# ReactIO [![Build](https://github.com/zjgoggle/reactio-rs/actions/workflows/build-test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/zjgoggle/reactio-rs/actions) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache--2.0_OR_MIT-blue.svg)](https://github.com/zjgoggle/reactio-rs) [![Cargo](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/reactio.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/reactio) [![depstatus](https://deps.rs/repo/github/zjgoggle/reactio-rs/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/repo/github/zjgoggle/reactio-rs) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/d/reactio)](https://github.com/zjgoggle/reactio-rs) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/reactio/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/reactio) Low-latency Event-driven Non-blocking Reactor pattern in Rust. Supported platforms: Linux, Windows and x86_64, arm64. (Other platforms are not tested.) **Only 64-bit platforms are supported** ReactIO impements a low-latency event-driven Reactor pattern in non-threaded and multiple-threaded environment. Users implement a `Reactor` (as least implement `on_inbound_message`) and add it to a `ReactRuntime`. Each `ReactRuntime` instance runs in a dedicated thread. It polls all events for managed Reactors. There'are 2 kinds of events: - Socket events. We only register socket READ events initially. MsgReader & MsgSender are provided for Reactor to send/receive messages. - Commands. Through mpsc channel, reactors could send user defined commands to each other. There's another set of structs - SimpleIoReactor, SimpleIoListener, CommandReactor - when people only want to supply event functions. See below examples. Key technologies: - IO events (epoll, iocp): handles IO only when there are event. - MsgSender helps socket read (messages are dispatched when full messages are received); MsgSender handles socket write (it queues unsent messages and auto resends). - No/minimum mutexes or locks. Just send commands to a mpsc channel owned by a `ReactRuntime`. - Deferred commands are executed in a defered time. - No heap allocated objects on receiving events (it diffs from async frameworks which create Futures on heap). When processing events, Reactor doesn't need any mutex to protect resources. ## Examples ### None-threaded ReactRuntime #### Example 1: Define a struct PingpongReactor to implement Reactor. More tests are in [tests](tests) and [examples](examples). ```rust,no_run // PingpongReactor is a Reactor to send back any received messages, which could be used to test round-trip TCP time. pub fn test_ping_pong_reactor() { let addr = ""; let recv_buffer_min_size = 1024; let mut runtime = ReactRuntime::new(); let cmd_sender = runtime.get_cmd_sender(); cmd_sender .send_listen( addr, DefaultTcpListenerHandler::::new( recv_buffer_min_size, ServerParam { name: "server".to_owned(), // parent/listner reactor name. Children names are appended a count number. E.g. "Server-1" for the first connection. latency_batch: 1000, // report round-trip time for each latency_batch samples. }, ), Deferred::Immediate, |_| {}, // OnCommandCompletion ) .unwrap(); cmd_sender .send_connect( addr, recv_buffer_min_size, // client PingpongReactor initiate a message. It sends echo back 2 messages before close and latency_batch=1000. PingpongReactor::new_client("client".to_owned(), 2, 1000), Deferred::Immediate, |_| {}, // OnCommandCompletion ) .unwrap(); // In non-threaded environment, process_events until there're no reactors, no events, no deferred events. let timer = utils::Timer::new_millis(1000); while runtime.process_events() { if timer.expired() { assert!(false, "ERROR: timeout waiting for tests to complete!"); break; } } assert_eq!(runtime.count_reactors(), 0); assert_eq!(runtime.count_deferred_queue(), 0); } ``` #### Example 2: User supplies callback functions to Reactor instance to handle socket messages. ```rust,norun /// SimpleIoReactor implements `Reactor` and calls user handlers on events. pub fn test_io_reactor() { let addr = ""; let recv_buffer_min_size = 1024; let mut runtime = reactio::SimpleIoRuntime::new(); let on_sock_msg = { let max_echos = 1; let mut count_echos = 0; move |buf: &mut [u8], ctx: &mut reactio::SimpleIoReactorContext<'_>| { if count_echos >= max_echos { return Err(format!("Reached max echo: {max_echos}")); // close socket } ctx.send_or_que(buf)?; // echo back message. count_echos += 1; Ok(buf.len()) // return number of bytes having been consumed. } }; let on_server_connected = |ctx: &mut reactio::SimpleIoReactorContext<'_>, listenerid| { ctx.cmd_sender .send_close(listenerid, reactio::Deferred::Immediate, |_| {})?; // close parent listerner. Ok(()) // accept current connection. }; let on_new_connection = move |_childid| { // create a new Reactor for the new connection. Some(reactio::SimpleIoReactor::new_boxed( Some(Box::new(on_server_connected)), // on_connected None, // on_closed on_sock_msg, // on_sock_msg )) }; let on_client_connected = |ctx: &mut reactio::SimpleIoReactorContext<'_>, _| { // client sends initial msg. let mut auto_sender = ctx.acquire_send(); // send on drop auto_sender.write_fmt(format_args!("test ")).unwrap(); auto_sender.write_fmt(format_args!("msgsend")).unwrap(); assert_eq!(auto_sender.count_written(), 12); assert_eq!(auto_sender.get_written(), b"test msgsend"); // auto_sender.send(None).unwrap(); // this line can be omitted to let it auto send on drop. // ctx.send_or_que("Hello".as_bytes())?; // rather than using auto_sender, we call ctx.send_or_que Ok(()) // accept connection }; //-- server runtime .get_cmd_sender() .send_listen( addr, reactio::SimpleIoListener::new(recv_buffer_min_size, on_new_connection), reactio::Deferred::Immediate, |_| {}, // OnCommandCompletion ) .unwrap(); // wait for server ready. let timer = reactio::utils::Timer::new_millis(1000); while runtime.count_reactors() < 1 { if timer.expired() { logerr!("ERROR: timeout waiting for listener start!"); break; } runtime.process_events(); } //-- client runtime .get_cmd_sender() .send_connect( addr, recv_buffer_min_size, reactio::SimpleIoReactor::new( Some(Box::new(on_client_connected)), // on_connected None, // on_closed on_sock_msg, // on_sock_msg ), reactio::Deferred::Immediate, |_| {}, // OnCommandCompletion ) .unwrap(); // In non-threaded environment, process_events until there're no reactors, no events, no deferred events. let timer = reactio::utils::Timer::new_millis(1000); while runtime.process_events() { if timer.expired() { logerr!("ERROR: timeout waiting for tests to complete!"); break; } } assert_eq!(runtime.count_reactors(), 0); assert_eq!(runtime.count_deferred_queue(), 0); } ``` ### Multi-threaded Reactor Example - Each thread runs an ReactRuntime See example in `threaded_pingpong.rs`. ```rust,no_run pub fn test_threaded_pingpong() { let addr = ""; let recv_buffer_min_size = 1024; let stopcounter = Arc::new(AtomicI32::new(0)); // each Reactor increases it when exiting. let mgr = ThreadedReactorMgr::::new(2); // 2 threads let (threadid0, threadid1) = (0, 1); // cloned Arc are passed to threads. let (amgr, astopcounter) = (Arc::clone(&mgr), Arc::clone(&stopcounter)); // send a command to mgr to create a listener in threadid0. // When the listen socket is ready (command is completed), send another command to connect from threadid1. mgr.get_cmd_sender(threadid0) .unwrap() .send_listen( addr, create_tcp_listener( recv_buffer_min_size, ThreadedServerParam { runtimeid: threadid0, reactormgr: Arc::clone(&mgr), stopcounter: Arc::clone(&stopcounter), name: "server".to_owned(), latency_batch: 1000, }, ), Deferred::Immediate, // OnCommandCompletion, when listen socket is ready, send another command to connect from another thread. move |res| { if let Err(err) = res { logerr!("[ERROR] Failed to listen. {err}"); return; } amgr.get_cmd_sender(threadid1) .unwrap() .send_connect( addr, recv_buffer_min_size, ThreadedPingpongReactor::new_client( "myclient".to_owned(), threadid1, Arc::clone(&amgr), 5, 1000, Arc::clone(&astopcounter), ), Deferred::Immediate, |res| { if let Err(err) = res { logerr!("Failed connect! {err}"); } }, ) .unwrap(); }, ) .unwrap(); // wait for 2 reactors exit let timer = utils::Timer::new_millis(1000); while stopcounter.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) != 2 { timer.sleep_or_expire(10); std::thread::yield_now(); if timer.expired() { assert!(false, "ERROR: timeout waiting for reactors to complete"); break; } } } ``` ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or https://opensource.org/license/mit/) at your option. #### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.