// // Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Greg Landrum and other RDKit contributors // // @@ All Rights Reserved @@ // This file is part of the RDKit. // The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license // which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root // of the RDKit source tree. // #include "catch.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace RDKit; #if 1 TEST_CASE("SMILES Parsing works", "[molops]") { std::unique_ptr mol(SmilesToMol("C1CC1")); REQUIRE(mol); REQUIRE(mol->getNumAtoms() == 3); } TEST_CASE("Sanitization tests", "[molops]") { std::unique_ptr mol(SmilesToMol("C1=CC=CC=C1Cc2ccccc2", false, false)); REQUIRE(mol); REQUIRE(mol->getNumAtoms() == 13); SECTION("properties") { mol->updatePropertyCache(); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 1); CHECK(!mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getIsAromatic()); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(10)->getIsAromatic()); SECTION("aromaticity") { unsigned int opThatFailed; MolOps::sanitizeMol(*mol, opThatFailed, MolOps::SANITIZE_SETAROMATICITY); // mol->debugMol(std::cerr); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(10)->getIsAromatic()); // blocked by #1730 // CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getIsAromatic()); } SECTION("kekulize") { unsigned int opThatFailed; MolOps::sanitizeMol(*mol, opThatFailed, MolOps::SANITIZE_KEKULIZE); CHECK(!mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getIsAromatic()); CHECK(!mol->getAtomWithIdx(10)->getIsAromatic()); } } } TEST_CASE("Github #2062", "[bug][molops]") { SmilesParserParams ps; ps.removeHs = false; ps.sanitize = true; std::unique_ptr mol(SmilesToMol("[C:1][C:2]([H:3])([H])[O:4][H]", ps)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getNumAtoms() == 6); mol->getAtomWithIdx(1)->setProp("intProp", 42); MolOps::mergeQueryHs(*mol); CHECK(mol->getNumAtoms() == 3); SECTION("basics") { CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getAtomMapNum() == 2); } SECTION("other props") { REQUIRE(mol->getAtomWithIdx(1)->hasProp("intProp")); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getProp("intProp") == 42); } } TEST_CASE("Github #2086", "[bug][molops]") { SECTION("reported version") { auto mol = "C1CCCC1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol); MolOps::addHs(*mol); REQUIRE(mol->getNumAtoms() == 15); mol->removeBond(4, 13); MolOps::removeHs(*mol); REQUIRE(mol->getNumAtoms() == 6); } } TEST_CASE("github #299", "[bug][molops][SSSR]") { SECTION("simplified") { auto mol = "C13%13%14.C124%18.C25%13%15.C368%17.C4679.C75%10%17.C8%11%14%16.C9%11%12%18.C%10%12%15%16"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol); REQUIRE(mol->getNumAtoms() == 9); } SECTION("old example from molopstest") { auto mol = "C123C45C11C44C55C22C33C14C523"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol); REQUIRE(mol->getNumAtoms() == 9); } SECTION("carborane") { std::unique_ptr mol( SmilesToMol("[B]1234[B]567[B]118[B]229[B]33%10[B]454[B]656[B]711[B]822[" "C]933[B]%1045[C]6123", 0, false)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getNumAtoms() == 12); mol->updatePropertyCache(false); MolOps::findSSSR(*mol); REQUIRE(mol->getRingInfo()->isInitialized()); } SECTION("original report from ChEbI") { std::string pathName = getenv("RDBASE"); pathName += "/Code/GraphMol/test_data/"; std::unique_ptr mol( MolFileToMol(pathName + "ChEBI_50252.mol", false)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getNumAtoms() == 80); mol->updatePropertyCache(false); MolOps::findSSSR(*mol); REQUIRE(mol->getRingInfo()->isInitialized()); } } TEST_CASE("github #2224", "[bug][molops][removeHs][query]") { SECTION("the original report") { std::string pathName = getenv("RDBASE"); pathName += "/Code/GraphMol/test_data/"; std::unique_ptr mol(MolFileToMol(pathName + "github2224_1.mol")); REQUIRE(mol); REQUIRE(mol->getNumAtoms() == 7); } SECTION("basics") { SmilesParserParams ps; ps.removeHs = false; ps.sanitize = true; std::unique_ptr mol(SmilesToMol("C[H]", ps)); REQUIRE(mol); REQUIRE(mol->getNumAtoms() == 2); { // The H without a query is removed std::unique_ptr m2(MolOps::removeHs(*mol)); CHECK(m2->getNumAtoms() == 1); } { // but if we add a query feature it's not removed RWMol m2(*mol); auto *qa = new QueryAtom(1); m2.replaceAtom(1, qa); m2.getAtomWithIdx(1)->setAtomicNum(1); MolOps::removeHs(m2); CHECK(m2.getNumAtoms() == 2); delete qa; } } } TEST_CASE( "github #2268: Recognize N in three-membered rings as potentially chiral", "[bug][stereo]") { SECTION("basics: N in a 3 ring") { const auto mol = "C[N@]1CC1C"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); } SECTION("basics: N in a 4 ring") { const auto mol = "C[N@]1CCC1C"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getChiralTag() == Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); } SECTION("the original molecule") { std::string mb = R"CTAB( Mrv1810 02131915062D 18 20 0 0 1 0 999 V2000 -0.7207 -1.3415 0.0000 N 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.0583 -0.8416 0.0000 C 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.0083 -1.7540 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.3956 -0.8666 0.0000 C 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.3250 -0.0667 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.1955 -0.6499 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.1499 -0.0792 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6541 -0.4292 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.7830 -1.2291 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.6081 -1.6623 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.4080 0.1500 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3665 -0.8374 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6416 0.3958 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.1996 0.3708 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.4121 1.1624 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3498 0.8207 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0790 -0.4167 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0665 0.4083 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 6 1 0 0 0 0 7 4 1 0 0 0 0 2 8 1 6 0 0 0 9 6 2 0 0 0 0 4 10 1 1 0 0 0 11 6 1 0 0 0 0 12 8 2 0 0 0 0 13 8 1 0 0 0 0 14 11 1 0 0 0 0 15 14 1 0 0 0 0 16 13 2 0 0 0 0 17 12 1 0 0 0 0 18 16 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 5 7 1 0 0 0 0 17 18 2 0 0 0 0 M END )CTAB"; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); } } TEST_CASE("github #2244", "[bug][molops][stereo]") { SECTION("the original report") { auto mol = "CC=CC=CC"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol); MolOps::findPotentialStereoBonds(*mol, true); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(1)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOANY); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(3)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOANY); mol->getBondWithIdx(3)->setStereo(Bond::STEREONONE); MolOps::findPotentialStereoBonds(*mol, true); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(1)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOANY); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(3)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOANY); } } TEST_CASE( "github #2258: heterocycles with exocyclic bonds not failing valence check", "[bug][molops]") { SECTION("the original report") { std::vector smiles = {"C=n1ccnc1", "C#n1ccnc1"}; for (auto smi : smiles) { CHECK_THROWS_AS(SmilesToMol(smi), MolSanitizeException); } } } TEST_CASE("github #908: AddHs() using 3D coordinates with 2D conformations", "[bug][molops]") { SECTION("basics: single atom mols") { std::vector smiles = {"Cl", "O", "N", "C"}; for (auto smi : smiles) { // std::cerr << smi << std::endl; std::unique_ptr mol(SmilesToMol(smi)); REQUIRE(mol); auto conf = new Conformer(1); conf->set3D(false); conf->setAtomPos(0, RDGeom::Point3D(0, 0, 0)); mol->addConformer(conf, true); bool explicitOnly = false; bool addCoords = true; MolOps::addHs(*mol, explicitOnly, addCoords); for (size_t i = 0; i < mol->getNumAtoms(); ++i) { // std::cerr << " " << i << " " << conf->getAtomPos(i) << std::endl; CHECK(conf->getAtomPos(i).z == 0.0); } } } } TEST_CASE( "github #2437: Canon::rankMolAtoms results in crossed double bonds in " "rings", "[bug][molops]") { SECTION("underlying problem") { std::string molb = R"CTAB(testmol Mrv1824 05081910082D 4 4 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 6.9312 -8.6277 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.9312 -9.4527 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.7562 -8.6277 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.7562 -9.4527 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 M END )CTAB"; bool sanitize = false; bool removeHs = false; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(molb, sanitize, removeHs)); REQUIRE(mol); mol->updatePropertyCache(); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(3)->getBondType() == Bond::BondType::DOUBLE); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(3)->getBondDir() == Bond::BondDir::NONE); std::vector ranks; CHECK(!mol->getRingInfo()->isInitialized()); Canon::rankMolAtoms(*mol, ranks); } SECTION("as discovered") { std::string molb = R"CTAB(testmol Mrv1824 05081910082D 4 4 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 6.9312 -9.4527 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.7562 -8.6277 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.7562 -9.4527 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.9312 -8.6277 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 M END )CTAB"; bool sanitize = false; bool removeHs = false; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(molb, sanitize, removeHs)); REQUIRE(mol); mol->updatePropertyCache(); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(3)->getBondType() == Bond::BondType::DOUBLE); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(3)->getBondDir() == Bond::BondDir::NONE); auto nmb = MolToMolBlock(*mol); CHECK(nmb.find("2 4 2 3") == std::string::npos); CHECK(nmb.find("2 4 2 0") != std::string::npos); std::vector ranks; Canon::rankMolAtoms(*mol, ranks); nmb = MolToMolBlock(*mol); CHECK(nmb.find("2 4 2 3") == std::string::npos); CHECK(nmb.find("2 4 2 0") != std::string::npos); } } TEST_CASE( "github #2423: Incorrect assignment of explicit Hs to Al+3 read from mol " "block", "[bug][molops]") { SECTION("basics: single atom mols") { std::string mb = R"CTAB(2300 -OEChem-01301907122D 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000 -66.7000 999.0000 0.0000 Al 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M CHG 1 1 3 M END)CTAB"; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getFormalCharge() == 3); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); } } TEST_CASE("Specialized exceptions for sanitization errors", "[molops]") { SECTION("AtomValenceException") { std::vector> smiles = { {"C=n1ccnc1", 1}, {"CCO(C)C", 2}}; for (auto pr : smiles) { CHECK_THROWS_AS(SmilesToMol(pr.first), AtomValenceException); try { auto m = SmilesToMol(pr.first); RDUNUSED_PARAM(m); } catch (const AtomValenceException &e) { CHECK(e.getType() == "AtomValenceException"); CHECK(e.getAtomIdx() == pr.second); } } } SECTION("AtomKekulizeException") { std::vector> smiles = { {"CCcc", 2}, }; for (auto pr : smiles) { CHECK_THROWS_AS(SmilesToMol(pr.first), AtomKekulizeException); try { auto m = SmilesToMol(pr.first); RDUNUSED_PARAM(m); } catch (const AtomKekulizeException &e) { CHECK(e.getType() == "AtomKekulizeException"); CHECK(e.getAtomIdx() == pr.second); } } } SECTION("KekulizeException") { std::vector>> smiles = { {"c1cccc1", {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}}, {"Cc1cc1", {1, 2, 3}}, {"C1:c:CC1", {0, 1, 2}}}; for (auto pr : smiles) { CHECK_THROWS_AS(SmilesToMol(pr.first), KekulizeException); try { auto m = SmilesToMol(pr.first); RDUNUSED_PARAM(m); } catch (const KekulizeException &e) { CHECK(e.getType() == "KekulizeException"); CHECK(e.getAtomIndices() == pr.second); } } } } TEST_CASE("detectChemistryProblems", "[molops]") { SECTION("Basics") { SmilesParserParams ps; ps.sanitize = false; auto m = std::unique_ptr(SmilesToMol("CO(C)CFCc1cc1", ps)); REQUIRE(m); auto res = MolOps::detectChemistryProblems(*m); REQUIRE(res.size() == 3); CHECK(res[0]->getType() == "AtomValenceException"); REQUIRE(dynamic_cast(res[0].get())); CHECK(dynamic_cast(res[0].get())->getAtomIdx() == 1); CHECK(res[1]->getType() == "AtomValenceException"); REQUIRE(dynamic_cast(res[1].get())); CHECK(dynamic_cast(res[1].get())->getAtomIdx() == 4); CHECK(res[2]->getType() == "KekulizeException"); REQUIRE(dynamic_cast(res[2].get())); CHECK(dynamic_cast(res[2].get())->getAtomIndices() == std::vector({6, 7, 8})); } SECTION("No problems") { SmilesParserParams ps; ps.sanitize = false; auto m = std::unique_ptr(SmilesToMol("c1ccccc1", ps)); REQUIRE(m); auto res = MolOps::detectChemistryProblems(*m); REQUIRE(res.size() == 0); } } TEST_CASE( "github #2606: Bad valence corrections on Pb, Sn" "[bug][molops]") { SECTION("basics-Pb") { std::string mb = R"CTAB( Mrv1810 08141905562D 5 0 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 -3.6316 -0.4737 0.0000 Pb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.6541 0.3609 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.4586 -0.5188 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.6992 -1.5338 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4.5789 -0.4286 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M CHG 5 1 4 2 -1 3 -1 4 -1 5 -1 M END )CTAB"; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getFormalCharge() == 4); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); } SECTION("basics-Sn") { std::string mb = R"CTAB( Mrv1810 08141905562D 5 0 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 -3.6316 -0.4737 0.0000 Sn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.6541 0.3609 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.4586 -0.5188 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.6992 -1.5338 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4.5789 -0.4286 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M CHG 5 1 4 2 -1 3 -1 4 -1 5 -1 M END )CTAB"; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getFormalCharge() == 4); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); } SECTION("basics-Ge") { std::string mb = R"CTAB( Mrv1810 08141905562D 5 0 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 -3.6316 -0.4737 0.0000 Ge 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.6541 0.3609 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.4586 -0.5188 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.6992 -1.5338 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4.5789 -0.4286 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M CHG 5 1 4 2 -1 3 -1 4 -1 5 -1 M END )CTAB"; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getFormalCharge() == 4); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); } } TEST_CASE( "github #2607: Pb, Sn should support valence 2" "[bug][molops]") { SECTION("basics-Pb") { std::string mb = R"CTAB( Mrv1810 08141905562D 3 0 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 -3.6316 -0.4737 0.0000 Pb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.6541 0.3609 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.4586 -0.5188 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M CHG 3 1 2 2 -1 3 -1 M END )CTAB"; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getFormalCharge() == 2); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); } SECTION("basics-Sn") { std::string mb = R"CTAB( Mrv1810 08141905562D 3 0 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 -3.6316 -0.4737 0.0000 Sn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.6541 0.3609 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.4586 -0.5188 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M CHG 3 1 2 2 -1 3 -1 M END )CTAB"; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getFormalCharge() == 2); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); } } TEST_CASE( "github #2649: Allenes read from mol blocks have crossed bonds assigned" "[bug][stereochemistry]") { SECTION("basics") { std::string mb = R"CTAB(mol Mrv1824 09191901002D 6 5 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 -1.6986 -7.4294 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.2522 -6.8245 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.1438 -8.0357 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.8095 -6.2156 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.3374 -7.8470 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.6162 -6.3886 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 5 1 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 6 4 1 0 0 0 0 M END)CTAB"; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREONONE); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(1)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREONONE); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(3)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREONONE); auto outmolb = MolToMolBlock(*mol); // std::cerr< mol(MolBlockToMol(mb, sanitize)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREONONE); MolOps::setBondStereoFromDirections(*mol); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOTRANS); } SECTION("basics 1b") { std::string mb = R"CTAB( Mrv1810 10141909562D 4 3 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 3.3412 -2.9968 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.5162 -2.9968 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.1037 -3.7112 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.7537 -2.2823 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 M END )CTAB"; bool sanitize = false; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb, sanitize)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREONONE); MolOps::setBondStereoFromDirections(*mol); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOTRANS); } SECTION("basics 2a") { std::string mb = R"CTAB( Mrv1810 10141909582D 4 3 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 3.4745 -5.2424 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.6495 -5.2424 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2370 -5.9569 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.8870 -5.9569 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 M END )CTAB"; bool sanitize = false; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb, sanitize)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREONONE); MolOps::setBondStereoFromDirections(*mol); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOCIS); } SECTION("basics 2b") { std::string mb = R"CTAB( Mrv1810 10141909582D 4 3 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 3.4745 -5.2424 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.6495 -5.2424 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2370 -5.9569 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.8870 -5.9569 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 M END )CTAB"; bool sanitize = false; std::unique_ptr mol(MolBlockToMol(mb, sanitize)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREONONE); MolOps::setBondStereoFromDirections(*mol); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOCIS); } } TEST_CASE("removeHs screwing up double bond stereo", "[bug][removeHs]") { SECTION("example1") { std::string molblock = R"CTAB(molblock = """ SciTegic12221702182D 47 51 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 0.2962 6.2611 0.0000 C 0 0 -3.9004 4.4820 0.0000 C 0 0 1.4195 5.2670 0.0000 C 0 0 -3.8201 -7.4431 0.0000 C 0 0 -4.9433 -6.4490 0.0000 C 0 0 -2.3975 -6.9674 0.0000 C 0 0 3.5921 -3.5947 0.0000 C 0 0 -3.1475 2.3700 0.0000 C 0 0 2.1695 -4.0705 0.0000 C 0 0 -2.0242 1.3759 0.0000 C 0 0 -4.6440 -4.9792 0.0000 C 0 0 2.7681 -1.1308 0.0000 C 0 0 -5.8626 1.1332 0.0000 C 0 0 3.0674 0.3391 0.0000 C 0 0 3.6660 3.2787 0.0000 C 0 0 8.1591 -0.6978 0.0000 C 0 0 7.3351 1.7662 0.0000 C 0 0 -6.3876 3.5028 0.0000 C 0 0 -0.6756 -5.0219 0.0000 C 0 0 7.0358 0.2964 0.0000 C 0 0 3.8914 -2.1249 0.0000 C 0 0 -2.0982 -5.4976 0.0000 C 0 0 -4.5701 1.8943 0.0000 C 0 0 1 0 0 0 -6.9859 2.1273 0.0000 C 0 0 1 0 0 0 4.4900 0.8148 0.0000 C 0 0 1.3455 -1.6065 0.0000 C 0 0 4.7893 2.2846 0.0000 C 0 0 1.9442 1.3332 0.0000 C 0 0 1.0462 -3.0763 0.0000 C 0 0 2.2435 2.8030 0.0000 C 0 0 -0.6017 1.8516 0.0000 C 0 0 5.6132 -0.1794 0.0000 C 0 0 0.2223 -0.6124 0.0000 Cl 0 0 9.2823 -1.6919 0.0000 N 0 0 -3.2215 -4.5035 0.0000 N 0 0 6.2119 2.7603 0.0000 N 0 0 5.3139 -1.6492 0.0000 N 0 0 0.5216 0.8575 0.0000 N 0 0 -4.8945 3.3588 0.0000 N 0 0 -8.2913 2.8662 0.0000 O 0 0 -0.3024 3.3214 0.0000 O 0 0 1.1202 3.7971 0.0000 O 0 0 -0.3763 -3.5520 0.0000 O 0 0 -2.8482 3.8398 0.0000 H 0 0 -2.3235 -0.0940 0.0000 H 0 0 -3.9483 0.5292 0.0000 H 0 0 -7.8572 0.9063 0.0000 H 0 0 1 3 1 0 2 39 1 0 3 42 1 0 4 5 2 0 4 6 1 0 5 11 1 0 6 22 2 0 7 9 2 0 7 21 1 0 8 44 1 0 8 10 2 0 8 23 1 0 9 29 1 0 10 45 1 0 10 31 1 0 11 35 2 0 12 21 2 0 12 26 1 0 13 23 1 0 13 24 1 0 14 25 2 0 14 28 1 0 15 27 2 0 15 30 1 0 16 20 1 0 16 34 3 0 17 20 2 0 17 36 1 0 18 24 1 0 18 39 1 0 19 22 1 0 19 43 1 0 20 32 1 0 21 37 1 0 22 35 1 0 23 46 1 6 23 39 1 0 24 47 1 1 24 40 1 0 25 27 1 0 25 32 1 0 26 29 2 0 26 33 1 0 27 36 1 0 28 30 2 0 28 38 1 0 29 43 1 0 30 42 1 0 31 38 2 0 31 41 1 0 32 37 2 3 M END """ )CTAB"; bool sanitize = false; bool removeHs = false; std::unique_ptr m(MolBlockToMol(molblock, sanitize, removeHs)); REQUIRE(m); m->updatePropertyCache(); MolOps::setBondStereoFromDirections(*m); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(10)->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(10)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOTRANS); REQUIRE(m->getBondWithIdx(10)->getStereoAtoms().size() == 2); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(10)->getStereoAtoms()[0] == 43); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(10)->getStereoAtoms()[1] == 44); MolOps::removeHs(*m); // implicitOnly,updateExplicitCount,sanitize); // m->debugMol(std::cerr); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(9)->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(9)->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOTRANS); REQUIRE(m->getBondWithIdx(9)->getStereoAtoms().size() == 2); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(9)->getStereoAtoms()[0] == 22); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(9)->getStereoAtoms()[1] == 30); } } TEST_CASE("setDoubleBondNeighborDirections()", "[stereochemistry][bug]") { SECTION("basics cis") { auto m = "CC=CC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->getBondWithIdx(1)->getStereoAtoms() = {0, 3}; m->getBondWithIdx(1)->setStereo(Bond::STEREOCIS); MolOps::setDoubleBondNeighborDirections(*m); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(0)->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(2)->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "C/C=C\\C"); } SECTION("basics trans") { auto m = "CC=CC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->getBondWithIdx(1)->getStereoAtoms() = {0, 3}; m->getBondWithIdx(1)->setStereo(Bond::STEREOTRANS); MolOps::setDoubleBondNeighborDirections(*m); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(0)->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(2)->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "C/C=C/C"); } SECTION("swap (Github #3322)") { auto m = "CC=CC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->getBondWithIdx(1)->getStereoAtoms() = {0, 3}; m->getBondWithIdx(1)->setStereo(Bond::STEREOTRANS); MolOps::setDoubleBondNeighborDirections(*m); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(0)->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(2)->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "C/C=C/C"); m->clearComputedProps(); m->getBondWithIdx(1)->getStereoAtoms() = {0, 3}; m->getBondWithIdx(1)->setStereo(Bond::STEREOCIS); MolOps::setDoubleBondNeighborDirections(*m); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(0)->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(2)->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "C/C=C\\C"); } } TEST_CASE("github #2782: addHs() fails on atoms with 'bad' valences", "[bug]") { SECTION("basics") { SmilesParserParams ps; ps.sanitize = false; std::unique_ptr m( static_cast(SmilesToMol("C=C1=CC=CC=C1", ps))); REQUIRE(m); bool strict = false; m->updatePropertyCache(strict); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 7); MolOps::addHs(*m); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 14); // this doesn't change the fact that there's still a bad valence present: CHECK_THROWS_AS(m->updatePropertyCache(), AtomValenceException); } } TEST_CASE( "Github #2784: Element symbol lookup for some transuranics returns " "incorrect results", "[transuranics][bug]") { auto pt = PeriodicTable::getTable(); SECTION("number to symbol") { std::vector> data = { {113, "Nh"}, {114, "Fl"}, {115, "Mc"}, {116, "Lv"}, {117, "Ts"}, {118, "Og"}}; for (const auto &pr : data) { CHECK(pt->getElementSymbol(pr.first) == pr.second); } } SECTION("symbol to number") { std::vector> data = { {113, "Nh"}, {114, "Fl"}, {115, "Mc"}, {116, "Lv"}, {117, "Ts"}, {118, "Og"}, {113, "Uut"}, {115, "Uup"}}; for (const auto &pr : data) { CHECK(pt->getAtomicNumber(pr.second) == pr.first); } } } TEST_CASE("github #2775", "[valence][bug]") { SECTION("basics") { std::string molblock = R"CTAB(bismuth citrate Mrv1810 11111908592D 14 12 0 0 0 0 999 V2000 7.4050 -0.5957 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.6906 -1.0082 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.9761 -0.5957 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.6906 -1.8332 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.4050 0.2293 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5800 0.2293 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.1675 0.9438 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5800 1.6583 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.3425 0.9438 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.2300 0.2293 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.6425 -0.4851 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.6425 0.9438 0.0000 O 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.4050 1.0543 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.5175 0.9438 0.0000 Bi 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 5 6 1 0 0 0 0 6 7 1 0 0 0 0 7 8 2 0 0 0 0 7 9 1 0 0 0 0 5 10 1 0 0 0 0 10 11 2 0 0 0 0 10 12 1 0 0 0 0 5 13 1 0 0 0 0 M CHG 4 4 -1 9 -1 12 -1 14 3 M END )CTAB"; std::unique_ptr m(MolBlockToMol(molblock)); REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(13)->getSymbol() == "Bi"); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(13)->getNumImplicitHs() == 0); } } TEST_CASE("RemoveHsParameters", "[molops]") { SmilesParserParams smilesPs; smilesPs.removeHs = false; SECTION("H-H") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[H][H].[H]O[H]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 5); { RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 3); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 3); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeOnlyHNeighbors = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); } } SECTION("dummies") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[H][*]O[H]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 4); { RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 3); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 3); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeDummyNeighbors = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); } } SECTION("chiralHs") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[C@]12([H])CCC1CO2", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 7); // artificial wedging since we don't have a conformer m->getBondBetweenAtoms(0, 1)->setBondDir(Bond::BEGINWEDGE); { RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 6); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 6); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeWithWedgedBond = false; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 7); } } SECTION("degree zero") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[F-].[H+]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 2); { RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeDegreeZero = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); } } SECTION("isotopes") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("F[2H]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 2); { RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeIsotopes = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); } } SECTION("defining bond stereo") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("F/C=N/[H]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 4); { RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 4); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 4); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeDefiningBondStereo = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 3); } } SECTION("Query atoms") { std::unique_ptr m{SmartsToMol("O[#1]")}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 2); { RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeWithQuery = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); } } SECTION("higher degree") { // this is a silly example std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("F[H-]F", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 3); { RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 3); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 3); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeHigherDegrees = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); } } SECTION("mapped Hs") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[H:1]O[H]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getNumAtoms() == 3); { RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); } { MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeMapped = false; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); } } SECTION("allHs") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol( "[C@]12([H])CCC1CO2.[H+].F[H-]F.[H][H].[H]*.F/C=C/[H]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); // artificial wedging since we don't have a conformer m->getBondBetweenAtoms(0, 1)->setBondDir(Bond::BEGINWEDGE); RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeAllHs(cp); for (auto atom : cp.atoms()) { CHECK(atom->getAtomicNum() != 1); } } SECTION("allHs2") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol( "[C@]12([H])CCC1CO2.[H+].F[H-]F.[H][H].[H]*.F/C=C/[H]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); // artificial wedging since we don't have a conformer m->getBondBetweenAtoms(0, 1)->setBondDir(Bond::BEGINWEDGE); std::unique_ptr cp{MolOps::removeAllHs(*m)}; for (auto atom : cp->atoms()) { CHECK(atom->getAtomicNum() != 1); } } } #endif TEST_CASE("github #2895: acepentalene aromaticity perception ", "[molops][bug][aromaticity]") { SECTION("acepentalene") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("C1=CC2=CC=C3C2=C1C=C3")}; REQUIRE(m); auto smi = MolToSmiles(*m); CHECK(smi == "C1=CC2=C3C1=CC=C3C=C2"); } } TEST_CASE("github #3256: fused ring aromaticity perception", "[molops][bug][aromaticity]") { SECTION("nitrogen only central ring") { auto mol = "C1=CN2C3=CC=CN3C3=CC=CN3C2=C1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol); for (const auto b : mol->bonds()) { CHECK(b->getBondType() == Bond::AROMATIC); } auto smi = MolToSmiles(*mol); CHECK(smi == "c1cc2n(c1)c1cccn1c1cccn21"); } } TEST_CASE("phosphine and arsine chirality", "[Chirality]") { SECTION("chiral center recognized") { auto mol1 = "C[P@](C1CCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1"_smiles; auto mol2 = "C[As@](C1CCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol1); REQUIRE(mol2); CHECK(mol1->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); CHECK(mol2->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); } SECTION("chiral center selective") { auto mol1 = "C[P@](C)C1CCCCC1"_smiles; auto mol2 = "C[As@](C)C1CCCCC1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol1); REQUIRE(mol2); CHECK(mol1->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getChiralTag() == Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); CHECK(mol2->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getChiralTag() == Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); } SECTION("chiral center specific: P") { auto mol1 = "C[P@](C1CCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1"_smiles; auto mol2 = "C[P@@](C1CCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol1); REQUIRE(mol2); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*mol1) != MolToSmiles(*mol2)); } SECTION("chiral center specific: As") { auto mol1 = "C[As@](C1CCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1"_smiles; auto mol2 = "C[As@@](C1CCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol1); REQUIRE(mol2); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*mol1) != MolToSmiles(*mol2)); } SECTION("chiral center, implicit H: P") { auto mol1 = "C[P@H]C1CCCCC1"_smiles; auto mol2 = "C[P@@H]C1CCCCC1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol1); REQUIRE(mol2); CHECK(mol1->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); CHECK(mol1->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); } SECTION("chiral center, implicit H: As") { auto mol1 = "C[As@H]C1CCCCC1"_smiles; auto mol2 = "C[As@@H]C1CCCCC1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol1); REQUIRE(mol2); CHECK(mol1->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); CHECK(mol1->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED); } SECTION("chiral center specific, implicit H: P") { auto mol1 = "C[P@H]C1CCCCC1"_smiles; auto mol2 = "C[P@@H]C1CCCCC1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol1); REQUIRE(mol2); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*mol1) != MolToSmiles(*mol2)); } SECTION("chiral center specific, implicit H: As") { auto mol1 = "C[As@H]C1CCCCC1"_smiles; auto mol2 = "C[As@@H]C1CCCCC1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol1); REQUIRE(mol2); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*mol1) != MolToSmiles(*mol2)); } } TEST_CASE("github #2890", "[bug][molops][stereo]") { auto mol = "CC=CC"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol); auto bond = mol->getBondWithIdx(1); bond->setStereo(Bond::STEREOANY); REQUIRE(bond->getStereoAtoms().empty()); MolOps::findPotentialStereoBonds(*mol); CHECK(bond->getStereo() == Bond::STEREOANY); CHECK(bond->getStereoAtoms().size() == 2); } TEST_CASE("github #3150 MolOps::removeHs removes hydrides", "[bug][molops]") { SmilesParserParams smilesPs; smilesPs.removeHs = false; SECTION("Hydride ion remove Hydrides false") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[H-]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeHydrides = false; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); // H atom not removed in this case because by default H atoms with degree 0 // are not removed CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); CHECK(MolOps::getFormalCharge(cp) == -1); } SECTION("Hydride ion remove Hydrides true") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[H-]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeHydrides = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); // H atom not removed in this case because by default H atoms with degree 0 // are not removed CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); CHECK(MolOps::getFormalCharge(cp) == -1); } SECTION("Water") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[OH+][H-]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeHydrides = false; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); CHECK(MolOps::getFormalCharge(cp) == 0); } SECTION("Water remove Hydrides true") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[OH+][H-]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeHydrides = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); CHECK(MolOps::getFormalCharge(cp) == 1); } SECTION("Iron Hydride") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[Fe+2]<-[H-]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeHydrides = false; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); CHECK(MolOps::getFormalCharge(cp) == 1); } SECTION("Iron Hydride remove Hydrides") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[Fe+2]<-[H-]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeHydrides = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); CHECK(MolOps::getFormalCharge(cp) == 2); } SECTION("Ferrous Hydroxide") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[Fe+2]<-[OH-]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeHydrides = false; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); CHECK(MolOps::getFormalCharge(cp) == 1); } SECTION("Ferrous Hydroxide remove Hydrides") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[Fe+2]<-[OH-]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); MolOps::RemoveHsParameters ps; ps.removeHydrides = true; RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeHs(cp, ps); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 2); CHECK(MolOps::getFormalCharge(cp) == 1); } SECTION("Remove All Hs in Hydrides Ferrous Hydride") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[Fe+2]<-[H-]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeAllHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); CHECK(MolOps::getFormalCharge(cp) == 2); } SECTION("Remove All Hs in Hydrides Water") { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("[OH+][H-]", smilesPs)}; REQUIRE(m); RWMol cp(*m); MolOps::removeAllHs(cp); CHECK(cp.getNumAtoms() == 1); CHECK(MolOps::getFormalCharge(cp) == 1); } } TEST_CASE("hybridization of unknown atom types", "[bug][molops]") { SECTION("Basics") { auto m = "[U][U][U]"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); for (const auto atom : m->atoms()) { CHECK(atom->getHybridization() == Atom::HybridizationType::S); } } SECTION("comprehensive") { std::string smiles = ""; for (unsigned int i = 89; i <= 118; ++i) { smiles += (boost::format("[#%d]") % i).str(); } std::unique_ptr m(SmilesToMol(smiles)); REQUIRE(m); for (const auto atom : m->atoms()) { CHECK(atom->getHybridization() == Atom::HybridizationType::S); } } } TEST_CASE("Github #3470: Hydrogen is incorrectly identified as an early atom", "[bug][chemistry]") { SECTION("Basics") { RWMol m; m.addAtom(new Atom(1), true, true); m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->setFormalCharge(-1); m.updatePropertyCache(); CHECK(m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->getNumImplicitHs() == 0); m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->setFormalCharge(1); m.updatePropertyCache(); CHECK(m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->getNumImplicitHs() == 0); m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->setFormalCharge(0); m.updatePropertyCache(); CHECK(m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->getNumImplicitHs() == 1); // make sure we still generate errors for stupid stuff m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->setFormalCharge(-2); CHECK_THROWS_AS(m.updatePropertyCache(), AtomValenceException); CHECK(m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->getNumImplicitHs() == 1); } SECTION("confirm with SMILES") { RWMol m; bool updateLabel = false; bool takeOwnership = true; m.addAtom(new Atom(1), updateLabel, takeOwnership); m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->setFormalCharge(-1); m.updatePropertyCache(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(m) == "[H-]"); m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->setFormalCharge(+1); m.updatePropertyCache(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(m) == "[H+]"); m.getAtomWithIdx(0)->setFormalCharge(0); m.updatePropertyCache(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(m) == "[HH]"); // ugly, but I think [H] would be worse } } TEST_CASE("Additional oxidation states", "[chemistry]") { SECTION("Basics") { std::vector smiles = {"F[Po](F)(F)(F)", "F[Po](F)(F)(F)(F)F", "F[Xe](F)(F)(F)", "F[Xe](F)(F)(F)(F)F", "F[I](F)F", "F[I](F)(F)(F)F", "F[At](F)F", "F[At](F)(F)(F)F"}; for (const auto &smi : smiles) { std::unique_ptr m(SmilesToMol(smi)); REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getNumRadicalElectrons() == 0); } } } TEST_CASE("Github #3805: radicals on [He]", "[chemistry]") { SECTION("Basics") { { auto m = "[He]"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getNumRadicalElectrons() == 0); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); } { auto m = "[Ne]"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getNumRadicalElectrons() == 0); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); } } SECTION("Basics") { { auto m = "[He+]"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getNumRadicalElectrons() == 1); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); } { auto m = "[Ne+]"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getNumRadicalElectrons() == 1); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); } } } TEST_CASE("needsHs function", "[chemistry]") { SECTION("basics") { const auto m = "CC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(MolOps::needsHs(*m)); // add a single H: bool updateLabel = false; bool takeOwnership = true; m->addAtom(new Atom(1), updateLabel, takeOwnership); m->addBond(0, 2, Bond::BondType::SINGLE); MolOps::sanitizeMol(*m); CHECK(MolOps::needsHs(*m)); // now add all the Hs: MolOps::addHs(*m); CHECK(!MolOps::needsHs(*m)); } SECTION("radical") { const auto m = "[O][O]"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(!MolOps::needsHs(*m)); } SECTION("none needed") { const auto m = "FF"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(!MolOps::needsHs(*m)); } } TEST_CASE( "github #3330: incorrect number of radicals electrons calculated for " "metals", "[chemistry][metals]") { SECTION("basics") { std::vector> data = { {"[Mn+2]", 1}, {"[Mn+1]", 0}, {"[Mn]", 1}, {"[Mn-1]", 0}, {"[C]", 4}, {"[C+1]", 3}, {"[C-1]", 3}}; for (const auto &pr : data) { std::unique_ptr m(SmilesToMol(pr.first)); REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getNumRadicalElectrons() == pr.second); } } } TEST_CASE("github #3879: bad H coordinates on fused rings", "[addhs]") { SECTION("reported") { auto m = R"CTAB( RDKit 2D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V3000 M V30 BEGIN CTAB M V30 COUNTS 9 10 0 0 0 M V30 BEGIN ATOM M V30 1 C 1.500000 2.598076 0.000000 0 M V30 2 N 0.750000 1.299038 0.000000 0 M V30 3 C 1.500000 -0.000000 0.000000 0 M V30 4 C 0.750000 -1.299038 0.000000 0 M V30 5 C 0.382772 -0.562069 0.000000 0 M V30 6 C -0.295379 0.612525 0.000000 0 M V30 7 C -0.750000 1.299038 0.000000 0 M V30 8 C -1.500000 0.000000 0.000000 0 M V30 9 O -0.750000 -1.299038 0.000000 0 M V30 END ATOM M V30 BEGIN BOND M V30 1 1 1 2 M V30 2 1 2 3 M V30 3 1 4 3 CFG=3 M V30 4 1 4 5 M V30 5 1 5 6 M V30 6 1 7 6 CFG=3 M V30 7 1 7 8 M V30 8 1 8 9 M V30 9 1 7 2 M V30 10 1 9 4 M V30 END BOND M V30 END CTAB M END)CTAB"_ctab; REQUIRE(m); bool explicitOnly = false; bool addCoords = true; UINT_VECT onlyOnAtoms = {3, 6}; MolOps::addHs(*m, explicitOnly, addCoords, &onlyOnAtoms); const auto &conf = m->getConformer(); // check that the H atoms bisect the angle correctly { REQUIRE(m->getAtomWithIdx(9)->getAtomicNum() == 1); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(9, 3)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(3, 4)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(3, 2)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(3, 8)); auto v1 = conf.getAtomPos(9) - conf.getAtomPos(3); auto v2 = conf.getAtomPos(4) - conf.getAtomPos(3); auto v3 = conf.getAtomPos(2) - conf.getAtomPos(3); auto v4 = conf.getAtomPos(8) - conf.getAtomPos(3); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v3) < v1.angleTo(v2)); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v4) < v1.angleTo(v2)); CHECK(fabs(v1.angleTo(v3) - v1.angleTo(v4)) < 1e-4); CHECK(v1.dotProduct(v3) < -1e-4); CHECK(v1.dotProduct(v4) < -1e-4); } { REQUIRE(m->getAtomWithIdx(10)->getAtomicNum() == 1); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(10, 6)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(5, 6)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(6, 1)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(6, 7)); auto v1 = conf.getAtomPos(10) - conf.getAtomPos(6); auto v2 = conf.getAtomPos(5) - conf.getAtomPos(6); auto v3 = conf.getAtomPos(1) - conf.getAtomPos(6); auto v4 = conf.getAtomPos(7) - conf.getAtomPos(6); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v3) < v1.angleTo(v2)); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v4) < v1.angleTo(v2)); CHECK(fabs(v1.angleTo(v3) - v1.angleTo(v4)) < 1e-4); CHECK(v1.dotProduct(v3) < -1e-4); CHECK(v1.dotProduct(v4) < -1e-4); } } SECTION("non-chiral version") { auto m = R"CTAB( RDKit 2D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V3000 M V30 BEGIN CTAB M V30 COUNTS 9 10 0 0 0 M V30 BEGIN ATOM M V30 1 C 1.500000 2.598076 0.000000 0 M V30 2 N 0.750000 1.299038 0.000000 0 M V30 3 C 1.500000 -0.000000 0.000000 0 M V30 4 C 0.750000 -1.299038 0.000000 0 M V30 5 C 0.382772 -0.562069 0.000000 0 M V30 6 C -0.295379 0.612525 0.000000 0 M V30 7 C -0.750000 1.299038 0.000000 0 M V30 8 C -1.500000 0.000000 0.000000 0 M V30 9 O -0.750000 -1.299038 0.000000 0 M V30 END ATOM M V30 BEGIN BOND M V30 1 1 1 2 M V30 2 1 2 3 M V30 3 1 4 3 M V30 4 1 4 5 M V30 5 1 5 6 M V30 6 1 7 6 M V30 7 1 7 8 M V30 8 1 8 9 M V30 9 1 7 2 M V30 10 1 9 4 M V30 END BOND M V30 END CTAB M END)CTAB"_ctab; REQUIRE(m); bool explicitOnly = false; bool addCoords = true; UINT_VECT onlyOnAtoms = {3, 6}; MolOps::addHs(*m, explicitOnly, addCoords, &onlyOnAtoms); const auto &conf = m->getConformer(); { REQUIRE(m->getAtomWithIdx(9)->getAtomicNum() == 1); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(9, 3)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(3, 4)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(3, 2)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(3, 8)); auto v1 = conf.getAtomPos(9) - conf.getAtomPos(3); auto v2 = conf.getAtomPos(4) - conf.getAtomPos(3); auto v3 = conf.getAtomPos(2) - conf.getAtomPos(3); auto v4 = conf.getAtomPos(8) - conf.getAtomPos(3); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v3) < v1.angleTo(v2)); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v4) < v1.angleTo(v2)); CHECK(fabs(v1.angleTo(v3) - v1.angleTo(v4)) < 1e-4); CHECK(v1.dotProduct(v3) < -1e-4); CHECK(v1.dotProduct(v4) < -1e-4); } { REQUIRE(m->getAtomWithIdx(10)->getAtomicNum() == 1); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(10, 6)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(5, 6)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(6, 1)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(6, 7)); auto v1 = conf.getAtomPos(10) - conf.getAtomPos(6); auto v2 = conf.getAtomPos(5) - conf.getAtomPos(6); auto v3 = conf.getAtomPos(1) - conf.getAtomPos(6); auto v4 = conf.getAtomPos(7) - conf.getAtomPos(6); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v3) < v1.angleTo(v2)); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v4) < v1.angleTo(v2)); CHECK(fabs(v1.angleTo(v3) - v1.angleTo(v4)) < 1e-4); CHECK(v1.dotProduct(v3) < -1e-4); CHECK(v1.dotProduct(v4) < -1e-4); } } SECTION("a simpler system") { auto m = R"CTAB( Mrv2014 03092106042D 0 0 0 0 0 999 V3000 M V30 BEGIN CTAB M V30 COUNTS 5 6 0 0 0 M V30 BEGIN ATOM M V30 1 C -4.3533 6.6867 0 0 M V30 2 C -4.3533 5.1467 0 0 CFG=1 M V30 3 O -2.8133 6.6867 0 0 M V30 4 C -2.8133 5.1467 0 0 CFG=1 M V30 5 C -3.5833 3.813 0 0 M V30 END ATOM M V30 BEGIN BOND M V30 1 1 1 3 M V30 2 1 2 4 M V30 3 1 3 4 M V30 4 1 2 5 M V30 5 1 4 5 CFG=1 M V30 6 1 2 1 CFG=1 M V30 END BOND M V30 END CTAB M END )CTAB"_ctab; bool explicitOnly = false; bool addCoords = true; UINT_VECT onlyOnAtoms = {3, 1}; MolOps::addHs(*m, explicitOnly, addCoords, &onlyOnAtoms); const auto &conf = m->getConformer(); { REQUIRE(m->getAtomWithIdx(5)->getAtomicNum() == 1); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(5, 1)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(1, 3)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(1, 0)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(1, 4)); auto v1 = conf.getAtomPos(5) - conf.getAtomPos(1); auto v2 = conf.getAtomPos(3) - conf.getAtomPos(1); auto v3 = conf.getAtomPos(0) - conf.getAtomPos(1); auto v4 = conf.getAtomPos(4) - conf.getAtomPos(1); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v3) < v1.angleTo(v2)); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v4) < v1.angleTo(v2)); CHECK(fabs(v1.angleTo(v3) - v1.angleTo(v4)) < 1e-4); CHECK(v1.dotProduct(v3) < -1e-4); CHECK(v1.dotProduct(v4) < -1e-4); } } SECTION("#3932: followup from #3879") { auto m = R"CTAB( RDKit 2D 21 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000 -6.9959 0.0617 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5.5212 0.3365 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5.0219 1.7509 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4.5460 -0.8032 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3.0713 -0.5284 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.0961 -1.6681 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.6214 -1.3933 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2270 -0.1562 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4640 -1.0046 0.0000 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.6531 -0.0903 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.0918 -0.5150 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.1788 0.5186 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.4434 -1.9732 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.1510 1.3231 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.6092 1.6747 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9538 2.8101 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6516 1.2824 0.0000 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7678 2.7779 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.8236 1.5543 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6156 -2.2417 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8904 -3.7163 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 3 2 0 2 4 1 0 4 5 2 0 5 6 1 0 6 7 1 0 8 7 1 6 8 9 1 0 9 10 1 0 10 11 1 6 11 12 2 0 11 13 1 0 10 14 1 0 14 15 1 0 14 16 1 0 14 17 1 0 17 18 2 0 17 19 2 0 9 20 1 0 20 21 2 0 20 7 1 0 17 8 1 0 M END)CTAB"_ctab; REQUIRE(m); bool explicitOnly = false; bool addCoords = true; UINT_VECT onlyOnAtoms = {7}; MolOps::addHs(*m, explicitOnly, addCoords, &onlyOnAtoms); const auto &conf = m->getConformer(); { REQUIRE(m->getAtomWithIdx(21)->getAtomicNum() == 1); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(21, 7)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(7, 8)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(7, 16)); REQUIRE(m->getBondBetweenAtoms(7, 6)); auto v1 = conf.getAtomPos(21) - conf.getAtomPos(7); auto v2 = conf.getAtomPos(6) - conf.getAtomPos(7); auto v3 = conf.getAtomPos(16) - conf.getAtomPos(7); auto v4 = conf.getAtomPos(8) - conf.getAtomPos(7); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v2) < v1.angleTo(v4)); CHECK(v1.angleTo(v3) < v1.angleTo(v4)); CHECK(fabs(v1.angleTo(v2) - v1.angleTo(v3)) < 1e-4); } } } TEST_CASE("batch edits", "[editing]") { SECTION("removeAtom") { auto m = "C1CCCO1"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->beginBatchEdit(); m->removeAtom(2); m->removeAtom(3); m->commitBatchEdit(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "CCO"); } SECTION("removeAtom + removeBond") { auto m = "C1CCCO1"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->beginBatchEdit(); m->removeAtom(3); m->removeBond(4, 0); m->commitBatchEdit(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "CCC.O"); } SECTION("rollback") { auto m = "C1CCCO1"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->beginBatchEdit(); m->removeAtom(2); m->removeAtom(3); m->rollbackBatchEdit(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "C1CCOC1"); } SECTION("adding atoms while in a batch") { auto m = "CCCO"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->beginBatchEdit(); m->removeAtom(2); bool updateLabel = false; bool takeOwnership = true; m->addAtom(new Atom(7), updateLabel, takeOwnership); m->removeAtom(1); m->commitBatchEdit(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "C.N.O"); } SECTION("removing added atoms while in a batch") { auto m = "CCCO"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->beginBatchEdit(); m->removeAtom(2); bool updateLabel = false; bool takeOwnership = true; m->addAtom(new Atom(7), updateLabel, takeOwnership); m->removeAtom(4); m->commitBatchEdit(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "CC.O"); } SECTION("adding bonds while in a batch") { auto m = "CCCO"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->beginBatchEdit(); m->removeBond(2, 3); m->addBond(0, 3, Bond::BondType::SINGLE); m->commitBatchEdit(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "CCCO"); } SECTION("removing added bonds while in a batch") { auto m = "CCCO"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->beginBatchEdit(); m->addBond(0, 3, Bond::BondType::SINGLE); m->removeBond(2, 3); m->removeBond(0, 3); m->commitBatchEdit(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "CCC.O"); } SECTION("some details") { auto m = "CCCO"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->beginBatchEdit(); CHECK_THROWS_AS(m->beginBatchEdit(), ValueErrorException); m->removeAtom(0U); // copying includes the edit status: RWMol m2(*m); CHECK_THROWS_AS(m2.beginBatchEdit(), ValueErrorException); // without a commit, the mols haven't changed CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "CCCO"); CHECK(MolToSmiles(m2) == "CCCO"); m->commitBatchEdit(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "CCO"); m2.commitBatchEdit(); CHECK(MolToSmiles(m2) == "CCO"); } } TEST_CASE("github #4122: segfaults in commitBatchEdit()", "[editing]][bug]") { SECTION("as reported, no atoms") { RWMol m; m.beginBatchEdit(); m.addAtom(); m.commitBatchEdit(); } SECTION("no bonds") { auto m = "C.C"_smiles; m->beginBatchEdit(); m->addBond(0, 1, Bond::BondType::SINGLE); m->commitBatchEdit(); } SECTION("after add atom") { auto m = "CC"_smiles; m->beginBatchEdit(); m->addAtom(6); m->removeAtom(0u); m->addAtom(6); m->commitBatchEdit(); } SECTION("remove a just-added atom") { auto m = "CC"_smiles; m->beginBatchEdit(); m->addAtom(6); m->removeAtom(2); m->commitBatchEdit(); } } TEST_CASE("github #3912: cannot draw atom lists from SMARTS", "[query][bug]") { SECTION("original") { auto m = "C(-[N,O])-[#7,#8]"_smarts; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(isAtomListQuery(m->getAtomWithIdx(1))); CHECK(isAtomListQuery(m->getAtomWithIdx(2))); std::vector vals; getAtomListQueryVals(m->getAtomWithIdx(2)->getQuery(), vals); CHECK(vals == std::vector{7, 8}); vals.clear(); getAtomListQueryVals(m->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getQuery(), vals); CHECK(vals == std::vector{7, 8}); } } TEST_CASE("github #4496: cannot draw aromatic atom lists from SMARTS", "[query][bug]") { SECTION("original") { auto m = "[c,n]1[c,n][c,n][c,n][c,n][c,n]1"_smarts; REQUIRE(m); std::vector expected({6, 7}); for (const auto a : m->atoms()) { CHECK(isAtomListQuery(a)); std::vector vals; getAtomListQueryVals(a->getQuery(), vals); CHECK(vals == expected); } } } TEST_CASE("bridgehead queries", "[query]") { SECTION("basics") { { auto m = "CC12CCN(CC1)C2"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); for (const auto atom : m->atoms()) { auto test = queryIsAtomBridgehead(atom); if (atom->getIdx() == 1 || atom->getIdx() == 4) { CHECK(test == 1); } else { CHECK(test == 0); } } } { auto m = "CC12CCC(C)(CC1)CC2"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); for (const auto atom : m->atoms()) { auto test = queryIsAtomBridgehead(atom); if (atom->getIdx() == 1 || atom->getIdx() == 4) { CHECK(test == 1); } else { CHECK(test == 0); } } } { // no bridgehead auto m = "C1CCC2CCCCC2C1"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); for (const auto atom : m->atoms()) { auto test = queryIsAtomBridgehead(atom); CHECK(test == 0); } } } } TEST_CASE("replaceAtom/Bond should not screw up bookmarks", "[RWMol]") { SECTION("atom basics") { auto m = "CCC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->setAtomBookmark(m->getAtomWithIdx(2), 1); auto origAt2 = m->getAtomWithIdx(2); CHECK(m->getUniqueAtomWithBookmark(1) == origAt2); Atom O(8); m->replaceAtom(2, &O); auto at2 = m->getAtomWithIdx(2); CHECK(at2 != origAt2); CHECK(m->getUniqueAtomWithBookmark(1) == at2); } SECTION("bond basics") { auto m = "CCCC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->setBondBookmark(m->getBondWithIdx(2), 1); auto origB2 = m->getBondWithIdx(2); CHECK(m->getUniqueBondWithBookmark(1) == origB2); Bond single(Bond::BondType::SINGLE); m->replaceBond(2, &single); auto b2 = m->getBondWithIdx(2); CHECK(b2 != origB2); CHECK(m->getUniqueBondWithBookmark(1) == b2); } } TEST_CASE("github #4071: StereoGroups not preserved by RenumberAtoms()", "[molops]") { SECTION("basics") { auto mol = "C[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)[C@@H](C)[C@@H](C)O |&3:3,o1:7,&1:1,&2:5,r|"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol); REQUIRE(mol->getStereoGroups().size() == 4); std::vector aindices(mol->getNumAtoms()); std::iota(aindices.begin(), aindices.end(), 0); std::reverse(aindices.begin(), aindices.end()); std::unique_ptr nmol(MolOps::renumberAtoms(*mol, aindices)); REQUIRE(nmol); CHECK(nmol->getStereoGroups().size() == 4); for (size_t i = 0; i < nmol->getStereoGroups().size(); ++i) { CHECK(nmol->getStereoGroups()[i].getGroupType() == mol->getStereoGroups()[i].getGroupType()); } CHECK(MolToCXSmiles(*nmol) == "C[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)[C@@H](C)[C@@H](C)O |o1:1,&1:3,&2:5,&3:7|"); } } TEST_CASE("github #4127: SEGV in ROMol::getAtomDegree if atom is not in graph", "[graphmol]") { // also includes tests for some related edge cases found as part of that bug // fix Atom atom(6); RWMol mol1; auto mol2 = "CCC"_smiles; SECTION("getAtomDegree") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol1.getAtomDegree(nullptr), Invar::Invariant); CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol1.getAtomDegree(&atom), Invar::Invariant); CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol1.getAtomDegree(mol2->getAtomWithIdx(0)), Invar::Invariant); } SECTION("getAtomNeighbors") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol1.getAtomNeighbors(nullptr), Invar::Invariant); CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol1.getAtomNeighbors(&atom), Invar::Invariant); CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol1.getAtomNeighbors(mol2->getAtomWithIdx(0)), Invar::Invariant); } SECTION("getAtomBonds") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol1.getAtomBonds(nullptr), Invar::Invariant); CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol1.getAtomBonds(&atom), Invar::Invariant); CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol1.getAtomBonds(mol2->getAtomWithIdx(0)), Invar::Invariant); } SECTION("addAtom from another molecule") { RWMol mol1cp(mol1); CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol1cp.addAtom(nullptr), Invar::Invariant); bool updateLabel = false; bool takeOwnership = true; CHECK_THROWS_AS( mol1cp.addAtom(mol2->getAtomWithIdx(0), updateLabel, takeOwnership), Invar::Invariant); takeOwnership = false; CHECK(mol1cp.addAtom(mol2->getAtomWithIdx(0), updateLabel, takeOwnership) == 0); } SECTION("addBond from another molecule") { auto mol3 = "C.C.C"_smiles; bool takeOwnership = true; CHECK_THROWS_AS(mol3->addBond(mol2->getBondWithIdx(0), takeOwnership), Invar::Invariant); takeOwnership = false; CHECK(mol3->addBond(mol2->getBondWithIdx(0), takeOwnership) == 1); } } TEST_CASE( "github #4128: SEGV from unsigned integer overflow in " "Conformer::setAtomPos", "[graphmol]") { Conformer conf; RDGeom::Point3D pt(0, 0, 0); CHECK_THROWS_AS(conf.setAtomPos(std::numeric_limits::max(), pt), ValueErrorException); } TEST_CASE("KekulizeFragment", "[graphmol]") { SECTION("basics") { auto mol = "CCc1ccccc1"_smiles; REQUIRE(mol); boost::dynamic_bitset<> atomsInPlay(mol->getNumAtoms()); for (auto aidx : std::vector{0, 1, 2, 3}) { atomsInPlay.set(aidx); } boost::dynamic_bitset<> bondsInPlay(mol->getNumBonds()); for (auto bidx : std::vector{0, 1, 2}) { bondsInPlay.set(bidx); } MolOps::details::KekulizeFragment(*mol, atomsInPlay, bondsInPlay); CHECK(!mol->getAtomWithIdx(2)->getIsAromatic()); CHECK(mol->getAtomWithIdx(4)->getIsAromatic()); CHECK(!mol->getBondWithIdx(2)->getIsAromatic()); // at the moment that bond still has an aromatic bond order, which isn't // optimal, but that will have to wait until we add a feature to allow // kekulization of conjugated chains. CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(2)->getBondType() == Bond::AROMATIC); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(4)->getIsAromatic()); } } TEST_CASE( "github #4266: fallback ring finding failing on molecules with multiple " "fragments", "[graphmol]") { SECTION("case1") { auto m = "C123C45C16C21C34C561.c1ccccc1"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); ROMol m2(*m); m2.getRingInfo()->reset(); MolOps::fastFindRings(m2); CHECK(m->getRingInfo()->numRings() == m2.getRingInfo()->numRings()); } SECTION("case2") { auto m = "c1ccccc1.C123C45C16C21C34C561"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); ROMol m2(*m); m2.getRingInfo()->reset(); MolOps::fastFindRings(m2); CHECK(m->getRingInfo()->numRings() == m2.getRingInfo()->numRings()); } } TEST_CASE("QueryBond valence contribs") { { auto m = "CO"_smarts; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(0)->getValenceContrib(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)) == 0.0); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(0)->getValenceContrib(m->getAtomWithIdx(1)) == 0.0); } { auto m = "C-O"_smarts; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(0)->getValenceContrib(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)) == 1.0); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(0)->getValenceContrib(m->getAtomWithIdx(1)) == 1.0); } } TEST_CASE( "github #4311: unreasonable calculation of implicit valence for atoms with " "query bonds", "[graphmol]") { SECTION("basics") { auto m = "C-,=O"_smarts; REQUIRE(m); m->updatePropertyCache(); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getTotalNumHs() == 0); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "CO"); CHECK(MolToSmarts(*m) == "C-,=O"); } } TEST_CASE("atom copy ctor") { auto m = "CO"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); for (const auto atom : m->atoms()) { Atom cp(*atom); CHECK(cp.getAtomicNum() == atom->getAtomicNum()); CHECK(!cp.hasOwningMol()); } } TEST_CASE("bond copy ctor") { auto m = "COC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); for (const auto bond : m->bonds()) { Bond cp(*bond); CHECK(cp.getBondType() == bond->getBondType()); CHECK(!cp.hasOwningMol()); } } TEST_CASE("valence edge") { { // this is, of course, absurd: auto m = "[H-2]"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->setNoImplicit(false); m->updatePropertyCache(false); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getFormalCharge() == -2); CHECK(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getImplicitValence() == 0); } { SmilesParserParams ps; ps.sanitize = false; std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol("CFC", ps)}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK_THROWS_AS(m->getAtomWithIdx(1)->calcImplicitValence(true), AtomValenceException); } } TEST_CASE("SetQuery on normal atoms") { auto m = "CC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); auto qry = makeAtomAliphaticQuery(); CHECK_THROWS_AS(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->setQuery(qry), std::runtime_error); CHECK_THROWS_AS(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)->expandQuery(qry), std::runtime_error); delete qry; } TEST_CASE("SetQuery on normal bonds") { auto m = "CC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); auto qry = makeBondOrderEqualsQuery(Bond::BondType::SINGLE); CHECK_THROWS_AS(m->getBondWithIdx(0)->setQuery(qry), std::runtime_error); CHECK_THROWS_AS(m->getBondWithIdx(0)->expandQuery(qry), std::runtime_error); delete qry; } TEST_CASE("additional atom props") { auto m = "CC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); auto atom = m->getAtomWithIdx(0); { CHECK(!atom->hasProp(common_properties::_MolFileRLabel)); setAtomRLabel(atom, 1); CHECK(atom->hasProp(common_properties::_MolFileRLabel)); setAtomRLabel(atom, 0); CHECK(!atom->hasProp(common_properties::_MolFileRLabel)); } { CHECK(!atom->hasProp(common_properties::molFileAlias)); setAtomAlias(atom, "foo"); CHECK(atom->hasProp(common_properties::molFileAlias)); setAtomAlias(atom, ""); CHECK(!atom->hasProp(common_properties::molFileAlias)); } { CHECK(!atom->hasProp(common_properties::molFileValue)); setAtomValue(atom, "foo"); CHECK(atom->hasProp(common_properties::molFileValue)); setAtomValue(atom, ""); CHECK(!atom->hasProp(common_properties::molFileValue)); } { CHECK(!atom->hasProp(common_properties::_supplementalSmilesLabel)); setSupplementalSmilesLabel(atom, "foo"); CHECK(atom->hasProp(common_properties::_supplementalSmilesLabel)); setSupplementalSmilesLabel(atom, ""); CHECK(!atom->hasProp(common_properties::_supplementalSmilesLabel)); } } TEST_CASE("getBondTypeAsDouble()") { SECTION("plain") { std::vector> vals{ {Bond::BondType::IONIC, 0}, {Bond::BondType::ZERO, 0}, {Bond::BondType::SINGLE, 1}, {Bond::BondType::DOUBLE, 2}, {Bond::BondType::TRIPLE, 3}, {Bond::BondType::QUADRUPLE, 4}, {Bond::BondType::QUINTUPLE, 5}, {Bond::BondType::HEXTUPLE, 6}, {Bond::BondType::ONEANDAHALF, 1.5}, {Bond::BondType::TWOANDAHALF, 2.5}, {Bond::BondType::THREEANDAHALF, 3.5}, {Bond::BondType::FOURANDAHALF, 4.5}, {Bond::BondType::FIVEANDAHALF, 5.5}, {Bond::BondType::AROMATIC, 1.5}, {Bond::BondType::DATIVEONE, 1.0}, {Bond::BondType::DATIVE, 1.0}, {Bond::BondType::HYDROGEN, 0} }; for (const auto &pr : vals) { Bond bnd(pr.first); CHECK(bnd.getBondType() == pr.first); CHECK(bnd.getBondTypeAsDouble() == pr.second); } } SECTION("twice") { std::vector> vals{ {Bond::BondType::IONIC, 0}, {Bond::BondType::ZERO, 0}, {Bond::BondType::SINGLE, 2}, {Bond::BondType::DOUBLE, 4}, {Bond::BondType::TRIPLE, 6}, {Bond::BondType::QUADRUPLE, 8}, {Bond::BondType::QUINTUPLE, 10}, {Bond::BondType::HEXTUPLE, 12}, {Bond::BondType::ONEANDAHALF, 3}, {Bond::BondType::TWOANDAHALF, 5}, {Bond::BondType::THREEANDAHALF, 7}, {Bond::BondType::FOURANDAHALF, 9}, {Bond::BondType::FIVEANDAHALF, 11}, {Bond::BondType::AROMATIC, 3}, {Bond::BondType::DATIVEONE, 2}, {Bond::BondType::DATIVE, 2}, {Bond::BondType::HYDROGEN, 0} }; for (const auto &pr : vals) { Bond bnd(pr.first); CHECK(bnd.getBondType() == pr.first); CHECK(getTwiceBondType(bnd) == pr.second); } } } TEST_CASE("getValenceContrib()") { const auto m = "CO->[Fe]"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(1)->getValenceContrib(m->getAtomWithIdx(0)) == 0); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(1)->getValenceContrib(m->getAtomWithIdx(1)) == 0); CHECK(m->getBondWithIdx(1)->getValenceContrib(m->getAtomWithIdx(2)) == 1); } TEST_CASE("conformer details") { const auto m = "CC"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); Conformer *conf = new Conformer(m->getNumAtoms()); CHECK(!conf->hasOwningMol()); m->addConformer(conf); CHECK(conf->hasOwningMol()); auto cid = conf->getId(); *conf = *conf; CHECK(conf->hasOwningMol()); CHECK(conf->getId() == cid); } #if !defined(_WIN32) || !defined(RDKIT_DYN_LINK) namespace RDKit { namespace Canon { namespace details { bool atomHasFourthValence(const Atom *atom); bool hasSingleHQuery(const Atom::QUERYATOM_QUERY *q); } // namespace details void switchBondDir(Bond *bond); } // namespace Canon } // namespace RDKit TEST_CASE("canon details") { SECTION("h queries") { std::vector> examples{ {"C[CHD3](F)Cl", true}, {"C[CD3H](F)Cl", true}, {"C[CH3D](F)Cl", false}, {"C[CDH3](F)Cl", false}, {"C[CDR4H](F)Cl", true}, }; for (const auto &pr : examples) { std::unique_ptr m{SmartsToMol(pr.first)}; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(RDKit::Canon::details::hasSingleHQuery( m->getAtomWithIdx(1)->getQuery()) == pr.second); CHECK(RDKit::Canon::details::atomHasFourthValence(m->getAtomWithIdx(1)) == pr.second); // artificial, but causes atomHasFourthValence to always return true m->getAtomWithIdx(1)->setNumExplicitHs(1); CHECK(RDKit::Canon::details::atomHasFourthValence(m->getAtomWithIdx(1))); } } } TEST_CASE("switchBondDir") { auto m = "C/C=C/C"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); auto bond = m->getBondWithIdx(0); CHECK(bond->getBondDir() == Bond::BondDir::ENDUPRIGHT); Canon::switchBondDir(bond); CHECK(bond->getBondDir() == Bond::BondDir::ENDDOWNRIGHT); bond->setBondDir(Bond::BondDir::UNKNOWN); Canon::switchBondDir(bond); CHECK(bond->getBondDir() == Bond::BondDir::UNKNOWN); } #endif TEST_CASE("allow 5 valent N/P/As to kekulize", "[kekulization]") { std::vector> tests = { {"O=n1ccccc1", "O=N1=CC=CC=C1"}, {"O=p1ccccc1", "O=P1=CC=CC=C1"}, {"O=[as]1ccccc1", "O=[As]1=CC=CC=C1"}}; SmilesParserParams ps; ps.sanitize = false; SECTION("kekulization") { for (const auto &pr : tests) { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol(pr.first, ps)}; REQUIRE(m); m->updatePropertyCache(false); MolOps::Kekulize(*m); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == pr.second); } } SECTION("sanitization") { for (const auto &pr : tests) { std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol(pr.first, ps)}; REQUIRE(m); m->updatePropertyCache(false); unsigned int failed; unsigned int flags = MolOps::SanitizeFlags::SANITIZE_ALL ^ MolOps::SanitizeFlags::SANITIZE_CLEANUP ^ MolOps::SanitizeFlags::SANITIZE_PROPERTIES; MolOps::sanitizeMol(*m, failed, flags); CHECK(!failed); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == pr.second); } } } TEST_CASE("KekulizeIfPossible") { SECTION("basics: molecules with failures") { std::vector smis = { "c1cccn1", "c1ccccc1-c1cccn1", }; for (const auto &smi : smis) { SmilesParserParams ps; ps.sanitize = false; std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol(smi, ps)}; REQUIRE(m); m->updatePropertyCache(false); // confirm that we normally fail: { RWMol m2(*m); CHECK_THROWS_AS(MolOps::Kekulize(m2), MolSanitizeException); } { RWMol m2(*m); CHECK(!MolOps::KekulizeIfPossible(m2)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m2.getNumAtoms(); ++i) { CHECK(m2.getAtomWithIdx(i)->getIsAromatic() == m->getAtomWithIdx(i)->getIsAromatic()); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < m2.getNumBonds(); ++i) { CHECK(m2.getBondWithIdx(i)->getIsAromatic() == m->getBondWithIdx(i)->getIsAromatic()); CHECK(m2.getBondWithIdx(i)->getBondType() == m->getBondWithIdx(i)->getBondType()); } } } } SECTION("basics: molecules without failures") { std::vector smis = {"c1ccc[nH]1", "c1ccccc1"}; for (const auto &smi : smis) { SmilesParserParams ps; ps.sanitize = false; std::unique_ptr m{SmilesToMol(smi, ps)}; REQUIRE(m); m->updatePropertyCache(false); { RWMol m2(*m); MolOps::Kekulize(m2); RWMol m3(*m); CHECK(MolOps::KekulizeIfPossible(m3)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m2.getNumAtoms(); ++i) { CHECK(m2.getAtomWithIdx(i)->getIsAromatic() == m3.getAtomWithIdx(i)->getIsAromatic()); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < m2.getNumBonds(); ++i) { CHECK(m2.getBondWithIdx(i)->getIsAromatic() == m3.getBondWithIdx(i)->getIsAromatic()); CHECK(m2.getBondWithIdx(i)->getBondType() == m3.getBondWithIdx(i)->getBondType()); } } } } } TEST_CASE("Github #4535: operator<< for AtomPDBResidue", "[PDB]") { SECTION("basics") { bool sanitize = true; int flavor = 0; std::unique_ptr mol(SequenceToMol("KY", sanitize, flavor)); REQUIRE(mol); REQUIRE(mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getMonomerInfo()); auto res = static_cast( mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getMonomerInfo()); REQUIRE(res); std::stringstream oss; oss << *res << std::endl; res = static_cast( mol->getAtomWithIdx(mol->getNumAtoms() - 1)->getMonomerInfo()); REQUIRE(res); oss << *res << std::endl; auto tgt = R"FOO(1 N LYS A 1 22 OXT TYR A 2 )FOO"; CHECK(oss.str() == tgt); } } TEST_CASE("isAromaticAtom") { SECTION("basics") { SmilesParserParams ps; ps.sanitize = false; std::unique_ptr mol(SmilesToMol("C:C:C", ps)); REQUIRE(mol); CHECK(!mol->getAtomWithIdx(0)->getIsAromatic()); CHECK(mol->getBondWithIdx(0)->getIsAromatic()); CHECK(isAromaticAtom(*mol->getAtomWithIdx(0))); } } TEST_CASE( "Github #4785: aromatic bonds no longer set aromatic flags on atoms") { SECTION("basics1") { auto m = "C1:C:C:C:1"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "C1=CC=C1"); } SECTION("basics2") { auto m = "C1:C:C:C:C:C:1"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); CHECK(MolToSmiles(*m) == "c1ccccc1"); } SECTION("can still get kekulization errors") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(SmilesToMol("C1:C:C:C:C:1"), KekulizeException); } } namespace { void check_dest(RWMol *m1, const ROMol &m2) { CHECK(m2.getNumAtoms() == 8); CHECK(m2.getNumBonds() == 7); for (const auto atom : m2.atoms()) { CHECK(&atom->getOwningMol() == &m2); CHECK(&atom->getOwningMol() != m1); } for (const auto bond : m2.bonds()) { CHECK(&bond->getOwningMol() == &m2); CHECK(&bond->getOwningMol() != m1); } CHECK(m2.getStereoGroups().size() == 2); CHECK(m2.getStereoGroups()[0].getAtoms().size() == 2); CHECK(m2.getStereoGroups()[0].getAtoms()[0]->getIdx() == 1); CHECK(m2.getStereoGroups()[0].getAtoms()[1]->getIdx() == 5); CHECK(m2.getStereoGroups()[1].getAtoms().size() == 1); CHECK(m2.getStereoGroups()[1].getAtoms()[0]->getIdx() == 3); const auto &sgs = getSubstanceGroups(m2); CHECK(sgs.size() == 1); CHECK(sgs[0].getAtoms().size() == 1); CHECK(sgs[0].getAtoms()[0] == 4); // check the state of m1: CHECK(m1->getNumAtoms() == 0); CHECK(m1->getNumBonds() == 0); CHECK(m1->getPropList().empty()); CHECK(m1->getDict().getData().empty()); CHECK(m1->getStereoGroups().empty()); CHECK(getSubstanceGroups(*m1).empty()); CHECK(m1->getRingInfo() == nullptr); // make sure we can still do something with m1: *m1 = m2; CHECK(!m1->getDict().getData().empty()); CHECK(m1->getNumAtoms() == 8); CHECK(m1->getNumBonds() == 7); CHECK(m1->getRingInfo() != nullptr); CHECK(m1->getRingInfo()->isInitialized() == m2.getRingInfo()->isInitialized()); } } // namespace TEST_CASE("moves") { auto m1 = "C[C@H](O)[C@H](F)[C@@H](C)O |o2:1,5,&1:3,SgD:4:atom_data:foo::::|"_smiles; REQUIRE(m1); CHECK(m1->getStereoGroups().size() == 2); m1->setProp("foo", 1u); SECTION("molecule move") { ROMol m2 = std::move(*m1); check_dest(m1.get(), m2); } SECTION("molecule move-assign") { ROMol m2; m2 = std::move(*m1); check_dest(m1.get(), m2); } } TEST_CASE("query moves") { auto m1 = "C[C@H](O)[C@H](F)[C@@H](C)O |o2:1,5,&1:3,SgD:4:atom_data:foo::::|"_smarts; REQUIRE(m1); CHECK(m1->getStereoGroups().size() == 2); m1->setProp("foo", 1u); SECTION("molecule move") { ROMol m2 = std::move(*m1); check_dest(m1.get(), m2); } SECTION("molecule move-assign") { ROMol m2; m2 = std::move(*m1); check_dest(m1.get(), m2); } } TEST_CASE("moves with conformer") { auto m1 = R"CTAB( Mrv2108 01192209042D 0 0 0 0 0 999 V3000 M V30 BEGIN CTAB M V30 COUNTS 8 7 1 0 0 M V30 BEGIN ATOM M V30 1 C 2.31 4.001 0 0 M V30 2 C 1.54 2.6674 0 0 CFG=2 M V30 3 O -0 2.6674 0 0 M V30 4 C 2.31 1.3337 0 0 CFG=1 M V30 5 F 3.85 1.3337 0 0 M V30 6 C 1.54 0 0 0 CFG=2 M V30 7 C 2.31 -1.3337 0 0 M V30 8 O 0 0 0 0 M V30 END ATOM M V30 BEGIN BOND M V30 1 1 2 1 M V30 2 1 2 3 CFG=3 M V30 3 1 4 2 M V30 4 1 4 5 CFG=1 M V30 5 1 4 6 M V30 6 1 6 7 M V30 7 1 6 8 CFG=3 M V30 END BOND M V30 BEGIN SGROUP M V30 1 DAT 0 ATOMS=(1 5) FIELDNAME=atom_data - M V30 FIELDDISP=" 4.6200 0.5637 DA ALL 0 0" FIELDDATA=foo M V30 END SGROUP M V30 BEGIN COLLECTION M V30 MDLV30/STEREL2 ATOMS=(2 2 6) M V30 MDLV30/STERAC1 ATOMS=(1 4) M V30 END COLLECTION M V30 END CTAB M END )CTAB"_ctab; REQUIRE(m1); CHECK(m1->getStereoGroups().size() == 2); m1->setProp("foo", 1u); SECTION("molecule move") { ROMol m2 = std::move(*m1); check_dest(m1.get(), m2); } SECTION("molecule move-assign") { ROMol m2; m2 = std::move(*m1); check_dest(m1.get(), m2); } } TEST_CASE("Github #5055") { SECTION("as reported") { auto m = "CC1(C)NC(=O)CN2C=C(C[C@H](C(=O)NC)NC(=O)CN3CCN(C(=O)[C@H]4Cc5c([nH]c6ccccc56)CN4C(=O)CN4CN(c5ccccc5)C5(CCN(CC5)C1=O)C4=O)[C@@H](Cc1ccccc1)C3=O)[N-][NH2+]2"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); } } TEST_CASE("Iterators") { auto m = "CCCCCCC=N"_smiles; REQUIRE(m); SECTION("Atom Iterator") { auto atoms = m->atoms(); auto n_atom = std::find_if(atoms.begin(), atoms.end(), [](const auto &a) { return a->getAtomicNum() == 7; }); REQUIRE(n_atom != atoms.end()); CHECK((*n_atom)->getIdx() == 7); } SECTION("Atom Neighbor Iterator") { auto nbrs = m->atomNeighbors(m->getAtomWithIdx(6)); auto n_atom = std::find_if(nbrs.begin(), nbrs.end(), [](const auto &a) { return a->getAtomicNum() == 7; }); REQUIRE(n_atom != nbrs.end()); CHECK((*n_atom)->getIdx() == 7); } SECTION("Bond Iterator") { auto bonds = m->bonds(); auto dbl_bnd = std::find_if(bonds.begin(), bonds.end(), [](const auto &b) { return b->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE; }); REQUIRE(dbl_bnd != bonds.end()); CHECK((*dbl_bnd)->getIdx() == 6); } SECTION("Atom Bond Iterator") { auto nbr_bonds = m->atomBonds(m->getAtomWithIdx(6)); auto dbl_bnd = std::find_if( nbr_bonds.begin(), nbr_bonds.end(), [](const auto &b) { return b->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE; }); REQUIRE(dbl_bnd != nbr_bonds.end()); CHECK((*dbl_bnd)->getIdx() == 6); } }