// // Copyright (C) 2004-2021 Greg Landrum and other RDKit contributors // // @@ All Rights Reserved @@ // This file is part of the RDKit. // The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license // which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root // of the RDKit source tree. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Chirality.h" // #define VERBOSE_CANON 1 namespace RDKit { namespace { bool shouldDetectDoubleBondStereo(const Bond *bond) { const RingInfo *ri = bond->getOwningMol().getRingInfo(); return (!ri->numBondRings(bond->getIdx()) || ri->minBondRingSize(bond->getIdx()) >= Chirality::minRingSizeForDoubleBondStereo); } // ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- // This algorithm is identical to that used in the CombiCode Mol file // parser (also developed by RD). // // // SUMMARY: // Derive a chiral code for an atom that has a wedged (or dashed) bond // drawn to it. // // RETURNS: // The chiral type // // CAVEATS: // This is careful to ensure that the central atom has 4 neighbors and // only single bonds to it, but that's about it. // // NOTE: this isn't careful at all about checking to make sure that // things actually *should* be chiral. e.g. if the file has a // 3-coordinate N with a wedged bond, it will make some erroneous // assumptions about the chirality. // // ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Atom::ChiralType atomChiralTypeFromBondDir(const ROMol &mol, const Bond *bond, const Conformer *conf) { PRECONDITION(bond, "no bond"); PRECONDITION(conf, "no conformer"); Bond::BondDir bondDir = bond->getBondDir(); PRECONDITION(bondDir == Bond::BEGINWEDGE || bondDir == Bond::BEGINDASH, "bad bond direction"); // NOTE that according to the CT file spec, wedging assigns chirality // to the atom at the point of the wedge, (atom 1 in the bond). const Atom *atom = bond->getBeginAtom(); PRECONDITION(atom, "no atom"); // we can't do anything with atoms that have more than 4 neighbors: if (atom->getDegree() > 4) { return Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED; } const Atom *bondAtom = bond->getEndAtom(); Atom::ChiralType res = Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED; INT_LIST neighborBondIndices; RDGeom::Point3D centerLoc, tmpPt; centerLoc = conf->getAtomPos(atom->getIdx()); tmpPt = conf->getAtomPos(bondAtom->getIdx()); centerLoc.z = 0.0; tmpPt.z = 0.0; RDGeom::Point3D refVect = centerLoc.directionVector(tmpPt); //---------------------------------------------------------- // // start by ensuring that all the bonds to neighboring atoms // are single bonds and collecting a list of neighbor indices: // //---------------------------------------------------------- bool hSeen = false; neighborBondIndices.push_back(bond->getIdx()); if (bondAtom->getAtomicNum() == 1 && bondAtom->getIsotope() == 0) { hSeen = true; } bool allSingle = true; for (const auto nbrBond : mol.atomBonds(atom)) { if (nbrBond->getBondType() != Bond::SINGLE) { allSingle = false; // break; } if (nbrBond != bond) { if ((nbrBond->getOtherAtom(atom)->getAtomicNum() == 1 && nbrBond->getOtherAtom(atom)->getIsotope() == 0)) { hSeen = true; } neighborBondIndices.push_back(nbrBond->getIdx()); } } size_t nNbrs = neighborBondIndices.size(); //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Return now if there aren't at least 3 non-H bonds to the atom. // (we can implicitly add a single H to 3 coordinate atoms, but // we're horked otherwise). // //---------------------------------------------------------- if (nNbrs < 3 || (hSeen && nNbrs < 4)) { return Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Continue if there are all single bonds or if we're considering // 4-coordinate P or S // //---------------------------------------------------------- if (allSingle || atom->getAtomicNum() == 15 || atom->getAtomicNum() == 16) { //------------------------------------------------------------ // // Here we need to figure out the rotation direction between // the neighbor bonds and the wedged bond: // //------------------------------------------------------------ bool isCCW = true; INT_LIST::const_iterator bondIter = neighborBondIndices.begin(); ++bondIter; auto bond1 = mol.getBondWithIdx(*bondIter); int oaid = bond1->getOtherAtom(atom)->getIdx(); tmpPt = conf->getAtomPos(oaid); tmpPt.z = 0; auto atomVect0 = centerLoc.directionVector(tmpPt); auto angle01 = refVect.signedAngleTo(atomVect0); ++bondIter; auto bond2 = mol.getBondWithIdx(*bondIter); oaid = bond2->getOtherAtom(atom)->getIdx(); tmpPt = conf->getAtomPos(oaid); tmpPt.z = 0; auto atomVect1 = centerLoc.directionVector(tmpPt); auto angle02 = refVect.signedAngleTo(atomVect1); // order everything so that looking from the top in a CCW direction we // have 0, 1, 2 bool swappedIt = false; if (angle01 > angle02) { // std::cerr << " swap because " << angle01 << " " << angle02 << " " // << bond1->getIdx() << "->" << bond2->getIdx() << std::endl; std::swap(angle01, angle02); std::swap(bond1, bond2); std::swap(atomVect0, atomVect1); swappedIt = true; } double firstAngle, secondAngle; // We proceed differently for 3 and 4 coordinate atoms: double angle12; if (nNbrs == 4) { bool flipIt = false; // grab the angle to the last neighbor: ++bondIter; auto bond3 = mol.getBondWithIdx(*bondIter); oaid = bond3->getOtherAtom(atom)->getIdx(); tmpPt = conf->getAtomPos(oaid); tmpPt.z = 0; auto atomVect2 = centerLoc.directionVector(tmpPt); angle12 = refVect.signedAngleTo(atomVect2); // find the lowest and second-lowest angle and keep track of // whether or not we have to do a non-cyclic permutation to // get there: if (angle01 < angle02) { if (angle02 < angle12) { // order is angle01 -> angle02 -> angle12 firstAngle = angle01; secondAngle = angle02; } else if (angle01 < angle12) { // order is angle01 -> angle12 -> angle02 firstAngle = angle01; secondAngle = angle12; flipIt = true; } else { // order is angle12 -> angle01 -> angle02 firstAngle = angle12; secondAngle = angle01; } } else if (angle01 < angle12) { // order is angle02 -> angle01 -> angle12 firstAngle = angle02; secondAngle = angle01; flipIt = true; } else { if (angle02 < angle12) { // order is angle02 -> angle12 -> angle01 firstAngle = angle02; secondAngle = angle12; } else { // order is angle12 -> angle02 -> angle01 firstAngle = angle12; secondAngle = angle02; flipIt = true; } } if (flipIt) { isCCW = !isCCW; } } else { // it's three coordinate. Things are a bit different here // because we have to at least kind of figure out where the // hydrogen might be. // before getting started with that, use some of the inchi rules // for contradictory stereochemistry // (Table 10 in the InChi v1 technical manual) angle12 = atomVect0.signedAngleTo(atomVect1); double angle20 = atomVect1.signedAngleTo(refVect); // to simplify the code below, pick out the directions of the bonds // if and only if they start at our atom: auto dir0 = bondDir; auto dir1 = (bond1->getBeginAtomIdx() == bond->getBeginAtomIdx()) ? bond1->getBondDir() : Bond::NONE; auto dir2 = (bond2->getBeginAtomIdx() == bond->getBeginAtomIdx()) ? bond2->getBondDir() : Bond::NONE; // we know bond 0 has the direction set // this one is never allowed with different directions: // 0 2 // \ / // C // * // 1 if (angle01 < (M_PI - 1e-3) && angle12 < (M_PI - 1e-3) && angle20 < (M_PI - 1e-3)) { if ((dir1 != Bond::NONE && dir1 != dir0) || (dir2 != Bond::NONE && dir2 != dir0)) { BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Warning: conflicting stereochemistry at atom " << bond->getBeginAtomIdx() << " ignored." << " by rule 1a." << std::endl; return Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED; } } else { // otherwise they cannot all be the same if (dir1 == dir0 && dir1 == dir2) { BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Warning: conflicting stereochemistry at atom " << bond->getBeginAtomIdx() << " ignored." << " by rule 1b." << std::endl; return Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED; } // the remaining cases where stereo is allowed are: // 0 1 0 2 // * \*/ // 1 - C - 2 C for these two bond1 and bond2 must match // and // 1 2 1 0 // * \*/ // 2 - C - 0 C for these two bond0 and bond2 must match // and // 2 0 2 1 // * \*/ // 0 - C - 1 C for these two bond0 and bond1 must match // if (dir1 != Bond::NONE && dir1 != dir0) { if ((angle01 >= M_PI) || // last two examples (angle02 > M_PI && dir2 != Bond::NONE && dir1 != dir2) || // top two examples (angle02 <= M_PI && dir2 != Bond::NONE && dir0 != dir2)) { // middle two examples BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Warning: conflicting stereochemistry at atom " << bond->getBeginAtomIdx() << " ignored." << " by rule 2a." << std::endl; return Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED; } } else if (dir0 == dir2) { // all bonds are the same and we already removed the "all // angles less than 180" case above BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Warning: conflicting stereochemistry at atom " << bond->getBeginAtomIdx() << " ignored." << " by rule 2b." << std::endl; return Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED; } if (angle01 < angle02) { firstAngle = angle01; secondAngle = angle02; isCCW = true; } else { firstAngle = angle02; secondAngle = angle01; isCCW = false; } if (secondAngle - firstAngle >= (M_PI - 1e-4)) { // it's a situation like one of these: // // 0 1 0 2 // * \*/ // 1 - C - 2 C // // In each of these cases, the implicit H is between atoms 1 // and 2, so we need to flip the rotation direction (go // around the back). isCCW = !isCCW; } } } // reverse the rotation direction if the reference is wedged down: if (bondDir == Bond::BEGINDASH) { isCCW = !isCCW; } if (swappedIt) { // we swapped the order of the bonds to simplify the analysis above: isCCW = !isCCW; } // ---------------- // // We now have the rotation direction using mol-file order. // We need to convert that into the appropriate label for the // central atom // // ---------------- int nSwaps = atom->getPerturbationOrder(neighborBondIndices); if (nSwaps % 2) { isCCW = !isCCW; } if (isCCW) { res = Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW; } else { res = Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CW; } } return res; } // namespace RDKit Bond::BondDir getOppositeBondDir(Bond::BondDir dir) { PRECONDITION(dir == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT || dir == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT, "bad bond direction"); switch (dir) { case Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT: return Bond::ENDUPRIGHT; case Bond::ENDUPRIGHT: return Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT; default: return Bond::NONE; } } void setBondDirRelativeToAtom(Bond *bond, Atom *atom, Bond::BondDir dir, bool reverse, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &) { PRECONDITION(bond, "bad bond"); PRECONDITION(atom, "bad atom"); PRECONDITION(dir == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT || dir == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT, "bad dir"); PRECONDITION(atom == bond->getBeginAtom() || atom == bond->getEndAtom(), "atom doesn't belong to bond"); if (bond->getBeginAtom() != atom) { reverse = !reverse; } if (reverse) { dir = (dir == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT ? Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT : Bond::ENDUPRIGHT); } // to ensure maximum compatibility, even when a bond has unknown stereo (set // explicitly and recorded in _UnknownStereo property), I will still let a // direction to be computed. You must check the _UnknownStereo property to // make sure whether this bond is explicitly set to have no direction info. // This makes sense because the direction info are all derived from // coordinates, the _UnknownStereo property is like extra metadata to be // used with the direction info. bond->setBondDir(dir); } bool isLinearArrangement(const RDGeom::Point3D &v1, const RDGeom::Point3D &v2) { double lsq = v1.lengthSq() * v2.lengthSq(); // treat zero length vectors as linear if (lsq < 1.0e-6) { return true; } double dotProd = v1.dotProduct(v2); double cos178 = -0.999388; // == cos(M_PI-0.035), corresponds to a tolerance of 2 degrees return dotProd < cos178 * sqrt(lsq); } void updateDoubleBondNeighbors(ROMol &mol, Bond *dblBond, const Conformer *conf, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &needsDir, std::vector &singleBondCounts, const VECT_INT_VECT &singleBondNbrs) { // we want to deal only with double bonds: PRECONDITION(dblBond, "bad bond"); PRECONDITION(dblBond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE, "not a double bond"); if (!needsDir[dblBond->getIdx()]) { return; } needsDir.set(dblBond->getIdx(), 0); #if 0 std::cerr << "**********************\n"; std::cerr << "**********************\n"; std::cerr << "**********************\n"; std::cerr << "UDBN: " << dblBond->getIdx() << " " << dblBond->getBeginAtomIdx() << "=" << dblBond->getEndAtomIdx() << "\n"; #endif std::vector followupBonds; Bond *bond1 = nullptr, *obond1 = nullptr; bool squiggleBondSeen = false; bool doubleBondSeen = false; for (const auto tBond : mol.atomBonds(dblBond->getBeginAtom())) { if (tBond == dblBond) { continue; } if (tBond->getBondType() == Bond::SINGLE || tBond->getBondType() == Bond::AROMATIC) { // prefer bonds that already have their directionality set // or that are adjacent to more double bonds: if (!bond1) { bond1 = tBond; } else if (needsDir[tBond->getIdx()]) { if (singleBondCounts[tBond->getIdx()] > singleBondCounts[bond1->getIdx()]) { obond1 = bond1; bond1 = tBond; } else { obond1 = tBond; } } else { obond1 = bond1; bond1 = tBond; } } else if (tBond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE) { doubleBondSeen = true; } int explicit_unknown_stereo; if ((tBond->getBondType() == Bond::SINGLE || tBond->getBondType() == Bond::AROMATIC) && (tBond->getBondDir() == Bond::UNKNOWN || ((tBond->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_UnknownStereo, explicit_unknown_stereo) && explicit_unknown_stereo)))) { squiggleBondSeen = true; break; } } // Don't do any direction setting if we've seen a squiggle bond, but do mark // the double bond as a crossed bond and return if (!bond1 || squiggleBondSeen || doubleBondSeen) { if (!doubleBondSeen) { // FIX: This is the fix for #2649, but it will need to be modified once we // decide to properly handle allenese dblBond->setBondDir(Bond::EITHERDOUBLE); } return; } Bond *bond2 = nullptr, *obond2 = nullptr; for (const auto tBond : mol.atomBonds(dblBond->getEndAtom())) { if (tBond == dblBond) { continue; } if (tBond->getBondType() == Bond::SINGLE || tBond->getBondType() == Bond::AROMATIC) { if (!bond2) { bond2 = tBond; } else if (needsDir[tBond->getIdx()]) { if (singleBondCounts[tBond->getIdx()] > singleBondCounts[bond2->getIdx()]) { obond2 = bond2; bond2 = tBond; } else { obond2 = tBond; } } else { // we already had a bond2 and we don't need to set the direction // on the new one, so swap. obond2 = bond2; bond2 = tBond; } } else if (tBond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE) { doubleBondSeen = true; } int explicit_unknown_stereo; if (tBond->getBondType() == Bond::SINGLE && (tBond->getBondDir() == Bond::UNKNOWN || ((tBond->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_UnknownStereo, explicit_unknown_stereo) && explicit_unknown_stereo)))) { squiggleBondSeen = true; break; } } // Don't do any direction setting if we've seen a squiggle bond, but do mark // the double bond as a crossed bond and return if (!bond2 || squiggleBondSeen || doubleBondSeen) { if (!doubleBondSeen) { // FIX: This is the fix for #2649, but it will need to be modified once we // decide to properly handle allenese dblBond->setBondDir(Bond::EITHERDOUBLE); } return; } CHECK_INVARIANT(bond1 && bond2, "no bonds found"); bool sameTorsionDir = false; if (conf) { RDGeom::Point3D beginP = conf->getAtomPos(dblBond->getBeginAtomIdx()); RDGeom::Point3D endP = conf->getAtomPos(dblBond->getEndAtomIdx()); RDGeom::Point3D bond1P = conf->getAtomPos(bond1->getOtherAtomIdx(dblBond->getBeginAtomIdx())); RDGeom::Point3D bond2P = conf->getAtomPos(bond2->getOtherAtomIdx(dblBond->getEndAtomIdx())); // check for a linear arrangement of atoms on either end: bool linear = false; RDGeom::Point3D p1; RDGeom::Point3D p2; p1 = bond1P - beginP; p2 = endP - beginP; if (isLinearArrangement(p1, p2)) { if (!obond1) { linear = true; } else { // one of the bonds was linear; what about the other one? Bond *tBond = bond1; bond1 = obond1; obond1 = tBond; bond1P = conf->getAtomPos( bond1->getOtherAtomIdx(dblBond->getBeginAtomIdx())); p1 = bond1P - beginP; if (isLinearArrangement(p1, p2)) { linear = true; } } } if (!linear) { p1 = bond2P - endP; p2 = beginP - endP; if (isLinearArrangement(p1, p2)) { if (!obond2) { linear = true; } else { Bond *tBond = bond2; bond2 = obond2; obond2 = tBond; bond2P = conf->getAtomPos( bond2->getOtherAtomIdx(dblBond->getEndAtomIdx())); p1 = bond2P - beginP; if (isLinearArrangement(p1, p2)) { linear = true; } } } } if (linear) { dblBond->setBondDir(Bond::EITHERDOUBLE); return; } double ang = RDGeom::computeDihedralAngle(bond1P, beginP, endP, bond2P); sameTorsionDir = ang >= M_PI / 2; // std::cerr << " angle: " << ang << " sameTorsionDir: " << sameTorsionDir // << "\n"; } else { if (dblBond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOCIS || dblBond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOZ) { sameTorsionDir = false; } else if (dblBond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOTRANS || dblBond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOE) { sameTorsionDir = true; } else { return; } // if bond1 or bond2 are not to the stereo-controlling atoms, flip // our expections of the torsion dir int bond1AtomIdx = bond1->getOtherAtomIdx(dblBond->getBeginAtomIdx()); if (bond1AtomIdx != dblBond->getStereoAtoms()[0] && bond1AtomIdx != dblBond->getStereoAtoms()[1]) { sameTorsionDir = !sameTorsionDir; } int bond2AtomIdx = bond2->getOtherAtomIdx(dblBond->getEndAtomIdx()); if (bond2AtomIdx != dblBond->getStereoAtoms()[0] && bond2AtomIdx != dblBond->getStereoAtoms()[1]) { sameTorsionDir = !sameTorsionDir; } } /* Time for some clarificatory text, because this gets really confusing really fast. The dihedral angle analysis above is based on viewing things with an atom order as follows: 1 \ 2 = 3 \ 4 so dihedrals > 90 correspond to sameDir=true however, the stereochemistry representation is based on something more like this: 2 \ 1 = 3 \ 4 (i.e. we consider the direction-setting single bonds to be starting at the double-bonded atom) */ bool reverseBondDir = sameTorsionDir; Atom *atom1 = dblBond->getBeginAtom(), *atom2 = dblBond->getEndAtom(); if (needsDir[bond1->getIdx()]) { for (auto bidx : singleBondNbrs[bond1->getIdx()]) { // std::cerr << " neighbor from: " << bond1->getIdx() << " " << bidx // << ": " << needsDir[bidx] << std::endl; if (needsDir[bidx]) { followupBonds.push_back(mol.getBondWithIdx(bidx)); } } } if (needsDir[bond2->getIdx()]) { for (auto bidx : singleBondNbrs[bond2->getIdx()]) { // std::cerr << " neighbor from: " << bond2->getIdx() << " " << bidx // << ": " << needsDir[bidx] << std::endl; if (needsDir[bidx]) { followupBonds.push_back(mol.getBondWithIdx(bidx)); } } } if (!needsDir[bond1->getIdx()]) { if (!needsDir[bond2->getIdx()]) { // check that we agree } else { if (bond1->getBeginAtom() != atom1) { reverseBondDir = !reverseBondDir; } setBondDirRelativeToAtom(bond2, atom2, bond1->getBondDir(), reverseBondDir, needsDir); } } else if (!needsDir[bond2->getIdx()]) { if (bond2->getBeginAtom() != atom2) { reverseBondDir = !reverseBondDir; } setBondDirRelativeToAtom(bond1, atom1, bond2->getBondDir(), reverseBondDir, needsDir); } else { setBondDirRelativeToAtom(bond1, atom1, Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT, false, needsDir); setBondDirRelativeToAtom(bond2, atom2, Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT, reverseBondDir, needsDir); } needsDir[bond1->getIdx()] = 0; needsDir[bond2->getIdx()] = 0; if (obond1 && needsDir[obond1->getIdx()]) { setBondDirRelativeToAtom(obond1, atom1, bond1->getBondDir(), bond1->getBeginAtom() == atom1, needsDir); needsDir[obond1->getIdx()] = 0; } if (obond2 && needsDir[obond2->getIdx()]) { setBondDirRelativeToAtom(obond2, atom2, bond2->getBondDir(), bond2->getBeginAtom() == atom2, needsDir); needsDir[obond2->getIdx()] = 0; } #if 0 std::cerr << " 1:" << bond1->getIdx() << " "; if (obond1) std::cerr << obond1->getIdx() << std::endl; else std::cerr << "N/A" << std::endl; std::cerr << " 2:" << bond2->getIdx() << " "; if (obond2) std::cerr << obond2->getIdx() << std::endl; else std::cerr << "N/A" << std::endl; std::cerr << "**********************\n"; std::cerr << "**********************\n"; std::cerr << "**********************\n"; #endif for (Bond *oDblBond : followupBonds) { // std::cerr << "FOLLOWUP: " << oDblBond->getIdx() << " " // << needsDir[oDblBond->getIdx()] << std::endl; updateDoubleBondNeighbors(mol, oDblBond, conf, needsDir, singleBondCounts, singleBondNbrs); } } bool isBondCandidateForStereo(const Bond *bond) { PRECONDITION(bond, "no bond"); return bond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE && bond->getStereo() != Bond::STEREOANY && bond->getBondDir() != Bond::EITHERDOUBLE && bond->getBeginAtom()->getDegree() > 1u && bond->getEndAtom()->getDegree() > 1u && shouldDetectDoubleBondStereo(bond); } const Atom *findHighestCIPNeighbor(const Atom *atom, const Atom *skipAtom) { PRECONDITION(atom, "bad atom"); unsigned bestCipRank = 0; const Atom *bestCipRankedAtom = nullptr; const auto &mol = atom->getOwningMol(); for (const auto neighbor : mol.atomNeighbors(atom)) { if (neighbor == skipAtom) { continue; } unsigned cip = 0; if (!neighbor->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_CIPRank, cip)) { // If at least one of the atoms doesn't have a CIP rank, the highest rank // does not make sense, so return a nullptr. return nullptr; } else if (cip > bestCipRank || bestCipRankedAtom == nullptr) { bestCipRank = cip; bestCipRankedAtom = neighbor; } else if (cip == bestCipRank) { // This also doesn't make sense if there is a tie (if that's possible). // We still keep the best CIP rank in case something better comes around // (also not sure if that's possible). BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Warning: duplicate CIP ranks found in findHighestCIPNeighbor()" << std::endl; bestCipRankedAtom = nullptr; } } return bestCipRankedAtom; } } // namespace namespace Chirality { namespace detail { bool bondAffectsAtomChirality(const Bond *bond, const Atom *atom) { PRECONDITION(bond, "bad bond pointer"); PRECONDITION(atom, "bad atom pointer"); if (bond->getBondType() == Bond::BondType::UNSPECIFIED || bond->getBondType() == Bond::BondType::ZERO || (bond->getBondType() == Bond::BondType::DATIVE && bond->getBeginAtomIdx() == atom->getIdx())) { return false; } return true; } unsigned int getAtomNonzeroDegree(const Atom *atom) { PRECONDITION(atom, "bad pointer"); PRECONDITION(atom->hasOwningMol(), "no owning molecule"); unsigned int res = 0; for (auto bond : atom->getOwningMol().atomBonds(atom)) { if (!bondAffectsAtomChirality(bond, atom)) { continue; } ++res; } return res; } } // namespace detail typedef std::pair INT_PAIR; typedef std::vector INT_PAIR_VECT; typedef std::vector::iterator INT_PAIR_VECT_I; typedef std::vector::const_iterator INT_PAIR_VECT_CI; typedef INT_VECT CIP_ENTRY; typedef std::vector CIP_ENTRY_VECT; template void debugVect(const std::vector arg) { typename std::vector::const_iterator viIt; std::stringstream outS; for (viIt = arg.begin(); viIt != arg.end(); viIt++) { outS << *viIt << " "; } BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << outS.str() << std::endl; } // -------------------------------------------------- // // Calculates chiral invariants for the atoms of a molecule // These are based on Labute's proposal in: // "An Efficient Algorithm for the Determination of Topological // RS Chirality" Journal of the CCG (1996) // // -------------------------------------------------- void buildCIPInvariants(const ROMol &mol, DOUBLE_VECT &res) { PRECONDITION(res.size() >= mol.getNumAtoms(), "res vect too small"); int atsSoFar = 0; // // NOTE: // If you make modifications to this, keep in mind that it is // essential that the initial comparison of ranks behave properly. // So, though it seems like it would makes sense to include // information about the number of Hs (or charge, etc) in the CIP // invariants, this will result in bad rankings. For example, in // this molecule: OC[C@H](C)O, including the number of Hs would // cause the methyl group (atom 3) to be ranked higher than the CH2 // connected to O (atom 1). This is totally wrong. // // We also don't include any pre-existing stereochemistry information. // Though R and S assignments do factor in to the priorities of atoms, // we're starting here from scratch and we'll let the R and S stuff // be taken into account during the iterations. // for (ROMol::ConstAtomIterator atIt = mol.beginAtoms(); atIt != mol.endAtoms(); ++atIt) { const unsigned short nMassBits = 10; const unsigned short maxMass = 1 << nMassBits; Atom const *atom = *atIt; unsigned long invariant = 0; int num = atom->getAtomicNum() % 128; // get an int with the deviation in the mass from the default: int mass = 0; if (atom->getIsotope()) { mass = atom->getIsotope() - PeriodicTable::getTable()->getMostCommonIsotope(atom->getAtomicNum()); if (mass >= 0) { mass += 1; } } mass += maxMass / 2; if (mass < 0) { mass = 0; } else { mass = mass % maxMass; } #if 0 // NOTE: the inclusion of hybridization in the invariant (as // suggested in the original paper), leads to the situation // that // C[C@@](O)(C=C)C(C)CC // and // C[C@@](O)(C=C)C(C)CO // are assigned S chirality even though the rest of the world // seems to agree that they ought to be R (atom 3, sp2, is ranked // higher than atom 5, sp3, no matter what their environments) int hyb=0; switch(atom->getHybridization()) { case Atom::SP: hyb=6;break; case Atom::SP2: hyb=5;break; case Atom::SP3: hyb=1;break; case Atom::SP3D: hyb=3;break; case Atom::SP3D2: hyb=2;break; default: break; } #endif invariant = num; // 7 bits here invariant = (invariant << nMassBits) | mass; int mapnum = -1; atom->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::molAtomMapNumber, mapnum); mapnum = (mapnum + 1) % 1024; // increment to allow map numbers of zero // (though that would be stupid) invariant = (invariant << 10) | mapnum; res[atsSoFar++] = invariant; } } void iterateCIPRanks(const ROMol &mol, const DOUBLE_VECT &invars, UINT_VECT &ranks, bool seedWithInvars) { PRECONDITION(invars.size() == mol.getNumAtoms(), "bad invars size"); PRECONDITION(ranks.size() >= mol.getNumAtoms(), "bad ranks size"); unsigned int numAtoms = mol.getNumAtoms(); CIP_ENTRY_VECT cipEntries(numAtoms); for (auto &vec : cipEntries) { vec.reserve(16); } #ifdef VERBOSE_CANON BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << "invariants:" << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) { BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << i << ": " << invars[i] << std::endl; } #endif // rank those: Rankers::rankVect(invars, ranks); #ifdef VERBOSE_CANON BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << "initial ranks:" << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAtoms; ++i) { BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << i << ": " << ranks[i] << std::endl; } #endif // Start each atom's rank vector with its atomic number: // Note: in general one should avoid the temptation to // use invariants here, those lead to incorrect answers for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) { if (seedWithInvars) { cipEntries[i].push_back(static_cast(invars[i])); } else { cipEntries[i].push_back(mol[i]->getAtomicNum()); cipEntries[i].push_back(static_cast(ranks[i])); } } // Loop until either: // 1) all classes are uniquified // 2) the number of ranks doesn't change from one iteration to // the next // 3) we've gone through maxIts times // maxIts is calculated by dividing the number of atoms // by 2. That's a pessimal version of the // maximum number of steps required for two atoms to // "feel" each other (each influences one additional // neighbor shell per iteration). unsigned int maxIts = numAtoms / 2 + 1; unsigned int numIts = 0; int lastNumRanks = -1; unsigned int numRanks = *std::max_element(ranks.begin(), ranks.end()) + 1; std::vector counts(ranks.size()); std::vector updatedNbrIdxs; updatedNbrIdxs.reserve(8); while (numRanks < numAtoms && numIts < maxIts && (lastNumRanks < 0 || static_cast(lastNumRanks) < numRanks)) { unsigned int longestEntry = 0; // ---------------------------------------------------- // // for each atom, get a sorted list of its neighbors' ranks: // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < numAtoms; ++index) { // Note: counts is cleaned up when we drain into cipEntries. updatedNbrIdxs.clear(); // start by pushing on our neighbors' ranks: for (const auto bond : mol.atomBonds(mol[index])) { unsigned int nbrIdx = bond->getOtherAtomIdx(index); updatedNbrIdxs.push_back(nbrIdx); // put the neighbor in 2N times where N is the bond order as a double. // this is to treat aromatic linkages on fair footing. i.e. at least in // the first iteration --c(:c):c and --C(=C)-C should look the same. // this was part of issue 3009911 // a special case for chiral phosphorus compounds // (this was leading to incorrect assignment of R/S labels ): bool isChiralPhosphorusSpecialCase = false; if (bond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE) { const Atom *nbr = mol[nbrIdx]; if (nbr->getAtomicNum() == 15) { unsigned int nbrDeg = nbr->getDegree(); isChiralPhosphorusSpecialCase = nbrDeg == 3 || nbrDeg == 4; } }; // general justification of this is: // Paragraph 2.2. in the 1966 article is "Valence-Bond Conventions: // Multiple-Bond Unsaturation and Aromaticity". It contains several // conventions of which convention (b) is the one applying here: // "(b) Contributions by d orbitals to bonds of quadriligant atoms are // neglected." // FIX: this applies to more than just P if (isChiralPhosphorusSpecialCase) { counts[nbrIdx] += 1; } else { counts[nbrIdx] += getTwiceBondType(*bond); } } // For each of our neighbors' ranks weighted by bond type, copy it N times // to our cipEntry in reverse rank order, where N is the weight. if (updatedNbrIdxs.size() > 1) { // compare vs 1 for performance. std::sort(std::begin(updatedNbrIdxs), std::end(updatedNbrIdxs), [&ranks](unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2) { return ranks[idx1] > ranks[idx2]; }); } auto &cipEntry = cipEntries[index]; for (auto nbrIdx : updatedNbrIdxs) { unsigned int count = counts[nbrIdx]; cipEntry.insert(cipEntry.end(), count, ranks[nbrIdx] + 1); counts[nbrIdx] = 0; } // add a zero for each coordinated H as long as we're not a query atom if (!mol[index]->hasQuery()) { cipEntry.insert(cipEntry.end(), mol[index]->getTotalNumHs(), 0); } if (cipEntry.size() > longestEntry) { longestEntry = rdcast(cipEntry.size()); } } // ---------------------------------------------------- // // pad the entries so that we compare rounds to themselves: // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < numAtoms; ++index) { auto sz = rdcast(cipEntries[index].size()); if (sz < longestEntry) { cipEntries[index].insert(cipEntries[index].end(), longestEntry - sz, -1); } } // ---------------------------------------------------- // // sort the new ranks and update the list of active indices: // lastNumRanks = numRanks; Rankers::rankVect(cipEntries, ranks); numRanks = *std::max_element(ranks.begin(), ranks.end()) + 1; // now truncate each vector and stick the rank at the end if (static_cast(lastNumRanks) != numRanks) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAtoms; ++i) { cipEntries[i][numIts + 1] = ranks[i]; cipEntries[i].erase(cipEntries[i].begin() + numIts + 2, cipEntries[i].end()); } } ++numIts; #ifdef VERBOSE_CANON BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << "strings and ranks:" << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) { BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << i << ": " << ranks[i] << " > "; debugVect(cipEntries[i]); } #endif } } // Figure out the CIP ranks for the atoms of a molecule void assignAtomCIPRanks(const ROMol &mol, UINT_VECT &ranks) { PRECONDITION((!ranks.size() || ranks.size() >= mol.getNumAtoms()), "bad ranks size"); if (!ranks.size()) { ranks.resize(mol.getNumAtoms()); } unsigned int numAtoms = mol.getNumAtoms(); #ifndef USE_NEW_STEREOCHEMISTRY // get the initial invariants: DOUBLE_VECT invars(numAtoms, 0); buildCIPInvariants(mol, invars); iterateCIPRanks(mol, invars, ranks, false); #else Canon::chiralRankMolAtoms(mol, ranks); #endif // copy the ranks onto the atoms: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAtoms; ++i) { mol[i]->setProp(common_properties::_CIPRank, ranks[i], 1); } } // construct a vector with pairs for // neighbors of a given atom. This list will only be // non-empty if at least one of the bonds has its direction // set. void findAtomNeighborDirHelper(const ROMol &mol, const Atom *atom, const Bond *refBond, UINT_VECT &ranks, INT_PAIR_VECT &neighbors, bool &hasExplicitUnknownStereo) { PRECONDITION(atom, "bad atom"); PRECONDITION(refBond, "bad bond"); bool seenDir = false; for (const auto bond : mol.atomBonds(atom)) { // check whether this bond is explicitly set to have unknown stereo if (!hasExplicitUnknownStereo) { int explicit_unknown_stereo; if (bond->getBondDir() == Bond::UNKNOWN // there's a squiggle bond || (bond->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_UnknownStereo, explicit_unknown_stereo) && explicit_unknown_stereo)) { hasExplicitUnknownStereo = true; } } Bond::BondDir dir = bond->getBondDir(); if (bond->getIdx() != refBond->getIdx()) { if (dir == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT || dir == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT) { seenDir = true; // If we're considering the bond "backwards", (i.e. from end // to beginning, reverse the effective direction: if (atom != bond->getBeginAtom()) { if (dir == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT) { dir = Bond::ENDUPRIGHT; } else { dir = Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT; } } } Atom *nbrAtom = bond->getOtherAtom(atom); neighbors.push_back(std::make_pair(nbrAtom->getIdx(), dir)); } } if (!seenDir) { neighbors.clear(); } else { if (neighbors.size() == 2 && ranks[neighbors[0].first] == ranks[neighbors[1].first]) { // the two substituents are identical, no stereochemistry here: neighbors.clear(); } else { // it's possible that direction was set only one of the bonds, set the // other // bond's direction to be reversed: if (neighbors[0].second != Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT && neighbors[0].second != Bond::ENDUPRIGHT) { CHECK_INVARIANT(neighbors.size() > 1, "too few neighbors"); neighbors[0].second = neighbors[1].second == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT ? Bond::ENDUPRIGHT : Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT; } else if (neighbors.size() > 1 && neighbors[1].second != Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT && neighbors[1].second != Bond::ENDUPRIGHT) { neighbors[1].second = neighbors[0].second == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT ? Bond::ENDUPRIGHT : Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT; } } } } // find the neighbors for an atoms that are not connected by single bond that is // not refBond // if checkDir is true only neighbor atoms with bonds marked with a direction // will be returned void findAtomNeighborsHelper(const ROMol &mol, const Atom *atom, const Bond *refBond, UINT_VECT &neighbors, bool checkDir = false, bool includeAromatic = false) { PRECONDITION(atom, "bad atom"); PRECONDITION(refBond, "bad bond"); neighbors.clear(); for (const auto bond : mol.atomBonds(atom)) { Bond::BondDir dir = bond->getBondDir(); if ((bond->getBondType() == Bond::SINGLE || (includeAromatic && bond->getBondType() == Bond::AROMATIC)) && bond->getIdx() != refBond->getIdx()) { if (checkDir) { if ((dir != Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT) && (dir != Bond::ENDUPRIGHT)) { continue; } } Atom *nbrAtom = bond->getOtherAtom(atom); neighbors.push_back(nbrAtom->getIdx()); } } } // conditions for an atom to be a candidate for ring stereochem: // 1) two non-ring neighbors that have different ranks // 2) one non-ring neighbor and two ring neighbors (the ring neighbors will // have the same rank) // 3) four ring neighbors with three different ranks // 4) three ring neighbors with two different ranks // example for this last one: C[C@H]1CC2CCCC3CCCC(C1)[C@@H]23 // Note that N atoms are only candidates if they are in a 3-ring bool atomIsCandidateForRingStereochem(const ROMol &mol, const Atom *atom) { PRECONDITION(atom, "bad atom"); bool res = false; std::set nbrRanks; if (!atom->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_ringStereochemCand, res)) { const RingInfo *ringInfo = mol.getRingInfo(); if (ringInfo->isInitialized() && ringInfo->numAtomRings(atom->getIdx())) { // three-coordinate N additional requirements: // in a ring of size 3 (from InChI) // OR // a bridgehead (RDKit extension) if (atom->getAtomicNum() == 7 && atom->getDegree() == 3 && !ringInfo->isAtomInRingOfSize(atom->getIdx(), 3) && !queryIsAtomBridgehead(atom)) { return false; } std::vector nonRingNbrs; std::vector ringNbrs; for (const auto bond : mol.atomBonds(atom)) { if (!ringInfo->numBondRings(bond->getIdx())) { nonRingNbrs.push_back(bond->getOtherAtom(atom)); } else { const Atom *nbr = bond->getOtherAtom(atom); ringNbrs.push_back(nbr); unsigned int rnk = 0; nbr->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_CIPRank, rnk); nbrRanks.insert(rnk); } } unsigned int rank1 = 0, rank2 = 0; switch (nonRingNbrs.size()) { case 2: if (nonRingNbrs[0]->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_CIPRank, rank1) && nonRingNbrs[1]->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_CIPRank, rank2)) { res = rank1 != rank2; } break; case 1: if (ringNbrs.size() >= 2) { res = true; } break; case 0: if (ringNbrs.size() == 4 && nbrRanks.size() == 3) { res = true; } else if (ringNbrs.size() == 3 && nbrRanks.size() == 2) { res = true; } else { res = false; } break; default: res = false; } } atom->setProp(common_properties::_ringStereochemCand, res, 1); } return res; } // finds all possible chiral special cases. // at the moment this is just candidates for ring stereochemistry void findChiralAtomSpecialCases(ROMol &mol, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &possibleSpecialCases) { PRECONDITION(possibleSpecialCases.size() >= mol.getNumAtoms(), "bit vector too small"); possibleSpecialCases.reset(); if (!mol.getRingInfo()->isInitialized()) { VECT_INT_VECT sssrs; MolOps::symmetrizeSSSR(mol, sssrs); } boost::dynamic_bitset<> atomsSeen(mol.getNumAtoms()); boost::dynamic_bitset<> atomsUsed(mol.getNumAtoms()); boost::dynamic_bitset<> bondsSeen(mol.getNumBonds()); for (ROMol::AtomIterator ait = mol.beginAtoms(); ait != mol.endAtoms(); ++ait) { const Atom *atom = *ait; if (atomsSeen[atom->getIdx()]) { continue; } if (atom->getChiralTag() == Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED || atom->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPCode) || !mol.getRingInfo()->numAtomRings(atom->getIdx()) || !atomIsCandidateForRingStereochem(mol, atom)) { continue; } // do a BFS from this ring atom along ring bonds and find other // stereochemistry candidates. std::list nextAtoms; // start with finding viable neighbors for (const auto bond : mol.atomBonds(atom)) { unsigned int bidx = bond->getIdx(); if (!bondsSeen[bidx]) { bondsSeen.set(bidx); if (mol.getRingInfo()->numBondRings(bidx)) { const Atom *oatom = bond->getOtherAtom(atom); if (!atomsSeen[oatom->getIdx()]) { nextAtoms.push_back(oatom); atomsUsed.set(oatom->getIdx()); } } } } INT_VECT ringStereoAtoms(0); if (!nextAtoms.empty()) { atom->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, ringStereoAtoms); } while (!nextAtoms.empty()) { const Atom *ratom = nextAtoms.front(); nextAtoms.pop_front(); atomsSeen.set(ratom->getIdx()); if (ratom->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED && !ratom->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPCode) && atomIsCandidateForRingStereochem(mol, ratom)) { int same = (ratom->getChiralTag() == atom->getChiralTag()) ? 1 : -1; ringStereoAtoms.push_back(same * (ratom->getIdx() + 1)); INT_VECT oringatoms(0); ratom->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, oringatoms); oringatoms.push_back(same * (atom->getIdx() + 1)); ratom->setProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, oringatoms, true); possibleSpecialCases.set(ratom->getIdx()); possibleSpecialCases.set(atom->getIdx()); } // now push this atom's neighbors for (const auto bond : mol.atomBonds(ratom)) { unsigned int bidx = bond->getIdx(); if (!bondsSeen[bidx]) { bondsSeen.set(bidx); if (mol.getRingInfo()->numBondRings(bidx)) { const Atom *oatom = bond->getOtherAtom(ratom); if (!atomsSeen[oatom->getIdx()] && !atomsUsed[oatom->getIdx()]) { nextAtoms.push_back(oatom); atomsUsed.set(oatom->getIdx()); } } } } } // end of BFS if (ringStereoAtoms.size() != 0) { atom->setProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, ringStereoAtoms, true); // because we're only going to hit each ring atom once, the first atom we // encounter in a ring is going to end up with all the other atoms set as // stereoAtoms, but each of them will only have the first atom present. We // need to fix that. because the traverse from the first atom only // followed ring bonds, these things are all by definition in one ring // system. (Q: is this true if there's a spiro center in there?) INT_VECT same(mol.getNumAtoms(), 0); for (auto ringAtomEntry : ringStereoAtoms) { int ringAtomIdx = ringAtomEntry < 0 ? -ringAtomEntry - 1 : ringAtomEntry - 1; same[ringAtomIdx] = ringAtomEntry; } for (INT_VECT_CI rae = ringStereoAtoms.begin(); rae != ringStereoAtoms.end(); ++rae) { int ringAtomEntry = *rae; int ringAtomIdx = ringAtomEntry < 0 ? -ringAtomEntry - 1 : ringAtomEntry - 1; INT_VECT lringatoms(0); mol.getAtomWithIdx(ringAtomIdx) ->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, lringatoms); CHECK_INVARIANT(lringatoms.size() > 0, "no other ring atoms found."); for (auto orae = rae + 1; orae != ringStereoAtoms.end(); ++orae) { int oringAtomEntry = *orae; int oringAtomIdx = oringAtomEntry < 0 ? -oringAtomEntry - 1 : oringAtomEntry - 1; int theseDifferent = (ringAtomEntry < 0) ^ (oringAtomEntry < 0); lringatoms.push_back(theseDifferent ? -(oringAtomIdx + 1) : (oringAtomIdx + 1)); INT_VECT olringatoms(0); mol.getAtomWithIdx(oringAtomIdx) ->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, olringatoms); CHECK_INVARIANT(olringatoms.size() > 0, "no other ring atoms found."); olringatoms.push_back(theseDifferent ? -(ringAtomIdx + 1) : (ringAtomIdx + 1)); mol.getAtomWithIdx(oringAtomIdx) ->setProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, olringatoms); } mol.getAtomWithIdx(ringAtomIdx) ->setProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms, lringatoms); } } else { possibleSpecialCases.reset(atom->getIdx()); } atomsSeen.set(atom->getIdx()); } } std::pair isAtomPotentialChiralCenter( const Atom *atom, const ROMol &mol, const UINT_VECT &ranks, Chirality::INT_PAIR_VECT &nbrs) { // loop over all neighbors and form a decorated list of their // ranks: bool legalCenter = true; bool hasDupes = false; auto nzDegree = Chirality::detail::getAtomNonzeroDegree(atom); auto tnzDegree = nzDegree + atom->getTotalNumHs(); if (tnzDegree > 4) { // we only know tetrahedral chirality legalCenter = false; } else { // cases we can exclude immediately without having to look at neighbors // ranks: if (tnzDegree < 3) { legalCenter = false; } else if (nzDegree < 3 && (atom->getAtomicNum() != 15 && atom->getAtomicNum() != 33)) { // less than three neighbors is never stereogenic // unless it is a phosphine/arsine with implicit H (this is from InChI) legalCenter = false; } else if (nzDegree == 3 && atom->getTotalNumHs() != 1) { // assume something that's really three coordinate isn't potentially // chiral, then look for exceptions legalCenter = false; if (atom->getAtomicNum() == 7) { // three-coordinate N additional requirements: // in a ring of size 3 (from InChI) // OR /// is a bridgehead atom (RDKit extension) if (mol.getRingInfo()->isAtomInRingOfSize(atom->getIdx(), 3) || queryIsAtomBridgehead(atom)) { legalCenter = true; } } else if (atom->getAtomicNum() == 15 || atom->getAtomicNum() == 33) { // three-coordinate phosphines and arsines // are always treated as stereogenic even with H atom neighbors. // (this is from InChI) legalCenter = true; } else if (atom->getAtomicNum() == 16 || atom->getAtomicNum() == 34) { if (atom->getExplicitValence() == 4 || (atom->getExplicitValence() == 3 && atom->getFormalCharge() == 1)) { // we also accept sulfur or selenium with either a positive charge // or a double bond: legalCenter = true; } } } if (legalCenter) { boost::dynamic_bitset<> codesSeen(mol.getNumAtoms()); for (const auto bond : mol.atomBonds(atom)) { if (!Chirality::detail::bondAffectsAtomChirality(bond, atom)) { continue; } unsigned int otherIdx = bond->getOtherAtom(atom)->getIdx(); CHECK_INVARIANT(ranks[otherIdx] < mol.getNumAtoms(), "CIP rank higher than the number of atoms."); // watch for neighbors with duplicate ranks, which would mean // that we cannot be chiral: if (codesSeen[ranks[otherIdx]]) { // we've already seen this code, it's a dupe hasDupes = true; break; } codesSeen[ranks[otherIdx]] = 1; nbrs.push_back(std::make_pair(ranks[otherIdx], bond->getIdx())); } } } return std::make_pair(legalCenter, hasDupes); } // returns a pair: // 1) are there unassigned stereoatoms // 2) did we assign any? std::pair assignAtomChiralCodes(ROMol &mol, UINT_VECT &ranks, bool flagPossibleStereoCenters) { PRECONDITION((!ranks.size() || ranks.size() == mol.getNumAtoms()), "bad rank vector size"); bool atomChanged = false; unsigned int unassignedAtoms = 0; // ------------------ // now loop over each atom and, if it's marked as chiral, // figure out the appropriate CIP label: for (auto atom : mol.atoms()) { Atom::ChiralType tag = atom->getChiralTag(); // only worry about this atom if it has a marked chirality // we understand: if (flagPossibleStereoCenters || (tag != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED && tag != Atom::CHI_OTHER)) { if (atom->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPCode)) { continue; } if (!ranks.size()) { // if we need to, get the "CIP" ranking of each atom: assignAtomCIPRanks(mol, ranks); } Chirality::INT_PAIR_VECT nbrs; // note that hasDupes is only evaluated if legalCenter==true auto [legalCenter, hasDupes] = isAtomPotentialChiralCenter(atom, mol, ranks, nbrs); if (legalCenter) { ++unassignedAtoms; } if (legalCenter && !hasDupes && flagPossibleStereoCenters) { atom->setProp(common_properties::_ChiralityPossible, 1); } if (legalCenter && !hasDupes && tag != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED && tag != Atom::CHI_OTHER) { // stereochem is possible and we have no duplicate neighbors, assign // a CIP code: atomChanged = true; --unassignedAtoms; // sort the list of neighbors by their CIP ranks: std::sort(nbrs.begin(), nbrs.end(), Rankers::pairLess); // collect the list of neighbor indices: std::list nbrIndices; for (Chirality::INT_PAIR_VECT_CI nbrIt = nbrs.begin(); nbrIt != nbrs.end(); ++nbrIt) { nbrIndices.push_back((*nbrIt).second); } // ask the atom how many swaps we have to make: int nSwaps = atom->getPerturbationOrder(nbrIndices); // if the atom has 3 neighbors and a hydrogen, add a swap: if (nbrIndices.size() == 3 && atom->getTotalNumHs() == 1) { ++nSwaps; } // if that number is odd, we'll change our chirality: if (nSwaps % 2) { if (tag == Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW) { tag = Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CW; } else { tag = Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW; } } // now assign the CIP code: std::string cipCode; if (tag == Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW) { cipCode = "S"; } else { cipCode = "R"; } atom->setProp(common_properties::_CIPCode, cipCode); } } } return std::make_pair((unassignedAtoms > 0), atomChanged); } // returns a pair: // 1) are there unassigned stereo bonds? // 2) did we assign any? std::pair assignBondStereoCodes(ROMol &mol, UINT_VECT &ranks) { PRECONDITION((!ranks.size() || ranks.size() == mol.getNumAtoms()), "bad rank vector size"); bool assignedABond = false; unsigned int unassignedBonds = 0; boost::dynamic_bitset<> bondsToClear(mol.getNumBonds()); // find the double bonds: for (ROMol::BondIterator bondIt = mol.beginBonds(); bondIt != mol.endBonds(); ++bondIt) { if ((*bondIt)->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE) { Bond *dblBond = *bondIt; if (dblBond->getStereo() != Bond::STEREONONE) { continue; } if (!ranks.size()) { assignAtomCIPRanks(mol, ranks); } dblBond->getStereoAtoms().clear(); // at the moment we are ignoring stereochem on ring bonds with less than // 8 members. if (shouldDetectDoubleBondStereo(dblBond)) { const Atom *begAtom = dblBond->getBeginAtom(); const Atom *endAtom = dblBond->getEndAtom(); // we're only going to handle 2 or three coordinate atoms: if ((begAtom->getDegree() == 2 || begAtom->getDegree() == 3) && (endAtom->getDegree() == 2 || endAtom->getDegree() == 3)) { ++unassignedBonds; // look around each atom and see if it has at least one bond with // direction marked: // the pairs here are: atomrank,bonddir Chirality::INT_PAIR_VECT begAtomNeighbors, endAtomNeighbors; bool hasExplicitUnknownStereo = false; int bgn_stereo = false, end_stereo = false; if ((dblBond->getBeginAtom()->getPropIfPresent( common_properties::_UnknownStereo, bgn_stereo) && bgn_stereo) || (dblBond->getEndAtom()->getPropIfPresent( common_properties::_UnknownStereo, end_stereo) && end_stereo)) { hasExplicitUnknownStereo = true; } Chirality::findAtomNeighborDirHelper(mol, begAtom, dblBond, ranks, begAtomNeighbors, hasExplicitUnknownStereo); Chirality::findAtomNeighborDirHelper(mol, endAtom, dblBond, ranks, endAtomNeighbors, hasExplicitUnknownStereo); if (begAtomNeighbors.size() && endAtomNeighbors.size()) { // Each atom has at least one neighboring bond with marked // directionality. Find the highest-ranked directionality // on each side: int begDir, endDir, endNbrAid, begNbrAid; if (begAtomNeighbors.size() == 1 || ranks[begAtomNeighbors[0].first] > ranks[begAtomNeighbors[1].first]) { begDir = begAtomNeighbors[0].second; begNbrAid = begAtomNeighbors[0].first; } else { begDir = begAtomNeighbors[1].second; begNbrAid = begAtomNeighbors[1].first; } if (endAtomNeighbors.size() == 1 || ranks[endAtomNeighbors[0].first] > ranks[endAtomNeighbors[1].first]) { endDir = endAtomNeighbors[0].second; endNbrAid = endAtomNeighbors[0].first; } else { endDir = endAtomNeighbors[1].second; endNbrAid = endAtomNeighbors[1].first; } bool conflictingBegin = (begAtomNeighbors.size() == 2 && begAtomNeighbors[0].second == begAtomNeighbors[1].second); bool conflictingEnd = (endAtomNeighbors.size() == 2 && endAtomNeighbors[0].second == endAtomNeighbors[1].second); if (conflictingBegin || conflictingEnd) { dblBond->setStereo(Bond::STEREONONE); BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Conflicting single bond directions " "around double bond at index " << dblBond->getIdx() << "." << std::endl; BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << " BondStereo set to STEREONONE and " "single bond directions set to NONE." << std::endl; assignedABond = true; if (conflictingBegin) { bondsToClear[mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(begAtomNeighbors[0].first, begAtom->getIdx()) ->getIdx()] = 1; bondsToClear[mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(begAtomNeighbors[1].first, begAtom->getIdx()) ->getIdx()] = 1; } if (conflictingEnd) { bondsToClear[mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(endAtomNeighbors[0].first, endAtom->getIdx()) ->getIdx()] = 1; bondsToClear[mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(endAtomNeighbors[1].first, endAtom->getIdx()) ->getIdx()] = 1; } } else { dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(begNbrAid); dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(endNbrAid); if (hasExplicitUnknownStereo) { dblBond->setStereo(Bond::STEREOANY); assignedABond = true; } else if (begDir == endDir) { // In findAtomNeighborDirHelper, we've set up the // bond directions here so that they correspond to // having both single bonds START at the double bond. // This means that if the single bonds point in the same // direction, the bond is cis, "Z" dblBond->setStereo(Bond::STEREOZ); assignedABond = true; } else { dblBond->setStereo(Bond::STEREOE); assignedABond = true; } } --unassignedBonds; } } } } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mol.getNumBonds(); ++i) { if (bondsToClear[i]) { mol.getBondWithIdx(i)->setBondDir(Bond::NONE); } } return std::make_pair(unassignedBonds > 0, assignedABond); } // reassign atom ranks by supplementing the current ranks // with information about known chirality void rerankAtoms(const ROMol &mol, UINT_VECT &ranks) { PRECONDITION(ranks.size() == mol.getNumAtoms(), "bad rank vector size"); unsigned int factor = 100; while (factor < mol.getNumAtoms()) { factor *= 10; } #ifdef VERBOSE_CANON BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << "rerank PRE: " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < mol.getNumAtoms(); i++) { BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << " " << i << ": " << ranks[i] << std::endl; } #endif DOUBLE_VECT invars(mol.getNumAtoms()); // and now supplement them: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mol.getNumAtoms(); ++i) { invars[i] = ranks[i] * factor; const Atom *atom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(i); // Priority order: R > S > nothing std::string cipCode; if (atom->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_CIPCode, cipCode)) { if (cipCode == "S") { invars[i] += 10; } else if (cipCode == "R") { invars[i] += 20; } } for (const auto oBond : mol.atomBonds(atom)) { if (oBond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE) { if (oBond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOE) { invars[i] += 1; } else if (oBond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOZ) { invars[i] += 2; } } } } iterateCIPRanks(mol, invars, ranks, true); // copy the ranks onto the atoms: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mol.getNumAtoms(); i++) { mol.getAtomWithIdx(i)->setProp(common_properties::_CIPRank, ranks[i]); } #ifdef VERBOSE_CANON BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << " post: " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < mol.getNumAtoms(); i++) { BOOST_LOG(rdDebugLog) << " " << i << ": " << ranks[i] << std::endl; } #endif } bool hasStereoBondDir(const Bond *bond) { PRECONDITION(bond, "no bond"); return bond->getBondDir() == Bond::BondDir::ENDDOWNRIGHT || bond->getBondDir() == Bond::BondDir::ENDUPRIGHT; } const Bond *getNeighboringDirectedBond(const ROMol &mol, const Atom *atom) { PRECONDITION(atom, "no atom"); for (const auto &bondIdx : boost::make_iterator_range(mol.getAtomBonds(atom))) { const Bond *bond = mol[bondIdx]; if (bond->getBondType() != Bond::BondType::DOUBLE && hasStereoBondDir(bond)) { return bond; } } return nullptr; } Bond::BondStereo translateEZLabelToCisTrans(Bond::BondStereo label) { switch (label) { case Bond::STEREOE: return Bond::STEREOTRANS; case Bond::STEREOZ: return Bond::STEREOCIS; default: return label; } } INT_VECT findStereoAtoms(const Bond *bond) { PRECONDITION(bond, "bad bond"); PRECONDITION(bond->hasOwningMol(), "no mol"); PRECONDITION(bond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE, "not double bond"); PRECONDITION(bond->getStereo() > Bond::BondStereo::STEREOANY, "no defined stereo"); if (!bond->getStereoAtoms().empty()) { return bond->getStereoAtoms(); } if (bond->getStereo() == Bond::BondStereo::STEREOE || bond->getStereo() == Bond::BondStereo::STEREOZ) { const Atom *startStereoAtom = findHighestCIPNeighbor(bond->getBeginAtom(), bond->getEndAtom()); const Atom *endStereoAtom = findHighestCIPNeighbor(bond->getEndAtom(), bond->getBeginAtom()); if (startStereoAtom == nullptr || endStereoAtom == nullptr) { return {}; } int startStereoAtomIdx = static_cast(startStereoAtom->getIdx()); int endStereoAtomIdx = static_cast(endStereoAtom->getIdx()); return {startStereoAtomIdx, endStereoAtomIdx}; } else { BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Unable to assign stereo atoms for bond " << bond->getIdx() << std::endl; return {}; } } void cleanupStereoGroups(ROMol &mol) { std::vector newsgs; for (auto sg : mol.getStereoGroups()) { std::vector okatoms; bool keep = true; for (const auto atom : sg.getAtoms()) { if (atom->getChiralTag() == Atom::ChiralType::CHI_UNSPECIFIED) { keep = false; } else { okatoms.push_back(atom); } } if (keep) { newsgs.push_back(sg); } else if (!okatoms.empty()) { newsgs.emplace_back(sg.getGroupType(), std::move(okatoms)); } } mol.setStereoGroups(std::move(newsgs)); } } // namespace Chirality namespace MolOps { /* We're going to do this iteratively: 1) assign atom stereochemistry 2) assign bond stereochemistry 3) if there are still unresolved atoms or bonds repeat the above steps as necessary */ void assignStereochemistry(ROMol &mol, bool cleanIt, bool force, bool flagPossibleStereoCenters) { if (!force && mol.hasProp(common_properties::_StereochemDone)) { return; } // later we're going to need ring information, get it now if we don't // have it already: if (!mol.getRingInfo()->isInitialized()) { MolOps::fastFindRings(mol); } #if 0 std::cerr << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"; std::cerr << "assign stereochem\n"; mol.debugMol(std::cerr); #endif // as part of the preparation, we'll loop over the atoms and // bonds to see if anything has stereochemistry // indicated. There's no point in doing the work here if there // are neither stereocenters nor bonds that we need to consider. // The exception to this is when flagPossibleStereoCenters is // true; then we always need to do the work bool hasStereoAtoms = flagPossibleStereoCenters; for (auto atom : mol.atoms()) { if (cleanIt) { if (atom->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPCode)) { atom->clearProp(common_properties::_CIPCode); } if (atom->hasProp(common_properties::_ChiralityPossible)) { atom->clearProp(common_properties::_ChiralityPossible); } } if (!hasStereoAtoms && atom->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED && atom->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_OTHER) { hasStereoAtoms = true; } } bool hasStereoBonds = false; for (auto bond : mol.bonds()) { if (cleanIt) { // enforce no stereo on small rings if ((bond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE || bond->getBondType() == Bond::AROMATIC) && !shouldDetectDoubleBondStereo(bond)) { if (bond->getBondDir() == Bond::EITHERDOUBLE) { bond->setBondDir(Bond::NONE); } if (bond->getStereo() != Bond::STEREONONE) { bond->setStereo(Bond::STEREONONE); bond->getStereoAtoms().clear(); } continue; } else if (bond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE) { if (bond->getBondDir() == Bond::EITHERDOUBLE) { bond->setStereo(Bond::STEREOANY); } else if (bond->getStereo() != Bond::STEREOANY) { bond->setStereo(Bond::STEREONONE); bond->getStereoAtoms().clear(); } } } if (!hasStereoBonds && bond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE) { for (auto nbond : mol.atomBonds(bond->getBeginAtom())) { if (nbond->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT || nbond->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT) { hasStereoBonds = true; break; } } if (!hasStereoBonds) { for (auto nbond : mol.atomBonds(bond->getEndAtom())) { if (nbond->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT || nbond->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT) { hasStereoBonds = true; break; } } } } if (!cleanIt && hasStereoBonds) { break; // no reason to keep iterating if we've already // determined there are stereo bonds to consider } } UINT_VECT atomRanks; bool keepGoing = hasStereoAtoms | hasStereoBonds; bool changedStereoAtoms, changedStereoBonds; while (keepGoing) { if (hasStereoAtoms) { std::tie(hasStereoAtoms, changedStereoAtoms) = Chirality::assignAtomChiralCodes(mol, atomRanks, flagPossibleStereoCenters); } else { changedStereoAtoms = false; } if (hasStereoBonds) { std::tie(hasStereoBonds, changedStereoBonds) = Chirality::assignBondStereoCodes(mol, atomRanks); } else { changedStereoBonds = false; } keepGoing = (hasStereoAtoms || hasStereoBonds) && (changedStereoAtoms || changedStereoBonds); if (keepGoing) { // update the atom ranks based on the new information we have: Chirality::rerankAtoms(mol, atomRanks); } #if 0 std::cout << "*************** done iteration " << keepGoing << " ***********" << std::endl; mol.debugMol(std::cout); std::cout << "*************** done iteration " << keepGoing << " ***********" << std::endl; #endif } if (cleanIt) { // if the ranks are needed again, this will force them to be // re-calculated based on the stereo calculated above. // atomRanks.clear(); for (auto atom : mol.atoms()) { if (atom->hasProp(common_properties::_ringStereochemCand)) { atom->clearProp(common_properties::_ringStereochemCand); } if (atom->hasProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms)) { atom->clearProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms); } } boost::dynamic_bitset<> possibleSpecialCases(mol.getNumAtoms()); Chirality::findChiralAtomSpecialCases(mol, possibleSpecialCases); for (auto atom : mol.atoms()) { if (atom->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED && !atom->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPCode) && (!possibleSpecialCases[atom->getIdx()] || !atom->hasProp(common_properties::_ringStereoAtoms))) { atom->setChiralTag(Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); // If the atom has an explicit hydrogen and no charge, that H // was probably put there solely because of the chirality. // So we'll go ahead and remove it. // This was Issue 194 if (atom->getNumExplicitHs() == 1 && atom->getFormalCharge() == 0 && !atom->getIsAromatic()) { atom->setNumExplicitHs(0); atom->setNoImplicit(false); atom->calcExplicitValence(false); atom->calcImplicitValence(false); } } } for (auto bond : mol.bonds()) { // wedged bonds to atoms that have no stereochem // should be removed. (github issue 87) if ((bond->getBondDir() == Bond::BEGINWEDGE || bond->getBondDir() == Bond::BEGINDASH) && bond->getBeginAtom()->getChiralTag() == Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED && bond->getEndAtom()->getChiralTag() == Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED) { bond->setBondDir(Bond::NONE); } // check for directionality on single bonds around // double bonds without stereo. This was github #2422 if (bond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE && (bond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOANY || bond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREONONE)) { std::vector batoms = {bond->getBeginAtom(), bond->getEndAtom()}; for (auto batom : batoms) { for (const auto &nbri : boost::make_iterator_range(mol.getAtomBonds(batom))) { auto nbrBndI = mol[nbri]; if ((nbrBndI->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT || nbrBndI->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT) && (nbrBndI->getBondType() == Bond::SINGLE || nbrBndI->getBondType() == Bond::AROMATIC)) { // direction is set, and we know it's not because of our // bond. What about other neighbors? bool okToClear = true; for (const auto &nbrj : boost::make_iterator_range( mol.getAtomBonds(nbrBndI->getOtherAtom(batom)))) { auto nbrBndJ = mol[nbrj]; if (nbrBndJ->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE && nbrBndJ->getStereo() != Bond::STEREOANY && nbrBndJ->getStereo() != Bond::STEREONONE) { okToClear = false; break; } } if (okToClear) { nbrBndI->setBondDir(Bond::NONE); } } } } } } Chirality::cleanupStereoGroups(mol); } mol.setProp(common_properties::_StereochemDone, 1, true); #if 0 std::cerr << "---\n"; mol.debugMol(std::cerr); std::cerr << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"; #endif } // Find bonds than can be cis/trans in a molecule and mark them as // Bond::STEREOANY. void findPotentialStereoBonds(ROMol &mol, bool cleanIt) { // FIX: The earlier thought was to provide an optional argument to ignore or // consider // double bonds in a ring. But I am removing this optional argument and // ignoring ring bonds // completely for now. This is because finding a potential stereo bond in a // ring involves // more than just checking the CIPranks for the neighbors - SP 05/04/04 // make this function callable multiple times if ((mol.hasProp(common_properties::_BondsPotentialStereo)) && (!cleanIt)) { return; } else { UINT_VECT ranks; ranks.resize(mol.getNumAtoms()); bool cipDone = false; ROMol::BondIterator bondIt; for (bondIt = mol.beginBonds(); bondIt != mol.endBonds(); ++bondIt) { if ((*bondIt)->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE && !(mol.getRingInfo()->numBondRings((*bondIt)->getIdx()))) { // we are ignoring ring bonds here - read the FIX above Bond *dblBond = *bondIt; // proceed only if we either want to clean the stereocode on this bond, // if none is set on it yet, or it is STEREOANY and we need to find // stereoatoms if (cleanIt || dblBond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREONONE || (dblBond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOANY && dblBond->getStereoAtoms().size() != 2)) { dblBond->setStereo(Bond::STEREONONE); const Atom *begAtom = dblBond->getBeginAtom(), *endAtom = dblBond->getEndAtom(); // we're only going to handle 2 or three coordinate atoms: if ((begAtom->getDegree() == 2 || begAtom->getDegree() == 3) && (endAtom->getDegree() == 2 || endAtom->getDegree() == 3)) { // ------------------ // get the CIP ranking of each atom if we need it: if (!cipDone) { if (!begAtom->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPRank)) { Chirality::assignAtomCIPRanks(mol, ranks); } else { // no need to recompute if we don't need to recompute. :-) for (unsigned int ai = 0; ai < mol.getNumAtoms(); ++ai) { ranks[ai] = mol.getAtomWithIdx(ai)->getProp( common_properties::_CIPRank); } } cipDone = true; } // find the neighbors for the begin atom and the endAtom UINT_VECT begAtomNeighbors, endAtomNeighbors; bool checkDir = false; bool includeAromatic = true; Chirality::findAtomNeighborsHelper(mol, begAtom, dblBond, begAtomNeighbors, checkDir, includeAromatic); Chirality::findAtomNeighborsHelper(mol, endAtom, dblBond, endAtomNeighbors, checkDir, includeAromatic); if (begAtomNeighbors.size() > 0 && endAtomNeighbors.size() > 0) { if ((begAtomNeighbors.size() == 2) && (endAtomNeighbors.size() == 2)) { // if both of the atoms have 2 neighbors (other than the one // connected // by the double bond) and .... #if 0 std::cerr << "Bond: " << dblBond->getIdx() << " " << begAtom->getIdx() << "=" << endAtom->getIdx() << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << begAtomNeighbors[0] << "=" << ranks[begAtomNeighbors[0]] << ":"; std::cerr << " " << begAtomNeighbors[1] << "=" << ranks[begAtomNeighbors[1]] << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << endAtomNeighbors[0] << "=" << ranks[endAtomNeighbors[0]] << ":"; std::cerr << " " << endAtomNeighbors[1] << "=" << ranks[endAtomNeighbors[1]] << std::endl; #endif if ((ranks[begAtomNeighbors[0]] != ranks[begAtomNeighbors[1]]) && (ranks[endAtomNeighbors[0]] != ranks[endAtomNeighbors[1]])) { // the neighbors ranks are different at both the ends, // this bond can be part of a cis/trans system if (ranks[begAtomNeighbors[0]] > ranks[begAtomNeighbors[1]]) { dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(begAtomNeighbors[0]); } else { dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(begAtomNeighbors[1]); } if (ranks[endAtomNeighbors[0]] > ranks[endAtomNeighbors[1]]) { dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(endAtomNeighbors[0]); } else { dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(endAtomNeighbors[1]); } } } else if (begAtomNeighbors.size() == 2) { // if the begAtom has two neighbors and .... if (ranks[begAtomNeighbors[0]] != ranks[begAtomNeighbors[1]]) { // their ranks are different if (ranks[begAtomNeighbors[0]] > ranks[begAtomNeighbors[1]]) { dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(begAtomNeighbors[0]); } else { dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(begAtomNeighbors[1]); } dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(endAtomNeighbors[0]); } } else if (endAtomNeighbors.size() == 2) { // if the endAtom has two neighbors and ... if (ranks[endAtomNeighbors[0]] != ranks[endAtomNeighbors[1]]) { // their ranks are different dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(begAtomNeighbors[0]); if (ranks[endAtomNeighbors[0]] > ranks[endAtomNeighbors[1]]) { dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(endAtomNeighbors[0]); } else { dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(endAtomNeighbors[1]); } } } else { // end and beg atoms has only one neighbor each, it doesn't // matter what the ranks are: dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(begAtomNeighbors[0]); dblBond->getStereoAtoms().push_back(endAtomNeighbors[0]); } // end of different number of neighbors on beg and end atoms // mark this double bond as a potential stereo bond if (!dblBond->getStereoAtoms().empty()) { dblBond->setStereo(Bond::STEREOANY); } } // end of check that beg and end atoms have at least 1 // neighbor: } // end of 2 and 3 coordinated atoms only } // end of we want it or CIP code is not set } // end of double bond } // end of for loop over all bonds mol.setProp(common_properties::_BondsPotentialStereo, 1, true); } } // removes chirality markers from sp and sp2 hybridized centers: void cleanupChirality(RWMol &mol) { for (ROMol::AtomIterator atomIt = mol.beginAtoms(); atomIt != mol.endAtoms(); ++atomIt) { if ((*atomIt)->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED && (*atomIt)->getHybridization() < Atom::SP3) { (*atomIt)->setChiralTag(Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); } } } void assignChiralTypesFrom3D(ROMol &mol, int confId, bool replaceExistingTags) { const double ZERO_VOLUME_TOL = 0.1; if (!mol.getNumConformers()) { return; } const Conformer &conf = mol.getConformer(confId); if (!conf.is3D()) { return; } // if the molecule already has stereochemistry // perceived, remove the flags that indicate // this... what we're about to do will require // that we go again. if (mol.hasProp(common_properties::_StereochemDone)) { mol.clearProp(common_properties::_StereochemDone); } for (auto atom : mol.atoms()) { // if we aren't replacing existing tags and the atom is already tagged, // punt: if (!replaceExistingTags && atom->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED) { continue; } atom->setChiralTag(Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); // additional reasons to skip the atom: auto nzDegree = Chirality::detail::getAtomNonzeroDegree(atom); auto tnzDegree = nzDegree + atom->getTotalNumHs(); if (nzDegree < 3 || tnzDegree > 4) { // not enough explicit neighbors or too many total neighbors continue; } else { int anum = atom->getAtomicNum(); if (anum != 16 && anum != 34 && // S or Se are special // (just using the InChI list for now) (tnzDegree != 4 || // not enough total neighbors atom->getTotalNumHs(true) > 1)) { continue; } } const auto &p0 = conf.getAtomPos(atom->getIdx()); const RDGeom::Point3D *nbrs[3]; unsigned int nbrIdx = 0; for (const auto bond : mol.atomBonds(atom)) { if (!Chirality::detail::bondAffectsAtomChirality(bond, atom)) { continue; } nbrs[nbrIdx++] = &conf.getAtomPos(bond->getOtherAtomIdx(atom->getIdx())); if (nbrIdx == 3) { break; } } auto v1 = *nbrs[0] - p0; auto v2 = *nbrs[1] - p0; auto v3 = *nbrs[2] - p0; double chiralVol = v1.dotProduct(v2.crossProduct(v3)); if (chiralVol < -ZERO_VOLUME_TOL) { atom->setChiralTag(Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CW); } else if (chiralVol > ZERO_VOLUME_TOL) { atom->setChiralTag(Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW); } else { atom->setChiralTag(Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); } } } void assignChiralTypesFromMolParity(ROMol &mol, bool replaceExistingTags) { static const std::vector chiralTypeVect{ Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CW, Atom::CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW}; // if the molecule already has stereochemistry // perceived, remove the flags that indicate // this... what we're about to do will require // that we go again. if (mol.hasProp(common_properties::_StereochemDone)) { mol.clearProp(common_properties::_StereochemDone); } // Atom-based parity // Number the atoms surrounding the stereo center with 1, 2, 3, and 4 // in order of increasing atom number (position in the atom block) // (an implicit hydrogen should be considered the highest numbered atom). // View the center from a position such that the bond connecting the // highest-numbered atom (4) projects behind the plane formed by // atoms 1, 2, and 3. // // Parity 1 (CW) Parity 2 (CCW) // 3 1 3 2 // \ / \ / // | | // 2 1 // for (auto atom : mol.atoms()) { // if we aren't replacing existing tags and the atom is already tagged, // punt: if (!replaceExistingTags && atom->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED) { continue; } int parity = 0; atom->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::molParity, parity); if (parity <= 0 || parity > 2 || atom->getDegree() < 3) { atom->setChiralTag(Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); continue; } // if we are here, parity was 1 (CW) or 2 (CCW) // now we set parity 0 to be CW and 1 to be CCW --parity; RDKit::ROMol::OBOND_ITER_PAIR nbrBonds = mol.getAtomBonds(atom); INT_LIST nbrBondIdxList; std::transform( nbrBonds.first, nbrBonds.second, std::back_inserter(nbrBondIdxList), [&mol](const ROMol::edge_descriptor &e) { return mol[e]->getIdx(); }); unsigned int atomIdx = atom->getIdx(); nbrBondIdxList.sort([&mol, atomIdx](const int ai, const int bi) { return (mol.getBondWithIdx(ai)->getOtherAtomIdx(atomIdx) < mol.getBondWithIdx(bi)->getOtherAtomIdx(atomIdx)); }); int nSwaps = atom->getPerturbationOrder(nbrBondIdxList); if (nSwaps % 2) { parity = 1 - parity; } atom->setChiralTag(chiralTypeVect[parity]); if (atom->getImplicitValence() == -1) { atom->calcExplicitValence(false); atom->calcImplicitValence(false); } // within the RD representation, if a three-coordinate atom // is chiral and has an implicit H, that H needs to be made explicit: if (atom->getDegree() == 3 && !atom->getNumExplicitHs() && atom->getNumImplicitHs() == 1) { atom->setNumExplicitHs(1); // recalculated number of implicit Hs: atom->updatePropertyCache(); } } } void setDoubleBondNeighborDirections(ROMol &mol, const Conformer *conf) { // used to store the number of single bonds a given // single bond is adjacent to std::vector singleBondCounts(mol.getNumBonds(), 0); std::vector bondsInPlay; // keeps track of which single bonds are adjacent to each double bond: VECT_INT_VECT dblBondNbrs(mol.getNumBonds()); // keeps track of which double bonds are adjacent to each single bond: VECT_INT_VECT singleBondNbrs(mol.getNumBonds()); // keeps track of which single bonds need a dir set and which double bonds // need to have their neighbors' dirs set boost::dynamic_bitset<> needsDir(mol.getNumBonds()); // find double bonds that should be considered for // stereochemistry // NOTE that we are explicitly excluding double bonds in rings // with this test. bool resetRings = false; if (!mol.getRingInfo()->isInitialized()) { resetRings = true; MolOps::fastFindRings(mol); } for (auto bond : mol.bonds()) { if (isBondCandidateForStereo(bond)) { const Atom *a1 = bond->getBeginAtom(); const Atom *a2 = bond->getEndAtom(); for (const auto nbrBond : mol.atomBonds(a1)) { if (nbrBond->getBondType() == Bond::SINGLE || nbrBond->getBondType() == Bond::AROMATIC) { singleBondCounts[nbrBond->getIdx()] += 1; auto nbrDir = nbrBond->getBondDir(); if (nbrDir == Bond::BondDir::NONE || nbrDir == Bond::BondDir::ENDDOWNRIGHT || nbrDir == Bond::BondDir::ENDUPRIGHT) { needsDir[nbrBond->getIdx()] = 1; } needsDir[bond->getIdx()] = 1; dblBondNbrs[bond->getIdx()].push_back(nbrBond->getIdx()); // the search may seem inefficient, but these vectors are going to // be at most 2 long (with very few exceptions). It's just not worth // using a different data structure if (std::find(singleBondNbrs[nbrBond->getIdx()].begin(), singleBondNbrs[nbrBond->getIdx()].end(), bond->getIdx()) == singleBondNbrs[nbrBond->getIdx()].end()) { singleBondNbrs[nbrBond->getIdx()].push_back(bond->getIdx()); } } } for (const auto nbrBond : mol.atomBonds(a2)) { if (nbrBond->getBondType() == Bond::SINGLE || nbrBond->getBondType() == Bond::AROMATIC) { singleBondCounts[nbrBond->getIdx()] += 1; auto nbrDir = nbrBond->getBondDir(); if (nbrDir == Bond::BondDir::NONE || nbrDir == Bond::BondDir::ENDDOWNRIGHT || nbrDir == Bond::BondDir::ENDUPRIGHT) { needsDir[nbrBond->getIdx()] = 1; } needsDir[bond->getIdx()] = 1; dblBondNbrs[bond->getIdx()].push_back(nbrBond->getIdx()); // the search may seem inefficient, but these vectors are going to // be at most 2 long (with very few exceptions). It's just not worth // using a different data structure if (std::find(singleBondNbrs[nbrBond->getIdx()].begin(), singleBondNbrs[nbrBond->getIdx()].end(), bond->getIdx()) == singleBondNbrs[nbrBond->getIdx()].end()) { singleBondNbrs[nbrBond->getIdx()].push_back(bond->getIdx()); } } } bondsInPlay.push_back(bond); } } if (!bondsInPlay.size()) { if (resetRings) { mol.getRingInfo()->reset(); } return; } // order the double bonds based on the singleBondCounts of their neighbors: std::vector> orderedBondsInPlay; for (auto dblBond : bondsInPlay) { unsigned int countHere = std::accumulate(dblBondNbrs[dblBond->getIdx()].begin(), dblBondNbrs[dblBond->getIdx()].end(), 0); // and favor double bonds that are *not* in rings. The combination of // using the sum above (instead of the max) and this ring-membershipt test // seem to fix sf.net issue 3009836 if (!(mol.getRingInfo()->numBondRings(dblBond->getIdx()))) { countHere *= 10; } orderedBondsInPlay.push_back(std::make_pair(countHere, dblBond)); } std::sort(orderedBondsInPlay.begin(), orderedBondsInPlay.end()); // oof, now loop over the double bonds in that order and // update their neighbor directionalities: std::vector>::reverse_iterator pairIter; for (pairIter = orderedBondsInPlay.rbegin(); pairIter != orderedBondsInPlay.rend(); ++pairIter) { // std::cerr << "RESET?: " << pairIter->second->getIdx() << " " // << pairIter->second->getStereo() << std::endl; updateDoubleBondNeighbors(mol, pairIter->second, conf, needsDir, singleBondCounts, singleBondNbrs); } if (resetRings) { mol.getRingInfo()->reset(); } } void detectBondStereochemistry(ROMol &mol, int confId) { if (!mol.getNumConformers()) { return; } const Conformer &conf = mol.getConformer(confId); setDoubleBondNeighborDirections(mol, &conf); } void setBondStereoFromDirections(ROMol &mol) { for (Bond *bond : mol.bonds()) { if (bond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE) { const Atom *stereoBondBeginAtom = bond->getBeginAtom(); const Atom *stereoBondEndAtom = bond->getEndAtom(); const Bond *directedBondAtBegin = Chirality::getNeighboringDirectedBond(mol, stereoBondBeginAtom); const Bond *directedBondAtEnd = Chirality::getNeighboringDirectedBond(mol, stereoBondEndAtom); if (directedBondAtBegin != nullptr && directedBondAtEnd != nullptr) { unsigned beginSideStereoAtom = directedBondAtBegin->getOtherAtomIdx(stereoBondBeginAtom->getIdx()); unsigned endSideStereoAtom = directedBondAtEnd->getOtherAtomIdx(stereoBondEndAtom->getIdx()); bond->setStereoAtoms(beginSideStereoAtom, endSideStereoAtom); auto beginSideBondDirection = directedBondAtBegin->getBondDir(); if (directedBondAtBegin->getBeginAtom() == stereoBondBeginAtom) { beginSideBondDirection = getOppositeBondDir(beginSideBondDirection); } auto endSideBondDirection = directedBondAtEnd->getBondDir(); if (directedBondAtEnd->getEndAtom() == stereoBondEndAtom) { endSideBondDirection = getOppositeBondDir(endSideBondDirection); } if (beginSideBondDirection == endSideBondDirection) { bond->setStereo(Bond::STEREOTRANS); } else { bond->setStereo(Bond::STEREOCIS); } } } } } void assignStereochemistryFrom3D(ROMol &mol, int confId, bool replaceExistingTags) { if (!mol.getNumConformers() || !mol.getConformer(confId).is3D()) { return; } detectBondStereochemistry(mol, confId); assignChiralTypesFrom3D(mol, confId, replaceExistingTags); bool force = true; bool flagPossibleStereoCenters = true; assignStereochemistry(mol, replaceExistingTags, force, flagPossibleStereoCenters); } void assignChiralTypesFromBondDirs(ROMol &mol, const int confId, const bool replaceExistingTags) { if (!mol.getNumConformers()) { return; } auto conf = mol.getConformer(confId); boost::dynamic_bitset<> atomsSet(mol.getNumAtoms(), 0); for (auto &bond : mol.bonds()) { const Bond::BondDir dir = bond->getBondDir(); Atom *atom = bond->getBeginAtom(); if (dir == Bond::UNKNOWN) { if (atomsSet[atom->getIdx()] || replaceExistingTags) { atom->setChiralTag(Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); atomsSet.set(atom->getIdx()); } } else { // the bond is marked as chiral: if (dir == Bond::BEGINWEDGE || dir == Bond::BEGINDASH) { if (atomsSet[atom->getIdx()] || (!replaceExistingTags && atom->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED)) { continue; } if (atom->getImplicitValence() == -1) { atom->calcExplicitValence(false); atom->calcImplicitValence(false); } Atom::ChiralType code = atomChiralTypeFromBondDir(mol, bond, &conf); if (code != Atom::ChiralType::CHI_UNSPECIFIED) { atomsSet.set(atom->getIdx()); // std::cerr << "atom " << atom->getIdx() << " code " << code // << " from bond " << bond->getIdx() << std::endl; } atom->setChiralTag(code); // within the RD representation, if a three-coordinate atom // is chiral and has an implicit H, that H needs to be made explicit: if (atom->getDegree() == 3 && !atom->getNumExplicitHs() && atom->getNumImplicitHs() == 1) { atom->setNumExplicitHs(1); // recalculated number of implicit Hs: atom->updatePropertyCache(); } } } } } void removeStereochemistry(ROMol &mol) { if (mol.hasProp(common_properties::_StereochemDone)) { mol.clearProp(common_properties::_StereochemDone); } for (ROMol::AtomIterator atIt = mol.beginAtoms(); atIt != mol.endAtoms(); ++atIt) { (*atIt)->setChiralTag(Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); if ((*atIt)->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPCode)) { (*atIt)->clearProp(common_properties::_CIPCode); } if ((*atIt)->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPRank)) { (*atIt)->clearProp(common_properties::_CIPRank); } } for (ROMol::BondIterator bondIt = mol.beginBonds(); bondIt != mol.endBonds(); ++bondIt) { if ((*bondIt)->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE) { (*bondIt)->setStereo(Bond::STEREONONE); (*bondIt)->getStereoAtoms().clear(); } else if ((*bondIt)->getBondType() == Bond::SINGLE) { (*bondIt)->setBondDir(Bond::NONE); } } std::vector sgs; static_cast(mol).setStereoGroups(std::move(sgs)); } } // end of namespace MolOps } // end of namespace RDKit