#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # generate python wrappers from the XML API description # functions = {} enums = {} # { enumType: { enumConstant: enumValue } } import os import sys import string if __name__ == "__main__": # launched as a script srcPref = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) else: # imported srcPref = os.path.dirname(__file__) ####################################################################### # # That part if purely the API acquisition phase from the # XML API description # ####################################################################### import os import xml.sax debug = 0 def getparser(): # Attach parser to an unmarshalling object. return both objects. target = docParser() parser = xml.sax.make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(target) return parser, target class docParser(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): self._methodname = None self._data = [] self.in_function = 0 self.startElement = self.start self.endElement = self.end self.characters = self.data def close(self): if debug: print("close") def getmethodname(self): return self._methodname def data(self, text): if debug: print("data %s" % text) self._data.append(text) def start(self, tag, attrs): if debug: print("start %s, %s" % (tag, attrs)) if tag == 'function': self._data = [] self.in_function = 1 self.function = None self.function_cond = None self.function_args = [] self.function_descr = None self.function_return = None self.function_file = None if 'name' in attrs.keys(): self.function = attrs['name'] if 'file' in attrs.keys(): self.function_file = attrs['file'] elif tag == 'cond': self._data = [] elif tag == 'info': self._data = [] elif tag == 'arg': if self.in_function == 1: self.function_arg_name = None self.function_arg_type = None self.function_arg_info = None if 'name' in attrs.keys(): self.function_arg_name = attrs['name'] if 'type' in attrs.keys(): self.function_arg_type = attrs['type'] if 'info' in attrs.keys(): self.function_arg_info = attrs['info'] elif tag == 'return': if self.in_function == 1: self.function_return_type = None self.function_return_info = None self.function_return_field = None if 'type' in attrs.keys(): self.function_return_type = attrs['type'] if 'info' in attrs.keys(): self.function_return_info = attrs['info'] if 'field' in attrs.keys(): self.function_return_field = attrs['field'] elif tag == 'enum': enum(attrs['type'],attrs['name'],attrs['value']) def end(self, tag): if debug: print("end %s" % tag) if tag == 'function': if self.function != None: function(self.function, self.function_descr, self.function_return, self.function_args, self.function_file, self.function_cond) self.in_function = 0 elif tag == 'arg': if self.in_function == 1: self.function_args.append([self.function_arg_name, self.function_arg_type, self.function_arg_info]) elif tag == 'return': if self.in_function == 1: self.function_return = [self.function_return_type, self.function_return_info, self.function_return_field] elif tag == 'info': str = '' for c in self._data: str = str + c if self.in_function == 1: self.function_descr = str elif tag == 'cond': str = '' for c in self._data: str = str + c if self.in_function == 1: self.function_cond = str def function(name, desc, ret, args, file, cond): functions[name] = (desc, ret, args, file, cond) def enum(type, name, value): if type not in enums: enums[type] = {} enums[type][name] = value ####################################################################### # # Some filtering rukes to drop functions/types which should not # be exposed as-is on the Python interface # ####################################################################### skipped_modules = { 'xmlmemory': None, 'SAX': None, 'hash': None, 'list': None, 'threads': None, # 'xpointer': None, } skipped_types = { 'int *': "usually a return type", 'xmlSAXHandlerPtr': "not the proper interface for SAX", 'htmlSAXHandlerPtr': "not the proper interface for SAX", 'xmlRMutexPtr': "thread specific, skipped", 'xmlMutexPtr': "thread specific, skipped", 'xmlGlobalStatePtr': "thread specific, skipped", 'xmlListPtr': "internal representation not suitable for python", 'xmlBufferPtr': "internal representation not suitable for python", 'FILE *': None, } ####################################################################### # # Table of remapping to/from the python type or class to the C # counterpart. # ####################################################################### py_types = { 'void': (None, None, None, None), 'int': ('i', None, "int", "int"), 'long': ('l', None, "long", "long"), 'double': ('d', None, "double", "double"), 'unsigned int': ('i', None, "int", "int"), 'xmlChar': ('c', None, "int", "int"), 'unsigned char *': ('z', None, "charPtr", "char *"), 'char *': ('z', None, "charPtr", "char *"), 'const char *': ('z', None, "charPtrConst", "const char *"), 'xmlChar *': ('z', None, "xmlCharPtr", "xmlChar *"), 'const xmlChar *': ('z', None, "xmlCharPtrConst", "const xmlChar *"), 'xmlNodePtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'const xmlNodePtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'xmlNode *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'const xmlNode *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'xmlDtdPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'const xmlDtdPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'xmlDtd *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'const xmlDtd *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'xmlAttrPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'const xmlAttrPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'xmlAttr *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'const xmlAttr *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'xmlEntityPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'const xmlEntityPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'xmlEntity *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'const xmlEntity *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'xmlElementPtr': ('O', "xmlElement", "xmlElementPtr", "xmlElementPtr"), 'const xmlElementPtr': ('O', "xmlElement", "xmlElementPtr", "xmlElementPtr"), 'xmlElement *': ('O', "xmlElement", "xmlElementPtr", "xmlElementPtr"), 'const xmlElement *': ('O', "xmlElement", "xmlElementPtr", "xmlElementPtr"), 'xmlAttributePtr': ('O', "xmlAttribute", "xmlAttributePtr", "xmlAttributePtr"), 'const xmlAttributePtr': ('O', "xmlAttribute", "xmlAttributePtr", "xmlAttributePtr"), 'xmlAttribute *': ('O', "xmlAttribute", "xmlAttributePtr", "xmlAttributePtr"), 'const xmlAttribute *': ('O', "xmlAttribute", "xmlAttributePtr", "xmlAttributePtr"), 'xmlNsPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNsPtr", "xmlNsPtr"), 'const xmlNsPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNsPtr", "xmlNsPtr"), 'xmlNs *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNsPtr", "xmlNsPtr"), 'const xmlNs *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNsPtr", "xmlNsPtr"), 'xmlDocPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlDocPtr", "xmlDocPtr"), 'const xmlDocPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlDocPtr", "xmlDocPtr"), 'xmlDoc *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlDocPtr", "xmlDocPtr"), 'const xmlDoc *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlDocPtr", "xmlDocPtr"), 'htmlDocPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlDocPtr", "xmlDocPtr"), 'const htmlDocPtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlDocPtr", "xmlDocPtr"), 'htmlDoc *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlDocPtr", "xmlDocPtr"), 'const htmlDoc *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlDocPtr", "xmlDocPtr"), 'htmlNodePtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'const htmlNodePtr': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'htmlNode *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'const htmlNode *': ('O', "xmlNode", "xmlNodePtr", "xmlNodePtr"), 'xmlXPathContextPtr': ('O', "xmlXPathContext", "xmlXPathContextPtr", "xmlXPathContextPtr"), 'xmlXPathContext *': ('O', "xpathContext", "xmlXPathContextPtr", "xmlXPathContextPtr"), 'xmlXPathParserContextPtr': ('O', "xmlXPathParserContext", "xmlXPathParserContextPtr", "xmlXPathParserContextPtr"), 'xmlParserCtxtPtr': ('O', "parserCtxt", "xmlParserCtxtPtr", "xmlParserCtxtPtr"), 'xmlParserCtxt *': ('O', "parserCtxt", "xmlParserCtxtPtr", "xmlParserCtxtPtr"), 'htmlParserCtxtPtr': ('O', "parserCtxt", "xmlParserCtxtPtr", "xmlParserCtxtPtr"), 'htmlParserCtxt *': ('O', "parserCtxt", "xmlParserCtxtPtr", "xmlParserCtxtPtr"), 'xmlValidCtxtPtr': ('O', "ValidCtxt", "xmlValidCtxtPtr", "xmlValidCtxtPtr"), 'xmlCatalogPtr': ('O', "catalog", "xmlCatalogPtr", "xmlCatalogPtr"), 'FILE *': ('O', "File", "FILEPtr", "FILE *"), 'xmlURIPtr': ('O', "URI", "xmlURIPtr", "xmlURIPtr"), 'const xmlError *': ('O', "Error", "xmlErrorPtr", "const xmlError *"), 'xmlErrorPtr': ('O', "Error", "xmlErrorPtr", "xmlErrorPtr"), 'xmlOutputBufferPtr': ('O', "outputBuffer", "xmlOutputBufferPtr", "xmlOutputBufferPtr"), 'xmlParserInputBufferPtr': ('O', "inputBuffer", "xmlParserInputBufferPtr", "xmlParserInputBufferPtr"), 'xmlRegexpPtr': ('O', "xmlReg", "xmlRegexpPtr", "xmlRegexpPtr"), 'xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr': ('O', "xmlTextReaderLocator", "xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr", "xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr"), 'xmlTextReaderPtr': ('O', "xmlTextReader", "xmlTextReaderPtr", "xmlTextReaderPtr"), 'xmlRelaxNGPtr': ('O', "relaxNgSchema", "xmlRelaxNGPtr", "xmlRelaxNGPtr"), 'xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr': ('O', "relaxNgParserCtxt", "xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr", "xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr"), 'xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr': ('O', "relaxNgValidCtxt", "xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr", "xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr"), 'xmlSchemaPtr': ('O', "Schema", "xmlSchemaPtr", "xmlSchemaPtr"), 'xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr': ('O', "SchemaParserCtxt", "xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr", "xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr"), 'xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr': ('O', "SchemaValidCtxt", "xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr", "xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr"), } py_return_types = { 'xmlXPathObjectPtr': ('O', "foo", "xmlXPathObjectPtr", "xmlXPathObjectPtr"), } unknown_types = {} foreign_encoding_args = ( 'htmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt', 'htmlCtxtReadMemory', 'htmlParseChunk', 'htmlReadMemory', 'xmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt', 'xmlCtxtReadMemory', 'xmlCtxtResetPush', 'xmlParseChunk', 'xmlParseMemory', 'xmlReadMemory', 'xmlRecoverMemory', ) ####################################################################### # # This part writes the C <-> Python stubs libxml2-py.[ch] and # the table libxml2-export.c to add when registrering the Python module # ####################################################################### # Class methods which are written by hand in libxml.c but the Python-level # code is still automatically generated (so they are not in skip_function()). skip_impl = ( 'xmlSaveFileTo', 'xmlSaveFormatFileTo', ) deprecated_funcs = { 'htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit': True, 'htmlHandleOmittedElem': True, 'htmlInitAutoClose': True, 'htmlParseCharRef': True, 'htmlParseElement': True, 'namePop': True, 'namePush': True, 'nodePop': True, 'nodePush': True, 'xmlCheckFilename': True, 'xmlCheckLanguageID': True, 'xmlCleanupCharEncodingHandlers': True, 'xmlCleanupGlobals': True, 'xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit': True, 'xmlDecodeEntities': True, 'xmlDictCleanup': True, 'xmlEncodeEntities': True, 'xmlFileMatch': True, 'xmlGetCompressMode': True, 'xmlHandleEntity': True, 'xmlInitCharEncodingHandlers': True, 'xmlInitGlobals': True, 'xmlInitializeDict': True, 'xmlInitializePredefinedEntities': True, 'xmlIOFTPMatch': True, 'xmlIOHTTPMatch': True, 'xmlIsRef': True, 'xmlKeepBlanksDefault': True, 'xmlLineNumbersDefault': True, 'xmlNamespaceParseNCName': True, 'xmlNamespaceParseNSDef': True, 'xmlNanoFTPCleanup': True, 'xmlNanoFTPInit': True, 'xmlNanoFTPProxy': True, 'xmlNanoFTPScanProxy': True, 'xmlNanoHTTPCleanup': True, 'xmlNanoHTTPInit': True, 'xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy': True, 'xmlNewGlobalNs': True, 'xmlNextChar': True, 'xmlNormalizeWindowsPath': True, 'xmlParseAttValue': True, 'xmlParseAttributeListDecl': True, 'xmlParseCDSect': True, 'xmlParseCharData': True, 'xmlParseCharRef': True, 'xmlParseComment': True, 'xmlParseDocTypeDecl': True, 'xmlParseElement': True, 'xmlParseElementDecl': True, 'xmlParseEncName': True, 'xmlParseEncodingDecl': True, 'xmlParseEndTag': True, 'xmlParseEntity': True, 'xmlParseEntityDecl': True, 'xmlParseEntityRef': True, 'xmlParseMarkupDecl': True, 'xmlParseMisc': True, 'xmlParseName': True, 'xmlParseNamespace': True, 'xmlParseNmtoken': True, 'xmlParseNotationDecl': True, 'xmlParsePEReference': True, 'xmlParsePI': True, 'xmlParsePITarget': True, 'xmlParsePubidLiteral': True, 'xmlParseQuotedString': True, 'xmlParseReference': True, 'xmlParseSDDecl': True, 'xmlParseStartTag': True, 'xmlParseSystemLiteral': True, 'xmlParseTextDecl': True, 'xmlParseVersionInfo': True, 'xmlParseVersionNum': True, 'xmlParseXMLDecl': True, 'xmlParserHandlePEReference': True, 'xmlParserHandleReference': True, 'xmlPedanticParserDefault': True, 'xmlRecoverDoc': True, 'xmlRecoverFile': True, 'xmlRecoverMemory': True, 'xmlRegisterHTTPPostCallbacks': True, 'xmlRelaxNGCleanupTypes': True, 'xmlRelaxNGInitTypes': True, 'xmlRemoveRef': True, 'xmlSAXDefaultVersion': True, 'xmlScanName': True, 'xmlSchemaCleanupTypes': True, 'xmlSchemaInitTypes': True, 'xmlSetCompressMode': True, 'xmlSetupParserForBuffer': True, 'xmlSkipBlankChars': True, 'xmlStringDecodeEntities': True, 'xmlStringLenDecodeEntities': True, 'xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault': True, 'xmlThrDefDefaultBufferSize': True, 'xmlThrDefDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue': True, 'xmlThrDefGetWarningsDefaultValue': True, 'xmlThrDefIndentTreeOutput': True, 'xmlThrDefKeepBlanksDefaultValue': True, 'xmlThrDefLineNumbersDefaultValue': True, 'xmlThrDefLoadExtDtdDefaultValue': True, 'xmlThrDefParserDebugEntities': True, 'xmlThrDefPedanticParserDefaultValue': True, 'xmlThrDefSaveNoEmptyTags': True, 'xmlThrDefSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue': True, 'xmlThrDefTreeIndentString': True, 'xmlValidCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue': True, 'xmlValidNormalizeAttributeValue': True, 'xmlValidateAttributeValue': True, 'xmlValidateDocumentFinal': True, 'xmlValidateDtdFinal': True, 'xmlValidateNotationUse': True, 'xmlValidateOneAttribute': True, 'xmlValidateOneElement': True, 'xmlValidateOneNamespace': True, 'xmlValidatePopElement': True, 'xmlValidatePushCData': True, 'xmlValidatePushElement': True, 'xmlValidateRoot': True, 'xmlValidate': True, 'xmlXPathInit': True, 'xmlXPtrEvalRangePredicate': True, 'xmlXPtrNewCollapsedRange': True, 'xmlXPtrNewLocationSetNodes': True, 'xmlXPtrNewRange': True, 'xmlXPtrNewRangeNodes': True, 'xmlXPtrRangeToFunction': True, } def skip_function(name): if name[0:12] == "xmlXPathWrap": return 1 if name == "xmlFreeParserCtxt": return 1 if name == "xmlCleanupParser": return 1 if name == "xmlFreeTextReader": return 1 # if name[0:11] == "xmlXPathNew": # return 1 # the next function is defined in libxml.c if name == "xmlRelaxNGFreeValidCtxt": return 1 if name == "xmlFreeValidCtxt": return 1 if name == "xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt": return 1 # # Those are skipped because the Const version is used of the bindings # instead. # if name == "xmlTextReaderBaseUri": return 1 if name == "xmlTextReaderLocalName": return 1 if name == "xmlTextReaderName": return 1 if name == "xmlTextReaderNamespaceUri": return 1 if name == "xmlTextReaderPrefix": return 1 if name == "xmlTextReaderXmlLang": return 1 if name == "xmlTextReaderValue": return 1 if name == "xmlOutputBufferClose": # handled by by the superclass return 1 if name == "xmlOutputBufferFlush": # handled by by the superclass return 1 if name == "xmlErrMemory": return 1 if name == "xmlValidBuildContentModel": return 1 if name == "xmlValidateElementDecl": return 1 if name == "xmlValidateAttributeDecl": return 1 if name == "xmlPopInputCallbacks": return 1 return 0 def print_function_wrapper(name, output, export, include): global py_types global unknown_types global functions global skipped_modules try: (desc, ret, args, file, cond) = functions[name] except: print("failed to get function %s infos") return if file in skipped_modules: return 0 if skip_function(name) == 1: return 0 if name in skip_impl: # Don't delete the function entry in the caller. return 1 if name.startswith('xmlUCSIs'): is_deprecated = name != 'xmlUCSIsBlock' and name != 'xmlUCSIsCat' else: is_deprecated = name in deprecated_funcs c_call = "" format="" format_args="" c_args="" c_return="" c_convert="" c_release="" num_bufs=0 for arg in args: # This should be correct if arg[1][0:6] == "const ": arg[1] = arg[1][6:] c_args = c_args + " %s %s;\n" % (arg[1], arg[0]) if arg[1] in py_types: (f, t, n, c) = py_types[arg[1]] if (f == 'z') and (name in foreign_encoding_args) and (num_bufs == 0): f = 's#' if f != None: format = format + f if t != None: format_args = format_args + ", &pyobj_%s" % (arg[0]) c_args = c_args + " PyObject *pyobj_%s;\n" % (arg[0]) c_convert = c_convert + \ " %s = (%s) Py%s_Get(pyobj_%s);\n" % (arg[0], arg[1], t, arg[0]) else: format_args = format_args + ", &%s" % (arg[0]) if f == 's#': format_args = format_args + ", &py_buffsize%d" % num_bufs c_args = c_args + " Py_ssize_t py_buffsize%d;\n" % num_bufs num_bufs = num_bufs + 1 if c_call != "": c_call = c_call + ", " c_call = c_call + "%s" % (arg[0]) if t == "File": c_release = c_release + \ " PyFile_Release(%s);\n" % (arg[0]) else: if arg[1] in skipped_types: return 0 if arg[1] in unknown_types: lst = unknown_types[arg[1]] lst.append(name) else: unknown_types[arg[1]] = [name] return -1 if format != "": format = format + ":%s" % (name) if ret[0] == 'void': if file == "python_accessor": if args[1][1] == "char *" or args[1][1] == "xmlChar *": c_call = "\n if (%s->%s != NULL) xmlFree(%s->%s);\n" % ( args[0][0], args[1][0], args[0][0], args[1][0]) c_call = c_call + " %s->%s = (%s)xmlStrdup((const xmlChar *)%s);\n" % (args[0][0], args[1][0], args[1][1], args[1][0]) else: c_call = "\n %s->%s = %s;\n" % (args[0][0], args[1][0], args[1][0]) else: c_call = "\n %s(%s);\n" % (name, c_call) ret_convert = " Py_INCREF(Py_None);\n return(Py_None);\n" elif ret[0] in py_types: (f, t, n, c) = py_types[ret[0]] c_return = c_return + " %s c_retval;\n" % (ret[0]) if file == "python_accessor" and ret[2] != None: c_call = "\n c_retval = %s->%s;\n" % (args[0][0], ret[2]) else: c_call = "\n c_retval = %s(%s);\n" % (name, c_call) ret_convert = " py_retval = libxml_%sWrap((%s) c_retval);\n" % (n,c) ret_convert = ret_convert + " return(py_retval);\n" elif ret[0] in py_return_types: (f, t, n, c) = py_return_types[ret[0]] c_return = c_return + " %s c_retval;\n" % (ret[0]) c_call = "\n c_retval = %s(%s);\n" % (name, c_call) ret_convert = " py_retval = libxml_%sWrap((%s) c_retval);\n" % (n,c) ret_convert = ret_convert + " return(py_retval);\n" else: if ret[0] in skipped_types: return 0 if ret[0] in unknown_types: lst = unknown_types[ret[0]] lst.append(name) else: unknown_types[ret[0]] = [name] return -1 if cond != None and cond != "": include.write("#if %s\n" % cond) export.write("#if %s\n" % cond) output.write("#if %s\n" % cond) include.write("PyObject * ") include.write("libxml_%s(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);\n" % (name)) export.write(" { (char *)\"%s\", libxml_%s, METH_VARARGS, NULL },\n" % (name, name)) if file == "python": # Those have been manually generated if cond != None and cond != "": include.write("#endif\n") export.write("#endif\n") output.write("#endif\n") return 1 if file == "python_accessor" and ret[0] != "void" and ret[2] is None: # Those have been manually generated if cond != None and cond != "": include.write("#endif\n") export.write("#endif\n") output.write("#endif\n") return 1 if is_deprecated: output.write("XML_IGNORE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS\n") output.write("PyObject *\n") output.write("libxml_%s(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED," % (name)) output.write(" PyObject *args") if format == "": output.write(" ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED") output.write(") {\n") if ret[0] != 'void': output.write(" PyObject *py_retval;\n") if c_return != "": output.write(c_return) if c_args != "": output.write(c_args) if is_deprecated: output.write("\n if (libxml_deprecationWarning(\"%s\") == -1)\n" % name) output.write(" return(NULL);\n") if format != "": output.write("\n if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)\"%s\"%s))\n" % (format, format_args)) output.write(" return(NULL);\n") if c_convert != "": output.write(c_convert) output.write(c_call) if c_release != "": output.write(c_release) output.write(ret_convert) output.write("}\n") if is_deprecated: output.write("XML_POP_WARNINGS\n") output.write("\n") if cond != None and cond != "": include.write("#endif /* %s */\n" % cond) export.write("#endif /* %s */\n" % cond) output.write("#endif /* %s */\n" % cond) return 1 def buildStubs(): global py_types global py_return_types global unknown_types try: f = open(os.path.join(srcPref,"libxml2-api.xml")) data = f.read() (parser, target) = getparser() parser.feed(data) parser.close() except IOError as msg: try: f = open(os.path.join(srcPref,"..","doc","libxml2-api.xml")) data = f.read() (parser, target) = getparser() parser.feed(data) parser.close() except IOError as msg: print(file, ":", msg) sys.exit(1) n = len(list(functions.keys())) print("Found %d functions in libxml2-api.xml" % (n)) py_types['pythonObject'] = ('O', "pythonObject", "pythonObject", "pythonObject") try: f = open(os.path.join(srcPref,"libxml2-python-api.xml")) data = f.read() (parser, target) = getparser() parser.feed(data) parser.close() except IOError as msg: print(file, ":", msg) print("Found %d functions in libxml2-python-api.xml" % ( len(list(functions.keys())) - n)) nb_wrap = 0 failed = 0 skipped = 0 include = open("libxml2-py.h", "w") include.write("/* Generated */\n\n") export = open("libxml2-export.c", "w") export.write("/* Generated */\n\n") wrapper = open("libxml2-py.c", "w") wrapper.write("/* Generated */\n\n") wrapper.write("#define PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN\n") wrapper.write("#include \n") wrapper.write("#include \n") wrapper.write("#include \n") wrapper.write("#include \n") wrapper.write("#include \"libxml_wrap.h\"\n") wrapper.write("#include \"libxml2-py.h\"\n\n") for function in sorted(functions.keys()): ret = print_function_wrapper(function, wrapper, export, include) if ret < 0: failed = failed + 1 del functions[function] if ret == 0: skipped = skipped + 1 del functions[function] if ret == 1: nb_wrap = nb_wrap + 1 include.close() export.close() wrapper.close() print("Generated %d wrapper functions, %d failed, %d skipped" % (nb_wrap, failed, skipped)) # print("Missing type converters: ") # for type in list(unknown_types.keys()): # print("%s:%d " % (type, len(unknown_types[type]))) # print() ####################################################################### # # This part writes part of the Python front-end classes based on # mapping rules between types and classes and also based on function # renaming to get consistent function names at the Python level # ####################################################################### # # The type automatically remapped to generated classes # classes_type = { "xmlNodePtr": ("._o", "xmlNode(_obj=%s)", "xmlNode"), "xmlNode *": ("._o", "xmlNode(_obj=%s)", "xmlNode"), "xmlDocPtr": ("._o", "xmlDoc(_obj=%s)", "xmlDoc"), "xmlDoc *": ("._o", "xmlDoc(_obj=%s)", "xmlDoc"), "htmlDocPtr": ("._o", "xmlDoc(_obj=%s)", "xmlDoc"), "htmlxmlDocPtr *": ("._o", "xmlDoc(_obj=%s)", "xmlDoc"), "xmlAttrPtr": ("._o", "xmlAttr(_obj=%s)", "xmlAttr"), "xmlAttr *": ("._o", "xmlAttr(_obj=%s)", "xmlAttr"), "xmlNsPtr": ("._o", "xmlNs(_obj=%s)", "xmlNs"), "xmlNs *": ("._o", "xmlNs(_obj=%s)", "xmlNs"), "xmlDtdPtr": ("._o", "xmlDtd(_obj=%s)", "xmlDtd"), "xmlDtd *": ("._o", "xmlDtd(_obj=%s)", "xmlDtd"), "xmlEntityPtr": ("._o", "xmlEntity(_obj=%s)", "xmlEntity"), "xmlEntity *": ("._o", "xmlEntity(_obj=%s)", "xmlEntity"), "xmlElementPtr": ("._o", "xmlElement(_obj=%s)", "xmlElement"), "xmlElement *": ("._o", "xmlElement(_obj=%s)", "xmlElement"), "xmlAttributePtr": ("._o", "xmlAttribute(_obj=%s)", "xmlAttribute"), "xmlAttribute *": ("._o", "xmlAttribute(_obj=%s)", "xmlAttribute"), "xmlXPathContextPtr": ("._o", "xpathContext(_obj=%s)", "xpathContext"), "xmlXPathContext *": ("._o", "xpathContext(_obj=%s)", "xpathContext"), "xmlXPathParserContext *": ("._o", "xpathParserContext(_obj=%s)", "xpathParserContext"), "xmlXPathParserContextPtr": ("._o", "xpathParserContext(_obj=%s)", "xpathParserContext"), "xmlParserCtxtPtr": ("._o", "parserCtxt(_obj=%s)", "parserCtxt"), "xmlParserCtxt *": ("._o", "parserCtxt(_obj=%s)", "parserCtxt"), "htmlParserCtxtPtr": ("._o", "parserCtxt(_obj=%s)", "parserCtxt"), "htmlParserCtxt *": ("._o", "parserCtxt(_obj=%s)", "parserCtxt"), "xmlValidCtxtPtr": ("._o", "ValidCtxt(_obj=%s)", "ValidCtxt"), "xmlCatalogPtr": ("._o", "catalog(_obj=%s)", "catalog"), "xmlURIPtr": ("._o", "URI(_obj=%s)", "URI"), "const xmlError *": ("._o", "Error(_obj=%s)", "Error"), "xmlErrorPtr": ("._o", "Error(_obj=%s)", "Error"), "xmlOutputBufferPtr": ("._o", "outputBuffer(_obj=%s)", "outputBuffer"), "xmlParserInputBufferPtr": ("._o", "inputBuffer(_obj=%s)", "inputBuffer"), "xmlRegexpPtr": ("._o", "xmlReg(_obj=%s)", "xmlReg"), "xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr": ("._o", "xmlTextReaderLocator(_obj=%s)", "xmlTextReaderLocator"), "xmlTextReaderPtr": ("._o", "xmlTextReader(_obj=%s)", "xmlTextReader"), 'xmlRelaxNGPtr': ('._o', "relaxNgSchema(_obj=%s)", "relaxNgSchema"), 'xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr': ('._o', "relaxNgParserCtxt(_obj=%s)", "relaxNgParserCtxt"), 'xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr': ('._o', "relaxNgValidCtxt(_obj=%s)", "relaxNgValidCtxt"), 'xmlSchemaPtr': ("._o", "Schema(_obj=%s)", "Schema"), 'xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr': ("._o", "SchemaParserCtxt(_obj=%s)", "SchemaParserCtxt"), 'xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr': ("._o", "SchemaValidCtxt(_obj=%s)", "SchemaValidCtxt"), } converter_type = { "xmlXPathObjectPtr": "xpathObjectRet(%s)", } primary_classes = ["xmlNode", "xmlDoc"] classes_ancestor = { "xmlNode" : "xmlCore", "xmlDtd" : "xmlNode", "xmlDoc" : "xmlNode", "xmlAttr" : "xmlNode", "xmlNs" : "xmlNode", "xmlEntity" : "xmlNode", "xmlElement" : "xmlNode", "xmlAttribute" : "xmlNode", "outputBuffer": "ioWriteWrapper", "inputBuffer": "ioReadWrapper", "parserCtxt": "parserCtxtCore", "xmlTextReader": "xmlTextReaderCore", "ValidCtxt": "ValidCtxtCore", "SchemaValidCtxt": "SchemaValidCtxtCore", "relaxNgValidCtxt": "relaxNgValidCtxtCore", } classes_destructors = { "parserCtxt": "xmlFreeParserCtxt", "catalog": "xmlFreeCatalog", "URI": "xmlFreeURI", # "outputBuffer": "xmlOutputBufferClose", "inputBuffer": "xmlFreeParserInputBuffer", "xmlReg": "xmlRegFreeRegexp", "xmlTextReader": "xmlFreeTextReader", "relaxNgSchema": "xmlRelaxNGFree", "relaxNgParserCtxt": "xmlRelaxNGFreeParserCtxt", "relaxNgValidCtxt": "xmlRelaxNGFreeValidCtxt", "Schema": "xmlSchemaFree", "SchemaParserCtxt": "xmlSchemaFreeParserCtxt", "SchemaValidCtxt": "xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt", "ValidCtxt": "xmlFreeValidCtxt", } functions_noexcept = { "xmlHasProp": 1, "xmlHasNsProp": 1, "xmlDocSetRootElement": 1, "xmlNodeGetNs": 1, "xmlNodeGetNsDefs": 1, "xmlNextElementSibling": 1, "xmlPreviousElementSibling": 1, "xmlFirstElementChild": 1, "xmlLastElementChild": 1, } reference_keepers = { "xmlTextReader": [('inputBuffer', 'input')], "relaxNgValidCtxt": [('relaxNgSchema', 'schema')], "SchemaValidCtxt": [('Schema', 'schema')], } function_classes = {} function_classes["None"] = [] def nameFixup(name, classe, type, file): listname = classe + "List" ll = len(listname) l = len(classe) if name[0:l] == listname: func = name[l:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:12] == "xmlParserGet" and file == "python_accessor": func = name[12:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:12] == "xmlParserSet" and file == "python_accessor": func = name[12:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:10] == "xmlNodeGet" and file == "python_accessor": func = name[10:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:9] == "xmlURIGet" and file == "python_accessor": func = name[9:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:9] == "xmlURISet" and file == "python_accessor": func = name[6:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:11] == "xmlErrorGet" and file == "python_accessor": func = name[11:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:17] == "xmlXPathParserGet" and file == "python_accessor": func = name[17:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:11] == "xmlXPathGet" and file == "python_accessor": func = name[11:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:11] == "xmlXPathSet" and file == "python_accessor": func = name[8:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:15] == "xmlOutputBuffer" and file != "python": func = name[15:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:20] == "xmlParserInputBuffer" and file != "python": func = name[20:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:9] == "xmlRegexp" and file == "xmlregexp": func = "regexp" + name[9:] elif name[0:6] == "xmlReg" and file == "xmlregexp": func = "regexp" + name[6:] elif name[0:20] == "xmlTextReaderLocator" and file == "xmlreader": func = name[20:] elif name[0:18] == "xmlTextReaderConst" and file == "xmlreader": func = name[18:] elif name[0:13] == "xmlTextReader" and file == "xmlreader": func = name[13:] elif name[0:12] == "xmlReaderNew" and file == "xmlreader": func = name[9:] elif name[0:11] == "xmlACatalog": func = name[11:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:l] == classe: func = name[l:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:7] == "libxml_": func = name[7:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:6] == "xmlGet": func = name[6:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] elif name[0:3] == "xml": func = name[3:] func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] else: func = name if func[0:5] == "xPath": func = "xpath" + func[5:] elif func[0:4] == "xPtr": func = "xpointer" + func[4:] elif func[0:8] == "xInclude": func = "xinclude" + func[8:] elif func[0:2] == "iD": func = "ID" + func[2:] elif func[0:3] == "uRI": func = "URI" + func[3:] elif func[0:4] == "uTF8": func = "UTF8" + func[4:] elif func[0:3] == 'sAX': func = "SAX" + func[3:] return func def functionCompare(info1, info2): (index1, func1, name1, ret1, args1, file1) = info1 (index2, func2, name2, ret2, args2, file2) = info2 if file1 == file2: if func1 < func2: return -1 if func1 > func2: return 1 if file1 == "python_accessor": return -1 if file2 == "python_accessor": return 1 if file1 < file2: return -1 if file1 > file2: return 1 return 0 def cmp_to_key(mycmp): 'Convert a cmp= function into a key= function' class K(object): def __init__(self, obj, *args): self.obj = obj def __lt__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) < 0 def __gt__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) > 0 def __eq__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) == 0 def __le__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) <= 0 def __ge__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) >= 0 def __ne__(self, other): return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) != 0 return K def writeDoc(name, args, indent, output): if functions[name][0] is None or functions[name][0] == "": return val = functions[name][0] val = val.replace("NULL", "None") output.write(indent) output.write('"""') while len(val) > 60: if val[0] == " ": val = val[1:] continue str = val[0:60] i = str.rfind(" ") if i < 0: i = 60 str = val[0:i] val = val[i:] output.write(str) output.write('\n ') output.write(indent) output.write(val) output.write(' """\n') def buildWrappers(): global ctypes global py_types global py_return_types global unknown_types global functions global function_classes global classes_type global classes_list global converter_type global primary_classes global converter_type global classes_ancestor global converter_type global primary_classes global classes_ancestor global classes_destructors global functions_noexcept for type in classes_type.keys(): function_classes[classes_type[type][2]] = [] # # Build the list of C types to look for ordered to start # with primary classes # ctypes = [] classes_list = [] ctypes_processed = {} classes_processed = {} for classe in primary_classes: classes_list.append(classe) classes_processed[classe] = () for type in classes_type.keys(): tinfo = classes_type[type] if tinfo[2] == classe: ctypes.append(type) ctypes_processed[type] = () for type in sorted(classes_type.keys()): if type in ctypes_processed: continue tinfo = classes_type[type] if tinfo[2] not in classes_processed: classes_list.append(tinfo[2]) classes_processed[tinfo[2]] = () ctypes.append(type) ctypes_processed[type] = () for name in functions.keys(): found = 0 (desc, ret, args, file, cond) = functions[name] for type in ctypes: classe = classes_type[type][2] if name[0:3] == "xml" and len(args) >= 1 and args[0][1] == type: found = 1 func = nameFixup(name, classe, type, file) info = (0, func, name, ret, args, file) function_classes[classe].append(info) elif name[0:3] == "xml" and len(args) >= 2 and args[1][1] == type \ and file != "python_accessor": found = 1 func = nameFixup(name, classe, type, file) info = (1, func, name, ret, args, file) function_classes[classe].append(info) elif name[0:4] == "html" and len(args) >= 1 and args[0][1] == type: found = 1 func = nameFixup(name, classe, type, file) info = (0, func, name, ret, args, file) function_classes[classe].append(info) elif name[0:4] == "html" and len(args) >= 2 and args[1][1] == type \ and file != "python_accessor": found = 1 func = nameFixup(name, classe, type, file) info = (1, func, name, ret, args, file) function_classes[classe].append(info) if found == 1: continue if name[0:8] == "xmlXPath": continue if name[0:6] == "xmlStr": continue if name[0:10] == "xmlCharStr": continue func = nameFixup(name, "None", file, file) info = (0, func, name, ret, args, file) function_classes['None'].append(info) classes = open("libxml2class.py", "w") txt = open("libxml2class.txt", "w") txt.write(" Generated Classes for libxml2-python\n\n") txt.write("#\n# Global functions of the module\n#\n\n") if "None" in function_classes: flist = function_classes["None"] flist = sorted(flist, key=cmp_to_key(functionCompare)) oldfile = "" for info in flist: (index, func, name, ret, args, file) = info if file != oldfile: classes.write("#\n# Functions from module %s\n#\n\n" % file) txt.write("\n# functions from module %s\n" % file) oldfile = file classes.write("def %s(" % func) txt.write("%s()\n" % func) n = 0 for arg in args: if n != 0: classes.write(", ") classes.write("%s" % arg[0]) n = n + 1 classes.write("):\n") writeDoc(name, args, ' ', classes) for arg in args: if arg[1] in classes_type: classes.write(" if %s is None: %s__o = None\n" % (arg[0], arg[0])) classes.write(" else: %s__o = %s%s\n" % (arg[0], arg[0], classes_type[arg[1]][0])) if arg[1] in py_types: (f, t, n, c) = py_types[arg[1]] if t == "File": classes.write(" if %s is not None: %s.flush()\n" % ( arg[0], arg[0])) if ret[0] != "void": classes.write(" ret = ") else: classes.write(" ") classes.write("libxml2mod.%s(" % name) n = 0 for arg in args: if n != 0: classes.write(", ") classes.write("%s" % arg[0]) if arg[1] in classes_type: classes.write("__o") n = n + 1 classes.write(")\n") # This may be needed to reposition the I/O, but likely to cause more harm # than good. Those changes in Python3 really break the model. # for arg in args: # if arg[1] in py_types: # (f, t, n, c) = py_types[arg[1]] # if t == "File": # classes.write(" if %s is not None: %s.seek(0,0)\n"%( # arg[0], arg[0])) if ret[0] != "void": if ret[0] in classes_type: # # Raise an exception # if name in functions_noexcept: classes.write(" if ret is None:return None\n") elif name.find("URI") >= 0: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise uriError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) elif name.find("XPath") >= 0: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise xpathError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) elif name.find("Parse") >= 0: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise parserError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) else: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise treeError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) classes.write(" return ") classes.write(classes_type[ret[0]][1] % ("ret")) classes.write("\n") else: classes.write(" return ret\n") classes.write("\n") txt.write("\n\n#\n# Set of classes of the module\n#\n\n") for classname in classes_list: if classname == "None": pass else: if classname in classes_ancestor: txt.write("\n\nClass %s(%s)\n" % (classname, classes_ancestor[classname])) classes.write("class %s(%s):\n" % (classname, classes_ancestor[classname])) classes.write(" def __init__(self, _obj=None):\n") if classes_ancestor[classname] == "xmlCore" or \ classes_ancestor[classname] == "xmlNode": classes.write(" if checkWrapper(_obj) != 0:") classes.write(" raise TypeError") classes.write("('%s got a wrong wrapper object type')\n" % \ classname) if classname in reference_keepers: rlist = reference_keepers[classname] for ref in rlist: classes.write(" self.%s = None\n" % ref[1]) classes.write(" self._o = _obj\n") classes.write(" %s.__init__(self, _obj=_obj)\n\n" % ( classes_ancestor[classname])) if classes_ancestor[classname] == "xmlCore" or \ classes_ancestor[classname] == "xmlNode": classes.write(" def __repr__(self):\n") format = "<%s (%%s) object at 0x%%x>" % (classname) classes.write(" return \"%s\" %% (self.name, int(pos_id (self)))\n\n" % ( format)) else: txt.write("Class %s()\n" % (classname)) classes.write("class %s:\n" % (classname)) classes.write(" def __init__(self, _obj=None):\n") if classname in reference_keepers: list = reference_keepers[classname] for ref in list: classes.write(" self.%s = None\n" % ref[1]) classes.write(" if _obj != None:self._o = _obj;return\n") classes.write(" self._o = None\n\n") destruct=None if classname in classes_destructors: classes.write(" def __del__(self):\n") classes.write(" if self._o != None:\n") classes.write(" libxml2mod.%s(self._o)\n" % classes_destructors[classname]) classes.write(" self._o = None\n\n") destruct=classes_destructors[classname] flist = function_classes[classname] flist = sorted(flist, key=cmp_to_key(functionCompare)) oldfile = "" for info in flist: (index, func, name, ret, args, file) = info # # Do not provide as method the destructors for the class # to avoid double free # if name == destruct: continue if file != oldfile: if file == "python_accessor": classes.write(" # accessors for %s\n" % (classname)) txt.write(" # accessors\n") else: classes.write(" #\n") classes.write(" # %s functions from module %s\n" % ( classname, file)) txt.write("\n # functions from module %s\n" % file) classes.write(" #\n\n") oldfile = file classes.write(" def %s(self" % func) txt.write(" %s()\n" % func) n = 0 for arg in args: if n != index: classes.write(", %s" % arg[0]) n = n + 1 classes.write("):\n") writeDoc(name, args, ' ', classes) n = 0 for arg in args: if arg[1] in classes_type: if n != index: classes.write(" if %s is None: %s__o = None\n" % (arg[0], arg[0])) classes.write(" else: %s__o = %s%s\n" % (arg[0], arg[0], classes_type[arg[1]][0])) n = n + 1 if ret[0] != "void": classes.write(" ret = ") else: classes.write(" ") classes.write("libxml2mod.%s(" % name) n = 0 for arg in args: if n != 0: classes.write(", ") if n != index: classes.write("%s" % arg[0]) if arg[1] in classes_type: classes.write("__o") else: classes.write("self") if arg[1] in classes_type: classes.write(classes_type[arg[1]][0]) n = n + 1 classes.write(")\n") if ret[0] != "void": if ret[0] in classes_type: # # Raise an exception # if name in functions_noexcept: classes.write( " if ret is None:return None\n") elif name.find("URI") >= 0: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise uriError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) elif name.find("XPath") >= 0: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise xpathError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) elif name.find("Parse") >= 0: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise parserError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) else: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise treeError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) # # generate the returned class wrapper for the object # classes.write(" __tmp = ") classes.write(classes_type[ret[0]][1] % ("ret")) classes.write("\n") # # Sometime one need to keep references of the source # class in the returned class object. # See reference_keepers for the list # tclass = classes_type[ret[0]][2] if tclass in reference_keepers: list = reference_keepers[tclass] for pref in list: if pref[0] == classname: classes.write(" __tmp.%s = self\n" % pref[1]) # # return the class # classes.write(" return __tmp\n") elif ret[0] in converter_type: # # Raise an exception # if name in functions_noexcept: classes.write( " if ret is None:return None") elif name.find("URI") >= 0: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise uriError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) elif name.find("XPath") >= 0: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise xpathError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) elif name.find("Parse") >= 0: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise parserError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) else: classes.write( " if ret is None:raise treeError('%s() failed')\n" % (name)) classes.write(" return ") classes.write(converter_type[ret[0]] % ("ret")) classes.write("\n") else: classes.write(" return ret\n") classes.write("\n") # # Generate enum constants # for type,enum in enums.items(): classes.write("# %s\n" % type) items = enum.items() items = sorted(items, key=(lambda i: int(i[1]))) for name,value in items: classes.write("%s = %s\n" % (name,value)) classes.write("\n") txt.close() classes.close() buildStubs() buildWrappers()