// // Copyright (C) 2003-2021 Greg Landrum and other RDKit contributors // // @@ All Rights Reserved @@ // This file is part of the RDKit. // The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license // which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root // of the RDKit source tree. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using RINGINVAR = boost::dynamic_bitset<>; using RINGINVAR_SET = std::set; using RINGINVAR_VECT = std::vector; namespace RingUtils { const size_t MAX_BFSQ_SIZE = 200000; // arbitrary huge value using namespace RDKit; RINGINVAR computeRingInvariant(INT_VECT ring, unsigned int numAtoms) { boost::dynamic_bitset<> res(numAtoms); for (auto idx : ring) { res.set(idx); } return res; } void convertToBonds(const INT_VECT &ring, INT_VECT &bondRing, const ROMol &mol) { const auto rsiz = rdcast(ring.size()); bondRing.resize(rsiz); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (rsiz - 1); i++) { const Bond *bnd = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(ring[i], ring[i + 1]); if (!bnd) { throw ValueErrorException("expected bond not found"); } bondRing[i] = bnd->getIdx(); } // bond from last to first atom const Bond *bnd = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(ring[rsiz - 1], ring[0]); if (!bnd) { throw ValueErrorException("expected bond not found"); } bondRing[rsiz - 1] = bnd->getIdx(); } void convertToBonds(const VECT_INT_VECT &res, VECT_INT_VECT &brings, const ROMol &mol) { for (const auto &ring : res) { INT_VECT bring; convertToBonds(ring, bring, mol); brings.push_back(bring); } } } // end of namespace RingUtils namespace FindRings { using namespace RDKit; // An optimization to create a memory workspace that gets reused class BFSWorkspace { public: int smallestRingsBfs(const ROMol &mol, int root, VECT_INT_VECT &rings, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &activeBonds, INT_VECT *forbidden = nullptr); private: INT_VECT d_parents; std::vector d_depths; INT_VECT d_done; }; void trimBonds(unsigned int cand, const ROMol &tMol, INT_SET &changed, INT_VECT &atomDegrees, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &activeBonds); void storeRingInfo(const ROMol &mol, const INT_VECT &ring) { INT_VECT bondIndices; RingUtils::convertToBonds(ring, bondIndices, mol); mol.getRingInfo()->addRing(ring, bondIndices); } void storeRingsInfo(const ROMol &mol, const VECT_INT_VECT &rings) { for (const auto &ring : rings) { storeRingInfo(mol, ring); } } void markUselessD2s(unsigned int root, const ROMol &tMol, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &forb, const INT_VECT &atomDegrees, const boost::dynamic_bitset<> &activeBonds) { // recursive function to mark any degree 2 nodes that are already represented // by root for the purpose of finding smallest rings. ROMol::OEDGE_ITER beg, end; boost::tie(beg, end) = tMol.getAtomBonds(tMol.getAtomWithIdx(root)); while (beg != end) { const Bond *bond = tMol[*beg]; ++beg; if (!activeBonds[bond->getIdx()]) { continue; } unsigned int oIdx = bond->getOtherAtomIdx(root); if (!forb[oIdx] && atomDegrees[oIdx] == 2) { forb[oIdx] = 1; markUselessD2s(oIdx, tMol, forb, atomDegrees, activeBonds); } } } void pickD2Nodes(const ROMol &tMol, INT_VECT &d2nodes, const INT_VECT &currFrag, const INT_VECT &atomDegrees, const boost::dynamic_bitset<> &activeBonds) { d2nodes.resize(0); // forb contains all d2 nodes, not just the ones we want to keep boost::dynamic_bitset<> forb(tMol.getNumAtoms()); while (1) { int root = -1; for (int axci : currFrag) { if (atomDegrees[axci] == 2 && !forb[axci]) { root = axci; d2nodes.push_back(axci); forb[axci] = 1; break; } } if (root == -1) { break; } else { markUselessD2s(root, tMol, forb, atomDegrees, activeBonds); } } } using RINGINVAR_INT_VECT_MAP = std::map; void findSSSRforDupCands(const ROMol &mol, VECT_INT_VECT &res, RINGINVAR_SET &invars, const INT_INT_VECT_MAP dupMap, const RINGINVAR_INT_VECT_MAP &dupD2Cands, INT_VECT &atomDegrees, boost::dynamic_bitset<> activeBonds) { BFSWorkspace bfs_workspace; for (const auto &dupD2Cand : dupD2Cands) { const INT_VECT &dupCands = dupD2Cand.second; if (dupCands.size() > 1) { // we have duplicate candidates. VECT_INT_VECT nrings; auto minSiz = static_cast(MAX_INT); for (int dupCand : dupCands) { // now break bonds for all the d2 nodes for that give the same rings as // with (*dupi) and recompute smallest ring with (*dupi) INT_VECT atomDegreesCopy = atomDegrees; boost::dynamic_bitset<> activeBondsCopy = activeBonds; INT_SET changed; auto dmci = dupMap.find(dupCand); CHECK_INVARIANT(dmci != dupMap.end(), "duplicate could not be found"); for (int dni : dmci->second) { trimBonds(dni, mol, changed, atomDegreesCopy, activeBondsCopy); } // now find the smallest ring/s around (*dupi) VECT_INT_VECT srings; bfs_workspace.smallestRingsBfs(mol, dupCand, srings, activeBondsCopy); for (VECT_INT_VECT_CI sri = srings.begin(); sri != srings.end(); ++sri) { if (sri->size() < minSiz) { minSiz = rdcast(sri->size()); } nrings.push_back((*sri)); } } for (const auto &nring : nrings) { if (nring.size() == minSiz) { auto invr = RingUtils::computeRingInvariant(nring, mol.getNumAtoms()); #if 0 std::cerr << " res: " << invr << " | "; std::copy(nring.begin(), nring.end(), std::ostream_iterator(std::cerr, " ")); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (invars.find(invr) == invars.end()) { res.push_back(nring); invars.insert(invr); } } } // end of loop over new rings found } // end if (dupCand.size() > 1) } // end of loop over all set of duplicate candidates } auto compRingSize = [](const auto &v1, const auto &v2) { return v1.size() < v2.size(); }; void removeExtraRings(VECT_INT_VECT &res, unsigned int, const ROMol &mol) { // sort on size std::sort(res.begin(), res.end(), compRingSize); #if 0 std::cerr<<"\n\nSORTED\n"; for(VECT_INT_VECT::const_iterator iter=res.begin(); iter!=res.end();++iter){ std::cerr<begin(),iter->end(),std::ostream_iterator(std::cerr," ")); std::cerr<> bitBrings; bitBrings.reserve(brings.size()); for (VECT_INT_VECT_CI vivi = brings.begin(); vivi != brings.end(); ++vivi) { boost::dynamic_bitset<> lring(mol.getNumBonds()); for (int ivi : *vivi) { lring.set(ivi); } bitBrings.push_back(lring); } boost::dynamic_bitset<> availRings(res.size()); availRings.set(); boost::dynamic_bitset<> keepRings(res.size()); boost::dynamic_bitset<> munion(mol.getNumBonds()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i) { // skip this ring if we've already seen all of its bonds if (bitBrings[i].is_subset_of(munion)) { availRings.set(i, 0); } if (!availRings[i]) { continue; } munion |= bitBrings[i]; keepRings.set(i); // from this ring we consider all others that are still available and the // same size boost::dynamic_bitset<> consider(res.size()); for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < res.size(); ++j) { // std::cerr<<" "<"<>> "<((bitBrings[j] & munion).count()); if (overlap > bestOverlap) { bestOverlap = overlap; bestJ = j; } } consider.set(bestJ, 0); if (bitBrings[bestJ].is_subset_of(munion)) { availRings.set(bestJ, 0); } else { keepRings.set(bestJ); availRings.set(bestJ, 0); munion |= bitBrings[bestJ]; } } } // remove the extra rings from res and store them on the molecule in case we // wish symmetrize the SSSRs later VECT_INT_VECT extras; VECT_INT_VECT temp = res; res.resize(0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) { if (keepRings[i]) { res.push_back(temp[i]); } else { extras.push_back(temp[i]); } } mol.setProp(common_properties::extraRings, extras, true); } void findRingsD2nodes(const ROMol &tMol, VECT_INT_VECT &res, RINGINVAR_SET &invars, const INT_VECT &d2nodes, INT_VECT &atomDegrees, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &activeBonds, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &ringBonds, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &ringAtoms) { // place to record any duplicate rings discovered from the current d2 nodes RINGINVAR_INT_VECT_MAP dupD2Cands; INT_SET changed; INT_INT_VECT_MAP dupMap; // here is an example of molecule where the this scheme of finding other node // that result in duplicates is necessary : C12=CON=C1C(C4)CC3CC2CC4C3 // It would help to draw this molecule, and number the atoms but here is what // happen // - there are 6 d2 node - 1, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13 // - both 6 and 7 find the same ring (5,6,12,13,8,7) but we do not find the 7 // membered ring // (5,7,8,9,10,0,4) // - similarly 9 and 11 find a duplicate ring (9,10,11,12,13) // - when we move to 13 both the above duplicate rings are found // - so we will keep track for each d2 all the other node that resulted in // duplicate rings // - the bonds to these nodes will be broken and we attempt to find a new // ring, for e.g. by breaking // bonds to 7 and 13, we will find a 7 membered ring with 6 (this is done // in findSSSRforDupCands) std::map nodeInvars; std::map::const_iterator nici; BFSWorkspace bfs_workspace; for (auto &cand : d2nodes) { // std::cerr<<" smallest rings bfs: "<getIdx(); ringBonds.set(bIdx); ringAtoms.set(nring[i]); } ringBonds.set( tMol.getBondBetweenAtoms(nring[0], nring[nring.size() - 1]) ->getIdx()); ringAtoms.set(nring[nring.size() - 1]); #if 0 std::cerr<<" res: "<(std::cerr," ")); std::cerr< activeBonds) { // this is brutal - we have no degree 2 nodes - find the first possible degree // 3 node int nsmall; // We've got a degree three node. The goal of what follows is to find the // three rings in which it's involved, push those onto our results, and // then remove the node from consideration. This will create a bunch of // degree // 2 nodes, which we can then chew off the next time around the loop. // this part is a bit different from the Figueras algorithm // here we try to find all the rings the rings that have a potential for // contributing to // SSSR - i.e. we try to find 3 rings for this node. // - each bond (that contributes to the degree 3 ) is allowed to participate // in exactly // two of these rings. // - also any rings that are included in already found rings are ignored // ASSUME: every connection from a degree three node at this point is a // ring bond // REVIEW: Is this valid? // first find all smallest possible rings VECT_INT_VECT srings; BFSWorkspace bfs_workspace; nsmall = bfs_workspace.smallestRingsBfs(tMol, cand, srings, activeBonds); for (VECT_INT_VECT_CI sri = srings.begin(); sri != srings.end(); ++sri) { const INT_VECT &nring = (*sri); auto invr = RingUtils::computeRingInvariant(nring, tMol.getNumAtoms()); if (invars.find(invr) == invars.end()) { res.push_back(nring); invars.insert(invr); } } // if already found >3 rings we are done with this degree 3 node // if we found less than 3 we have to find other potential ring/s if (nsmall < 3) { int n1 = -1, n2 = -1, n3 = -1; ROMol::OEDGE_ITER beg, end; boost::tie(beg, end) = tMol.getAtomBonds(tMol.getAtomWithIdx(cand)); while (beg != end && !activeBonds[tMol[*beg]->getIdx()]) { ++beg; } CHECK_INVARIANT(beg != end, "neighbor not found"); n1 = tMol[*beg]->getOtherAtomIdx(cand); ++beg; while (beg != end && !activeBonds[tMol[*beg]->getIdx()]) { ++beg; } CHECK_INVARIANT(beg != end, "neighbor not found"); n2 = tMol[*beg]->getOtherAtomIdx(cand); ++beg; while (beg != end && !activeBonds[tMol[*beg]->getIdx()]) { ++beg; } CHECK_INVARIANT(beg != end, "neighbor not found"); n3 = tMol[*beg]->getOtherAtomIdx(cand); if (nsmall == 2) { // we found two rings find the third one // first find the neighbor that is common to the two ring we found so far int f = -1; if ((std::find(srings[0].begin(), srings[0].end(), n1) != srings[0].end()) && (std::find(srings[1].begin(), srings[1].end(), n1) != srings[1].end())) { f = n1; } else if ((std::find(srings[0].begin(), srings[0].end(), n2) != srings[0].end()) && (std::find(srings[1].begin(), srings[1].end(), n2) != srings[1].end())) { f = n2; } else if ((std::find(srings[0].begin(), srings[0].end(), n3) != srings[0].end()) && (std::find(srings[1].begin(), srings[1].end(), n3) != srings[1].end())) { f = n3; } CHECK_INVARIANT(f >= 0, "third ring not found"); // now find the smallest possible ring that does not contain f VECT_INT_VECT trings; INT_VECT forb; forb.push_back(f); bfs_workspace.smallestRingsBfs(tMol, cand, trings, activeBonds, &forb); for (VECT_INT_VECT_CI sri = trings.begin(); sri != trings.end(); ++sri) { const INT_VECT &nring = (*sri); auto invr = RingUtils::computeRingInvariant(nring, tMol.getNumAtoms()); if (invars.find(invr) == invars.end()) { res.push_back(nring); invars.insert(invr); } } } // doing degree 3 node - end of 2 smallest rings found for cand if (nsmall == 1) { // we found 1 ring - we need to find two more that involve the 3rd // neighbor int f1 = -1, f2 = -1; // Which of our three neighbors are in the small ring? // these are f1 and f2 if (std::find(srings[0].begin(), srings[0].end(), n1) == srings[0].end()) { f1 = n2, f2 = n3; } else if (std::find(srings[0].begin(), srings[0].end(), n2) == srings[0].end()) { f1 = n1; f2 = n3; } else if (std::find(srings[0].begin(), srings[0].end(), n3) == srings[0].end()) { f1 = n1; f2 = n2; } CHECK_INVARIANT(f1 >= 0, "rings not found"); CHECK_INVARIANT(f2 >= 0, "rings not found"); // now find two rings that include cand, one of these rings should include // f1 // and the other should include f2 // first ring with f1 and no f2 VECT_INT_VECT trings; INT_VECT forb; forb.push_back(f2); bfs_workspace.smallestRingsBfs(tMol, cand, trings, activeBonds, &forb); for (VECT_INT_VECT_CI sri = trings.begin(); sri != trings.end(); ++sri) { const INT_VECT &nring = (*sri); auto invr = RingUtils::computeRingInvariant(nring, tMol.getNumAtoms()); if (invars.find(invr) == invars.end()) { res.push_back(nring); invars.insert(invr); } } // next the ring with f2 and no f1 trings.clear(); forb.clear(); forb.push_back(f1); bfs_workspace.smallestRingsBfs(tMol, cand, trings, activeBonds, &forb); for (VECT_INT_VECT_CI sri = trings.begin(); sri != trings.end(); ++sri) { const INT_VECT &nring = (*sri); auto invr = RingUtils::computeRingInvariant(nring, tMol.getNumAtoms()); if (invars.find(invr) == invars.end()) { res.push_back(nring); invars.insert(invr); } } } // doing node of degree 3 - end of found only 1 smallest ring } // end of found less than 3 smallest ring for the degree 3 node } int greatestComFac(long curfac, long nfac) { long small; long large; long rem; // Determine which of the numbers is the larger, and which is the smaller large = (curfac > nfac) ? curfac : nfac; small = (curfac < nfac) ? curfac : nfac; // Keep looping until no remainder, as this means it is a factor of both while (small != 0) { // Set the larger var to the smaller, and set the smaller to the remainder // of (large / small) rem = (large % small); large = small; small = rem; } // By here nLarge will hold the largest common factor, so just return it return large; } /****************************************************************************** * SUMMARY: * remove the bond in the molecule that connect to the specified atom * * ARGUMENTS: * cand - the node(atom) of interest * tMol - molecule of interest * changed - list of the atoms that are effected the bond removal * this may be accumulated over multiple calls to trimBonds * it basically forms a list of atom that need to be searched for * the next round of pruning * ******************************************************************************/ void trimBonds(unsigned int cand, const ROMol &tMol, INT_SET &changed, INT_VECT &atomDegrees, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &activeBonds) { ROMol::OEDGE_ITER beg, end; boost::tie(beg, end) = tMol.getAtomBonds(tMol.getAtomWithIdx(cand)); while (beg != end) { const Bond *bond = tMol[*beg]; ++beg; if (!activeBonds[bond->getIdx()]) { continue; } unsigned int oIdx = bond->getOtherAtomIdx(cand); if (atomDegrees[oIdx] <= 2) { changed.insert(oIdx); } activeBonds[bond->getIdx()] = 0; atomDegrees[oIdx] -= 1; atomDegrees[cand] -= 1; } } /******************************************************************************* * SUMMARY: * this again is a modified version of the BFS algorithm in Figueras paper to * find the smallest ring with a specified root atom. * JCICS, Vol. 30, No. 5, 1996, 986-991 * The following are changes from the original algorithm * - find all smallest rings around a node not just one * - once can provided a list of node IDs that should not be include in the * discovered rings * * ARGUMENTS: * mol - molecule of interest * root - Atom ID of the node of interest * rings - list of rings into which the results are entered * forbidden - list of atoms ID that should be avoided * * RETURNS: * number of smallest rings found ***********************************************************************************/ int BFSWorkspace::smallestRingsBfs(const ROMol &mol, int root, VECT_INT_VECT &rings, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &activeBonds, INT_VECT *forbidden) { // this function finds the smallest ring with the given root atom. // if multiple smallest rings are found all of them are returned // if any atoms are specified in the forbidden list, those atoms are avoided. // FIX: this should be number of atoms in the fragment (if it's required at // all, see below) const int WHITE = 0, GRAY = 1, BLACK = 2; d_done.assign(mol.getNumAtoms(), WHITE); if (forbidden) { for (auto i : *forbidden) { d_done[i] = BLACK; } } d_parents.assign(mol.getNumAtoms(), -1); d_depths.assign(mol.getNumAtoms(), 0); std::deque bfsq; bfsq.push_back(root); INT_VECT ring; unsigned int curSize = UINT_MAX; while (bfsq.size() > 0) { if (bfsq.size() >= RingUtils::MAX_BFSQ_SIZE) { std::string msg = "Maximum BFS search size exceeded.\nThis is likely due to a highly " "symmetric fused ring system."; BOOST_LOG(rdErrorLog) << msg << std::endl; throw ValueErrorException(msg); } const int curr = bfsq.front(); bfsq.pop_front(); d_done[curr] = BLACK; const unsigned int depth = d_depths[curr] + 1; if (depth > curSize) { // depth is the shortest cycle I _could_ find this round. break; } ROMol::OEDGE_ITER beg, end; boost::tie(beg, end) = mol.getAtomBonds(mol.getAtomWithIdx(curr)); while (beg != end) { const Bond *bond = mol[*beg]; ++beg; if (!activeBonds[bond->getIdx()]) { continue; } int nbrIdx = bond->getOtherAtomIdx(curr); if (d_done[nbrIdx] == BLACK || d_parents[curr] == nbrIdx) { continue; } if (d_done[nbrIdx] == WHITE) { // we have never been to this node before through via any path d_parents[nbrIdx] = curr; d_done[nbrIdx] = GRAY; d_depths[nbrIdx] = depth; bfsq.push_back(nbrIdx); } else { // we have been here via a different path // there is a potential for ring closure here // stitch together the two paths ring = {nbrIdx}; // forwards path int parent = d_parents[nbrIdx]; while (parent != -1 && parent != root) { ring.push_back(parent); parent = d_parents[parent]; } // backwards path ring.insert(ring.begin(), curr); parent = d_parents[curr]; while (parent != -1) { // Is the least common ancestor not the root? if (std::find(ring.begin(), ring.end(), parent) != ring.end()) { ring.clear(); break; } ring.insert(ring.begin(), parent); parent = d_parents[parent]; } // Found a new small ring including the root. if (ring.size() > 1) { if (ring.size() <= curSize) { curSize = rdcast(ring.size()); rings.push_back(ring); } else { // we are done with the smallest rings return rdcast(rings.size()); } } } } // end of loop over neighbors of current atom } // moving to the next node // if we are here we should have found everything around the node return rdcast(rings.size()); } bool _atomSearchBFS(const ROMol &tMol, unsigned int startAtomIdx, unsigned int endAtomIdx, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &ringAtoms, INT_VECT &res, RINGINVAR_SET &invars) { res.clear(); std::deque bfsq; INT_VECT tv; tv.push_back(startAtomIdx); bfsq.push_back(tv); while (!bfsq.empty()) { if (bfsq.size() >= RingUtils::MAX_BFSQ_SIZE) { std::string msg = "Maximum BFS search size exceeded.\nThis is likely due to a highly " "symmetric fused ring system."; BOOST_LOG(rdErrorLog) << msg << std::endl; throw ValueErrorException(msg); } tv = bfsq.front(); bfsq.pop_front(); unsigned int currAtomIdx = tv.back(); ROMol::ADJ_ITER nbrIdx, endNbrs; boost::tie(nbrIdx, endNbrs) = tMol.getAtomNeighbors(tMol.getAtomWithIdx(currAtomIdx)); while (nbrIdx != endNbrs) { if (*nbrIdx == endAtomIdx) { if (currAtomIdx != startAtomIdx) { INT_VECT nv(tv); nv.push_back(rdcast(*nbrIdx)); // make sure the ring we just found isn't already in our set // of rings (this was an extension of sf.net issue 249) auto invr = RingUtils::computeRingInvariant(nv, tMol.getNumAtoms()); if (invars.find(invr) == invars.end()) { // we're done! res.resize(nv.size()); std::copy(nv.begin(), nv.end(), res.begin()); return true; } } else { // ignore this one } } else if (ringAtoms[*nbrIdx] && std::find(tv.begin(), tv.end(), *nbrIdx) == tv.end()) { //} else if(ringAtoms[*nbrIdx]){ INT_VECT nv(tv); nv.push_back(rdcast(*nbrIdx)); bfsq.push_back(nv); } ++nbrIdx; } } return false; } bool findRingConnectingAtoms(const ROMol &tMol, const Bond *bond, VECT_INT_VECT &res, RINGINVAR_SET &invars, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &ringBonds, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &ringAtoms) { PRECONDITION(bond, "bad bond"); PRECONDITION(!ringBonds[bond->getIdx()], "not a ring bond"); PRECONDITION(ringAtoms[bond->getBeginAtomIdx()], "not a ring atom"); PRECONDITION(ringAtoms[bond->getEndAtomIdx()], "not a ring atom"); INT_VECT nring; if (_atomSearchBFS(tMol, bond->getBeginAtomIdx(), bond->getEndAtomIdx(), ringAtoms, nring, invars)) { auto invr = RingUtils::computeRingInvariant(nring, tMol.getNumAtoms()); if (invars.find(invr) == invars.end()) { res.push_back(nring); invars.insert(invr); #if 0 std::cerr<<" local: "<(std::cerr," ")); std::cerr<getIdx(); ringBonds.set(bIdx); ringAtoms.set(nring[i]); } ringBonds.set(tMol.getBondBetweenAtoms(nring[0], nring[nring.size() - 1]) ->getIdx()); ringAtoms.set(nring[nring.size() - 1]); } } else { return false; } return true; } } // namespace FindRings namespace RDKit { namespace MolOps { int findSSSR(const ROMol &mol, VECT_INT_VECT *res) { if (!res) { VECT_INT_VECT rings; return findSSSR(mol, rings); } else { return findSSSR(mol, (*res)); } } int findSSSR(const ROMol &mol, VECT_INT_VECT &res) { res.resize(0); // check if SSSR's are already on the molecule if (mol.getRingInfo()->isInitialized()) { res = mol.getRingInfo()->atomRings(); return rdcast(res.size()); } else { mol.getRingInfo()->initialize(); } RINGINVAR_SET invars; unsigned int nats = mol.getNumAtoms(); boost::dynamic_bitset<> activeAtoms(nats); activeAtoms.set(); int nbnds = mol.getNumBonds(); boost::dynamic_bitset<> activeBonds(nbnds); activeBonds.set(); // Zero-order bonds are not candidates for rings ROMol::EDGE_ITER firstB, lastB; boost::tie(firstB, lastB) = mol.getEdges(); while (firstB != lastB) { const Bond *bond = mol[*firstB]; if (bond->getBondType() == Bond::ZERO) { activeBonds[bond->getIdx()] = 0; } ++firstB; } boost::dynamic_bitset<> ringBonds(nbnds); boost::dynamic_bitset<> ringAtoms(nats); INT_VECT atomDegrees(nats); INT_VECT atomDegreesWithZeroOrderBonds(nats); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nats; ++i) { const Atom *atom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(i); int deg = atom->getDegree(); atomDegrees[i] = deg; atomDegreesWithZeroOrderBonds[i] = deg; ROMol::OEDGE_ITER beg, end; boost::tie(beg, end) = mol.getAtomBonds(atom); while (beg != end) { const Bond *bond = mol[*beg]; if (bond->getBondType() == Bond::ZERO) { atomDegrees[i]--; } ++beg; } } // find the number of fragments in the molecule - we will loop over them VECT_INT_VECT frags; INT_VECT curFrag; unsigned int nfrags = getMolFrags(mol, frags); // loop over the fragments in a molecule for (unsigned int fi = 0; fi < nfrags; ++fi) { VECT_INT_VECT fragRes; curFrag = frags[fi]; if (curFrag.size() < 3) { continue; } // the following is the list of atoms that are useful in the next round of // trimming basically atoms that become degree 0 or 1 because of bond // removals initialized with atoms of degrees 0 and 1 INT_SET changed; int bndcnt_with_zero_order_bonds = 0; unsigned int nbnds = 0; for (auto atom_idx : curFrag) { bndcnt_with_zero_order_bonds += atomDegreesWithZeroOrderBonds[atom_idx]; int deg = atomDegrees[atom_idx]; nbnds += deg; if (deg < 2) { changed.insert(atom_idx); } } // check to see if this fragment can even have a possible ring CHECK_INVARIANT(bndcnt_with_zero_order_bonds % 2 == 0, "fragment graph has a dangling degree"); bndcnt_with_zero_order_bonds = bndcnt_with_zero_order_bonds / 2; int num_possible_rings = bndcnt_with_zero_order_bonds - curFrag.size() + 1; if (num_possible_rings < 1) { continue; } CHECK_INVARIANT(nbnds % 2 == 0, "fragment graph problem when including zero-order bonds"); nbnds = nbnds / 2; boost::dynamic_bitset<> doneAts(nats); unsigned int nAtomsDone = 0; while (nAtomsDone < curFrag.size()) { // std::cerr<<" ndone: "< 0) { int cand = *(changed.begin()); changed.erase(changed.begin()); if (!doneAts[cand]) { // std::cerr<= 2 // collect all the degree two nodes; INT_VECT d2nodes; FindRings::pickD2Nodes(mol, d2nodes, curFrag, atomDegrees, activeBonds); #if 0 std::cerr<<"d2nodes: "; std::copy(d2nodes.begin(),d2nodes.end(),std::ostream_iterator(std::cerr," ")); std::cerr< 0) { // deal with the current degree two nodes // place to record any duplicate rings discovered from the current d2 // nodes FindRings::findRingsD2nodes(mol, fragRes, invars, d2nodes, atomDegrees, activeBonds, ringBonds, ringAtoms); #if 0 std::cerr<<" d2nodes post: "; std::copy(d2nodes.begin(),d2nodes.end(),std::ostream_iterator(std::cerr," ")); std::cerr<begin(),iter->end(),std::ostream_iterator(std::cerr," ")); std::cerr<((nbnds - curFrag.size() + 1)); int ssiz = rdcast(fragRes.size()); // first check that we got at least the number of expected rings // std::cerr<<"EXPT: "< possibleBonds; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbnds; ++i) { if (!ringBonds[i]) { const Bond *bnd = mol.getBondWithIdx(i); if (ringAtoms[bnd->getBeginAtomIdx()] && ringAtoms[bnd->getEndAtomIdx()]) { possibleBonds.push_back(bnd); break; } } } boost::dynamic_bitset<> deadBonds(mol.getNumBonds()); while (possibleBonds.size()) { bool ringFound = FindRings::findRingConnectingAtoms( mol, possibleBonds[0], fragRes, invars, ringBonds, ringAtoms); if (!ringFound) { deadBonds.set(possibleBonds[0]->getIdx(), 1); } possibleBonds.clear(); // check if we need to repeat the process: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbnds; ++i) { if (!ringBonds[i]) { const Bond *bnd = mol.getBondWithIdx(i); if (!deadBonds[bnd->getIdx()] && ringAtoms[bnd->getBeginAtomIdx()] && ringAtoms[bnd->getEndAtomIdx()]) { possibleBonds.push_back(bnd); break; } } } } ssiz = rdcast(fragRes.size()); if (ssiz < nexpt) { BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "WARNING: could not find number of expected rings. Switching to " "an approximate ring finding algorithm." << std::endl; mol.getRingInfo()->reset(); fastFindRings(mol); res.clear(); res = mol.getRingInfo()->atomRings(); return rdcast(res.size()); } } // if we have more than expected we need to do some cleanup // otherwise do som clean up work // std::cerr<<" check: "< nexpt) { FindRings::removeExtraRings(fragRes, nexpt, mol); } #if 0 std::cerr<<"\n\nKEEPING:\n"; for(VECT_INT_VECT::const_iterator iter=fragRes.begin(); iter!=fragRes.end();++iter){ std::copy(iter->begin(),iter->end(),std::ostream_iterator(std::cerr," ")); std::cerr<(res.size()); } int symmetrizeSSSR(ROMol &mol) { VECT_INT_VECT tmp; return symmetrizeSSSR(mol, tmp); }; int symmetrizeSSSR(ROMol &mol, VECT_INT_VECT &res) { res.clear(); VECT_INT_VECT sssrs; // FIX: need to set flag here the symmetrization has been done in order to // avoid repeating this work if (!mol.getRingInfo()->isInitialized()) { findSSSR(mol, sssrs); } else { sssrs = mol.getRingInfo()->atomRings(); } res.reserve(sssrs.size()); for (const auto &r : sssrs) { res.emplace_back(r); } // now check if there are any extra rings on the molecule if (!mol.hasProp(common_properties::extraRings)) { // no extra rings nothing to be done return rdcast(res.size()); } const VECT_INT_VECT &extras = mol.getProp(common_properties::extraRings); // convert the rings to bond ids VECT_INT_VECT bondsssrs; RingUtils::convertToBonds(sssrs, bondsssrs, mol); // // For each "extra" ring, figure out if it could replace a single // ring in the SSSR. A ring could be swapped out if: // // * They are the same size // * The replacement doesn't remove any bonds from the union of the bonds // in the SSSR. // // The latter can be checked by determining if the SSSR ring is the unique // provider of any ring bond. If it is, the replacement ring must also // provide that bond. // // May miss extra rings that would need to swap two (or three...) rings // to be included. // counts of each bond std::vector bondCounts(mol.getNumBonds(), 0); for (const auto &r : bondsssrs) { for (const auto &b : r) { bondCounts[b] += 1; } } INT_VECT extraRing; for (auto &extraAtomRing : extras) { RingUtils::convertToBonds(extraAtomRing, extraRing, mol); for (auto &ring : bondsssrs) { if (ring.size() != extraRing.size()) { continue; } // If `ring` is the only provider of some bond, extraRing must also // provide that bond. bool shareBond = false; bool replacesAllUniqueBonds = true; for (auto &bondID : ring) { const int bondCount = bondCounts[bondID]; if (bondCount == 1 || !shareBond) { auto position = find(extraRing.begin(), extraRing.end(), bondID); if (position != extraRing.end()) { shareBond = true; } else if (bondCount == 1) { // 1 means `ring` is the only ring in the SSSR to provide this // bond, and extraRing did not provide it (so extraRing is not an // acceptable substitution in the SSSR for ring) replacesAllUniqueBonds = false; } } } if (shareBond && replacesAllUniqueBonds) { res.push_back(extraAtomRing); FindRings::storeRingInfo(mol, extraAtomRing); break; } } } if (mol.hasProp(common_properties::extraRings)) { mol.clearProp(common_properties::extraRings); } return rdcast(res.size()); } namespace { void _DFS(const ROMol &mol, const Atom *atom, INT_VECT &atomColors, std::vector &traversalOrder, VECT_INT_VECT &res, const Atom *fromAtom = nullptr) { // std::cerr<<" dfs: "<getIdx()<<" from // "<<(fromAtom?fromAtom->getIdx():-1)<getIdx()] == 0, "bad color"); atomColors[atom->getIdx()] = 1; traversalOrder.push_back(atom); for (const auto nbr : mol.atomNeighbors(atom)) { unsigned int nbrIdx = nbr->getIdx(); // std::cerr<<" "<getIdx()<<" consider: "<getDegree() < 2) { atomColors[nbr->getIdx()] = 2; } else { _DFS(mol, nbr, atomColors, traversalOrder, res, atom); } } else if (atomColors[nbrIdx] == 1) { if (fromAtom && nbrIdx != fromAtom->getIdx()) { INT_VECT cycle; auto lastElem = std::find(traversalOrder.rbegin(), traversalOrder.rend(), atom); for (auto rIt = lastElem; // traversalOrder.rbegin(); rIt != traversalOrder.rend() && (*rIt)->getIdx() != nbrIdx; ++rIt) { cycle.push_back((*rIt)->getIdx()); } cycle.push_back(nbrIdx); res.push_back(cycle); // std::cerr<<" cycle from "<getIdx()<<" :"; // std::copy(cycle.begin(),cycle.end(),std::ostream_iterator(std::cerr," // ")); // std::cerr<getIdx()] = 2; traversalOrder.pop_back(); // std::cerr<<" done "<getIdx()<isInitialized()) { return; } else { mol.getRingInfo()->initialize(); } VECT_INT_VECT res; res.resize(0); unsigned int nats = mol.getNumAtoms(); INT_VECT atomColors(nats, 0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nats; ++i) { if (atomColors[i]) { continue; } if (mol.getAtomWithIdx(i)->getDegree() < 2) { atomColors[i] = 2; continue; } std::vector traversalOrder; _DFS(mol, mol.getAtomWithIdx(i), atomColors, traversalOrder, res); } FindRings::storeRingsInfo(mol, res); } #ifdef RDK_USE_URF void findRingFamilies(const ROMol &mol) { if (mol.getRingInfo()->isInitialized()) { // return if we've done this before if (mol.getRingInfo()->areRingFamiliesInitialized()) { return; } } else { mol.getRingInfo()->initialize(); } RDL_graph *graph = RDL_initNewGraph(mol.getNumAtoms()); for (ROMol::ConstBondIterator cbi = mol.beginBonds(); cbi != mol.endBonds(); ++cbi) { RDL_addUEdge(graph, (*cbi)->getBeginAtomIdx(), (*cbi)->getEndAtomIdx()); } RDL_data *urfdata = RDL_calculate(graph); if (urfdata == nullptr) { RDL_deleteGraph(graph); mol.getRingInfo()->dp_urfData.reset(); throw ValueErrorException("Cannot get URFs"); } mol.getRingInfo()->dp_urfData.reset(urfdata, &RDL_deleteData); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < RDL_getNofURF(urfdata); ++i) { RDL_node *nodes = nullptr; unsigned nNodes = RDL_getNodesForURF(urfdata, i, &nodes); if (nNodes == RDL_INVALID_RESULT) { free(nodes); throw ValueErrorException("Cannot get URF nodes"); } RDL_edge *edges = nullptr; unsigned nEdges = RDL_getEdgesForURF(urfdata, i, &edges); if (nEdges == RDL_INVALID_RESULT) { free(nodes); free(edges); throw ValueErrorException("Cannot get URF edges"); } INT_VECT nvect(nNodes), evect(nEdges); for (unsigned int ridx = 0; ridx < nNodes; ++ridx) { nvect[ridx] = nodes[ridx]; } for (unsigned int ridx = 0; ridx < nEdges; ++ridx) { unsigned int bidx = edges[ridx][0]; unsigned int eidx = edges[ridx][1]; evect[ridx] = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(bidx, eidx)->getIdx(); } mol.getRingInfo()->addRingFamily(nvect, evect); free(nodes); free(edges); } } #else void findRingFamilies(const ROMol &mol) { BOOST_LOG(rdErrorLog) << "This version of the RDKit was built without URF support" << std::endl; } #endif } // namespace MolOps } // namespace RDKit