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Thread Safe Reactive Data Structure. Made with ❤️ for 🦀
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## 🚀 Installation include it in your `Cargo.toml` under `[dependencies]` ```toml reactivate = { version = "*", features = ["threadsafe"] } ``` ## 🧑‍💻 Usage examples ### 🏗️ Construction ```rust use reactivate::Reactive; fn main() { let r = Reactive::new(10); println!("{:?}", r); // Reactive(10) println!("{:?}", r.value()); // 10 } ``` ### 🔥 Derive ```rust use reactivate::Reactive; fn main() { let r = Reactive::new(10); let d = r.derive(|val| val + 5); println!("{:?}", r); // Reactive(10) println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(15) } ``` ### ✨ Update ```rust use reactivate::Reactive; fn main() { let r = Reactive::new(10); let d = r.derive(|val| val + 5); r.update(|_| 20); println!("{:?}", r); // Reactive(20) println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(25) } ``` ### ⚡ Update Inplace ```rust use reactivate::Reactive; fn main() { let r = Reactive::new(vec![1, 2, 3]); let d = r.derive(|nums| nums.iter().sum::()); r.update_inplace(|nums| { nums.push(4); nums.push(5); nums.push(6); }); println!("{:?}", r); // Reactive([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(21) } ``` ### 🤝 Merge and Derive ```rust use reactivate::{Merge, Reactive}; fn main() { let a = Reactive::new(String::from("hazash")); let b = Reactive::new(0); let d = (&a, &b) .merge() .derive(|(a_val, b_val)| a_val.len() + b_val); println!("{:?}", a); // Reactive("hazash") println!("{:?}", b); // Reactive(0) println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(6) b.update(|_| 5); println!("{:?}", a); // Reactive("hazash") println!("{:?}", b); // Reactive(5) println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(11) a.update(|_| String::from("mouse")); println!("{:?}", a); // Reactive("mouse") println!("{:?}", b); // Reactive(5) println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(10) } ``` ### 👀 Add Observers ```rust use reactivate::Reactive; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; fn main() { let r: Reactive = Reactive::default(); // Arc> is used to make the vector thread safe // because Reactive as a whole must be thread safe let changes: Arc>> = Default::default(); r.add_observer({ let changes = changes.clone(); move |val| changes.lock().unwrap().push(val.clone()) }); r.update(|_| String::from("a")); r.update_inplace(|s| { s.push('b'); }); println!("{:?}", r); // Reactive("ab") println!("{:?}", changes.lock().unwrap().clone()); // ["a", "ab"] } ``` ### 🧵 With Threads (features = ["threadsafe"]) ```rust use reactivate::Reactive; use std::{thread, time::Duration}; fn main() { let r: Reactive = Reactive::default(); let d = r.derive(|s| s.len()); let handle = thread::spawn({ let r = r.clone(); move || { for _ in 0..10 { r.update_inplace(|s| s.push('a')); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)); } } }); for _ in 0..10 { r.update_inplace(|s| s.push('b')); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)); } handle.join().unwrap(); println!("{:?}", r); // Reactive("babababababababababa") println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(20) } ``` ## 🌟 Connect with Us M. Zahash – zahash.z@gmail.com Distributed under the MIT license. See `LICENSE` for more information. [https://github.com/zahash/](https://github.com/zahash/) ## 🤝 Contribute to Reactivate! 1. Fork it () 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/fooBar`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/fooBar`) 5. Create a new Pull Request ## ❤️ Show Some Love! If you find Reactivate helpful and enjoy using it, consider giving it a [⭐ on GitHub!](https://github.com/zahash/reactivate/stargazers) Your star is a gesture of appreciation and encouragement for the continuous improvement of Reactivate.