Building ======== Move into this directory and run the build script for the relevant platform. Run from this directory. clear && ./build_opus && ./bin/dr_opus_test_0 Alternatively you can compile a specific test manually: clear && gcc ./opus/dr_opus_test_0 -o ./bin/dr_opus_test_0 && ./bin/dr_opus_test_0 Test vectors will be loaded from the "testvectors" folder, relative to this directory. Therefore, you need to run each test program from this directory: ./bin/dr_opus_test_0 Building and Running WAV Tests ------------------------------ The WAV tests use libsndfile as a benchmark. The tests programs dynamically link to libsndfile at runtime which means you don't need to link to it at compile time. However, you will need the headers installed in a standard location. The batch files for the Windows build will allow you to customize the include path. On the Windows build you will need to drop two versions of libsndfile-1.dll into the bin directory. For the 32-bit build you need to name it libsndfile-1-x86.dll and for the 64-bit build you need to name it libsndfile-1-x64.dll. Test Vectors ============ In order to run certain tests you will need to download test vectors for the relevant project and place them into the "testvectors" folder. Opus ---- - Download both the original and new test vectors from and place them into the "testvectors/opus" folder. - Download the Ogg Opus test vectors from and place them into the "testvectors/opus" folder. - The folder structure should like like the following: - testvectors - opus - opus_testvectors - opus_newvectors - oggopus - failure_cases - opus_multichannel_examples