use rayon_core::ThreadPoolBuilder; use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex}; use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle}; #[test] #[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "emscripten", target_family = "wasm"), ignore)] fn use_current_thread_basic() { static JOIN_HANDLES: Mutex>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new()); let pool = ThreadPoolBuilder::new() .num_threads(2) .use_current_thread() .spawn_handler(|builder| { let handle = thread::Builder::new().spawn(||; JOIN_HANDLES.lock().unwrap().push(handle); Ok(()) }) .build() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(rayon_core::current_thread_index(), Some(0)); assert_eq!( JOIN_HANDLES.lock().unwrap().len(), 1, "Should only spawn one extra thread" ); let another_pool = ThreadPoolBuilder::new() .num_threads(2) .use_current_thread() .build(); assert!( another_pool.is_err(), "Should error if the thread is already part of a pool" ); let pair = Arc::new((Mutex::new(false), Condvar::new())); let pair2 = Arc::clone(&pair); pool.spawn(move || { assert_ne!(rayon_core::current_thread_index(), Some(0)); // This should execute even if the current thread is blocked, since we have two threads in // the pool. let &(ref started, ref condvar) = &*pair2; *started.lock().unwrap() = true; condvar.notify_one(); }); let _guard = pair .1 .wait_while(pair.0.lock().unwrap(), |ran| !*ran) .unwrap(); std::mem::drop(pool); // Drop the pool. // Wait until all threads have actually exited. This is not really needed, other than to // reduce noise of leak-checking tools. for handle in std::mem::take(&mut *JOIN_HANDLES.lock().unwrap()) { let _ = handle.join(); } }