use std::io::Cursor; use re_arrow2::array::*; use re_arrow2::chunk::Chunk; use re_arrow2::datatypes::*; use re_arrow2::error::Result; use re_arrow2::io::csv::write::*; fn data() -> Chunk> { let c1 = Utf8Array::::from_slice(["a b", "c", "d"]); let c2 = Float64Array::from([Some(123.564532), None, Some(-556132.25)]); let c3 = UInt32Array::from_slice([3, 2, 1]); let c4 = BooleanArray::from(&[Some(true), Some(false), None]); let c5 = PrimitiveArray::::from([None, Some(1555584887378), Some(1555555555555)]) .to(DataType::Timestamp(TimeUnit::Millisecond, None)); let c6 = PrimitiveArray::::from_vec(vec![1234, 24680, 85563]) .to(DataType::Time32(TimeUnit::Second)); let keys = UInt32Array::from_slice([2, 0, 1]); let c7 = DictionaryArray::try_from_keys(keys, Box::new(c1.clone())).unwrap(); Chunk::new(vec![ Box::new(c1) as Box, Box::new(c2), Box::new(c3), Box::new(c4), Box::new(c5), Box::new(c6), Box::new(c7), ]) } #[test] fn write_csv() -> Result<()> { let columns = data(); let mut writer = Cursor::new(Vec::::new()); let options = SerializeOptions::default(); write_header( &mut writer, &["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5", "c6", "c7"], &options, )?; write_chunk(&mut writer, &columns, &options)?; // check let buffer = writer.into_inner(); assert_eq!( r#"c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7 a b,123.564532,3,true,,00:20:34,d c,,2,false,2019-04-18 10:54:47.378,06:51:20,a b d,-556132.25,1,,2019-04-18 02:45:55.555,23:46:03,c "# .to_string(), String::from_utf8(buffer).unwrap(), ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_csv_custom_options() -> Result<()> { let batch = data(); let mut writer = Cursor::new(Vec::::new()); let options = SerializeOptions { time32_format: Some("%r".to_string()), time64_format: Some("%r".to_string()), delimiter: b'|', ..Default::default() }; write_chunk(&mut writer, &batch, &options)?; // check let buffer = writer.into_inner(); assert_eq!( r#"a b|123.564532|3|true||12:20:34 AM|d c||2|false|2019-04-18 10:54:47.378|06:51:20 AM|a b d|-556132.25|1||2019-04-18 02:45:55.555|11:46:03 PM|c "# .to_string(), String::from_utf8(buffer).unwrap(), ); Ok(()) } fn data_array(column: &str) -> (Chunk>, Vec<&'static str>) { let (array, expected) = match column { "utf8" => ( Utf8Array::::from_slice(["a b", "c", "d"]).boxed(), vec!["a b", "c", "d"], ), "large_utf8" => ( Utf8Array::::from_slice(["a b", "c", "d"]).boxed(), vec!["a b", "c", "d"], ), "binary" => ( BinaryArray::::from_slice(["a b", "c", "d"]).boxed(), vec!["a b", "c", "d"], ), "large_binary" => ( BinaryArray::::from_slice(["a b", "c", "d"]).boxed(), vec!["a b", "c", "d"], ), "i8" => ( Int8Array::from_slice([3, 2, 1]).boxed(), vec!["3", "2", "1"], ), "i16" => ( Int16Array::from_slice([3, 2, 1]).boxed(), vec!["3", "2", "1"], ), "i32" => ( Int32Array::from_slice([3, 2, 1]).boxed(), vec!["3", "2", "1"], ), "i64" => ( Int64Array::from_slice([3, 2, 1]).boxed(), vec!["3", "2", "1"], ), "u8" => ( UInt8Array::from_slice([3, 2, 1]).boxed(), vec!["3", "2", "1"], ), "u16" => ( UInt16Array::from_slice([3, 2, 1]).boxed(), vec!["3", "2", "1"], ), "u32" => ( UInt32Array::from_slice([3, 2, 1]).boxed(), vec!["3", "2", "1"], ), "u64" => ( UInt64Array::from_slice([3, 2, 1]).boxed(), vec!["3", "2", "1"], ), "f32" => (Float32Array::from_slice([3.1]).boxed(), vec!["3.1"]), "f64" => (Float64Array::from_slice([3.1]).boxed(), vec!["3.1"]), "date32" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_vec(vec![1]).to(DataType::Date32); (array.boxed(), vec!["1970-01-02 00:00:00"]) } "date64" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_vec(vec![1_000]).to(DataType::Date64); (array.boxed(), vec!["1970-01-01 00:00:01"]) } "time32[ms]" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_vec(vec![1_234_001, 24_680_001, 85_563_001]) .to(DataType::Time32(TimeUnit::Millisecond)); ( array.boxed(), vec!["00:20:34.001", "06:51:20.001", "23:46:03.001"], ) } "time64[us]" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_vec(vec![ 1_234_000_001, 24_680_000_001, 85_563_000_001, ]) .to(DataType::Time64(TimeUnit::Microsecond)); ( array.boxed(), vec!["00:20:34.000001", "06:51:20.000001", "23:46:03.000001"], ) } "time64[ns]" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_vec(vec![ 1_234_000_000_001, 24_680_000_000_001, 85_563_000_000_001, ]) .to(DataType::Time64(TimeUnit::Nanosecond)); ( array.boxed(), vec![ "00:20:34.000000001", "06:51:20.000000001", "23:46:03.000000001", ], ) } "ts[s]" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_slice([1_555_584_887, 1_555_555_555]) .to(DataType::Timestamp(TimeUnit::Second, None)); ( array.boxed(), vec!["2019-04-18 10:54:47", "2019-04-18 02:45:55"], ) } "ts[ms]" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_slice([1_555_584_887_378, 1_555_555_555_555]) .to(DataType::Timestamp(TimeUnit::Millisecond, None)); ( array.boxed(), vec!["2019-04-18 10:54:47.378", "2019-04-18 02:45:55.555"], ) } "ts[us]" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_slice([1_555_584_887_378_001, 1_555_555_555_555_001]) .to(DataType::Timestamp(TimeUnit::Microsecond, None)); ( array.boxed(), vec!["2019-04-18 10:54:47.378001", "2019-04-18 02:45:55.555001"], ) } "ts[ns]" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_slice([ 1_555_584_887_378_000_001, 1_555_555_555_555_000_001, ]) .to(DataType::Timestamp(TimeUnit::Nanosecond, None)); ( array.boxed(), vec![ "2019-04-18 10:54:47.378000001", "2019-04-18 02:45:55.555000001", ], ) } "ts[ns,offset]" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_slice([ 1_555_584_887_378_000_001, 1_555_555_555_555_000_001, ]) .to(DataType::Timestamp( TimeUnit::Nanosecond, Some(std::sync::Arc::new("+01:00".to_string())), )); ( array.boxed(), vec![ "2019-04-18 11:54:47.378000001 +01:00", "2019-04-18 03:45:55.555000001 +01:00", ], ) } "ts[ns,tz]" => { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_slice([ 1_555_584_887_378_000_001, 1_555_555_555_555_000_001, ]) .to(DataType::Timestamp( TimeUnit::Nanosecond, Some(std::sync::Arc::new("Europe/Lisbon".to_string())), )); ( array.boxed(), vec![ "2019-04-18 11:54:47.378000001 WEST", "2019-04-18 03:45:55.555000001 WEST", ], ) } "dictionary[u32]" => { let keys = UInt32Array::from_slice([2, 1, 0]); let values = Utf8Array::::from_slice(["a b", "c", "d"]).boxed(); let array = DictionaryArray::try_from_keys(keys, values).unwrap(); (array.boxed(), vec!["d", "c", "a b"]) } "dictionary[u64]" => { let keys = UInt64Array::from_slice([2, 1, 0]); let values = Utf8Array::::from_slice(["a b", "c", "d"]).boxed(); let array = DictionaryArray::try_from_keys(keys, values).unwrap(); (array.boxed(), vec!["d", "c", "a b"]) } _ => todo!(), }; (Chunk::new(vec![array]), expected) } fn test_array( chunk: Chunk>, data: Vec<&'static str>, options: SerializeOptions, ) -> Result<()> { let mut writer = Cursor::new(Vec::::new()); write_header(&mut writer, &["c1"], &options)?; write_chunk(&mut writer, &chunk, &options)?; // check let buffer = writer.into_inner(); let mut expected = "c1\n".to_owned(); expected.push_str(&data.join("\n")); expected.push('\n'); assert_eq!(expected, String::from_utf8(buffer).unwrap()); Ok(()) } fn write_single(column: &str) -> Result<()> { let (chunk, data) = data_array(column); test_array(chunk, data, SerializeOptions::default()) } #[test] fn write_each() -> Result<()> { for i in [ "utf8", "large_utf8", "binary", "large_binary", "i8", "i16", "i32", "i64", "u8", "u16", "u32", "u64", "f32", "f64", "date32", "date64", "time32[ms]", "time64[us]", "time64[ns]", "ts[s]", "ts[ms]", "ts[us]", "ts[ns]", "ts[ns,offset]", "dictionary[u32]", "dictionary[u64]", ] { write_single(i)?; } Ok(()) } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "chrono-tz")] fn write_tz_timezone() -> Result<()> { write_single("ts[ns,tz]") } #[test] fn write_tz_timezone_formatted_offset() -> Result<()> { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_slice([1_555_584_887_378_000_001, 1_555_555_555_555_000_001]) .to(DataType::Timestamp( TimeUnit::Nanosecond, Some(std::sync::Arc::new("+01:00".to_string())), )); let columns = Chunk::new(vec![array.boxed()]); let expected = vec![ "2019-04-18T11:54:47.378000001+01:00", "2019-04-18T03:45:55.555000001+01:00", ]; test_array( columns, expected, SerializeOptions { timestamp_format: Some("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%.f%:z".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, ) } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "chrono-tz")] fn write_tz_timezone_formatted_tz() -> Result<()> { let array = PrimitiveArray::::from_slice([1_555_584_887_378_000_001, 1_555_555_555_555_000_001]) .to(DataType::Timestamp( TimeUnit::Nanosecond, Some(std::sync::Arc::new("Europe/Lisbon".to_string())), )); let columns = Chunk::new(vec![array.boxed()]); let expected = vec![ "2019-04-18T11:54:47.378000001+01:00", "2019-04-18T03:45:55.555000001+01:00", ]; test_array( columns, expected, SerializeOptions { timestamp_format: Some("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%.f%:z".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, ) } fn test_generic(chunk: Chunk>, expected: &str) { let mut writer = vec![]; let options = SerializeOptions::default(); write_chunk(&mut writer, &chunk, &options).unwrap(); let csv = std::str::from_utf8(&writer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(csv, expected); } #[test] fn write_empty_and_missing() { let a = Utf8Array::::from([Some(""), None]); let b = Utf8Array::::from([None, Some("")]); let chunk = Chunk::new(vec![a.boxed(), b.boxed()]); test_generic(chunk, "\"\",\n,\"\"\n"); } #[test] fn write_escaping_resize_local_buf() { // tests if local buffer reallocates properly for payload in [ "Acme co., Ltd.", "bar,1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678900293480293847", "This is the mail system at host'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could notbe delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.For further assistance,bar", ] { let a = Utf8Array::::from_slice([payload]); let chunk = Chunk::new(vec![a.boxed()]); test_generic(chunk, &format!("\"{payload}\"\n")); let a = Utf8Array::::from_slice([payload]); let chunk = Chunk::new(vec![a.boxed()]); test_generic(chunk, &format!("\"{payload}\"\n")); } } #[test] fn serialize_vec() -> Result<()> { let columns = data(); let options = SerializeOptions::default(); let data = serialize(&columns, &options)?; // check assert_eq!( vec![ b"a b,123.564532,3,true,,00:20:34,d\n".to_vec(), b"c,,2,false,2019-04-18 10:54:47.378,06:51:20,a b\n".to_vec(), b"d,-556132.25,1,,2019-04-18 02:45:55.555,23:46:03,c\n".to_vec(), ], data ); Ok(()) }