"ontologies_ext/stat.nq" . "Describes terms for POSIX-like files and directory listings" . "POSIX stat" . . . "stat" . . "ontologies_ext/solid.nq" . "The Solid Terms vocabulary defines terms referenced in Solid specifications."@en . "Solid Terms"@en . . . "solid" . . "ontologies_ext/oidc.nq" . "The OpenID Connect vocabulary used by the Solid-OIDC authentication specification."@en . "Solid OIDC"@en . . . "oidc" . . "ontologies_ext/acp.nq" . "ACP is a language for describing, controlling, and granting access to resources."@en . "Access Control Policy (ACP)"@en . . . "acp" . . "ontologies_ext/pim.nq" . "This ontology is for use in describing Workspaces. Workspaces are places where data is stored and associated policies of privacy" . "Workspace Ontology" . . . "pim" . . "ontologies_ext/cert.nq" . "Ontology for Certificates and crypto stuff." . "The Cert Ontology 1.0" . . . "cert" . . "ontologies_ext/ontolex.nq" . "A model for the representation of lexical information relative to ontologies. Core module." . "Lexicon Model for Ontologies - Core" . . . "ontolex" . . "ontologies_ext/lime.nq" . "LIME (LInguistic MEtadata) is a vocabulary for expressing linguistic metadata about linguistic resources and linguistically grounded datasets." . "Lexicon Model for Ontologies - LIngusitic MEtadata (LIME)" . . . "lime" . . "ontologies_ext/vartrans.nq" . "A model for the representation of lexical information relative to ontologies. Variation and translation module." . "Lexicon Model for Ontologies - Vartrans" . . . "vartrans" . . "ontologies_ext/gold.nq" . "This is the General Ontology for Linguistic Description (GOLD) described using the Web Ontology Language. This ontology was created primarily for applications involving descriptive linguistics." . "General Ontology for Linguistic Description" . . . "gold" . . "ontologies_ext/lexvo.nq" . "Lexvo.org Ontology Version 0.24 (2019-01-16)" . "Lexvo.org Ontology" . . . "lexvo" . . "ontologies_ext/spec.nq" . "Specification ontology." . "Specification ontology" . . . "spec" . .