0.1.0 ===== Code Review checklist ===================== * [ ] Check and confirm dead-code. * [ ] Check and confirm ignored test cases. * [ ] Check for un-necessary trait constraints like Debgg and Display. * [ ] Review and check for un-necessary copy, and allocations. * [ ] Review resize calls on `Vec`. * [ ] Review (as ...) type casting, to panic on data loss. * [ ] Reduce trait constraints for Type parameters on public APIs. * [ ] Public APIs can be as generic as possible. Check whether there is a scope for `AsRef` or `Borrow` constraints. * [ ] Document error variants. * [ ] Check for dangling links in rustdoc. * [ ] 80-column width. * [ ] Copyright and License notice. Release Checklist ================= * Bump up the version: * __major__: backward incompatible API changes. * __minor__: backward compatible API Changes. * __patch__: bug fixes. * Travis-CI integration. * Cargo checklist * cargo +stable build; cargo +nightly build * cargo +stable doc * cargo +nightly clippy --all-targets --all-features * cargo +nightly test * cargo +nightly bench * cargo +nightly benchcmp * cargo fix --edition --all-targets * Cargo test `ixtest` and `ixperf` * Create a git-tag for the new version. * Cargo publish the new version. * Badges * Build passing, Travis continuous integration. * Code coverage, codecov and coveralls. * Crates badge * Downloads badge * License badge * Rust version badge. * Maintenance-related badges based on isitmaintained.com * Documentation * Gitpitch * Targets * RHEL * SUSE * Debian * Centos * Ubuntu * Mac-OS * Windows * amazon-aws * Raspberry-pi