/** * cgltf_write - a single-file glTF 2.0 writer written in C99. * * Version: 1.4 * * Website: https://github.com/jkuhlmann/cgltf * * Distributed under the MIT License, see notice at the end of this file. * * Building: * Include this file where you need the struct and function * declarations. Have exactly one source file where you define * `CGLTF_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION` before including this file to get the * function definitions. * * Reference: * `cgltf_result cgltf_write_file(const cgltf_options* options, const char* * path, const cgltf_data* data)` writes JSON to the given file path. Buffer * files and external images are not written out. `data` is not deallocated. * * `cgltf_size cgltf_write(const cgltf_options* options, char* buffer, * cgltf_size size, const cgltf_data* data)` writes JSON into the given memory * buffer. Returns the number of bytes written to `buffer`, including a null * terminator. If buffer is null, returns the number of bytes that would have * been written. `data` is not deallocated. * * To write custom JSON into the `extras` field, aggregate all the custom JSON * into a single buffer, then set `file_data` to this buffer. By supplying * start_offset and end_offset values for various objects, you can select a * range of characters within the aggregated buffer. */ #ifndef CGLTF_WRITE_H_INCLUDED__ #define CGLTF_WRITE_H_INCLUDED__ #include "cgltf.h" #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif cgltf_result cgltf_write_file(const cgltf_options* options, const char* path, const cgltf_data* data); cgltf_size cgltf_write(const cgltf_options* options, char* buffer, cgltf_size size, const cgltf_data* data); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* #ifndef CGLTF_WRITE_H_INCLUDED__ */ /* * * Stop now, if you are only interested in the API. * Below, you find the implementation. * */ #ifdef __INTELLISENSE__ /* This makes MSVC intellisense work. */ #define CGLTF_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #endif #ifdef CGLTF_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #include #include #include #include #define CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM (1 << 0) #define CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_MATERIALS_UNLIT (1 << 1) #define CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS (1 << 2) #define CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL (1 << 3) typedef struct { char* buffer; cgltf_size buffer_size; cgltf_size remaining; char* cursor; cgltf_size tmp; cgltf_size chars_written; const cgltf_data* data; int depth; const char* indent; int needs_comma; uint32_t extension_flags; } cgltf_write_context; #define CGLTF_MIN(a, b) (a < b ? a : b) #define CGLTF_SPRINTF(...) { \ context->tmp = snprintf ( context->cursor, context->remaining, __VA_ARGS__ ); \ context->chars_written += context->tmp; \ if (context->cursor) { \ context->cursor += context->tmp; \ context->remaining -= context->tmp; \ } } #define CGLTF_SNPRINTF(length, ...) { \ context->tmp = snprintf ( context->cursor, CGLTF_MIN(length + 1, context->remaining), __VA_ARGS__ ); \ context->chars_written += length; \ if (context->cursor) { \ context->cursor += length; \ context->remaining -= length; \ } } #define CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP(label, val, start) if (val) { \ cgltf_write_indent(context); \ CGLTF_SPRINTF("\"%s\": %d", label, (int) (val - start)); \ context->needs_comma = 1; } #define CGLTF_WRITE_IDXARRPROP(label, dim, vals, start) if (vals) { \ cgltf_write_indent(context); \ CGLTF_SPRINTF("\"%s\": [", label); \ for (int i = 0; i < (int)(dim); ++i) { \ int idx = (int) (vals[i] - start); \ if (i != 0) CGLTF_SPRINTF(","); \ CGLTF_SPRINTF(" %d", idx); \ } \ CGLTF_SPRINTF(" ]"); \ context->needs_comma = 1; } #define CGLTF_WRITE_TEXTURE_INFO(label, info) if (info.texture) { \ cgltf_write_line(context, "\"" label "\": {"); \ CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("index", info.texture, context->data->textures); \ cgltf_write_intprop(context, "texCoord", info.texcoord, 0); \ cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "scale", info.scale, 1.0f); \ if (info.has_transform) { \ context->extension_flags |= CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM; \ cgltf_write_texture_transform(context, &info.transform); \ } \ cgltf_write_extras(context, &info.extras); \ cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_indent(cgltf_write_context* context) { if (context->needs_comma) { CGLTF_SPRINTF(",\n"); context->needs_comma = 0; } else { CGLTF_SPRINTF("\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < context->depth; ++i) { CGLTF_SPRINTF("%s", context->indent); } } static void cgltf_write_line(cgltf_write_context* context, const char* line) { if (line[0] == ']' || line[0] == '}') { --context->depth; context->needs_comma = 0; } cgltf_write_indent(context); CGLTF_SPRINTF("%s", line); cgltf_size last = (cgltf_size)(strlen(line) - 1); if (line[0] == ']' || line[0] == '}') { context->needs_comma = 1; } if (line[last] == '[' || line[last] == '{') { ++context->depth; context->needs_comma = 0; } } static void cgltf_write_strprop(cgltf_write_context* context, const char* label, const char* val) { if (val) { cgltf_write_indent(context); CGLTF_SPRINTF("\"%s\": \"%s\"", label, val); context->needs_comma = 1; } } static void cgltf_write_extras(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_extras* extras) { cgltf_size length = extras->end_offset - extras->start_offset; if (length > 0 && context->data->file_data) { char* json_string = ((char*) context->data->file_data) + extras->start_offset; cgltf_write_indent(context); CGLTF_SPRINTF("%s", "\"extras\": "); CGLTF_SNPRINTF(length, "%s", json_string); context->needs_comma = 1; } } static void cgltf_write_stritem(cgltf_write_context* context, const char* item) { cgltf_write_indent(context); CGLTF_SPRINTF("\"%s\"", item); context->needs_comma = 1; } static void cgltf_write_intprop(cgltf_write_context* context, const char* label, int val, int def) { if (val != def) { cgltf_write_indent(context); CGLTF_SPRINTF("\"%s\": %d", label, val); context->needs_comma = 1; } } static void cgltf_write_floatprop(cgltf_write_context* context, const char* label, float val, float def) { if (val != def) { cgltf_write_indent(context); CGLTF_SPRINTF("\"%s\": ", label); CGLTF_SPRINTF("%g", val); context->needs_comma = 1; if (context->cursor) { char *decimal_comma = strchr(context->cursor - context->tmp, ','); if (decimal_comma) { *decimal_comma = '.'; } } } } static void cgltf_write_boolprop_optional(cgltf_write_context* context, const char* label, bool val, bool def) { if (val != def) { cgltf_write_indent(context); CGLTF_SPRINTF("\"%s\": %s", label, val ? "true" : "false"); context->needs_comma = 1; } } static void cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(cgltf_write_context* context, const char* label, const cgltf_float* vals, cgltf_size dim) { cgltf_write_indent(context); CGLTF_SPRINTF("\"%s\": [", label); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < dim; ++i) { if (i != 0) { CGLTF_SPRINTF(", %g", vals[i]); } else { CGLTF_SPRINTF("%g", vals[i]); } } CGLTF_SPRINTF("]"); context->needs_comma = 1; } static bool cgltf_check_floatarray(const float* vals, int dim, float val) { while (dim--) { if (vals[dim] != val) { return true; } } return false; } static int cgltf_int_from_component_type(cgltf_component_type ctype) { switch (ctype) { case cgltf_component_type_r_8: return 5120; case cgltf_component_type_r_8u: return 5121; case cgltf_component_type_r_16: return 5122; case cgltf_component_type_r_16u: return 5123; case cgltf_component_type_r_32u: return 5125; case cgltf_component_type_r_32f: return 5126; default: return 0; } } static const char* cgltf_str_from_alpha_mode(cgltf_alpha_mode alpha_mode) { switch (alpha_mode) { case cgltf_alpha_mode_mask: return "MASK"; case cgltf_alpha_mode_blend: return "BLEND"; default: return NULL; } } static const char* cgltf_str_from_type(cgltf_type type) { switch (type) { case cgltf_type_scalar: return "SCALAR"; case cgltf_type_vec2: return "VEC2"; case cgltf_type_vec3: return "VEC3"; case cgltf_type_vec4: return "VEC4"; case cgltf_type_mat2: return "MAT2"; case cgltf_type_mat3: return "MAT3"; case cgltf_type_mat4: return "MAT4"; default: return NULL; } } static cgltf_size cgltf_dim_from_type(cgltf_type type) { switch (type) { case cgltf_type_scalar: return 1; case cgltf_type_vec2: return 2; case cgltf_type_vec3: return 3; case cgltf_type_vec4: return 4; case cgltf_type_mat2: return 4; case cgltf_type_mat3: return 9; case cgltf_type_mat4: return 16; default: return 0; } } static const char* cgltf_str_from_camera_type(cgltf_camera_type camera_type) { switch (camera_type) { case cgltf_camera_type_perspective: return "perspective"; case cgltf_camera_type_orthographic: return "orthographic"; default: return NULL; } } static const char* cgltf_str_from_light_type(cgltf_light_type light_type) { switch (light_type) { case cgltf_light_type_directional: return "directional"; case cgltf_light_type_point: return "point"; case cgltf_light_type_spot: return "spot"; default: return NULL; } } static void cgltf_write_texture_transform(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_texture_transform* transform) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"extensions\": {"); cgltf_write_line(context, "\"KHR_texture_transform\": {"); if (cgltf_check_floatarray(transform->offset, 2, 0.0f)) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "offset", transform->offset, 2); } cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "rotation", transform->rotation, 0.0f); if (cgltf_check_floatarray(transform->scale, 2, 1.0f)) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "scale", transform->scale, 2); } cgltf_write_intprop(context, "texCoord", transform->texcoord, 0); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_asset(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_asset* asset) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"asset\": {"); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "copyright", asset->copyright); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "generator", asset->generator); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "version", asset->version); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "min_version", asset->min_version); cgltf_write_extras(context, &asset->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_primitive(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_primitive* prim) { cgltf_write_intprop(context, "mode", (int) prim->type, 4); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("indices", prim->indices, context->data->accessors); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("material", prim->material, context->data->materials); cgltf_write_line(context, "\"attributes\": {"); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < prim->attributes_count; ++i) { const cgltf_attribute* attr = prim->attributes + i; CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP(attr->name, attr->data, context->data->accessors); } cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); if (prim->targets_count) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"targets\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < prim->targets_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); for (cgltf_size j = 0; j < prim->targets[i].attributes_count; ++j) { const cgltf_attribute* attr = prim->targets[i].attributes + j; CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP(attr->name, attr->data, context->data->accessors); } cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } cgltf_write_extras(context, &prim->extras); } static void cgltf_write_mesh(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_mesh* mesh) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "name", mesh->name); cgltf_write_line(context, "\"primitives\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < mesh->primitives_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_primitive(context, mesh->primitives + i); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); if (mesh->weights_count > 0) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "weights", mesh->weights, mesh->weights_count); } cgltf_write_extras(context, &mesh->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_buffer_view(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_buffer_view* view) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("buffer", view->buffer, context->data->buffers); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "byteLength", (int)view->size, -1); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "byteOffset", (int)view->offset, 0); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "byteStride", (int)view->stride, 0); // NOTE: We skip writing "target" because the spec says its usage can be inferred. cgltf_write_extras(context, &view->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_buffer(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_buffer* buffer) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "uri", buffer->uri); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "byteLength", (int)buffer->size, -1); cgltf_write_extras(context, &buffer->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_material(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_material* material) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "name", material->name); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "alphaCutoff", material->alpha_cutoff, 0.5f); cgltf_write_boolprop_optional(context, "doubleSided", material->double_sided, false); // cgltf_write_boolprop_optional(context, "unlit", material->unlit, false); if (material->unlit) { context->extension_flags |= CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_MATERIALS_UNLIT; } if (material->has_pbr_specular_glossiness) { context->extension_flags |= CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS; } if (material->has_pbr_metallic_roughness) { const cgltf_pbr_metallic_roughness* params = &material->pbr_metallic_roughness; cgltf_write_line(context, "\"pbrMetallicRoughness\": {"); CGLTF_WRITE_TEXTURE_INFO("baseColorTexture", params->base_color_texture); CGLTF_WRITE_TEXTURE_INFO("metallicRoughnessTexture", params->metallic_roughness_texture); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "metallicFactor", params->metallic_factor, 1.0f); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "roughnessFactor", params->roughness_factor, 1.0f); if (cgltf_check_floatarray(params->base_color_factor, 4, 1.0f)) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "baseColorFactor", params->base_color_factor, 4); } cgltf_write_extras(context, ¶ms->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } if (material->unlit || material->has_pbr_specular_glossiness) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"extensions\": {"); if (material->has_pbr_specular_glossiness) { const cgltf_pbr_specular_glossiness* params = &material->pbr_specular_glossiness; cgltf_write_line(context, "\"KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness\": {"); CGLTF_WRITE_TEXTURE_INFO("diffuseTexture", params->diffuse_texture); CGLTF_WRITE_TEXTURE_INFO("specularGlossinessTexture", params->specular_glossiness_texture); if (cgltf_check_floatarray(params->diffuse_factor, 4, 1.0f)) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "dffuseFactor", params->diffuse_factor, 4); } if (cgltf_check_floatarray(params->specular_factor, 3, 1.0f)) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "specularFactor", params->specular_factor, 3); } cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "glossinessFactor", params->glossiness_factor, 1.0f); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } if (material->unlit) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"KHR_materials_unlit\": {}"); } cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } CGLTF_WRITE_TEXTURE_INFO("normalTexture", material->normal_texture); CGLTF_WRITE_TEXTURE_INFO("occlusionTexture", material->occlusion_texture); CGLTF_WRITE_TEXTURE_INFO("emissiveTexture", material->emissive_texture); if (cgltf_check_floatarray(material->emissive_factor, 3, 0.0f)) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "emissiveFactor", material->emissive_factor, 3); } cgltf_write_strprop(context, "alphaMode", cgltf_str_from_alpha_mode(material->alpha_mode)); cgltf_write_extras(context, &material->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_image(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_image* image) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "name", image->name); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "uri", image->uri); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("bufferView", image->buffer_view, context->data->buffer_views); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "mimeType", image->mime_type); cgltf_write_extras(context, &image->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_texture(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_texture* texture) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "name", texture->name); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("source", texture->image, context->data->images); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("sampler", texture->sampler, context->data->samplers); cgltf_write_extras(context, &texture->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_skin(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_skin* skin) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("skeleton", skin->skeleton, context->data->nodes); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("inverseBindMatrices", skin->inverse_bind_matrices, context->data->accessors); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXARRPROP("joints", skin->joints_count, skin->joints, context->data->nodes); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "name", skin->name); cgltf_write_extras(context, &skin->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static const char* cgltf_write_str_path_type(cgltf_animation_path_type path_type) { switch (path_type) { case cgltf_animation_path_type_translation: return "translation"; case cgltf_animation_path_type_rotation: return "rotation"; case cgltf_animation_path_type_scale: return "scale"; case cgltf_animation_path_type_weights: return "weights"; case cgltf_animation_path_type_invalid: break; } return "invalid"; } static const char* cgltf_write_str_interpolation_type(cgltf_interpolation_type interpolation_type) { switch (interpolation_type) { case cgltf_interpolation_type_linear: return "LINEAR"; case cgltf_interpolation_type_step: return "STEP"; case cgltf_interpolation_type_cubic_spline: return "CUBICSPLINE"; } return "invalid"; } static void cgltf_write_path_type(cgltf_write_context* context, const char *label, cgltf_animation_path_type path_type) { cgltf_write_strprop(context, label, cgltf_write_str_path_type(path_type)); } static void cgltf_write_interpolation_type(cgltf_write_context* context, const char *label, cgltf_interpolation_type interpolation_type) { cgltf_write_strprop(context, label, cgltf_write_str_interpolation_type(interpolation_type)); } static void cgltf_write_animation_sampler(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_animation_sampler* animation_sampler) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_interpolation_type(context, "interpolation", animation_sampler->interpolation); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("input", animation_sampler->input, context->data->accessors); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("output", animation_sampler->output, context->data->accessors); cgltf_write_extras(context, &animation_sampler->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_animation_channel(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_animation* animation, const cgltf_animation_channel* animation_channel) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("sampler", animation_channel->sampler, animation->samplers); cgltf_write_line(context, "\"target\": {"); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("node", animation_channel->target_node, context->data->nodes); cgltf_write_path_type(context, "path", animation_channel->target_path); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); cgltf_write_extras(context, &animation_channel->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_animation(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_animation* animation) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "name", animation->name); if (animation->samplers_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"samplers\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < animation->samplers_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_animation_sampler(context, animation->samplers + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (animation->channels_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"channels\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < animation->channels_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_animation_channel(context, animation, animation->channels + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } cgltf_write_extras(context, &animation->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_sampler(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_sampler* sampler) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "magFilter", sampler->mag_filter, 0); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "minFilter", sampler->min_filter, 0); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "wrapS", sampler->wrap_s, 10497); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "wrapT", sampler->wrap_t, 10497); cgltf_write_extras(context, &sampler->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_node(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_node* node) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXARRPROP("children", node->children_count, node->children, context->data->nodes); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("mesh", node->mesh, context->data->meshes); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "name", node->name); if (node->has_matrix) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "matrix", node->matrix, 16); } if (node->has_translation) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "translation", node->translation, 3); } if (node->has_rotation) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "rotation", node->rotation, 4); } if (node->has_scale) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "scale", node->scale, 3); } if (node->skin) { CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("skin", node->skin, context->data->skins); } if (node->light) { context->extension_flags |= CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL; cgltf_write_line(context, "\"extensions\": {"); cgltf_write_line(context, "\"KHR_lights_punctual\": {"); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("light", node->light, context->data->lights); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } if (node->weights_count > 0) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "weights", node->weights, node->weights_count); } if (node->camera) { CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("camera", node->camera, context->data->cameras); } cgltf_write_extras(context, &node->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_scene(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_scene* scene) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "name", scene->name); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXARRPROP("nodes", scene->nodes_count, scene->nodes, context->data->nodes); cgltf_write_extras(context, &scene->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_accessor(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_accessor* accessor) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("bufferView", accessor->buffer_view, context->data->buffer_views); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "componentType", cgltf_int_from_component_type(accessor->component_type), 0); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "type", cgltf_str_from_type(accessor->type)); cgltf_size dim = cgltf_dim_from_type(accessor->type); cgltf_write_boolprop_optional(context, "normalized", accessor->normalized, false); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "byteOffset", (int)accessor->offset, 0); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "count", (int)accessor->count, -1); if (accessor->has_min) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "min", accessor->min, dim); } if (accessor->has_max) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "max", accessor->max, dim); } if (accessor->is_sparse) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"sparse\": {"); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "count", (int)accessor->sparse.count, 0); cgltf_write_line(context, "\"indices\": {"); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "byteOffset", (int)accessor->sparse.indices_byte_offset, 0); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("bufferView", accessor->sparse.indices_buffer_view, context->data->buffer_views); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "componentType", cgltf_int_from_component_type(accessor->sparse.indices_component_type), 0); cgltf_write_extras(context, &accessor->sparse.indices_extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); cgltf_write_line(context, "\"values\": {"); cgltf_write_intprop(context, "byteOffset", (int)accessor->sparse.values_byte_offset, 0); CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("bufferView", accessor->sparse.values_buffer_view, context->data->buffer_views); cgltf_write_extras(context, &accessor->sparse.values_extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); cgltf_write_extras(context, &accessor->sparse.extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } cgltf_write_extras(context, &accessor->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_camera(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_camera* camera) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "type", cgltf_str_from_camera_type(camera->type)); if (camera->name) { cgltf_write_strprop(context, "name", camera->name); } if (camera->type == cgltf_camera_type_orthographic) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"orthographic\": {"); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "xmag", camera->data.orthographic.xmag, -1.0f); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "ymag", camera->data.orthographic.ymag, -1.0f); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "zfar", camera->data.orthographic.zfar, -1.0f); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "znear", camera->data.orthographic.znear, -1.0f); cgltf_write_extras(context, &camera->data.orthographic.extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } else if (camera->type == cgltf_camera_type_perspective) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"perspective\": {"); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "aspectRatio", camera->data.perspective.aspect_ratio, -1.0f); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "yfov", camera->data.perspective.yfov, -1.0f); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "zfar", camera->data.perspective.zfar, -1.0f); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "znear", camera->data.perspective.znear, -1.0f); cgltf_write_extras(context, &camera->data.perspective.extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } cgltf_write_extras(context, &camera->extras); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } static void cgltf_write_light(cgltf_write_context* context, const cgltf_light* light) { cgltf_write_line(context, "{"); cgltf_write_strprop(context, "type", cgltf_str_from_light_type(light->type)); if (light->name) { cgltf_write_strprop(context, "name", light->name); } if (cgltf_check_floatarray(light->color, 3, 1.0f)) { cgltf_write_floatarrayprop(context, "color", light->color, 3); } cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "intensity", light->intensity, 1.0f); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "range", light->range, 0.0f); if (light->type == cgltf_light_type_spot) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"spot\": {"); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "innerConeAngle", light->spot_inner_cone_angle, 0.0f); cgltf_write_floatprop(context, "outerConeAngle", light->spot_outer_cone_angle, 3.14159265358979323846f/4.0f); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } cgltf_result cgltf_write_file(const cgltf_options* options, const char* path, const cgltf_data* data) { cgltf_size expected = cgltf_write(options, NULL, 0, data); char* buffer = (char*) malloc(expected); cgltf_size actual = cgltf_write(options, buffer, expected, data); if (expected != actual) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: expected %zu bytes but wrote %zu bytes.\n", expected, actual); } FILE* file = fopen(path, "wt"); if (!file) { return cgltf_result_file_not_found; } // Note that cgltf_write() includes a null terminator, which we omit from the file content. fwrite(buffer, actual - 1, 1, file); fclose(file); free(buffer); return cgltf_result_success; } cgltf_size cgltf_write(const cgltf_options* options, char* buffer, cgltf_size size, const cgltf_data* data) { (void)options; cgltf_write_context ctx; ctx.buffer = buffer; ctx.buffer_size = size; ctx.remaining = size; ctx.cursor = buffer; ctx.chars_written = 0; ctx.data = data; ctx.depth = 1; ctx.indent = " "; ctx.needs_comma = 0; ctx.extension_flags = 0; cgltf_write_context* context = &ctx; CGLTF_SPRINTF("{"); if (data->accessors_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"accessors\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->accessors_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_accessor(context, data->accessors + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } cgltf_write_asset(context, &data->asset); if (data->buffer_views_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"bufferViews\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->buffer_views_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_buffer_view(context, data->buffer_views + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->buffers_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"buffers\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->buffers_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_buffer(context, data->buffers + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->images_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"images\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->images_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_image(context, data->images + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->meshes_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"meshes\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->meshes_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_mesh(context, data->meshes + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->materials_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"materials\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->materials_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_material(context, data->materials + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->nodes_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"nodes\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->nodes_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_node(context, data->nodes + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->samplers_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"samplers\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->samplers_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_sampler(context, data->samplers + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } CGLTF_WRITE_IDXPROP("scene", data->scene, data->scenes); if (data->scenes_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"scenes\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->scenes_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_scene(context, data->scenes + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->textures_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"textures\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->textures_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_texture(context, data->textures + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->skins_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"skins\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->skins_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_skin(context, data->skins + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->animations_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"animations\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->animations_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_animation(context, data->animations + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->cameras_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"cameras\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->cameras_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_camera(context, data->cameras + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } if (data->lights_count > 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"extensions\": {"); cgltf_write_line(context, "\"KHR_lights_punctual\": {"); cgltf_write_line(context, "\"lights\": ["); for (cgltf_size i = 0; i < data->lights_count; ++i) { cgltf_write_light(context, data->lights + i); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); cgltf_write_line(context, "}"); } if (context->extension_flags != 0) { cgltf_write_line(context, "\"extensionsUsed\": ["); if (context->extension_flags & CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM) { cgltf_write_stritem(context, "KHR_texture_transform"); } if (context->extension_flags & CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_MATERIALS_UNLIT) { cgltf_write_stritem(context, "KHR_materials_unlit"); } if (context->extension_flags & CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS) { cgltf_write_stritem(context, "KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness"); } if (context->extension_flags & CGLTF_EXTENSION_FLAG_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL) { cgltf_write_stritem(context, "KHR_lights_punctual"); } cgltf_write_line(context, "]"); } CGLTF_SPRINTF("\n}\n"); // snprintf does not include the null terminator in its return value, so be sure to include it // in the returned byte count. return 1 + ctx.chars_written; } #endif /* #ifdef CGLTF_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION */ /* cgltf is distributed under MIT license: * * Copyright (c) 2019 Philip Rideout * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */