Similar to [rayon](, `rayoff` equips iterators with additional functionality for introducing parallelism. However, instead of using a work-stealing stategy to ensure threads don't starve for work, `rayoff` uses a simpler map-reduce stategy: 1. Divvy up the iterator into chunks of roughly equal size (see [here]( for implementation details). 2. Map each chunk to its own thread. 3. Reduce over the results of each thread's computation. In almost all cases, [rayon]( is the superior choice. However, if your computations won't benefit from work-stealing, then `rayoff` _may_ give you better performance. Disclaimer: `rayoff` requires a nightly compiler (`rustc 1.60.0` as of this writing) and internally uses unsafe code. Use at your own risk! ## Example ```rust use rayoff::*; fn check(candidate: &[u8]) -> bool { candidate == b"orange8" } let wordlist = ["apple", "orange", "pear", "banana"]; let cracked_password = wordlist.divvy_cpus().find_map_any(|&word| { let mut buf = [0u8; 8]; let len = word.len(); buf[..len].copy_from_slice(word.as_bytes()); for i in b'0'..=b'9' { buf[len] = i; let password = &buf[..len + 1]; if check(password) { return Some(password.to_vec()); } } None }); assert_eq!(cracked_password.unwrap(), b"orange8"); ``` ## License `rayoff` is dual-licensed under the MIT and Apache 2.0 licenses (see [LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) and [LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) for details).