// // Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Greg Landrum and other RDKit contributors // // @@ All Rights Reserved @@ // This file is part of the RDKit. // The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license // which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root // of the RDKit source tree. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SmilesWrite.h" #include "SmilesParse.h" #include "SmilesParseOps.h" #include namespace SmilesParseOps { using namespace RDKit; const std::string cxsmilesindex = "_cxsmilesindex"; std::map sgroupTypemap = { {"n", "SRU"}, {"mon", "MON"}, {"mer", "MER"}, {"co", "COP"}, {"xl", "CRO"}, {"mod", "MOD"}, {"mix", "MIX"}, {"f", "FOR"}, {"any", "ANY"}, {"gen", "GEN"}, {"c", "COM"}, {"grf", "GRA"}, {"alt", "COP"}, {"ran", "COP"}, {"blk", "COP"}}; template void addquery(Q *qry, std::string symbol, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int idx) { PRECONDITION(qry, "bad query"); auto *qa = new QueryAtom(0); qa->setQuery(qry); qa->setNoImplicit(true); mol.replaceAtom(idx, qa); if (symbol != "") { mol.getAtomWithIdx(idx)->setProp(RDKit::common_properties::atomLabel, symbol); } delete qa; } void processCXSmilesLabels(RDKit::RWMol &mol) { if (mol.hasProp("_cxsmilesLabelsProcessed")) { return; } for (auto atom : mol.atoms()) { std::string symb = ""; if (atom->getPropIfPresent(RDKit::common_properties::atomLabel, symb)) { if (symb == "star_e") { /* according to the MDL spec, these match anything, but in MARVIN they are "unspecified end groups" for polymers */ addquery(makeAtomNullQuery(), symb, mol, atom->getIdx()); } else if (symb == "Q_e") { addquery(makeQAtomQuery(), symb, mol, atom->getIdx()); } else if (symb == "QH_p") { addquery(makeQHAtomQuery(), symb, mol, atom->getIdx()); } else if (symb == "AH_p") { // this seems wrong... /* According to the MARVIN Sketch, AH is "any atom, including H" - this would be "*" in SMILES - and "A" is "any atom except H". The CXSMILES docs say that "A" can be represented normally in SMILES and that "AH" needs to be written out as AH_p. I'm going to assume that this is a Marvin internal thing and just parse it as they describe it. This means that "*" in the SMILES itself needs to be treated differently, which we do below. */ addquery(makeAHAtomQuery(), symb, mol, atom->getIdx()); } else if (symb == "X_p") { addquery(makeXAtomQuery(), symb, mol, atom->getIdx()); } else if (symb == "XH_p") { addquery(makeXHAtomQuery(), symb, mol, atom->getIdx()); } else if (symb == "M_p") { addquery(makeMAtomQuery(), symb, mol, atom->getIdx()); } else if (symb == "MH_p") { addquery(makeMHAtomQuery(), symb, mol, atom->getIdx()); } } else if (atom->getAtomicNum() == 0 && !atom->hasQuery() && atom->getSymbol() == "*") { addquery(makeAAtomQuery(), "", mol, atom->getIdx()); } } mol.setProp("_cxsmilesLabelsProcessed", 1, true); } namespace parser { const std::string _headCrossings = "_headCrossings"; const std::string _tailCrossings = "_tailCrossings"; template bool read_int(Iterator &first, Iterator last, unsigned int &res) { std::string num = ""; while (first <= last && *first >= '0' && *first <= '9') { num += *first; ++first; } if (num.empty()) { return false; } res = boost::lexical_cast(num); return true; } template bool read_int_list(Iterator &first, Iterator last, std::vector &res, char sep = ',') { while (1) { std::string num = ""; while (first <= last && *first >= '0' && *first <= '9') { num += *first; ++first; } if (!num.empty()) { res.push_back(boost::lexical_cast(num)); } if (first >= last || *first != sep) { break; } ++first; } return true; } template bool read_int_pair(Iterator &first, Iterator last, unsigned int &n1, unsigned int &n2, char sep = '.') { if (!read_int(first, last, n1)) { return false; } if (first >= last || *first != sep) { return false; } ++first; return read_int(first, last, n2); } template std::string read_text_to(Iterator &first, Iterator last, std::string delims) { std::string res = ""; Iterator start = first; // EFF: there are certainly faster ways to do this while (first <= last && delims.find_first_of(*first) == std::string::npos) { if (*first == '&' && std::distance(first, last) > 2 && *(first + 1) == '#') { // escaped char if (start != first) { res += std::string(start, first); } Iterator next = first + 2; while (next != last && *next >= '0' && *next <= '9') { ++next; } if (next == last || *next != ';') { throw RDKit::SmilesParseException( "failure parsing CXSMILES extensions: quoted block not terminated " "with ';'"); } if (next > first + 2) { std::string blk = std::string(first + 2, next); res += (char)(boost::lexical_cast(blk)); } first = next + 1; start = first; } else { ++first; } } if (start != first) { res += std::string(start, first); } return res; } namespace { // this is the super fun case where no information about bonds in/out of the // sgroup is present. void setupUnmarkedPolymerSGroup(RWMol &mol, SubstanceGroup &sgroup, std::vector &headCrossings, std::vector &tailCrossings) { const auto &atoms = sgroup.getAtoms(); if (atoms.empty()) { throw SmilesParseException("no atoms in polymer sgroup"); } const auto firstAtom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(atoms.front()); for (auto nbr : boost::make_iterator_range(mol.getAtomNeighbors(firstAtom))) { const auto nbrAtom = mol[nbr]; if (std::find(atoms.begin(), atoms.end(), nbrAtom->getIdx()) == atoms.end()) { // in most cases we just add this to the set of headCrossings. // The exception occurs when there's only one atom in the SGroup and // we already have a headCrossing, in which case we may put this one // as a tailCrossing if (atoms.size() > 1 || headCrossings.empty()) { headCrossings.push_back( mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(firstAtom->getIdx(), nbrAtom->getIdx()) ->getIdx()); } else if (atoms.size() == 1) { if (tailCrossings.empty()) { tailCrossings.push_back( mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(firstAtom->getIdx(), nbrAtom->getIdx()) ->getIdx()); } else { BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << " single atom polymer Sgroup has more than two bonds to " "external atoms. Ignoring all bonds after the first two." << std::endl; } } } } if (atoms.size() > 1) { const auto lastAtom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(atoms.back()); for (auto nbr : boost::make_iterator_range(mol.getAtomNeighbors(lastAtom))) { const auto nbrAtom = mol[nbr]; if (std::find(atoms.begin(), atoms.end(), nbrAtom->getIdx()) == atoms.end()) { tailCrossings.push_back( mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(lastAtom->getIdx(), nbrAtom->getIdx()) ->getIdx()); } } } } // deal with setting up the crossing bonds, etc. void finalizePolymerSGroup(RWMol &mol, SubstanceGroup &sgroup) { bool isFlipped = false; std::string connect = "EU"; if (sgroup.getPropIfPresent("CONNECT", connect)) { if (connect.find(",f") != std::string::npos) { isFlipped = true; boost::replace_all(connect, ",f", ""); } } if (connect == "hh") { connect = "HH"; } else if (connect == "ht") { connect = "HT"; } else if (connect == "eu") { connect = "EU"; } else { BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "unrecognized CXSMILES CONNECT value: '" << connect << "'. Assuming 'eu'" << std::endl; connect = "EU"; } sgroup.setProp("CONNECT", connect); std::vector headCrossings; std::vector tailCrossings; sgroup.getPropIfPresent(_headCrossings, headCrossings); sgroup.clearProp(_headCrossings); sgroup.getPropIfPresent(_tailCrossings, tailCrossings); sgroup.clearProp(_tailCrossings); if (headCrossings.empty() && tailCrossings.empty()) { setupUnmarkedPolymerSGroup(mol, sgroup, headCrossings, tailCrossings); } if (headCrossings.empty() && tailCrossings.empty()) { // we tried... nothing more we can do return; } // bondIndexMap uses the position in the vector for the SMILES index and // the value in that position as the actual bond index. std::vector bondIndexMap(mol.getNumBonds(), -1); for (const auto bond : mol.bonds()) { unsigned int smilesIdx; if (bond->getPropIfPresent("_cxsmilesBondIdx", smilesIdx)) { bondIndexMap[smilesIdx] = bond->getIdx(); } } for (auto &smilesIdx : headCrossings) { int bondIdx = bondIndexMap[smilesIdx]; if (bondIdx < 0) { throw RDKit::SmilesParseException( "could not find SGroup bond index in molecule"); } sgroup.addBondWithIdx(bondIdx); // and replace the original value smilesIdx = bondIdx; } sgroup.setProp("XBHEAD", headCrossings); for (auto &smilesIdx : tailCrossings) { int bondIdx = bondIndexMap[smilesIdx]; if (bondIdx < 0) { throw RDKit::SmilesParseException( "could not find SGroup bond index in molecule"); } sgroup.addBondWithIdx(bondIdx); // and replace the original value smilesIdx = bondIdx; } // now we can setup XBCORR std::vector xbcorr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < std::min(headCrossings.size(), tailCrossings.size()); ++i) { unsigned headIdx = headCrossings[i]; unsigned tailIdx = tailCrossings[i]; if (isFlipped) { tailIdx = tailCrossings[tailCrossings.size() - i - 1]; } xbcorr.push_back(headIdx); xbcorr.push_back(tailIdx); } sgroup.setProp("XBCORR", xbcorr); } } // end of anonymous namespace // we use this pattern a lot and it's a long function call, but a very short // #define #define VALID_ATIDX(_atidx_) \ ((_atidx_) >= startAtomIdx && (_atidx_) < startAtomIdx + mol.getNumAtoms()) template bool parse_atom_values(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { if (first >= last || *first != ':') { return false; } ++first; unsigned int atIdx = 0; while (first <= last && *first != '$') { std::string tkn = read_text_to(first, last, ";$"); if (tkn != "" && VALID_ATIDX(atIdx)) { mol.getAtomWithIdx(atIdx)->setProp(RDKit::common_properties::molFileValue, tkn); } ++atIdx; if (first <= last && *first != '$') { ++first; } } if (first >= last || *first != '$') { return false; } ++first; return true; } template bool parse_atom_props(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { if (first >= last) { return false; } while (first <= last && *first != '|' && *first != ',') { unsigned int atIdx; if (read_int(first, last, atIdx)) { if (first >= last || *first != '.') { return false; } ++first; std::string pname = read_text_to(first, last, "."); if (!pname.empty()) { if (first >= last || *first != '.') { return false; } ++first; std::string pval = read_text_to(first, last, ":|,"); if (VALID_ATIDX(atIdx) && !pval.empty()) { mol.getAtomWithIdx(atIdx - startAtomIdx)->setProp(pname, pval); } } } if (first <= last && *first != '|' && *first != ',') { ++first; } } if (first <= last && *first != '|' && *first != ',') { return false; } if (*first != '|') { ++first; } return true; } template bool parse_atom_labels(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { if (first >= last || *first != '$') { return false; } ++first; unsigned int atIdx = 0; while (first <= last && *first != '$') { std::string tkn = read_text_to(first, last, ";$"); if (!tkn.empty() && VALID_ATIDX(atIdx)) { mol.getAtomWithIdx(atIdx - startAtomIdx) ->setProp(RDKit::common_properties::atomLabel, tkn); } ++atIdx; if (first <= last && *first != '$') { ++first; } } if (first >= last || *first != '$') { return false; } ++first; return true; } template bool parse_coords(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { if (first >= last || *first != '(') { return false; } auto *conf = new Conformer(mol.getNumAtoms()); mol.addConformer(conf); ++first; unsigned int atIdx = 0; while (first <= last && *first != ')') { RDGeom::Point3D pt; std::string tkn = read_text_to(first, last, ";)"); if (VALID_ATIDX(atIdx)) { if (!tkn.empty()) { std::vector tokens; boost::split(tokens, tkn, boost::is_any_of(std::string(","))); if (tokens.size() >= 1 && tokens[0].size()) { pt.x = boost::lexical_cast(tokens[0]); } if (tokens.size() >= 2 && tokens[1].size()) { pt.y = boost::lexical_cast(tokens[1]); } if (tokens.size() >= 3 && tokens[2].size()) { pt.z = boost::lexical_cast(tokens[2]); } } conf->setAtomPos(atIdx - startAtomIdx, pt); } ++atIdx; if (first <= last && *first != ')') { ++first; } } if (first >= last || *first != ')') { return false; } ++first; return true; } template bool parse_coordinate_bonds(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, Bond::BondType typ, unsigned int startAtomIdx, unsigned int startBondIdx) { if (first >= last || (*first != 'C' && *first != 'H')) { return false; } ++first; if (first >= last || *first != ':') { return false; } ++first; while (first <= last && *first >= '0' && *first <= '9') { unsigned int aidx; unsigned int bidx; if (read_int_pair(first, last, aidx, bidx)) { if (VALID_ATIDX(aidx) && bidx >= startBondIdx && bidx < startBondIdx + mol.getNumBonds()) { Bond *bnd = nullptr; for (auto bond : mol.bonds()) { unsigned int smilesIdx; if (bond->getPropIfPresent("_cxsmilesBondIdx", smilesIdx) && smilesIdx + startBondIdx == bidx) { bnd = bond; break; } } if (!bnd || (bnd->getBeginAtomIdx() != aidx - startAtomIdx && bnd->getEndAtomIdx() != aidx - startAtomIdx)) { BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "BOND NOT FOUND! " << bidx << " involving atom " << aidx << std::endl; return false; } bnd->setBondType(typ); if (bnd->getBeginAtomIdx() != aidx - startAtomIdx) { unsigned int tmp = bnd->getBeginAtomIdx(); bnd->setBeginAtomIdx(aidx - startAtomIdx); bnd->setEndAtomIdx(tmp); } } } else { return false; } if (first < last && *first == ',') { ++first; } } return true; } template bool parse_unsaturation(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { if (first + 1 >= last || *first != 'u') { return false; } ++first; if (first >= last || *first != ':') { return false; } ++first; while (first < last && *first >= '0' && *first <= '9') { unsigned int idx; if (!read_int(first, last, idx)) { return false; } if (VALID_ATIDX(idx)) { auto atom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(idx - startAtomIdx); if (!atom->hasQuery()) { atom = QueryOps::replaceAtomWithQueryAtom(&mol, atom); } atom->expandQuery(makeAtomUnsaturatedQuery(), Queries::COMPOSITE_AND); } if (first < last && *first == ',') { ++first; } } return true; } template bool parse_ring_bonds(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { if (first >= last || *first != 'r' || first + 1 >= last || *(first + 1) != 'b' || first + 2 >= last || *(first + 2) != ':') { return false; } first += 3; while (first < last && *first >= '0' && *first <= '9') { unsigned int n1; if (!read_int(first, last, n1)) { return false; } // check that we can read at least two more characters: if (first + 1 >= last || *first != ':') { return false; } ++first; unsigned int n2; bool gt = false; if (*first == '*') { ++first; n2 = 0xDEADBEEF; if (VALID_ATIDX(n1)) { mol.setProp(common_properties::_NeedsQueryScan, 1); } } else { if (!read_int(first, last, n2)) { return false; } switch (n2) { case 0: case 2: case 3: break; case 4: gt = true; break; default: BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "unrecognized rb value: " << n2 << std::endl; return false; } } if (VALID_ATIDX(n1)) { auto atom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(n1 - startAtomIdx); if (!atom->hasQuery()) { atom = QueryOps::replaceAtomWithQueryAtom(&mol, atom); } if (!gt) { atom->expandQuery(makeAtomRingBondCountQuery(n2), Queries::COMPOSITE_AND); } else { auto q = static_cast(new ATOM_LESSEQUAL_QUERY); q->setVal(n2); q->setDescription("AtomRingBondCount"); q->setDataFunc(queryAtomRingBondCount); atom->expandQuery(q, Queries::COMPOSITE_AND); } } if (first < last && *first == ',') { ++first; } } return true; } template bool parse_linknodes(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { // these look like: |LN:1:,4:| // that's two records: // 1: 1-3 repeats, atom 1-2, 1-6 // 4: 1-4 repeats, atom 4-3, 4-6 // which maps to the property value "1 3 2 2 3 2 7|1 4 2 5 4 5 7" // If the linking atom only has two neighbors then the outer atom // specification (the last two digits) can be left out. So for a molecule // where atom 1 has bonds only to atoms 2 and 6 we could have // |LN:1:1.3| // instead of // |LN:1:| if (first >= last || *first != 'L' || first + 1 >= last || *(first + 1) != 'N' || first + 2 >= last || *(first + 2) != ':') { return false; } first += 3; std::string accum = ""; while (first < last && *first >= '0' && *first <= '9') { unsigned int atidx; if (!read_int(first, last, atidx)) { return false; } // check that we can read at least two more characters: if (first + 1 >= last || *first != ':') { return false; } ++first; unsigned int startReps; if (!read_int(first, last, startReps)) { return false; } if (first + 1 >= last || *first != '.') { return false; } ++first; unsigned int endReps; if (!read_int(first, last, endReps)) { return false; } unsigned int idx1; unsigned int idx2; if (first < last && *first == '.') { ++first; if (!read_int(first, last, idx1)) { return false; } ++first; if (!read_int(first, last, idx2)) { return false; } } else if (VALID_ATIDX(atidx) && mol.getAtomWithIdx(atidx - startAtomIdx)->getDegree() == 2) { auto nbrs = mol.getAtomNeighbors(mol.getAtomWithIdx(atidx - startAtomIdx)); idx1 = *nbrs.first; nbrs.first++; idx2 = *nbrs.first; } else if (VALID_ATIDX(atidx)) { return false; } if (first < last && *first == ',') { ++first; } if (VALID_ATIDX(atidx)) { if (!accum.empty()) { accum += "|"; } accum += (boost::format("%d %d 2 %d %d %d %d") % startReps % endReps % (atidx - startAtomIdx + 1) % (idx1 - startAtomIdx + 1) % (atidx - startAtomIdx + 1) % (idx2 - startAtomIdx + 1)) .str(); } } if (!accum.empty()) { mol.setProp(common_properties::molFileLinkNodes, accum); } return true; } template bool parse_data_sgroup(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx, unsigned int nSGroups) { // these look like: |SgD:2,1:FIELD:info::::| // example from CXSMILES docs: // SgD:3,2,1,0:name:data:like:unit:t:(1.,1.) // the fields are: // SgD:[atom indices]:[field name]:[data value]:[query // operator]:[unit]:[tag]:[coords] // coords are (-1) if atomic coordinates are present if (first >= last || *first != 'S' || first + 3 >= last || *(first + 1) != 'g' || *(first + 2) != 'D' || *(first + 3) != ':') { return false; } first += 4; std::vector atoms; if (!read_int_list(first, last, atoms)) { return false; } SubstanceGroup sgroup(&mol, std::string("DAT")); sgroup.setProp(cxsmilesindex, nSGroups); bool keepSGroup = false; for (auto idx : atoms) { if (VALID_ATIDX(idx)) { keepSGroup = true; sgroup.addAtomWithIdx(idx - startAtomIdx); } } ++first; std::string name = read_text_to(first, last, ":"); ++first; if (keepSGroup && !name.empty()) { sgroup.setProp("FIELDNAME", name); } // FIX: if (keepSGroup) { sgroup.setProp("FIELDDISP", " 0.0000 0.0000 DR ALL 0 0"); } std::string data = read_text_to(first, last, ":"); ++first; if (!data.empty() && keepSGroup) { std::vector dataFields = {data}; sgroup.setProp("DATAFIELDS", dataFields); } std::string oper = read_text_to(first, last, ":"); ++first; if (!oper.empty() && keepSGroup) { sgroup.setProp("QUERYOP", oper); } std::string unit = read_text_to(first, last, ":"); ++first; if (!unit.empty() && keepSGroup) { sgroup.setProp("FIELDINFO", unit); } std::string tag = read_text_to(first, last, ":"); ++first; if (!tag.empty() && keepSGroup) { // not actually part of what ends up in the output, but // it is part of CXSMARTS sgroup.setProp("FIELDTAG", tag); } if (first < last && *first == '(') { // FIX std::string coords = read_text_to(first, last, ")"); ++first; if (keepSGroup) { sgroup.setProp("COORDS", coords); } } // the label processing can destroy sgroup info, so do that now // (the function will immediately return if already called) if (keepSGroup) { processCXSmilesLabels(mol); sgroup.setProp("index", getSubstanceGroups(mol).size() + 1); addSubstanceGroup(mol, sgroup); } return true; } namespace { std::vector::iterator find_matching_sgroup( std::vector &sgs, unsigned int targetId) { return std::find_if(sgs.begin(), sgs.end(), [targetId](const auto &sg) { unsigned int pval; if (sg.getPropIfPresent(cxsmilesindex, pval)) { if (pval == targetId) { return true; } } return false; }); } } // namespace template bool parse_sgroup_hierarchy(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol) { // these look like: |SgH:1:0| // from CXSMILES docs: // SgH:parentSgroupIndex1:childSgroupIndex1.childSgroupIndex2,parentSgroupIndex2:childSgroupIndex1 if (first >= last || *first != 'S' || first + 3 >= last || *(first + 1) != 'g' || *(first + 2) != 'H' || *(first + 3) != ':') { return false; } first += 4; auto &sgs = getSubstanceGroups(mol); while (1) { unsigned int parentId; if (!read_int(first, last, parentId)) { return false; } bool validParent = true; auto psg = find_matching_sgroup(sgs, parentId); if (psg == sgs.end()) { validParent = false; } else { psg->getPropIfPresent("index", parentId); } if (first <= last && *first == ':') { ++first; std::vector children; if (!read_int_list(first, last, children, '.')) { return false; } if (validParent) { for (auto childId : children) { if (childId >= sgs.size()) { throw SmilesParseException( "child id references non-existent SGroup"); } auto csg = find_matching_sgroup(sgs, childId); if (csg != sgs.end()) { unsigned int cid; csg->getProp("index", cid); csg->setProp("PARENT", parentId); } } } if (first <= last && *first == ',') { ++first; } else { break; } } else { return false; } } return true; } template bool parse_polymer_sgroup(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx, unsigned int nSGroups) { // these look like: // |Sg:n:6,1,2,4::hh,f:6,0,:4,2,| // example from CXSMILES docs: // the fields are: // Sg:[type]:[atom indices]:[subscript]:[superscript]:[head crossing // bonds]:[tail crossing bonds]: // // note that it's legit for empty fields to be completely missing. // for example, this doesn't have any crossing bonds indicated: // *-CCCN-* |$star_e;;;;;star_e$,Sg:n:4,1,2,3::hh| // this last bit makes the whole thing doubleplusfun to parse if (first >= last || *first != 'S' || first + 2 >= last || *(first + 1) != 'g' || *(first + 2) != ':') { return false; } first += 3; std::string typ = read_text_to(first, last, ":"); ++first; if (sgroupTypemap.find(typ) == sgroupTypemap.end()) { return false; } bool keepSGroup = false; SubstanceGroup sgroup(&mol, sgroupTypemap[typ]); sgroup.setProp(cxsmilesindex, nSGroups); if (typ == "alt") { sgroup.setProp("SUBTYPE", std::string("ALT")); } else if (typ == "ran") { sgroup.setProp("SUBTYPE", std::string("RAN")); } else if (typ == "blk") { sgroup.setProp("SUBTYPE", std::string("BLO")); } std::vector atoms; if (!read_int_list(first, last, atoms)) { return false; } //++first; for (auto idx : atoms) { if (VALID_ATIDX(idx)) { sgroup.addAtomWithIdx(idx - startAtomIdx); keepSGroup = true; } } std::vector headCrossing; std::vector tailCrossing; if (first <= last && *first == ':') { ++first; std::string subscript = read_text_to(first, last, ":|"); if (keepSGroup && !subscript.empty()) { sgroup.setProp("LABEL", subscript); } if (first <= last && *first == ':') { ++first; std::string superscript = read_text_to(first, last, ":|,"); if (keepSGroup && !superscript.empty()) { sgroup.setProp("CONNECT", superscript); } if (first <= last && *first == ':') { ++first; if (!read_int_list(first, last, headCrossing)) { return false; } if (keepSGroup && !headCrossing.empty()) { for (auto &cidx : headCrossing) { if (VALID_ATIDX(cidx)) { cidx -= startAtomIdx; } else { keepSGroup = false; break; } } sgroup.setProp(_headCrossings, headCrossing, true); } if (first <= last && *first == ':') { ++first; if (!read_int_list(first, last, tailCrossing)) { return false; } } if (keepSGroup && !tailCrossing.empty()) { for (auto &cidx : tailCrossing) { if (VALID_ATIDX(cidx)) { cidx -= startAtomIdx; } else { keepSGroup = false; break; } } sgroup.setProp("_tailCrossings", tailCrossing, true); } } } } if (keepSGroup) { // the label processing can destroy sgroup info, so do that // now (the function will immediately return if already // called) processCXSmilesLabels(mol); finalizePolymerSGroup(mol, sgroup); sgroup.setProp("index", getSubstanceGroups(mol).size() + 1); addSubstanceGroup(mol, sgroup); } return true; } template bool parse_variable_attachments(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { // these look like: CO*.C1=CC=NC=C1 |m:2:3.5.4| // that corresponds to replacing the bond to atom 2 with bonds to atom 3, 5, // or 4 // if (first >= last || *first != 'm' || first + 1 >= last || *(first + 1) != ':') { return false; } first += 2; while (first < last && *first >= '0' && *first <= '9') { unsigned int at1idx; if (!read_int(first, last, at1idx)) { return false; } if (VALID_ATIDX(at1idx) && mol.getAtomWithIdx(at1idx - startAtomIdx)->getDegree() != 1) { BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "position variation bond to atom with more than one bond" << std::endl; return false; } if (first < last && *first == ':') { ++first; } else { BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "improperly formatted m: block" << std::endl; return false; } std::vector others; while (first < last && *first >= '0' && *first <= '9') { unsigned int aidx; if (!read_int(first, last, aidx)) { return false; } if (VALID_ATIDX(aidx)) { others.push_back( (boost::format("%d") % (aidx - startAtomIdx + 1)).str()); } if (first < last && *first == '.') { ++first; } } if (VALID_ATIDX(at1idx)) { std::string endPts = (boost::format("(%d") % others.size()).str(); for (auto idx : others) { endPts += " " + idx; } endPts += ")"; for (auto nbri : boost::make_iterator_range( mol.getAtomBonds(mol.getAtomWithIdx(at1idx - startAtomIdx)))) { auto bnd = mol[nbri]; bnd->setProp(common_properties::_MolFileBondEndPts, endPts); bnd->setProp(common_properties::_MolFileBondAttach, std::string("ANY")); } } if (first < last && *first == ',') { ++first; } } return true; } template bool parse_substitution(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { if (first >= last || *first != 's' || first + 1 >= last || *(first + 1) != ':') { return false; } first += 2; while (first < last && *first >= '0' && *first <= '9') { unsigned int n1; if (!read_int(first, last, n1)) { return false; } // check that we can read at least two more characters: if (first + 1 >= last || *first != ':') { return false; } ++first; unsigned int n2; if (*first == '*') { ++first; n2 = 0xDEADBEEF; if (VALID_ATIDX(n1)) { mol.setProp(common_properties::_NeedsQueryScan, 1); } } else { if (!read_int(first, last, n2)) { return false; } } if (VALID_ATIDX(n1)) { auto atom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(n1 - startAtomIdx); if (!atom->hasQuery()) { atom = QueryOps::replaceAtomWithQueryAtom(&mol, atom); } atom->expandQuery(makeAtomNonHydrogenDegreeQuery(n2), Queries::COMPOSITE_AND); } if (first < last && *first == ',') { ++first; } } return true; } template bool processRadicalSection(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int numRadicalElectrons, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { if (first >= last) { return false; } ++first; if (first >= last || *first != ':') { return false; } ++first; unsigned int atIdx; if (!read_int(first, last, atIdx)) { return false; } if (VALID_ATIDX(atIdx)) { mol.getAtomWithIdx(atIdx - startAtomIdx) ->setNumRadicalElectrons(numRadicalElectrons); } while (first < last && *first == ',') { ++first; if (first < last && (*first < '0' || *first > '9')) { return true; } if (!read_int(first, last, atIdx)) { return false; } if (VALID_ATIDX(atIdx)) { mol.getAtomWithIdx(atIdx - startAtomIdx) ->setNumRadicalElectrons(numRadicalElectrons); } } return first < last; } template bool parse_radicals(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { if (first >= last || *first != '^') { return false; } while (*first == '^') { ++first; if (first >= last) { return false; } if (*first < '1' || *first > '7') { return false; // these are the values that are allowed to be there } switch (*first) { case '1': if (!processRadicalSection(first, last, mol, 1, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } break; case '2': case '3': case '4': if (!processRadicalSection(first, last, mol, 2, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } break; case '5': case '6': case '7': if (!processRadicalSection(first, last, mol, 3, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } break; default: BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Radical specification " << *first << " ignored."; } } return true; } template bool parse_enhanced_stereo(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx) { StereoGroupType group_type = StereoGroupType::STEREO_ABSOLUTE; if (*first == 'a') { group_type = StereoGroupType::STEREO_ABSOLUTE; } else if (*first == 'o') { group_type = StereoGroupType::STEREO_OR; } else if (*first == '&') { group_type = StereoGroupType::STEREO_AND; } ++first; // OR and AND groups carry a group number if (group_type != StereoGroupType::STEREO_ABSOLUTE) { unsigned int group_id = 0; read_int(first, last, group_id); } if (first >= last || *first != ':') { return false; } ++first; std::vector atoms; while (first <= last && *first >= '0' && *first <= '9') { unsigned int aidx; if (read_int(first, last, aidx)) { if (VALID_ATIDX(aidx)) { Atom *atom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(aidx - startAtomIdx); if (!atom) { BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Atom " << aidx << " not found!" << std::endl; return false; } atoms.push_back(atom); } } else { return false; } if (first < last && *first == ',') { ++first; } } if (!atoms.empty()) { std::vector mol_stereo_groups(mol.getStereoGroups()); mol_stereo_groups.emplace_back(group_type, std::move(atoms)); mol.setStereoGroups(std::move(mol_stereo_groups)); } return true; } template bool parse_it(Iterator &first, Iterator last, RDKit::RWMol &mol, unsigned int startAtomIdx, unsigned int startBondIdx) { if (first >= last || *first != '|') { return false; } ++first; unsigned int nSGroups = 0; while (first < last && *first != '|') { typename Iterator::difference_type length = std::distance(first, last); if (*first == '(') { if (!parse_coords(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } else if (*first == '$') { if (length > 4 && *(first + 1) == '_' && *(first + 2) == 'A' && *(first + 3) == 'V' && *(first + 4) == ':') { first += 4; if (!parse_atom_values(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } else { if (!parse_atom_labels(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } } else if (length > 9 && std::string(first, first + 9) == "atomProp:") { first += 9; if (!parse_atom_props(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 'C') { if (!parse_coordinate_bonds(first, last, mol, Bond::DATIVE, startAtomIdx, startBondIdx)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 'H') { if (!parse_coordinate_bonds(first, last, mol, Bond::HYDROGEN, startAtomIdx, startBondIdx)) { return false; } } else if (*first == '^') { if (!parse_radicals(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 'a' || *first == 'o' || (*first == '&' && first + 1 < last && first[1] != '#')) { if (!parse_enhanced_stereo(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 'r' && first + 1 < last && first[1] == 'b') { if (!parse_ring_bonds(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 'L' && first + 1 < last && first[1] == 'N') { if (!parse_linknodes(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 'S' && first + 2 < last && first[1] == 'g' && first[2] == 'D') { if (!parse_data_sgroup(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx, nSGroups++)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 'S' && first + 2 < last && first[1] == 'g' && first[2] == 'H') { if (!parse_sgroup_hierarchy(first, last, mol)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 'S' && first + 1 < last && first[1] == 'g') { if (!parse_polymer_sgroup(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx, nSGroups++)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 'u') { if (!parse_unsaturation(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 's') { if (!parse_substitution(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } else if (*first == 'm') { if (!parse_variable_attachments(first, last, mol, startAtomIdx)) { return false; } } else { ++first; } // if(first < last && *first != '|') ++first; } if (first >= last || *first != '|') { return false; } ++first; // step past the last '|' return true; } } // namespace parser void parseCXExtensions(RDKit::RWMol &mol, const std::string &extText, std::string::const_iterator &first, unsigned int startAtomIdx, unsigned int startBondIdx) { // BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "parseCXNExtensions: " << extText << std::endl; if (extText.empty()) { return; } if (extText[0] != '|') { throw RDKit::SmilesParseException( "CXSMILES extension does not start with |"); } first = extText.begin(); bool ok = parser::parse_it(first, extText.end(), mol, startAtomIdx, startBondIdx); if (!ok) { throw RDKit::SmilesParseException("failure parsing CXSMILES extensions"); } processCXSmilesLabels(mol); mol.clearProp("_cxsmilesLabelsProcessed"); } } // end of namespace SmilesParseOps namespace RDKit { namespace SmilesWrite { namespace { std::string quote_string(const std::string &txt) { // FIX return txt; } std::string get_enhanced_stereo_block( const ROMol &mol, const std::vector &atomOrder) { if (mol.getStereoGroups().empty()) { return ""; } std::stringstream res; // we need a map from original atom idx to output idx: std::vector revOrder(mol.getNumAtoms()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < atomOrder.size(); ++i) { revOrder[atomOrder[i]] = i; } std::vector absAts; std::vector> orGps; std::vector> andGps; // we want this to be canonical (future proofing) for (const auto &sg : mol.getStereoGroups()) { std::vector aids; aids.reserve(sg.getAtoms().size()); for (const auto at : sg.getAtoms()) { aids.push_back(revOrder[at->getIdx()]); } switch (sg.getGroupType()) { case StereoGroupType::STEREO_ABSOLUTE: absAts.insert(absAts.end(), aids.begin(), aids.end()); break; case StereoGroupType::STEREO_OR: std::sort(aids.begin(), aids.end()); orGps.push_back(aids); break; case StereoGroupType::STEREO_AND: std::sort(aids.begin(), aids.end()); andGps.push_back(aids); break; } } if (!absAts.empty()) { res << "a:"; std::sort(absAts.begin(), absAts.end()); for (auto aid : absAts) { res << aid << ","; } } if (!orGps.empty()) { std::sort(orGps.begin(), orGps.end()); unsigned int gIdx = 1; for (const auto &gp : orGps) { res << "o" << gIdx++ << ":"; for (auto aid : gp) { res << aid << ","; } } } if (!andGps.empty()) { std::sort(andGps.begin(), andGps.end()); unsigned int gIdx = 1; for (const auto &gp : andGps) { res << "&" << gIdx++ << ":"; for (auto aid : gp) { res << aid << ","; } } } std::string resStr = res.str(); if (!resStr.empty() && resStr.back() == ',') { resStr.pop_back(); } return resStr; } std::string get_sgroup_hierarchy_block(const ROMol &mol) { const auto &sgs = getSubstanceGroups(mol); if (sgs.empty()) { return ""; } std::stringstream res; // we need a map from sgroup index to output index; std::map sgroupOrder; bool parentPresent = false; for (const auto &sg : sgs) { if (sg.hasProp("_cxsmilesOutputIndex")) { unsigned int sgidx = sg.getIndexInMol(); sg.getPropIfPresent("index", sgidx); sgroupOrder[sgidx] = sg.getProp("_cxsmilesOutputIndex"); sg.clearProp("_cxsmilesOutputIndex"); } if (sg.hasProp("PARENT")) { parentPresent = true; } } if (parentPresent) { // now loop over them and add the information std::map> accum; for (const auto &sg : sgs) { unsigned pidx; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("PARENT", pidx) && sgroupOrder.find(pidx) != sgroupOrder.end()) { unsigned int sgidx = sg.getIndexInMol(); sg.getPropIfPresent("index", sgidx); if (sgroupOrder.find(sgidx) != sgroupOrder.end()) { accum[sgroupOrder[pidx]].push_back(sgroupOrder[sgidx]); } } } if (!accum.empty()) { res << "SgH:"; for (const auto &pr : accum) { res << pr.first << ":"; for (auto v : pr.second) { res << v << "."; } // remove the extra ".": res.seekp(-1, res.cur); res << ","; } } std::string resStr = res.str(); while (!resStr.empty() && resStr.back() == ',') { resStr.pop_back(); } return resStr; } else { return ""; } } std::string get_sgroup_polymer_block( const ROMol &mol, const std::vector &atomOrder, const std::vector &bondOrder) { const auto &sgs = getSubstanceGroups(mol); if (sgs.empty()) { return ""; } unsigned int sgroupOutputIndex = 0; mol.getPropIfPresent("_cxsmilesOutputIndex", sgroupOutputIndex); std::stringstream res; // we need a map from original atom idx to output idx: std::vector revAtomOrder(mol.getNumAtoms()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < atomOrder.size(); ++i) { revAtomOrder[atomOrder[i]] = i; } // we need a map from original bond idx to output idx: std::vector revBondOrder(mol.getNumBonds()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < bondOrder.size(); ++i) { revBondOrder[bondOrder[i]] = i; } std::map reverseTypemap; for (const auto &pr : SmilesParseOps::sgroupTypemap) { if (reverseTypemap.find(pr.second) == reverseTypemap.end()) { reverseTypemap[pr.second] = pr.first; } } for (const auto &sg : sgs) { std::string typ; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("TYPE", typ) && reverseTypemap.find(typ) != reverseTypemap.end()) { sg.setProp("_cxsmilesOutputIndex", sgroupOutputIndex); sgroupOutputIndex++; res << "Sg:"; std::string subtype; if (typ == "COP" && sg.getPropIfPresent("SUBTYPE", subtype)) { if (subtype == "ALT") { res << "alt"; } else if (subtype == "RAN") { res << "ran"; } else if (subtype == "BLO") { res << "blk"; } else { res << reverseTypemap["COP"]; } } else { res << reverseTypemap[typ]; } res << ":"; for (const auto oaid : sg.getAtoms()) { res << revAtomOrder[oaid] << ","; } // remove the extra ",": res.seekp(-1, res.cur); res << ":"; std::string label; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("LABEL", label)) { res << label; } res << ":"; std::string connect; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("CONNECT", connect)) { boost::algorithm::to_lower(connect); res << connect; } res << ":"; std::vector headCrossings; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("XBHEAD", headCrossings) && headCrossings.size() > 1) { for (auto v : headCrossings) { res << bondOrder[v] << ","; } // remove the extra ",": res.seekp(-1, res.cur); } res << ":"; std::vector tailCrossings; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("XBCORR", tailCrossings) && tailCrossings.size() > 2) { for (unsigned int i = 1; i < tailCrossings.size(); i += 2) { res << bondOrder[tailCrossings[i]] << ","; } // remove the extra ",": res.seekp(-1, res.cur); } res << ":"; } res << ","; } std::string resStr = res.str(); while (!resStr.empty() && resStr.back() == ',') { resStr.pop_back(); } mol.setProp("_cxsmilesOutputIndex", sgroupOutputIndex); return resStr; } std::string get_sgroup_data_block(const ROMol &mol, const std::vector &atomOrder) { const auto &sgs = getSubstanceGroups(mol); if (sgs.empty()) { return ""; } unsigned int sgroupOutputIndex = 0; mol.getPropIfPresent("_cxsmilesOutputIndex", sgroupOutputIndex); std::stringstream res; // we need a map from original atom idx to output idx: std::vector revOrder(mol.getNumAtoms()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < atomOrder.size(); ++i) { revOrder[atomOrder[i]] = i; } for (const auto &sg : sgs) { if (sg.hasProp("TYPE") && sg.getProp("TYPE") == "DAT") { sg.setProp("_cxsmilesOutputIndex", sgroupOutputIndex); sgroupOutputIndex++; res << "SgD:"; // we don't attempt to canonicalize the atom order because the user // may ascribe some significance to the ordering of the atoms for (const auto oaid : sg.getAtoms()) { res << revOrder[oaid] << ","; } // remove the extra ",": res.seekp(-1, res.cur); res << ":"; std::string prop; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("FIELDNAME", prop) && !prop.empty()) { res << prop; } res << ":"; std::vector vprop; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("DATAFIELDS", vprop) && !vprop.empty()) { for (const auto &pv : vprop) { res << pv << ","; } // remove the extra ",": res.seekp(-1, res.cur); } res << ":"; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("QUERYOP", prop) && !prop.empty()) { res << prop; } res << ":"; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("FIELDINFO", prop) && !prop.empty()) { res << prop; } res << ":"; if (sg.getPropIfPresent("FIELDTAG", prop) && !prop.empty()) { res << prop; } res << ":"; // FIX: do something about the coordinates } res << ","; } std::string resStr = res.str(); if (!resStr.empty() && resStr.back() == ',') { resStr.pop_back(); } mol.setProp("_cxsmilesOutputIndex", sgroupOutputIndex); return resStr; } std::string get_atomlabel_block(const ROMol &mol, const std::vector &atomOrder) { std::string res = ""; bool first = true; for (auto idx : atomOrder) { if (!first) { res += ";"; } else { first = false; } std::string lbl; const auto atom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(idx); if (atom->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::_QueryAtomGenericLabel, lbl)) { res += quote_string(lbl + "_p"); } else if (atom->getPropIfPresent(common_properties::atomLabel, lbl)) { res += quote_string(lbl); } } return res; } std::string get_value_block(const ROMol &mol, const std::vector &atomOrder, const std::string &prop) { std::string res = ""; bool first = true; for (auto idx : atomOrder) { if (!first) { res += ";"; } else { first = false; } std::string lbl; if (mol.getAtomWithIdx(idx)->getPropIfPresent(prop, lbl)) { res += quote_string(lbl); } } return res; } std::string get_radical_block(const ROMol &mol, const std::vector &atomOrder) { std::string res = ""; std::map> rads; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < atomOrder.size(); ++i) { auto idx = atomOrder[i]; auto nrad = mol.getAtomWithIdx(idx)->getNumRadicalElectrons(); if (nrad) { rads[nrad].push_back(i); } } if (rads.size()) { for (const auto &pr : rads) { switch (pr.first) { case 1: res += "^1:"; break; case 2: res += "^2:"; break; case 3: res += "^5:"; break; default: BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "unsupported number of radical electrons " << pr.first << std::endl; } for (auto aidx : pr.second) { res += boost::str(boost::format("%d,") % aidx); } } } return res; } double zero_small_vals(double val) { if (fabs(val) < 1e-4) { return 0.0; } return val; } std::string get_coords_block(const ROMol &mol, const std::vector &atomOrder) { std::string res = ""; const auto &conf = mol.getConformer(); bool first = true; for (auto idx : atomOrder) { const auto &pt = conf.getAtomPos(idx); if (!first) { res += ";"; } else { first = false; } res += boost::str(boost::format("%g,%g,") % zero_small_vals(pt.x) % zero_small_vals(pt.y)); if (conf.is3D()) { auto zc = boost::str(boost::format("%g") % zero_small_vals(pt.z)); if (zc != "0") { res += zc; } } } return res; } std::string get_atom_props_block(const ROMol &mol, const std::vector &atomOrder) { std::vector skip = {common_properties::atomLabel, common_properties::molFileValue, common_properties::molParity}; std::string res = ""; unsigned int which = 0; for (auto idx : atomOrder) { const auto atom = mol.getAtomWithIdx(idx); bool includePrivate = false, includeComputed = false; for (const auto &pn : atom->getPropList(includePrivate, includeComputed)) { if (std::find(skip.begin(), skip.end(), pn) == skip.end()) { if (res.size() == 0) { res += "atomProp"; } res += boost::str(boost::format(":%d.%s.%s") % which % quote_string(pn) % quote_string(atom->getProp(pn))); } } ++which; } return res; } std::string get_linknodes_block(const ROMol &mol, const std::vector &atomOrder) { bool strict = false; auto linkNodes = MolEnumerator::utils::getMolLinkNodes(mol, strict); if (linkNodes.empty()) { return ""; } // we need a map from original atom idx to output idx: std::vector revOrder(mol.getNumAtoms()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < atomOrder.size(); ++i) { revOrder[atomOrder[i]] = i; } std::stringstream res; res << "LN:"; for (const auto &ln : linkNodes) { unsigned int atomIdx = atomOrder[ln.bondAtoms[0].first]; res << atomIdx << ":" << ln.minRep << "." << ln.maxRep; if (mol.getAtomWithIdx(ln.bondAtoms[0].first)->getDegree() > 2) { // include the outer atom indices res << "." << atomOrder[ln.bondAtoms[0].second] << "." << atomOrder[ln.bondAtoms[1].second]; } res << ","; } std::string resStr = res.str(); if (!resStr.empty() && resStr.back() == ',') { resStr.pop_back(); } return resStr; } void appendToCXExtension(const std::string &addition, std::string &base) { if (!addition.empty()) { if (base.size() > 1) { base += ","; } base += addition; } } } // namespace std::string getCXExtensions(const ROMol &mol, std::uint32_t flags) { std::string res = "|"; // we will need atom and bond orderings. Get them now: const std::vector &atomOrder = mol.getProp>( common_properties::_smilesAtomOutputOrder); const std::vector &bondOrder = mol.getProp>( common_properties::_smilesBondOutputOrder); bool needLabels = false; bool needValues = false; for (auto idx : atomOrder) { const auto at = mol.getAtomWithIdx(idx); if (at->hasProp(common_properties::atomLabel) || at->hasProp(common_properties::_QueryAtomGenericLabel)) { needLabels = true; } if (at->hasProp(common_properties::molFileValue)) { needValues = true; } } if ((flags & SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_COORDS) && mol.getNumConformers()) { res += "(" + get_coords_block(mol, atomOrder) + ")"; } if ((flags & SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_ATOM_LABELS) && needLabels) { if (res.size() > 1) { res += ","; } res += "$" + get_atomlabel_block(mol, atomOrder) + "$"; } if ((flags & SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_MOLFILE_VALUES) && needValues) { if (res.size() > 1) { res += ","; } res += "$_AV:" + get_value_block(mol, atomOrder, common_properties::molFileValue) + "$"; } auto radblock = get_radical_block(mol, atomOrder); if ((flags & SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_RADICALS) && radblock.size()) { if (res.size() > 1) { res += ","; } res += radblock; if (res.back() == ',') { res.erase(res.size() - 1); } } if (flags & SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_ATOM_PROPS) { const auto atomblock = get_atom_props_block(mol, atomOrder); appendToCXExtension(atomblock, res); } if (flags & SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_LINKNODES) { const auto linknodeblock = get_linknodes_block(mol, atomOrder); appendToCXExtension(linknodeblock, res); } if (flags & SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_ENHANCEDSTEREO) { const auto stereoblock = get_enhanced_stereo_block(mol, atomOrder); appendToCXExtension(stereoblock, res); } if (flags & SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_SGROUPS) { const auto sgroupdatablock = get_sgroup_data_block(mol, atomOrder); appendToCXExtension(sgroupdatablock, res); } if (flags & SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_POLYMER) { const auto sgrouppolyblock = get_sgroup_polymer_block(mol, atomOrder, bondOrder); appendToCXExtension(sgrouppolyblock, res); } if (flags & (SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_SGROUPS | SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_POLYMER)) { const auto sgrouphierarchyblock = get_sgroup_hierarchy_block(mol); appendToCXExtension(sgrouphierarchyblock, res); } mol.clearProp("_cxsmilesOutputIndex"); if (res.size() > 1) { res += "|"; } else { res = ""; } return res; } } // namespace SmilesWrite } // namespace RDKit