# raze [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/raze)](https://crates.io/crates/raze) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/raze/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/raze/) Rust API bindings for the BackBlaze B2 API. Provides raw API calls along with some helpful utilities. The raw API calls are more or less 1:1 with the [official B2 docs][1] [1]: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/ Disclaimer: This library is not associated with Backblaze - Be aware of the [B2 pricing](https://www.backblaze.com/b2/cloud-storage-pricing.html) - Refer to License.md for conditions ## API implementation status * ✔️ - Implemented * 🚧 - Planned * ❌ - Not planned If you need something that isn't implemented, open an issue or submit a pull request Note that many features marked 'optional' by Backblaze are of much lower priority than implementing the rest of the API Name | Status ---- | ------ b2_authorize_account | ✔ b2_cancel_large_file | ❌ b2_copy_file | ❌ b2_copy_part | ❌ b2_create_bucket | ✔ b2_create_key | ❌ b2_delete_bucket | ✔ b2_delete_file_version | ✔ b2_delete_key | ❌ b2_download_file_by_id | 🚧 b2_download_file_by_name | ✔ b2_finish_large_file | ❌ b2_get_download_authorization | ✔ b2_get_file_info | ✔ b2_get_upload_part_url | ❌ b2_get_upload_url | ✔ b2_hide_file | ✔ b2_list_buckets | ✔ b2_list_file_names | ✔ b2_list_file_versions | 🚧 b2_list_keys | ❌ b2_list_parts | ❌ b2_list_unfinished_large_files | ❌ b2_start_large_file | ❌ b2_update_bucket | ✔ b2_upload_file | ✔ b2_upload_part | ❌