/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Copyright (c) 2016-2019 FIRST. All Rights Reserved. */ /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */ /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */ /* the project. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma once // Allows usage with std::scoped_lock without including separately #ifdef __linux__ #include #endif #include namespace wpi { #if defined(__FRC_ROBORIO__) && !defined(WPI_USE_PRIORITY_MUTEX) #define WPI_USE_PRIORITY_MUTEX #endif #if defined(WPI_USE_PRIORITY_MUTEX) && defined(__linux__) #define WPI_HAVE_PRIORITY_MUTEX 1 class priority_recursive_mutex { public: using native_handle_type = pthread_mutex_t*; constexpr priority_recursive_mutex() noexcept = default; priority_recursive_mutex(const priority_recursive_mutex&) = delete; priority_recursive_mutex& operator=(const priority_recursive_mutex&) = delete; // Lock the mutex, blocking until it's available. void lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex); } // Unlock the mutex. void unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); } // Tries to lock the mutex. bool try_lock() noexcept { return !pthread_mutex_trylock(&m_mutex); } pthread_mutex_t* native_handle() { return &m_mutex; } private: // Do the equivalent of setting PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT and // PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP. #ifdef __PTHREAD_MUTEX_HAVE_PREV pthread_mutex_t m_mutex = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 0x20 | PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP, __PTHREAD_SPINS, {0, 0}}}; #else pthread_mutex_t m_mutex = { {0, 0, 0, 0x20 | PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP, 0, {__PTHREAD_SPINS}}}; #endif }; class priority_mutex { public: using native_handle_type = pthread_mutex_t*; constexpr priority_mutex() noexcept = default; priority_mutex(const priority_mutex&) = delete; priority_mutex& operator=(const priority_mutex&) = delete; // Lock the mutex, blocking until it's available. void lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex); } // Unlock the mutex. void unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); } // Tries to lock the mutex. bool try_lock() noexcept { return !pthread_mutex_trylock(&m_mutex); } pthread_mutex_t* native_handle() { return &m_mutex; } private: // Do the equivalent of setting PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT. #ifdef __PTHREAD_MUTEX_HAVE_PREV pthread_mutex_t m_mutex = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0x20, __PTHREAD_SPINS, {0, 0}}}; #else pthread_mutex_t m_mutex = {{0, 0, 0, 0x20, 0, {__PTHREAD_SPINS}}}; #endif }; #endif // defined(WPI_USE_PRIORITY_MUTEX) && defined(__linux__) } // namespace wpi