{ "@context": { "@base": "manifest", "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "mf": "http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#", "mq": "http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-query#", "rdfc": "https://w3c.github.io/rdf-canon/tests/vocab#", "rdft": "http://www.w3.org/ns/rdftest#", "id": "@id", "type": "@type", "action": { "@id": "mf:action", "@type": "@id" }, "approval": { "@id": "rdft:approval", "@type": "@id" }, "comment": "rdfs:comment", "entries": { "@id": "mf:entries", "@type": "@id", "@container": "@list" }, "hashAlgorithm": "rdfc:hashAlgorithm", "label": "rdfs:label", "name": "mf:name", "computationalComplexity": "rdfc:computationalComplexity", "result": { "@id": "mf:result", "@type": "@id" } }, "id": "manifest", "type": "mf:Manifest", "label": "RDF Dataset Canonicalization (RDFC-1.0) Test Suite", "comment": "Tests the 1.0 version of RDF Dataset Canonicalization and the generation of canonical maps.", "entries": [ { "id": "#test001c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "simple id", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test001-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test001-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test002c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "duplicate property iri values", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test002-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test002-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test003c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "bnode", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test003-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test003-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test003m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "bnode (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test003-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test003-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test004c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "bnode plus embed w/subject", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test004-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test004-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test004m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "bnode plus embed w/subject (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test004-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test004-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test005c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "bnode embed", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test005-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test005-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test005m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "bnode embed (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test005-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test005-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test006c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "multiple rdf types", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test006-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test006-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test008c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "single subject complex", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test008-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test008-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test009c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "multiple subjects - complex", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test009-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test009-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test010c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "type", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test010-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test010-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test011c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "type-coerced type", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test011-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test011-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test013c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "type-coerced type, cycle", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test013-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test013-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test014c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "check types", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test014-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test014-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test016c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - dual link - embed", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test016-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test016-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test016m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "blank node - dual link - embed (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test016-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test016-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test017c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - dual link - non-embed", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test017-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test017-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test017m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "blank node - dual link - non-embed (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test017-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test017-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test018c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - self link", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test018-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test018-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test018m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "blank node - self link (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test018-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test018-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test019c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - disjoint self links", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test019-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test019-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test020c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - diamond", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test020-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test020-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test020m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "blank node - diamond (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test020-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test020-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test021c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - circle of 2", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test021-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test021-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test022c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 2", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test022-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test022-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test023c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - circle of 3", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test023-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test023-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test024c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (0-1-2)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test024-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test024-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test025c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (0-2-1)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test025-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test025-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test026c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (1-0-2)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test026-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test026-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test027c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (1-2-0)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test027-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test027-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test028c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (2-1-0)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test028-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test028-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test029c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (2-0-1)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test029-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test029-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test030c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - point at circle of 3", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test030-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test030-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test030m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "blank node - point at circle of 3 (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test030-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test030-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test033c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "disjoint identical subgraphs (1)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test033-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test033-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test034c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "disjoint identical subgraphs (2)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test034-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test034-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test035c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "reordered w/strings (1)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test035-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test035-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test036c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "reordered w/strings (2)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test036-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test036-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test038c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "reordered 4 bnodes, reordered 2 properties (1)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test038-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test038-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test039c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "reordered 4 bnodes, reordered 2 properties (2)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test039-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test039-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test040c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "reordered 6 bnodes (1)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test040-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test040-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test043c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "literal with language", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test043-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test043-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test044c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "poison – evil (1)", "comment": "A poison graph which is computable given defined limits.", "computationalComplexity": "high", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test044-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test044-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test045c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "poison – evil (2)", "comment": "A poison graph which is computable given defined limits.", "computationalComplexity": "high", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test045-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test045-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test046c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "poison – evil (3)", "comment": "A poison graph which is computable given defined limits.", "computationalComplexity": "high", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test046-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test046-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test047c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "deep diff (1)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test047-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test047-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test047m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "deep diff (1) (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test047-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test047-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test048c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "deep diff (2)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test048-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test048-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test048m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "deep diff (2) (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test048-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test048-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test053c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "@list", "comment": "RDF Collections using rdf:first/rest ladders.", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test053-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test053-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test053m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "@list (map test)", "comment": "RDF Collections using rdf:first/rest ladders.", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test053-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test053-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test054c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "t-graph", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test054-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test054-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test055c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "simple reorder (1)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test055-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test055-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test055m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "simple reorder (1) (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test055-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test055-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test056c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "simple reorder (2)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test056-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test056-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test056m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "simple reorder (2) (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test056-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test056-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test057c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "unnamed graph", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test057-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test057-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test057m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "unnamed graph (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test057-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test057-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test058c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "unnamed graph with blank node objects", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test058-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test058-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test059c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "n-quads parsing", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test059-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test059-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test060c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "n-quads escaping", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test060-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test060-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test060m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "n-quads escaping (map test)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test060-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test060-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test061c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "same literal value with multiple languages", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test061-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test061-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test062c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "same literal value with multiple datatypes", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test062-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test062-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test063c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - diamond (with _:b)", "comment": "This duplicates #test020, but uses _:b as a blank node prefix", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test063-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test063-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test063m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "blank node - diamond (with _:b) (map test)", "comment": "This duplicates #test020, but uses _:b as a blank node prefix", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test063-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test063-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test064c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (0-1-2, reversed)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test064-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test064-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test065c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (0-2-1, reversed)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test065-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test065-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test066c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (1-0-2, reversed)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test066-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test066-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test067c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (1-2-0, reversed)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test067-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test067-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test068c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (2-1-0, reversed)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test068-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test068-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test069c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - double circle of 3 (2-0-1, reversed)", "comment": null, "computationalComplexity": "medium", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test069-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test069-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test070c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "dataset - isomorphic default and iri named", "comment": "Isomorphic graphs in default and IRI named graph", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test070-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test070-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test070m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "dataset - isomorphic default and iri named (map test)", "comment": "Isomorphic graphs in default and IRI named graph", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test070-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test070-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test071c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "dataset - isomorphic default and node named", "comment": "Isomorphic graphs in default and blank node named graph", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test071-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test071-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test071m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "dataset - isomorphic default and node named (map test)", "comment": "Isomorphic graphs in default and blank node named graph", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test071-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test071-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test072c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "dataset - shared blank nodes", "comment": "Blank nodes shared in default and named graph", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test072-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test072-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test072m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "dataset - shared blank nodes (map test)", "comment": "Blank nodes shared in default and named graph", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test072-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test072-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test073c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "dataset - referencing graph name", "comment": "Default graph with blank node shared with graph name", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test073-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test073-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test073m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "dataset - referencing graph name (map test)", "comment": "Default graph with blank node shared with graph name", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test073-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test073-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test074c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10NegativeEvalTest", "name": "poison - Clique Graph (negative test)", "comment": "A 10-node Clique of blank node resources all inter-related.", "computationalComplexity": "high", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test074-in.nq" }, { "id": "#test075c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "blank node - diamond (uses SHA-384)", "comment": "Same as test020 except for using SHA-384", "computationalComplexity": "low", "hashAlgorithm": "SHA384", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test075-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test075-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test075m", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10MapTest", "name": "blank node - diamond (uses SHA-384) (map test)", "comment": "Same as test020 except for using SHA-384", "computationalComplexity": "low", "hashAlgorithm": "SHA384", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test075-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test075-rdfc10map.json" }, { "id": "#test076c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "duplicate ground triple in input", "comment": "The duplicate triples must be removed", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test076-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test076-rdfc10.nq" }, { "id": "#test077c", "type": "rdfc:RDFC10EvalTest", "name": "duplicate triple with blank node in input", "comment": "The duplicate triples must be removed", "computationalComplexity": "low", "approval": "rdft:Approved", "action": "rdfc10/test077-in.nq", "result": "rdfc10/test077-rdfc10.nq" } ] }