@base . @prefix api: . @prefix auth: . @prefix concept: . @prefix data-mig: . @prefix dct: . @prefix document: . @prefix employment: . @prefix enum: . @prefix event: . @prefix fibo-fnd-plc-loc: . @prefix file: . @prefix fin-reg: . @prefix gleif-base: . @prefix ident: . @prefix legal-entity: . @prefix lem: . @prefix organization: . @prefix prov: . @prefix raw: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix temporality: . @prefix use-case: . @prefix user-account: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix wfi: . @prefix xsd: . a concept:Concept, concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legacy ID" ; rdfs:comment "Represents the primary key that is being used in the original data source" ; concept:key "legacyId" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:legacyId ; concept:raw raw:referenceId ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; concept:key "changeReason" ; rdfs:label "Change Reason" ; rdfs:comment "Reason for change" ; concept:type xsd:string ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Created At" ; concept:key "createdAt" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; concept:raw raw:entryCreatedAt ; concept:predicate prov:atTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Last Updated At" ; concept:key "lastUpdatedAt" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; concept:raw raw:entryCreatedAt ; concept:predicate prov:atTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Last Updated By" ; concept:key "lastUpdatedBy" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:entryCreatedBy ; skos:editorialNote "the initiator of the last non-deleted workflow instance" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Last Updated By label" ; concept:key "lastUpdatedByLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; rdfs:comment "name of the last person to effect a change on the entity" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Created By" ; concept:key "createdBy" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:entryCreatedBy ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Created By" ; rdfs:comment "Created By As an output, because of an rdf4j limitation" ; concept:key "createdBy_" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:entryCreatedBy ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Created By Label" ; rdfs:comment "Label of the creator" ; concept:key "createdByLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Registration Authority" ; concept:key "registrationAuthority" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Registration Authority" ; concept:key "registrationAuthorityLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register" ; concept:key "commercialRegister" ; concept:predicate gleif-base:isRegisteredIn ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register Country" ; concept:key "commercialRegisterCountry" ; concept:predicate gleif-base:hasCoverageArea ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register Region" ; concept:key "commercialRegisterRegion" ; concept:predicate gleif-base:hasCoverageArea ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register Label" ; concept:key "commercialRegisterLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register Search Text" ; rdfs:comment "Searches the commercial register, registration authority, region and country" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register Date of Entry" ; concept:key "commercialRegisterDateOfEntry" ; concept:predicate gleif-base:hasInitialRegistrationDate ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register Date of Dissolution" ; concept:key "dissolutionDate" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; concept:predicate event:hasDateTime ; concept:raw raw:dateOfDissolution ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Dissolution" ; concept:key "dissolution" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass event:Dissolution ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register In Liquidation Since" ; concept:key "liquidationDate" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; concept:predicate event:hasDateTime ; concept:raw raw:inLiquidationSince ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Liquidation" ; concept:key "liquidation" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass event:Liquidation ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Liquidated Legal Entity" ; concept:key "liquidatedLegalEntity" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate event:hasPrimaryEntity ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Liquidator" ; concept:key "liquidator" ; concept:predicate fin-reg:hasLiquidator ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Liquidator Label" ; concept:key "liquidatorLabel" ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Liquidators" ; concept:key "liquidators" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:liquidators ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Class" ; rdfs:comment "an IRI for a class" ; concept:key "class" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "IRI" ; rdfs:comment "An IRI" ; concept:key "iri" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "IRI Or Bnode" ; rdfs:comment "An IRI or bnode, as a string" ; concept:key "iri" ; concept:type xsd:string ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Base IRI" ; rdfs:comment "An EKG environment's deployment base IRI" ; concept:key "baseIri" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Deprecated From" ; rdfs:comment "DateTime from which to deprecate, inclusive" ; concept:key "deprecatedFrom" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Graph" ; concept:key "graph" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Graph Mutable default" ; concept:key "graphMutableDefault" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Graph Mutable Audit" ; concept:key "graphMutableAudit" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Graph Mutable Migration" ; concept:key "graphMutableMigration" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Graph Mutable Sessions" ; concept:key "graphMutableSessions" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Graph Mutable Metadata" ; concept:key "graphMutableMetadata" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Graph Mutable Document" ; concept:key "graphMutableDocument" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Graph Immutable LDAP" ; concept:key "graphImmutableLdap" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Graph Immutable ORG VCS" ; concept:key "graphImmutableOrgVcs" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Data Migration" ; concept:key "dataMigration" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass data-mig:DataMigration ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Label" ; rdfs:comment "IRI's label" ; concept:key "label" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:rdfsClass rdfs:label ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Literal Value" ; rdfs:comment """to send rdf string encoded literal values. AKA typed Literals e.g. "\"P1Y\""^^xsd:duration" """ ; concept:key "literalValue" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate enum:hasValue ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "LEI" ; concept:key "legalEntityIdentifier" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate gleif-base:hasTag ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Entity IRI" ; concept:key "legalEntityIri" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:LegalEntity ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Latest Activity" ; concept:key "latestActivity" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Ownership Relationship" ; concept:key "ownershipRelationship" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:Ownership ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Owne Legal Entity" ; concept:key "ownerLegalEntity" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate legal-entity:owner ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Owned Legal Entity" ; concept:key "ownedLegalEntity" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate legal-entity:owned ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Owned Legal Entity Percentage" ; rdfs:comment "Percentage ownership of a legal entity" ; concept:key "percentageOwned" ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasPercentageOwned ; concept:type xsd:decimal ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Session ID" ; concept:key "sessionId" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Entity is Internal Legal Entity " ; concept:predicate legal-entity:isInternalLegalEntity ; concept:key "isInternalLegalEntity" ; concept:type xsd:boolean ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Person Legal Name" ; concept:predicate ident:hasName ; concept:key "legalName" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Person Legal Name IRI" ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasLegalName ; concept:key "legalNameIri" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Entity Business Purpose" ; concept:key "businessPurpose" ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasBusinessPurpose ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Entity Status" ; rdfs:comment "The operational and/or legal registration status of the entity (may be ACTIVE or INACTIVE)" ; concept:key "legalEntityStatus" ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasEntityStatus ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:companyStatus ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Entity Status Label" ; concept:key "legalEntityStatusLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Company Owner" ; concept:key "companyOwner" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:CompanyOwner ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Company Owner Label" ; concept:key "companyOwnerLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Assigment" ; concept:key "assignment" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass wfi:Assignment ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Natural Person" ; concept:key "naturalPerson" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:NaturalPerson ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Person" ; concept:key "legalPerson" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:LegalPerson ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Person label" ; concept:key "legalPersonLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Type" ; concept:key "conceptType" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate rdf:type ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Type" ; concept:key "conceptType" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate concept:type ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Concept" ; concept:key "concept" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass concept:Concept ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Class Concept" ; concept:key "classConcept" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass concept:ClassConcept ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Property Concept" ; concept:key "propertyConcept" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass concept:PropertyConcept ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Concept key" ; concept:key "conceptKey" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate concept:key ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Concept Predicate" ; concept:key "conceptPredicate" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate concept:predicate ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Concept RDFs Class" ; concept:key "conceptRdfsClass" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate concept:rdfsClass ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Concept Value" ; concept:key "conceptValue" ; concept:type xsd:string ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Person Legal" ; concept:key "contactPersonLegal" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:LegalContact ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Person Legal Label" ; concept:key "contactPersonLegalLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Person Tax" ; concept:key "contactPersonTax" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:TaxContact ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Person Tax Label" ; concept:key "contactPersonTaxLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Compliance Officer" ; concept:key "complianceOfficer" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:ComplianceOfficer ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Compliance Officer Label" ; concept:key "complianceOfficerLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Person Internal Audit" ; concept:key "contactPersonInternalAudit" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:InternalAuditContact ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Person Internal Audit Label" ; concept:key "contactPersonInternalAuditLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "External Auditor" ; concept:key "externalAuditor" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:externalAuditor ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "External Auditor Name" ; concept:key "externalAuditorName" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:externalAuditor ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Auditor Relationship IRI" ; concept:key "auditorRelationshipIri" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass fin-reg:ExternalAuditingRelationship ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Auditor Relationship Started At" ; concept:predicate temporality:hasStartDate ; concept:key "auditorRelationshipStartedAt" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Auditor Relationship Ended At" ; concept:predicate temporality:hasEndDate ; concept:key "auditorRelationshipEndedAt" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Person Accounting" ; concept:key "contactPersonAccounting" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:AccountingContact ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Person Accounting Label" ; concept:key "contactPersonAccountingLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Signatory" ; concept:key "signatory" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass employment:Appointment ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Signatories List" ; rdfs:comment "Comma separated list of signatories" ; concept:key "signatoriesList" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Signatory Comment" ; concept:key "signatoryComment" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass document:SignatoryComment ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Signatory Text" ; concept:key "signatoryText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:rdfsClass document:hasText ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Subject To Anti Money Laundering Legislation" ; concept:key "subjectToAntiMoneyLaunderingLegislation" ; concept:type xsd:boolean ; concept:raw raw:subjectToAntiMoneyLaunderingLegislation ; concept:predicate legal-entity:isSubjectToAML ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Subject To Special Regulation FATCA DODD Frank" ; concept:key "subjectToSpecialRegulationFatcaDoddFrank" ; concept:type xsd:boolean ; concept:raw raw:subjectToSpecialRegulationFatcaDoddFrank ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Accounting Standard" ; concept:key "accountingStandard" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate fin-reg:hasAccountingStandard ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Accounting Standart Label" ; concept:key "accountingStandardLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Accounting Location" ; concept:key "accountingLocation" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Fiscal Year Month" ; concept:key "fiscalYearMonth" ; concept:type xsd:integer ; concept:raw raw:fiscalYearDay ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasFiscalYearEndMonth ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Fiscal Year Day" ; concept:key "fiscalYearDay" ; concept:type xsd:integer ; concept:raw raw:fiscalYearDay ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasFiscalYearEndDay ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Subsidiaries Shares" ; rdfs:comment "Subsidiaries, Investments (% of share capital)" ; concept:key "subsidiariesShares" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:subsidiariesInvestmentsOfShareCapital ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Subsidiaries Shares List" ; concept:key "subsidiariesSharesList" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:subsidiariesInvestmentsOfShareCapital ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Is Consolidated" ; concept:key "isConsolidated" ; concept:predicate legal-entity:isConsolidated ; concept:type xsd:boolean ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Is Regulated" ; concept:key "isRegulated" ; concept:type xsd:boolean ; concept:raw raw:regulated ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Supervision Authorities" ; concept:key "supervisionAuthorities" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:supervisionAuthorities ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Supervision Authorities List" ; rdfs:comment "List of Supervision Authorities" ; concept:key "supervisionAuthoritiesList" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:supervisionAuthorities ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Supervision Authority" ; concept:key "supervisionAuthority" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass fin-reg:SupervisionAuthority ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Controller" ; concept:key "controller" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate document:hasController ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Supervision Authority Relationship" ; concept:key "supervisionAuthorityRelationship" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Type Of License" ; concept:key "typeOfLicense" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:typeOfLicense ; concept:rawStripPrefix "Type of License/" ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Type Of License Label" ; concept:key "typeOfLicenseLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "License" ; concept:key "license" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate fin-reg:hasLicense ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "License Issue Date" ; concept:key "licenseIssueDate" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; concept:predicate document:hasIssueDate ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Formal Comment" ; concept:key "formalComment" ; concept:rdfsClass document:FormalComment ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Comment On Main Data" ; concept:key "commentOnMainData" ; concept:predicate document:hasText ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Comment" ; concept:key "comment" ; concept:predicate rdfs:comment ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Accounting Standard Search Text" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Audit Monitoring Method Search Text" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Audit Monitoring Method" ; concept:key "auditMonitoringMethod" ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasMonitoringMethod ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Audit Monitoring Method Label" ; concept:key "auditMonitoringMethodLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Currency Search Text" ; rdfs:comment "Generic concept for any search text" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Country Search Text" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; rdfs:comment "Generic concept for any search text" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Form Search Text" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; rdfs:comment "Generic concept for any search text" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal entity Search Text" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; rdfs:comment "Generic concept for any search text" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Search Text" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; rdfs:comment "Generic concept for any search text" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Entity Abbreviations" ; concept:key "legalEntityAbbreviations" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Location Of Files" ; concept:key "locationOfFiles" ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasStorageLocation ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass document:StorageLocation ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Location Of Files Comment" ; concept:key "locationOfFilesComment" ; concept:predicate rdfs:comment ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Location Of Files City" ; concept:key "locationOfFilesCity" ; concept:predicate document:hasStorageCity ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Location Of Files City Label" ; concept:key "locationOfFilesCityLabel" ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Location Of Files Organization" ; concept:key "locationOfFilesOrganization" ; concept:predicate document:hasStorageOrganization ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Location Of Files Organizational Unit" ; concept:key "locationOfFilesOrganizationalUnit" ; concept:predicate organization:hasSubUnits ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Location Of Files Organizational Unit Label" ; concept:key "locationOfFilesOrganizationalUnitLabel" ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Location Of Files Legal Entity" ; concept:key "locationOfFilesLegalEntity" ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:LegalEntity ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Location Of Files Legal Entity Name" ; concept:key "locationOfFilesLegalEntityName" ; concept:predicate ident:hasName ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register Certification Of Registration" ; concept:key "commercialRegisterCertificateOfRegistration" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register Certification Of Registration Label" ; concept:key "commercialRegisterCertificateOfRegistrationLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Bylaws Articles Of Association" ; concept:key "bylawsArticlesOfAssociation" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Documentation Of Business Case" ; concept:key "documentationOfBusinessCase" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Other Documents" ; concept:key "otherDocuments" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:otherDocuments ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Prov Activity" ; concept:key "activityId" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Started At Time" ; concept:predicate prov:startedAtTime ; concept:key "startedAtTime" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Ended At Time" ; concept:predicate prov:endedAtTime ; concept:key "endedAtTime" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Country Of Formation" ; concept:key "countryOfFormation" ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasDomicile ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Country Of Domicile Label" ; concept:key "countryOfDomicileLabel" ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Domicile" ; concept:key "domicile" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Form" ; concept:key "legalForm" ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasLegalForm ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:legalNature ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Form Tag" ; #The tag is useful to differentiate between legal form labels that are not unique concept:key "legalFormTag" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . concept:key "ELFCode" ; rdfs:label "Legal Form Code" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Form Label" ; concept:key "legalFormLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Form Abbreviation Local Language" ; concept:key "abbreviationLocalLanguage" ; concept:predicate gleif-base:hasAbbreviationLocal ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Coverage Area" ; concept:key "coverageArea" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . concept:key "coverageAreaLabel" ; rdfs:label "Coverage Area Label" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Domicile Label" ; concept:key "domicileLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legacy Address" ; rdfs:comment "Legacy Address as it appeared in the original source" ; concept:key "legacyAddress" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legacy Postal Code" ; rdfs:comment "Legacy Postal Code as it appeared in the original source" ; concept:key "legacyPostalCode" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:postalCode ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Physical Address" ; rdfs:comment "The address where communications can be addressed, papers served or representatives located for any kind of organization or person" ; concept:key "physicalAddress" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Legal Address" ; concept:key "legalAddress" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasLegalAddress ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Address Line 1" ; rdfs:comment "The mandatory first address line element" ; concept:key "addressLine1" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate gleif-base:hasAddressLine1 ; concept:raw raw:hasAddressLine1 ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Address Line 2" ; rdfs:comment "The second line of the one to three optional additional address line elements" ; concept:key "addressLine2" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:hasAddressLine2 ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Address Line 3" ; rdfs:comment "The third line of the one to three optional additional address line elements" ; concept:key "addressLine3" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:hasAddressLine3 ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Mail Routing" ; concept:key "mailRouting" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:hasMailRouting ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Postal Code" ; concept:key "postalCode" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate gleif-base:hasPostalCode ; concept:raw raw:hasPostalCode ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legacy City" ; rdfs:comment "Legacy City as it appeared in the original source" ; concept:key "legacyCity" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legacy Country" ; rdfs:comment "Legacy Country as it appeared in the original source" ; concept:key "legacyCountry" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Legacy Company Status" ; rdfs:comment "Legacy Company Status as it appeared in the original source" ; concept:key "legacyCompanyStatus" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register Entry" ; concept:key "commercialRegisterEntry" ; concept:predicate gleif-base:hasTag ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "LEI Register Entry" ; rdfs:comment "An identifier associated with an entry in a registry, i.e., one that provides an index to the registry for the recorded item." ; concept:key "leiRegistryEntry" ; concept:rdfsClass gleif-base:RegistryIdentifier ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Commercial Register Number" ; concept:key "commercialRegisterNumber" ; concept:predicate gleif-base:hasTag ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Region" ; concept:key "region" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Region Label" ; concept:key "regionLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Country Search Text" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; rdfs:comment "Country search includes English name and local name" ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Sub Region" ; concept:key "subRegion" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Sub Region Label" ; concept:key "subRegionLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Functional Currency" ; concept:key "functionalCurrency" ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasFunctionalCurrency ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:functionalCurrency ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Functional Currency Label" ; concept:key "functionalCurrencyLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Currency" ; concept:key "currency" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Capital Raise" ; concept:key "capitalRaise" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasCapitalRaised ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Capital Raise IRI" ; concept:key "capitalRaiseIri" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Capital Raise Currency" ; concept:key "capitalRaiseCurrency" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate event:hasCurrency ; concept:raw raw:shareCapitalCurrency ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Share Issue" ; concept:key "shareIssue" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Share Issue Denomination Currency" ; concept:key "shareIssueDenominationCurrency" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Share Issue Denomination Currency Code" ; concept:key "shareIssueDenominationCurrencyCode" ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Capital Raise Paid In Amount" ; concept:key "capitalRaisePaidInAmount" ; concept:predicate event:hasValue ; concept:type xsd:decimal ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Parent Companies" ; concept:key "parentCompanies" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:parentCompanies ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Parent Companies List" ; rdfs:comment "Comma separated list of parent companies and percentage ownership" ; concept:key "parentCompaniesList" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:parentCompanies ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "MOU Between Supervisor And FMA" ; rdfs:comment "Memorandum of Understanding between Supervisor and FMA" ; concept:key "mouBetweenSupervisorAndFma" ; concept:type xsd:boolean ; concept:raw raw:mouBetweenSupervisorAndFma ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Listed At The ADV Form" ; concept:key "listedAtTheAdvForm" ; concept:type xsd:boolean ; concept:predicate legal-entity:hasADVForm ; concept:raw raw:listedAtTheADVFormSec ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Domiciled In EU" ; rdfs:comment "Domiciled in an European Union country" ; concept:key "domiciledInEU" ; concept:type xsd:boolean ; concept:raw raw:eu ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Name of Counterparty" ; concept:key "nameOfCounterparty" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:nameOfCounterparty ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Regulation Reporting Requirement" ; rdfs:comment "Reporting requirement of special regulation" ; concept:key "regulationReportingRequirement" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Regulation Reporting Requests" ; rdfs:comment "Reporting requests of special regulation" ; concept:key "regulationReportingRequests" ; concept:type xsd:boolean ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Special Regulation" ; concept:key "specialRegulation" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Special Regulation Search Text" ; rdfs:comment "Search for special regulation by label" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Name Of Special Regulation" ; concept:key "nameOfSpecialRegulation" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:nameOfSpecialRegulation ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Job Function" ; concept:key "contactJobFunction" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; # todo when we do the ldap transform rule to join the lem-legacy to people in ldap, do we add lines for the columns? # LAP>JAG what's the intent for these concept entries? seems to me that if they're declarative, but don't drive behaviour, they're # just rot prone documentation. # concept:raw raw:hasComplianceOfficer ; concept:predicate employment:hasJobFunction ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Job Function Label" ; concept:key "contactJobFunctionLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Appointment Job Function" ; concept:key "appointmentJobFunction" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:function ; concept:raw raw:function1 ; concept:raw raw:function2 ; concept:raw raw:function3 ; concept:raw raw:function4 ; concept:raw raw:function5 ; concept:raw raw:function6 ; concept:raw raw:function7 ; concept:raw raw:function8 ; concept:raw raw:function9 ; concept:raw raw:function10 ; concept:raw raw:function11 ; concept:raw raw:function12 ; concept:predicate employment:hasJobFunction ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Appointment Job Function Label" ; concept:key "appointmentJobFunctionLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Board Member Term Of Office" ; concept:key "boardMemberTermOfOffice" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice1 ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice2 ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice3 ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice4 ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice5 ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice6 ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice8 ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice9 ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice10 ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice11 ; concept:raw raw:termOfOffice12 ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Directorship" ; concept:key "directorship" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass employment:Directorship ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact" ; concept:key "contact" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass employment:Contact ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Directorship Date Of Last Election" ; concept:key "directorshipDateOfLastElection" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; concept:predicate employment:hasDateOfLastElection ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Appointment Start Date" ; concept:key "appointmentStartDate" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; concept:predicate temporality:hasStartDate ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Appointment End Date" ; concept:key "appointmentEndDate" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; concept:predicate temporality:hasEndDate ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Appointment Status" ; concept:key "appointmentStatus" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember1 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember2 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember3 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember4 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember5 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember6 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember7 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember8 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember9 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember10 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember11 ; concept:raw raw:statusOfBodMember12 ; concept:predicate employment:hasStatus ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Appointment Status Label" ; concept:key "appointmentStatusLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Currency Tag" ; concept:key "currencyTag" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Currency Label" ; concept:key "currencyLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Addition Or Removal" ; concept:key "additionOrRemoval" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Subject" ; concept:key "subject" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Predicate" ; concept:key "predicate" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate class" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Object" ; concept:key "object" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Object IRI" ; concept:key "object" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Object Type" ; rdfs:comment "the literal type of the string encoded in object" ; concept:key "objectType" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "City" ; concept:key "city" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate fibo-fnd-plc-loc:hasMunicipality ; concept:raw raw:city ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "City Label" ; concept:key "cityLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Country" ; concept:key "country" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate gleif-base:hasCountry ; concept:raw raw:country ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Country Label" ; concept:key "countryLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "City Search Text" ; concept:key "searchText" ; concept:type xsd:string ; rdfs:comment "City search includes English name, region and country name" ; skos:editorialNote "TODO: Link to the appropriate property" ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Instance" ; concept:key "workflowInstance" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Occurrence Item" ; concept:key "workflowOccurrenceItem" ; concept:predicate wfi:hasOccurrenceItem ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Occurrence Event Type" ; concept:key "workflowOccurrenceEventType" ; concept:predicate wfi:hasOccurrenceEventType ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "As At" ; concept:key "asAt" ; concept:predicate prov:atTime ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Event Time" ; concept:key "eventTime" ; concept:predicate prov:atTime ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Subject Of Change" ; concept:key "subjectOfChange" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Template Body" ; concept:key "notificationTemplateBody" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Activity Comment" ; concept:key "workflowActivityComment" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Definition" ; concept:key "workflowDefinition" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Definiton Label" ; concept:key "workflowDefinitionLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Instance Primary Item" ; concept:key "workflowInstancePrimaryItem" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Instance Active Stage" ; concept:key "workflowInstanceActiveStage" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Stage Label" ; concept:key "workflowStageLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Activity Stage" ; concept:key "workflowActivityStage" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "From Stage" ; concept:key "fromStage" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Display Order" ; concept:key "displayOrder" ; concept:type xsd:integer ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "To Stage" ; concept:key "toStage" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Milestone" ; concept:key "workflowMilestone" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Instance History" ; concept:key "workflowInstanceHistory" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate wfi:hasWorkflowInstance ; # actually the inverse of this property use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Instance Initiator" ; concept:key "workflowInstanceInitiator" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Instance Start Time" ; concept:key "workflowInstanceStartTime" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Approved At Time" ; concept:key "workflowInstanceApprovalTime" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Server Time" ; concept:key "serverTime" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Approval Comment" ; concept:key "workflowInstanceApprovalComment" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Instance Current State" ; concept:key "workflowInstanceCurrentState" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Instance Current State Label" ; concept:key "workflowInstanceCurrentStateLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Workflow Instance Current State Input" ; concept:key "workflowInstanceCurrentStateInput" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Organizational Unit" ; concept:key "organizationalUnit" ; concept:predicate organization:hasSubUnits ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Organizational Unit Label" ; concept:key "organizationalUnitLabel" ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Fund Contract Type" ; concept:key "fundContractType" ; concept:predicate fin-reg:hasFundContractType ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Fund Contract Type Label" ; concept:key "fundContractTypeLabel" ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Fund Contract Start Date" ; concept:key "fundContractStartDate" ; concept:predicate temporality:hasStartDate ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Primary Party" ; concept:key "primaryParty" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate organization:hasPrimaryParty ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Counter Party" ; concept:key "counterParty" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate organization:hasCounterparty ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Fund Advisor Name" ; concept:key "fundAdvisorName" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate ident:hasName ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Fund Advisory Relationship" ; concept:key "fundAdvisoryRelationship" ; concept:predicate rdf:type ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Fund Advisory Aggrement In Place" ; concept:key "hasFundAdvisoryAgreement" ; concept:type xsd:boolean ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Appointer" ; concept:key "appointer" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate employment:hasAppointer ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Director" ; concept:key "director" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate employment:hasAppointee ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Director Name" ; concept:key "directorName" ; rdfs:comment "the name of a director" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate ident:hasName ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Person" ; concept:key "contact" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:predicate employment:hasAppointee ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Contact Person Label" ; concept:key "contactLabel" ; rdfs:comment "Name of contact person" ; concept:type xsd:string ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Appointee" ; concept:key "appointee" ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:NaturalPerson ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Has Appointee" ; concept:key "hasAppointee" ; concept:predicate employment:hasAppointee ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Internal User ID Label" ; concept:key "internalUserIdLabel" ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "User" ; concept:key "user" ; concept:rdfsClass user-account:UserAccount ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "User Group" ; concept:key "userGroup" ; concept:rdfsClass user-account:UserGroup ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "User Group Email" ; concept:key "userGroupEmail" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Initiator" ; concept:key "initiator" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Initiator Email" ; concept:key "initiatorEmail" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Company Owner Email" ; concept:key "companyOwnerEmail" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Rejector Name" ; concept:key "rejectorName" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "rejector Email" ; concept:key "rejectorEmail" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Notification Type" ; concept:key "notificationType" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Person Email" ; concept:key "personEmail" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase , , ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Vcard" ; concept:key "vcard" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass vcard:VCard ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Vcard Type" ; concept:key "vcardType" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass vcard:Type ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Telephone Type" ; concept:key "telephoneType" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass vcard:TelephoneType ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Telephone Number" ; concept:key "telephoneNumber" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Email" ; concept:key "email" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass vcard:Email ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Department Code" ; concept:key "departmentCode" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "User Group Label" ; concept:key "userGroupLabel" ; concept:predicate rdfs:label ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Authorization Rule" ; concept:key "authorizationRule" ; concept:rdfsClass auth:AuthorizationRule ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Event" ; rdfs:comment "A workflow event" ; concept:key "event" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Unreviewed Change Event" ; concept:key "unreviewedChangeEvent" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass wfi:EventOccurrence ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "User Submission Event" ; concept:key "userSubmissionEvent" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass wfi:EventOccurrence ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Approved Event" ; concept:key "approvedEvent" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass wfi:EventOccurrence ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Event Status" ; rdfs:comment "A workflow event status" ; concept:key "eventStatus" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Event Icon" ; rdfs:comment "An icon IRI" ; concept:key "eventIcon" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "event Label" ; concept:key "eventLabel" ; concept:type xsd:string ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "File Upload" ; concept:key "fileUpload" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; # concept:rdfsClass file:FileUpload ; # todo @PER how do we want to model this? use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Document Category" ; concept:key "documentCategory" ; rdfs:comment "The business category for this document" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Uploader" ; rdfs:comment "Person who uploaded" ; concept:key "uploader" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; concept:rdfsClass legal-entity:LegalPerson ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "S3 Bucket" ; concept:key "s3Bucket" ; concept:type xsd:string ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "S3 Object" ; concept:key "s3Object" ; concept:type xsd:string ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "S3 Presigned Fields" ; rdfs:comment "S3 presigned url gives us json fields to pass on subsequent calls, this is them" ; concept:key "presignedFields" ; concept:type xsd:string ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "File Size" ; concept:key "fileSize" ; concept:type xsd:integer ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Upload Time" ; concept:key "uploadTime" ; concept:type xsd:dateTime ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Source File Name" ; concept:key "sourceFilename" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Mime Type" ; concept:key "mimeType" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "MD5 SUM" ; rdfs:comment "Hexdigest of the md5sum of the complete file" ; concept:key "md5sum" ; concept:type xsd:string ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Entity Document" ; rdfs:comment "Relationship between an entity and a document in the psvc-document" ; concept:key "entityDocument" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; use-case:isUsedInUseCase ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Limit" ; rdfs:comment "Sparql limit" ; concept:key "limit" ; concept:type xsd:integer ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Offset" ; rdfs:comment "Sparql offset" ; concept:key "offset" ; concept:type xsd:integer ; . a concept:PropertyConcept ; rdfs:label "Validation Failure Message" ; rdfs:comment "Validation message" ; concept:key "validationFailureMessage" ; concept:type xsd:string ; . a concept:ClassConcept ; rdfs:label "Validation Rule Type" ; concept:key "validationRuleType" ; concept:type xsd:anyURI ; .