val)

Set (or reset) the space preserving behaviour of a node, i.e. the value of the xml:space attribute.

cur: the node being changed
val: the xml:space value ("0": default, 1: "preserve")

xmlPreviousElementSibling ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlPreviousElementSibling	(xmlNodePtr node)

Finds the first closest previous sibling of the node which is an element node. Note the handling of entities references is different than in the W3C DOM element traversal spec since we don't have back reference from entities content to entities references.

node: the current node
Returns: the previous element sibling or NULL if not available

xmlReconciliateNs ()

int	xmlReconciliateNs		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodePtr tree)

This function checks that all the namespaces declared within the given tree are properly declared. This is needed for example after Copy or Cut and then paste operations. The subtree may still hold pointers to namespace declarations outside the subtree or invalid/masked. As much as possible the function try to reuse the existing namespaces found in the new environment. If not possible the new namespaces are redeclared on @tree at the top of the given subtree.

doc: the document
tree: a node defining the subtree to reconciliate
Returns: the number of namespace declarations created or -1 in case of error.

xmlRegisterNodeDefault ()

xmlRegisterNodeFunc	xmlRegisterNodeDefault	(xmlRegisterNodeFunc func)

Registers a callback for node creation

func: function pointer to the new RegisterNodeFunc
Returns: the old value of the registration function

xmlRemoveProp ()

int	xmlRemoveProp			(xmlAttrPtr cur)

Unlink and free one attribute, all the content is freed too Note this doesn't work for namespace definition attributes

cur: an attribute
Returns: 0 if success and -1 in case of error.

xmlReplaceNode ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlReplaceNode		(xmlNodePtr old, 
xmlNodePtr cur)

Unlink the old node from its current context, prune the new one at the same place. If @cur was already inserted in a document it is first unlinked from its existing context. See the note regarding namespaces in xmlAddChild.

old: the old node
cur: the node
Returns: the @old node

xmlSaveFile ()

int	xmlSaveFile			(const char * filename, 
xmlDocPtr cur)

Dump an XML document to a file. Will use compression if compiled in and enabled. If @filename is "-" the stdout file is used.

filename: the filename (or URL)
cur: the document
Returns: the number of bytes written or -1 in case of failure.

xmlSaveFileEnc ()

int	xmlSaveFileEnc			(const char * filename, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding)

Dump an XML document, converting it to the given encoding

filename: the filename (or URL)
cur: the document
encoding: the name of an encoding (or NULL)
Returns: the number of bytes written or -1 in case of failure.

xmlSaveFileTo ()

int	xmlSaveFileTo			(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding)

Dump an XML document to an I/O buffer. Warning ! This call xmlOutputBufferClose() on buf which is not available after this call.

buf: an output I/O buffer
cur: the document
encoding: the encoding if any assuming the I/O layer handles the transcoding
Returns: the number of bytes written or -1 in case of failure.

xmlSaveFormatFile ()

int	xmlSaveFormatFile		(const char * filename, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
int format)

Dump an XML document to a file. Will use compression if compiled in and enabled. If @filename is "-" the stdout file is used. If @format is set then the document will be indented on output. Note that @format = 1 provide node indenting only if xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1 or xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0) was called

filename: the filename (or URL)
cur: the document
format: should formatting spaces been added
Returns: the number of bytes written or -1 in case of failure.

xmlSaveFormatFileEnc ()

int	xmlSaveFormatFileEnc		(const char * filename, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format)

Dump an XML document to a file or an URL.

filename: the filename or URL to output
cur: the document being saved
encoding: the name of the encoding to use or NULL.
format: should formatting spaces be added.
Returns: the number of bytes written or -1 in case of error. Note that @format = 1 provide node indenting only if xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1 or xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0) was called

xmlSaveFormatFileTo ()

int	xmlSaveFormatFileTo		(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format)

Dump an XML document to an I/O buffer. Warning ! This call xmlOutputBufferClose() on buf which is not available after this call.

buf: an output I/O buffer
cur: the document
encoding: the encoding if any assuming the I/O layer handles the transcoding
format: should formatting spaces been added
Returns: the number of bytes written or -1 in case of failure.

xmlSearchNs ()

xmlNsPtr	xmlSearchNs		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * nameSpace)

Search a Ns registered under a given name space for a document. recurse on the parents until it finds the defined namespace or return NULL otherwise. @nameSpace can be NULL, this is a search for the default namespace. We don't allow to cross entities boundaries. If you don't declare the namespace within those you will be in troubles !!! A warning is generated to cover this case.

doc: the document
node: the current node
nameSpace: the namespace prefix
Returns: the namespace pointer or NULL.

xmlSearchNsByHref ()

xmlNsPtr	xmlSearchNsByHref	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodePtr node,
const xmlChar * href)

Search a Ns aliasing a given URI. Recurse on the parents until it finds the defined namespace or return NULL otherwise.

doc: the document
node: the current node
href: the namespace value
Returns: the namespace pointer or NULL.

xmlSetBufferAllocationScheme ()

void	xmlSetBufferAllocationScheme	(xmlBufferAllocationScheme scheme)

Set the buffer allocation method. Types are XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_EXACT - use exact sizes, keeps memory usage down XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_DOUBLEIT - double buffer when extra needed, improves performance

scheme: allocation method to use

xmlSetCompressMode ()

void	xmlSetCompressMode		(int mode)

set the default compression mode used, ZLIB based Correct values: 0 (uncompressed) to 9 (max compression)

mode: the compression ratio

xmlSetDocCompressMode ()

void	xmlSetDocCompressMode		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
int mode)

set the compression ratio for a document, ZLIB based Correct values: 0 (uncompressed) to 9 (max compression)

doc: the document
mode: the compression ratio

xmlSetListDoc ()

void	xmlSetListDoc			(xmlNodePtr list, 
xmlDocPtr doc)

update all nodes in the list to point to the right document

list: the first element
doc: the document

xmlSetNs ()

void	xmlSetNs			(xmlNodePtr node, 
xmlNsPtr ns)

Associate a namespace to a node, a posteriori.

node: a node in the document
ns: a namespace pointer

xmlSetNsProp ()

xmlAttrPtr	xmlSetNsProp		(xmlNodePtr node, 
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value)

Set (or reset) an attribute carried by a node. The ns structure must be in scope, this is not checked

node: the node
ns: the namespace definition
name: the attribute name
value: the attribute value
Returns: the attribute pointer.

xmlSetProp ()

xmlAttrPtr	xmlSetProp		(xmlNodePtr node, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * value)

Set (or reset) an attribute carried by a node. If @name has a prefix, then the corresponding namespace-binding will be used, if in scope; it is an error it there's no such ns-binding for the prefix in scope.

node: the node
name: the attribute name (a QName)
value: the attribute value
Returns: the attribute pointer.

xmlSetTreeDoc ()

void	xmlSetTreeDoc			(xmlNodePtr tree, 
xmlDocPtr doc)

update all nodes under the tree to point to the right document

tree: the top element
doc: the document

xmlSplitQName2 ()

xmlChar *	xmlSplitQName2		(const xmlChar * name, 
xmlChar ** prefix)

parse an XML qualified name string [NS 5] QName ::= (Prefix ':')? LocalPart [NS 6] Prefix ::= NCName [NS 7] LocalPart ::= NCName

name: the full QName
prefix: a xmlChar **
Returns: NULL if the name doesn't have a prefix. Otherwise, returns the local part, and prefix is updated to get the Prefix. Both the return value and the prefix must be freed by the caller.

xmlSplitQName3 ()

const xmlChar *	xmlSplitQName3		(const xmlChar * name, 
int * len)

parse an XML qualified name string,i

name: the full QName
len: an int *
Returns: NULL if it is not a Qualified Name, otherwise, update len with the length in byte of the prefix and return a pointer to the start of the name without the prefix

xmlStringGetNodeList ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlStringGetNodeList	(const xmlDoc * doc, 
const xmlChar * value)

Parse the value string and build the node list associated. Should produce a flat tree with only TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs.

doc: the document
value: the value of the attribute
Returns: a pointer to the first child

xmlStringLenGetNodeList ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlStringLenGetNodeList	(const xmlDoc * doc, 
const xmlChar * value,
int len)

Parse the value string and build the node list associated. Should produce a flat tree with only TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs.

doc: the document
value: the value of the text
len: the length of the string value
Returns: a pointer to the first child

xmlTextConcat ()

int	xmlTextConcat			(xmlNodePtr node, 
const xmlChar * content,
int len)

Concat the given string at the end of the existing node content

node: the node
content: the content
len: @content length
Returns: -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise

xmlTextMerge ()

xmlNodePtr	xmlTextMerge		(xmlNodePtr first, 
xmlNodePtr second)

Merge two text nodes into one

first: the first text node
second: the second text node being merged
Returns: the first text node augmented

xmlThrDefBufferAllocScheme ()

xmlBufferAllocationScheme	xmlThrDefBufferAllocScheme	(xmlBufferAllocationScheme v)


xmlThrDefDefaultBufferSize ()

int	xmlThrDefDefaultBufferSize	(int v)


xmlThrDefDeregisterNodeDefault ()

xmlDeregisterNodeFunc	xmlThrDefDeregisterNodeDefault	(xmlDeregisterNodeFunc func)


xmlThrDefRegisterNodeDefault ()

xmlRegisterNodeFunc	xmlThrDefRegisterNodeDefault	(xmlRegisterNodeFunc func)


xmlUnlinkNode ()

void	xmlUnlinkNode			(xmlNodePtr cur)

Unlink a node from it's current context, the node is not freed If one need to free the node, use xmlFreeNode() routine after the unlink to discard it. Note that namespace nodes can't be unlinked as they do not have pointer to their parent.

cur: the node

xmlUnsetNsProp ()

int	xmlUnsetNsProp			(xmlNodePtr node, 
xmlNsPtr ns,
const xmlChar * name)

Remove an attribute carried by a node.

node: the node
ns: the namespace definition
name: the attribute name
Returns: 0 if successful, -1 if not found

xmlUnsetProp ()

int	xmlUnsetProp			(xmlNodePtr node, 
const xmlChar * name)

Remove an attribute carried by a node. This handles only attributes in no namespace.

node: the node
name: the attribute name
Returns: 0 if successful, -1 if not found

xmlValidateNCName ()

int	xmlValidateNCName		(const xmlChar * value, 
int space)

Check that a value conforms to the lexical space of NCName

value: the value to check
space: allow spaces in front and end of the string
Returns: 0 if this validates, a positive error code number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.

xmlValidateNMToken ()

int	xmlValidateNMToken		(const xmlChar * value, 
int space)

Check that a value conforms to the lexical space of NMToken

value: the value to check
space: allow spaces in front and end of the string
Returns: 0 if this validates, a positive error code number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.

xmlValidateName ()

int	xmlValidateName			(const xmlChar * value, 
int space)

Check that a value conforms to the lexical space of Name

value: the value to check
space: allow spaces in front and end of the string
Returns: 0 if this validates, a positive error code number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.

xmlValidateQName ()

int	xmlValidateQName		(const xmlChar * value, 
int space)

Check that a value conforms to the lexical space of QName

value: the value to check
space: allow spaces in front and end of the string
Returns: 0 if this validates, a positive error code number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.