# rcrawl 1.2.1 Searches for a given file or directory using multiple threads and prints its path to stdout. ## Usage: `rcrawl [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] ` ## Flags: - `-a, --all` A flag indicating wether to search all files including hidden files - `-h, --help` Prints help information - `-R, --regex` A flag indicating wether the search expression is a regular expression - `-r, --relative` A flag indicating that relative rather than full files paths should be returned - `-s, --single` A flag indicating only the first found item should be output (equivalent to --max_items 1) - `-V, --version` Prints version information - `-v, --verbose` A flag indicating wether to print verbose information ## Options: - `-d, --max_depth ` The maximum depth to recursively search to - `-i, --max_items ` The maximum number of results to return - `-t, --threads ` The number of threads to use to search for ## Args: - `` The name of the root directory to start searching from - `` The name of the file/directory to search for Author: [Rafi Levy](rafilevy.co.uk)