use cargo_metadata::{CargoOpt, Metadata, MetadataCommand, Package, PackageId}; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, fs, path::Path, process::Stdio, }; // --- // Mapping to cargo:rerun-if-changed with glob support fn rerun_if_changed(path: &str) { // Workaround for windows verbatim paths not working with glob. // Issue: // Fix: // Fixed on upstream, but no release containing the fix as of writing. let path = path.trim_start_matches(r"\\?\"); for path in glob::glob(path).unwrap() { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.unwrap().to_string_lossy()); } } // --- struct Packages<'a> { pkgs: HashMap<&'a str, &'a Package>, } impl<'a> Packages<'a> { pub fn from_metadata(metadata: &'a Metadata) -> Self { let pkgs = metadata .packages .iter() .map(|pkg| (, pkg)) .collect::>(); Self { pkgs } } /// Tracks an implicit dependency of the given name. /// /// This will generate all the appropriate `cargo:rerun-if-changed` clauses /// so that package `pkg_name` as well as all of it direct and indirect /// dependencies are properly tracked whether they are remote, in-workspace, /// or locally patched. pub fn track_implicit_dep(&self, pkg_name: &str) { let pkg = self.pkgs.get(pkg_name).unwrap_or_else(|| { let found_names: Vec<&str> = self.pkgs.values().map(|pkg|; panic!("Failed to find package {pkg_name:?} among {found_names:?}") }); // Track the root package itself { let mut path = pkg.manifest_path.clone(); path.pop(); // NOTE: Since we track the cargo manifest, past this point we only need to // account for locally patched dependencies. rerun_if_changed(path.join("Cargo.toml").as_ref()); rerun_if_changed(path.join("**/*.rs").as_ref()); } // Track all direct and indirect dependencies of that root package let mut tracked = HashSet::new(); self.track_patched_deps(&mut tracked, pkg); } /// Recursively walk the tree of dependencies of the given `root` package, making sure /// to track all potentially modified, locally patched dependencies. fn track_patched_deps(&self, tracked: &mut HashSet, root: &Package) { for dep_pkg in root .dependencies .iter() // NOTE: We'd like to just use `dep.source`/`dep.path`, unfortunately they do not // account for crate patches at this level, so we build our own little index // and use that instead. .filter_map(|dep| self.pkgs.get( { let exists_on_local_disk = dep_pkg.source.is_none(); if exists_on_local_disk { let mut dep_path = dep_pkg.manifest_path.clone(); dep_path.pop(); rerun_if_changed(dep_path.join("Cargo.toml").as_ref()); // manifest too! rerun_if_changed(dep_path.join("**/*.rs").as_ref()); } if tracked.insert( { self.track_patched_deps(tracked, dep_pkg); } } } } // Port of fn build_web() { let repository_root_dir = format!("{}/../..", std::env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); let crate_name = "re_viewer"; let build_dir = format!("{repository_root_dir}/web_viewer"); assert!( Path::new(&build_dir).exists(), "Failed to find dir {build_dir}. CWD: {:?}, CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR: {:?}", std::env::current_dir(), std::env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR") ); // Clean previous version of what we are building: let wasm_path = Path::new(&build_dir).join([crate_name, "_bg.wasm"].concat()); fs::remove_file(wasm_path.clone()).ok(); let js_path = Path::new(&build_dir).join([crate_name, ".js"].concat()); fs::remove_file(js_path).ok(); let metadata = MetadataCommand::new() .manifest_path("./Cargo.toml") .features(CargoOpt::AllFeatures) .exec() .unwrap(); let target_wasm = format!("{}_wasm", metadata.target_directory); let release = std::env::var("PROFILE").unwrap() == "release"; let root_dir = metadata.target_directory.parent().unwrap(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compile rust to wasm let mut cmd = std::process::Command::new("cargo"); cmd.current_dir(root_dir); cmd.args([ "build", "--target-dir", &target_wasm, "-p", crate_name, "--lib", "--target", "wasm32-unknown-unknown", ]); cmd.env("RUSTFLAGS", "--cfg=web_sys_unstable_apis"); cmd.env("CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS", ""); if release { cmd.arg("--release"); } eprintln!("wasm build cmd: {cmd:?}"); let output = cmd .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .expect("failed to compile re_viewer for wasm32"); eprintln!("compile status: {}", output.status); eprintln!( "compile stderr: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) ); assert!(output.status.success()); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generate JS bindings let build = if release { "release" } else { "debug" }; let target_name = [crate_name, ".wasm"].concat(); let target_path = Path::new(&target_wasm) .join("wasm32-unknown-unknown") .join(build) .join(target_name); let mut cmd = std::process::Command::new("wasm-bindgen"); cmd.current_dir(root_dir); cmd.args([ target_path.to_str().unwrap(), "--out-dir", &build_dir, "--no-modules", "--no-typescript", ]); eprintln!("wasm-bindgen cmd: {cmd:?}"); let output = cmd .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Failed to generate JS bindings: {err}. target_path: {target_path:?}, build_dir: {build_dir}")); eprintln!("wasm-bindgen status: {}", output.status); eprintln!( "wasm-bindgen stderr: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) ); assert!(output.status.success()); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Optimize the wasm if release { let wasm_path = wasm_path.to_str().unwrap(); // to get wasm-opt: apt/brew/dnf install binaryen let mut cmd = std::process::Command::new("wasm-opt"); cmd.current_dir(root_dir); cmd.args([wasm_path, "-O2", "--fast-math", "-o", wasm_path]); eprintln!("wasm-opt cmd: {cmd:?}"); let output = cmd .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .expect("failed to optimize wasm"); eprintln!("wasm-opt status: {}", output.status); eprintln!( "wasm-opt stderr: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) ); assert!(output.status.success()); } } // --- fn main() { if std::env::var("IS_IN_RERUN_WORKSPACE") != Ok("yes".to_owned()) { // Only run if we are in the rerun workspace, not on users machines. return; } if std::env::var("RERUN_IS_PUBLISHING") == Ok("yes".to_owned()) { // We don't need to rebuild - we should have done so beforehand! // See `` return; } // Rebuild the web-viewer Wasm, // because the web_server library bundles it with `include_bytes!` let metadata = MetadataCommand::new() .features(CargoOpt::AllFeatures) .exec() .unwrap(); rerun_if_changed("../../web_viewer/favicon.ico"); rerun_if_changed("../../web_viewer/index.html"); rerun_if_changed("../../web_viewer/sw.js"); let pkgs = Packages::from_metadata(&metadata); // We implicitly depend on re_viewer, which means we also implicitly depend on // all of its direct and indirect dependencies (which are potentially in-workspace // or patched!). pkgs.track_implicit_dep("re_viewer"); if std::env::var("CARGO_FEATURE___CI").is_ok() { // This saves a lot of CI time. eprintln!("__ci feature detected: Skipping building of web viewer wasm."); } else { eprintln!("Build web viewer wasm…"); build_web(); } }