"A patch expresses conditional modifications to a resource that has an RDF-based representation."@en . "Solid Terms"@en . . . "The login URI of a given server."@en . "2018-10-25"^^ . . "Insert/delete patch"@en . "Non-volatile memory usage"@en . "loginEndpoint"@en . . "2015-11-16"^^ . "2018-10-25"^^ . "solid" . . . "2018-01-24"^^ . "Type index"@en . "2017-08-17"^^ . . "2017-08-15"^^ . "2015-12-20"^^ . "2018-01-24"^^ . "read"@en . "The quota of non-volatile memory that is available for the account (in bytes)"@en . . "2018-10-24"^^ . . . "Notification"@en . . "2015-11-16"^^ . "OIDC issuer"@en . . . "2019-01-22"^^ . "timeline"@en . . "2016-02-05"^^ . . "2017-08-17"^^ . . "The logout URI of a given server."@en . "A class that is used to map an listed or unlisted type index."@en . . "private type index"@en . . "type index"@en . "2016-01-04"^^ . . "2019-01-22"^^ . . . _:riog00000001 . "Patch"@en . "2015-11-16"^^ . . . "A resource containing time ordered items and sub-containers. Sub-containers may be desirable in file based systems to split the timeline into logical components e.g. /yyyy-mm-dd/ as used in ISO 8061."@en . . . "2016-03-11"^^ . "instance"@en . "Indicates if a message has been read or not. This property should have a boolean datatype."@en . . . "2021-05-19"^^ . _:riog00000001 "2020-12-22"^^ . "2018-10-26"^^ . . "A resource containing notifications."@en . . "2015-11-16"^^ . . "A class of patch expressing insertions, deletions, and conditional modifications to a resource that has an RDF-based representation."@en . "public type index"@en . . _:riog00000001 . "inbox (deprecated)"@en . "Maps a type to an individual resource, typically an index or a directory listing resource."@en . "2018-10-25"^^ . "2018-01-24"^^ . "2015-12-18"^^ . . . . "The preferred OpenID Connect issuer URI for a given WebID."@en . . "A Solid account."@en . "2016-01-04"^^ . . "Timeline"@en . . "Type Registration"@en . . . "Maps a type to a container which the client would have to list to get the instances of that type."@en . . "inserts"@en . . . "2017-08-17"^^ . . . . "2015-12-18"^^ . . . . . . . "The conditions the document and the inserted and deleted triple patterns need to satisfy in order for the patch to be applied."@en . "2016-02-05"^^ . . "Deprecated pointer to a Linked Data Notifications inbox; please use http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#inbox instead."@en . "2018-01-24"^^ . . . "The registered types that map a RDF classes/types to their locations using either `instance` or `instanceContainer` property."@en . . "Points to a listed type index resource."@en . . "2018-01-24"^^ . . "Unlisted Type Index is a registry of resources that are private to the user and their apps, for types that are not publicly discoverable."@en . . "The triple patterns this patch removes from the document."@en . . . "registry class"@en . "Listed Type Index"@en . . "instance container"@en . "2017-08-17"^^ . "account"@en . "2018-01-24"^^ . "2016-05-17"^^ . . "A notification resource."@en . "owner"@en . "Non-volatile memory quota"@en . "http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/terms#"^^ . . "Unlisted Type Index"@en . . . "2016-02-05"^^ . . . "patches"@en . . . . . "Listed Type Index is a registry of resources that are publicly discoverable by outside users and applications."@en . "The triple patterns this patch adds to the document."@en . "logoutEndpoint"@en . . . . "2018-11-07"^^ . . . "Points to a TypeIndex resource."@en . . . "A solid account belonging to an Agent."@en . . . . "Account"@en . "Inbox"@en . "2016-05-17"^^ . "deletes"@en . . "true"^^ . "2017-08-16"^^ . "Notification resource for an inbox."@en . "Timeline for a given resource."@en . _:riog00000001 . . . "Points to an unlisted type index resource."@en . "where"@en . "2022-05-03"^^ . "A person or social entity that is considered to have control, rights, and responsibilities over a data storage."@en . . . "2018-01-24"^^ . "2015-11-16"^^ . . "The amount of non-volatile memory that the account have used (in bytes)"@en . . . "A index of type registries for resources. Applications can register the RDF type they use and list them in the index resource."@en . "2015-11-16"^^ . "The Solid Terms vocabulary defines terms referenced in Solid specifications."@en . "2018-01-24"^^ . "2018-01-24"^^ . "2017-08-17"^^ . . "The document to which this patch applies."@en . . "notification"@en . . . . .