.TH RBMENU 1 rbmenu\-0.3.0 .SH NAME rbmenu \- Rust Bookmark (d)Menu .SH SYNOPSIS .B rbmenu .RB [ \-i .IR insert ] .RB [ \-n .IR name ] .RB [ \-l .IR list ] .RB [ \-r .IR remove ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B rbmenu is a bookmark menu written in rust. It stores the bookmarks in json format. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-V Print version information .TP .B \-h, \-\-help Print help information .TP .B \-i Insert a new bookmark. Uses the value of .B \-n (if available) for name of the bookmark. If .B \-n is not available, then the name is parsed from the URL using a regular expressions. .TP .B \-l Lists all bookmarks available. If value of .B \-n is not provided, all bookmarks are shown. Value of .B \-n can be a regular expression to match against the bookmarks .TP .B \-n Name of the bookmark. Required for .B \-i Optional argument to .B \-l for regex matching. If the value contains spaces, it is converted to underscores. .TP .B \-r Remove bookmark with the given id. Exits if bookmark with the given id is not found. .SH USAGE .TP .B rbmenu -i 'https://devhypercoder.com' -n 'website' Adds a bookmark with name .IR website and link .IR https://devhypercoder.com .TP .B rbmenu -l Displays all the bookmarks saved in a "space" seperated value. This allows for easy scripting using awk, sed etc. Names are in underscores always. .TP .B rbmenu -ln 'git*' Displays all the bookmarks that match the given regular expression pattern. .TP .B rbemnu -r 1 Removes the bookmark with id = 1 .SH FILES .TP .B ~/.local/share/rbmenu/bookmark.json All bookmarks are stored here. Directory will be created if it does not exist. .SH AUTHORS DevHyperCoder