//! Test administrative commands using the admin API. use std::time::Duration; use backoff::{ExponentialBackoff, Operation}; use rdkafka::admin::{ AdminClient, AdminOptions, AlterConfig, ConfigEntry, ConfigSource, GroupResult, NewPartitions, NewTopic, OwnedResourceSpecifier, ResourceSpecifier, TopicReplication, }; use rdkafka::client::DefaultClientContext; use rdkafka::consumer::{BaseConsumer, CommitMode, Consumer, DefaultConsumerContext}; use rdkafka::error::{KafkaError, RDKafkaErrorCode}; use rdkafka::metadata::Metadata; use rdkafka::{ClientConfig, TopicPartitionList}; use crate::utils::*; mod utils; fn create_config() -> ClientConfig { let mut config = ClientConfig::new(); config.set("bootstrap.servers", get_bootstrap_server().as_str()); config } fn create_admin_client() -> AdminClient { create_config() .create() .expect("admin client creation failed") } async fn create_consumer_group(consumer_group_name: &str) { let admin_client = create_admin_client(); let topic_name = &rand_test_topic(consumer_group_name); let consumer: BaseConsumer = create_config() .set("group.id", consumer_group_name.clone()) .create() .expect("create consumer failed"); admin_client .create_topics( &[NewTopic { name: topic_name, num_partitions: 1, replication: TopicReplication::Fixed(1), config: vec![], }], &AdminOptions::default(), ) .await .expect("topic creation failed"); let topic_partition_list = { let mut lst = TopicPartitionList::new(); lst.add_partition(topic_name, 0); lst }; consumer .assign(&topic_partition_list) .expect("assign topic partition list failed"); consumer .fetch_metadata(None, Duration::from_secs(3)) .expect("unable to fetch metadata"); consumer .store_offset(topic_name, 0, -1) .expect("store offset failed"); consumer .commit_consumer_state(CommitMode::Sync) .expect("commit the consumer state failed"); } fn fetch_metadata(topic: &str) -> Metadata { let consumer: BaseConsumer = create_config().create().expect("consumer creation failed"); let timeout = Some(Duration::from_secs(1)); let mut backoff = ExponentialBackoff::default(); backoff.max_elapsed_time = Some(Duration::from_secs(5)); (|| { let metadata = consumer .fetch_metadata(Some(topic), timeout) .map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; if metadata.topics().len() == 0 { Err("metadata fetch returned no topics".to_string())? } let topic = &metadata.topics()[0]; if topic.partitions().len() == 0 { Err("metadata fetch returned a topic with no partitions".to_string())? } Ok(metadata) }) .retry(&mut backoff) .unwrap() } fn verify_delete(topic: &str) { let consumer: BaseConsumer = create_config().create().expect("consumer creation failed"); let timeout = Some(Duration::from_secs(1)); let mut backoff = ExponentialBackoff::default(); backoff.max_elapsed_time = Some(Duration::from_secs(5)); (|| { // Asking about the topic specifically will recreate it (under the // default Kafka configuration, at least) so we have to ask for the list // of all topics and search through it. let metadata = consumer .fetch_metadata(None, timeout) .map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; if let Some(_) = metadata.topics().iter().find(|t| t.name() == topic) { Err(format!("topic {} still exists", topic))? } Ok(()) }) .retry(&mut backoff) .unwrap() } #[tokio::test] async fn test_topics() { let admin_client = create_admin_client(); let opts = AdminOptions::new().operation_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(1))); // Verify that topics are created as specified, and that they can later // be deleted. { let name1 = rand_test_topic("test_topics"); let name2 = rand_test_topic("test_topics"); // Test both the builder API and the literal construction. let topic1 = NewTopic::new(&name1, 1, TopicReplication::Fixed(1)).set("max.message.bytes", "1234"); let topic2 = NewTopic { name: &name2, num_partitions: 3, replication: TopicReplication::Variable(&[&[0], &[0], &[0]]), config: Vec::new(), }; let res = admin_client .create_topics(&[topic1, topic2], &opts) .await .expect("topic creation failed"); assert_eq!(res, &[Ok(name1.clone()), Ok(name2.clone())]); let metadata1 = fetch_metadata(&name1); let metadata2 = fetch_metadata(&name2); assert_eq!(1, metadata1.topics().len()); assert_eq!(1, metadata2.topics().len()); let metadata_topic1 = &metadata1.topics()[0]; let metadata_topic2 = &metadata2.topics()[0]; assert_eq!(&name1, metadata_topic1.name()); assert_eq!(&name2, metadata_topic2.name()); assert_eq!(1, metadata_topic1.partitions().len()); assert_eq!(3, metadata_topic2.partitions().len()); let res = admin_client .describe_configs( &[ ResourceSpecifier::Topic(&name1), ResourceSpecifier::Topic(&name2), ], &opts, ) .await .expect("describe configs failed"); let config1 = &res[0].as_ref().expect("describe configs failed on topic 1"); let config2 = &res[1].as_ref().expect("describe configs failed on topic 2"); let mut expected_entry1 = ConfigEntry { name: "max.message.bytes".into(), value: Some("1234".into()), source: ConfigSource::DynamicTopic, is_read_only: false, is_default: false, is_sensitive: false, }; let default_max_msg_bytes = if get_broker_version() <= KafkaVersion(2, 3, 0, 0) { "1000012" } else { "1048588" }; let expected_entry2 = ConfigEntry { name: "max.message.bytes".into(), value: Some(default_max_msg_bytes.into()), source: ConfigSource::Default, is_read_only: false, is_default: true, is_sensitive: false, }; if get_broker_version() < KafkaVersion(1, 1, 0, 0) { expected_entry1.source = ConfigSource::Unknown; } assert_eq!(Some(&expected_entry1), config1.get("max.message.bytes")); assert_eq!(Some(&expected_entry2), config2.get("max.message.bytes")); let config_entries1 = config1.entry_map(); let config_entries2 = config2.entry_map(); assert_eq!(config1.entries.len(), config_entries1.len()); assert_eq!(config2.entries.len(), config_entries2.len()); assert_eq!( Some(&&expected_entry1), config_entries1.get("max.message.bytes") ); assert_eq!( Some(&&expected_entry2), config_entries2.get("max.message.bytes") ); let partitions1 = NewPartitions::new(&name1, 5); let res = admin_client .create_partitions(&[partitions1], &opts) .await .expect("partition creation failed"); assert_eq!(res, &[Ok(name1.clone())]); let mut tries = 0; loop { let metadata = fetch_metadata(&name1); let topic = &metadata.topics()[0]; let n = topic.partitions().len(); if n == 5 { break; } else if tries >= 5 { panic!("topic has {} partitions, but expected {}", n, 5); } else { tries += 1; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } } let res = admin_client .delete_topics(&[&name1, &name2], &opts) .await .expect("topic deletion failed"); assert_eq!(res, &[Ok(name1.clone()), Ok(name2.clone())]); verify_delete(&name1); verify_delete(&name2); } // Verify that incorrect replication configurations are ignored when // creating topics. { let topic = NewTopic::new("ignored", 1, TopicReplication::Variable(&[&[0], &[0]])); let res = admin_client.create_topics(&[topic], &opts).await; assert_eq!( Err(KafkaError::AdminOpCreation( "replication configuration for topic 'ignored' assigns 2 partition(s), \ which does not match the specified number of partitions (1)" .into() )), res, ) } // Verify that incorrect replication configurations are ignored when // creating partitions. { let name = rand_test_topic("test_topics"); let topic = NewTopic::new(&name, 1, TopicReplication::Fixed(1)); let res = admin_client .create_topics(vec![&topic], &opts) .await .expect("topic creation failed"); assert_eq!(res, &[Ok(name.clone())]); let _ = fetch_metadata(&name); // This partition specification is obviously garbage, and so trips // a client-side error. let partitions = NewPartitions::new(&name, 2).assign(&[&[0], &[0], &[0]]); let res = admin_client.create_partitions(&[partitions], &opts).await; assert_eq!( res, Err(KafkaError::AdminOpCreation(format!( "partition assignment for topic '{}' assigns 3 partition(s), \ which is more than the requested total number of partitions (2)", name ))) ); // Only the server knows that this partition specification is garbage. let partitions = NewPartitions::new(&name, 2).assign(&[&[0], &[0]]); let res = admin_client .create_partitions(&[partitions], &opts) .await .expect("partition creation failed"); assert_eq!( res, &[Err((name, RDKafkaErrorCode::InvalidReplicaAssignment))], ); } // Verify that deleting a non-existent topic fails. { let name = rand_test_topic("test_topics"); let res = admin_client .delete_topics(&[&name], &opts) .await .expect("delete topics failed"); assert_eq!( res, &[Err((name, RDKafkaErrorCode::UnknownTopicOrPartition))] ); } // Verify that mixed-success operations properly report the successful and // failing operators. { let name1 = rand_test_topic("test_topics"); let name2 = rand_test_topic("test_topics"); let topic1 = NewTopic::new(&name1, 1, TopicReplication::Fixed(1)); let topic2 = NewTopic::new(&name2, 1, TopicReplication::Fixed(1)); let res = admin_client .create_topics(vec![&topic1], &opts) .await .expect("topic creation failed"); assert_eq!(res, &[Ok(name1.clone())]); let _ = fetch_metadata(&name1); let res = admin_client .create_topics(vec![&topic1, &topic2], &opts) .await .expect("topic creation failed"); assert_eq!( res, &[ Err((name1.clone(), RDKafkaErrorCode::TopicAlreadyExists)), Ok(name2.clone()) ] ); let _ = fetch_metadata(&name2); let res = admin_client .delete_topics(&[&name1], &opts) .await .expect("topic deletion failed"); assert_eq!(res, &[Ok(name1.clone())]); verify_delete(&name1); let res = admin_client .delete_topics(&[&name2, &name1], &opts) .await .expect("topic deletion failed"); assert_eq!( res, &[ Ok(name2.clone()), Err((name1.clone(), RDKafkaErrorCode::UnknownTopicOrPartition)) ] ); } } #[tokio::test] async fn test_configs() { let admin_client = create_admin_client(); let opts = AdminOptions::new(); let broker = ResourceSpecifier::Broker(0); let res = admin_client .describe_configs(&[broker], &opts) .await .expect("describe configs failed"); let config = &res[0].as_ref().expect("describe configs failed"); let orig_val = config .get("log.flush.interval.messages") .expect("original config entry missing") .value .as_ref() .expect("original value missing"); let config = AlterConfig::new(broker).set("log.flush.interval.messages", "1234"); let res = admin_client .alter_configs(&[config], &opts) .await .expect("alter configs failed"); assert_eq!(res, &[Ok(OwnedResourceSpecifier::Broker(0))]); let mut tries = 0; loop { let res = admin_client .describe_configs(&[broker], &opts) .await .expect("describe configs failed"); let config = &res[0].as_ref().expect("describe configs failed"); let entry = config.get("log.flush.interval.messages"); let expected_entry = if get_broker_version() < KafkaVersion(1, 1, 0, 0) { // Pre-1.1, the AlterConfig operation will silently fail, and the // config will remain unchanged, which I guess is worth testing. ConfigEntry { name: "log.flush.interval.messages".into(), value: Some(orig_val.clone()), source: ConfigSource::Default, is_read_only: true, is_default: true, is_sensitive: false, } } else { ConfigEntry { name: "log.flush.interval.messages".into(), value: Some("1234".into()), source: ConfigSource::DynamicBroker, is_read_only: false, is_default: false, is_sensitive: false, } }; if entry == Some(&expected_entry) { break; } else if tries >= 5 { panic!("{:?} != {:?}", entry, Some(&expected_entry)); } else { tries += 1; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } } let config = AlterConfig::new(broker).set("log.flush.interval.ms", &orig_val); let res = admin_client .alter_configs(&[config], &opts) .await .expect("alter configs failed"); assert_eq!(res, &[Ok(OwnedResourceSpecifier::Broker(0))]); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_groups() { let admin_client = create_admin_client(); // Verify that a valid group can be deleted. { let group_name = rand_test_group(); create_consumer_group(&group_name).await; let res = admin_client .delete_groups(&[&group_name], &AdminOptions::default()) .await; assert_eq!(res, Ok(vec![Ok(group_name.to_string())])); } // Verify that attempting to delete an unknown group returns a "group not // found" error. { let unknown_group_name = rand_test_group(); let res = admin_client .delete_groups(&[&unknown_group_name], &AdminOptions::default()) .await; let expected: GroupResult = Err((unknown_group_name, RDKafkaErrorCode::GroupIdNotFound)); assert_eq!(res, Ok(vec![expected])); } // Verify that deleting a valid and invalid group results in a mixed result // set. { let group_name = rand_test_group(); let unknown_group_name = rand_test_group(); create_consumer_group(&group_name).await; let res = admin_client .delete_groups( &[&group_name, &unknown_group_name], &AdminOptions::default(), ) .await; assert_eq!( res, Ok(vec![ Ok(group_name.to_string()), Err(( unknown_group_name.to_string(), RDKafkaErrorCode::GroupIdNotFound )) ]) ); } } // Tests whether each admin operation properly reports an error if the entire // request fails. The original implementations failed to check this, resulting // in confusing situations where a failed admin request would return Ok([]). #[tokio::test] async fn test_event_errors() { // Configure an admin client to target a Kafka server that doesn't exist, // then set an impossible timeout. This will ensure that every request fails // with an OperationTimedOut error, assuming, of course, that the request // passes client-side validation. let admin_client = ClientConfig::new() .set("bootstrap.servers", "noexist") .create::>() .expect("admin client creation failed"); let opts = AdminOptions::new().request_timeout(Some(Duration::from_nanos(1))); let res = admin_client.create_topics(&[], &opts).await; assert_eq!( res, Err(KafkaError::AdminOp(RDKafkaErrorCode::OperationTimedOut)) ); let res = admin_client.create_partitions(&[], &opts).await; assert_eq!( res, Err(KafkaError::AdminOp(RDKafkaErrorCode::OperationTimedOut)) ); let res = admin_client.delete_topics(&[], &opts).await; assert_eq!( res, Err(KafkaError::AdminOp(RDKafkaErrorCode::OperationTimedOut)) ); let res = admin_client.describe_configs(&[], &opts).await; assert_eq!( res.err(), Some(KafkaError::AdminOp(RDKafkaErrorCode::OperationTimedOut)) ); let res = admin_client.alter_configs(&[], &opts).await; assert_eq!( res, Err(KafkaError::AdminOp(RDKafkaErrorCode::OperationTimedOut)) ); }