# This crate is no longer maintained RCC has been renamed to `saltwater`. If you are looking for the documentation, it is now at . ## Why rename rcc? rcc is a great name for a Rust C compiler. Unfortunately, that binary name is already being used by the QT project for their resource compiler: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/rcc.html. This causes a lot of confusion when people run `rcc` with QT installed. ## Why saltwater? I didn't want to go with synonyms for 'clang' because this is a separate project which reuses no code or libraries from LLVM. There is an informal tradition in Rust for having somewhat clever names, so I chose 'saltwater' since it's part of the sea (C) and is corrosive (causes rust). ## Saltwater is pretty long to type, is that really the new binary name? No, the binary name is `swcc` (and eventually `swcpp`).