// $Id$ // // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Greg Landrum and Rational Discovery LLC // // @@ All Rights Reserved @@ // This file is part of the RDKit. // The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license // which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root // of the RDKit source tree. // #include "Conformer.h" #include "ROMol.h" namespace RDKit { void Conformer::initFromOther(const Conformer &conf) { RDProps::operator=(conf); dp_mol = conf.dp_mol; auto nat = conf.getNumAtoms(); d_positions.resize(nat); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nat; i++) { d_positions[i] = conf.getAtomPos(i); } d_id = conf.getId(); df_is3D = conf.is3D(); } Conformer::Conformer(const Conformer &conf) : RDProps() { initFromOther(conf); } Conformer &Conformer::operator=(const Conformer &other) { if (this == &other) { return *this; } initFromOther(other); return *this; } void Conformer::setOwningMol(ROMol *mol) { PRECONDITION(mol, ""); dp_mol = mol; } void Conformer::setOwningMol(ROMol &mol) { setOwningMol(&mol); } const RDGeom::POINT3D_VECT &Conformer::getPositions() const { if (dp_mol) { PRECONDITION(dp_mol->getNumAtoms() == d_positions.size(), ""); } return d_positions; } RDGeom::POINT3D_VECT &Conformer::getPositions() { if (dp_mol) { PRECONDITION(dp_mol->getNumAtoms() == d_positions.size(), ""); } return d_positions; } const RDGeom::Point3D &Conformer::getAtomPos(unsigned int atomId) const { if (dp_mol) { PRECONDITION(dp_mol->getNumAtoms() == d_positions.size(), ""); } URANGE_CHECK(atomId, d_positions.size()); return d_positions[atomId]; } RDGeom::Point3D &Conformer::getAtomPos(unsigned int atomId) { if (dp_mol) { PRECONDITION(dp_mol->getNumAtoms() == d_positions.size(), ""); } URANGE_CHECK(atomId, d_positions.size()); return d_positions[atomId]; } } // namespace RDKit