# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Please keep one empty line before and after all headers. (This is required for `git` to produce a conflict when a release is made while a PR is open and the PR's changelog entry would go into the wrong section). There are 5 types of changes: - `Features` for new features. - `Changed` for changes in existing functionality. - `Fixed` for any bug fixes. - `Breaking` for the detail of any backward incompatible changes. - `Infrastructure`for all the tools and processes that support our development, such as CI/CD, testing frameworks, build tools, etc. Please only add new entries below the [Unreleased](#unreleased---releasedate) header with the following format: ``` md - description of change (#PR @contributor) ``` ## [@Unreleased] - @ReleaseDate ## [0.1.3] - 2024-02-02 ## [0.1.3-alpha.1](https://github.com/RibirX/rclog/compare/v0.1.2...v0.1.3-alpha.1) - 2024-01-18 ## [0.1.2](https://github.com/RibirX/rclog/compare/v0.1.1-alpha.1...v0.1.2) - 2024-01-08 ### Infrastructure - Add github actions to manage rclog release(\#1 @M-Adoo) ### Features [@Unreleased]: https://github.com/RibirX/rclog/compare/v0.1.3...HEAD [0.1.3]: https://github.com/RibirX/rclog/compare/v0.1.3-alpha.1...v0.1.3 - support extract changelog from a specific version: `rclog -t 0.1.0 -p ./CHANGELOG.md extract` - support merge changelog from multi pre-release version to the more stable version: `rclog -t 0.1.0 -p ./CHANGELOG.md merge` The initial version of the changelog management tool of [Ribir](ribir.org). Run `rclog -h` to see the usage. - Add a reusable workflow to help Rust project in Github to release version. (\#1 @M-Adoo) - Optionally, merge changelogs from all pre-release versions into the release version - Publish a new version to crates.io. - Extract the changelog of a specific version and create a new release note on GitHub. ### Fixed - Return error when the changelog content is empty. (\#1 @M-Adoo) - Fix merge a non-exist version may delete the pre-release version. (\#1 @M-Adoo)