# Objective Since the performance is a key requirement of this crate, With these benchmarks, we aim to track the performance, over time, of some real-ish world usage scenarios -- so that we can be sure no performance regressions are introduced either by our sources, Rust versions, operating system, etc. With this we also have a glimpse on how this crate behaves on different hardware. # Guide Here you will find the following directories: * `old`: legacy, less structured benchmarks * ``: the new, more rigirous benchmarks. Each directory will have a `machine.info` file describing the hardware. The methodology for the new benchmarks are as follows: * Identification: inside each directory, the benchmarks will be named as: `--.txt` * Compilation: `export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"; cargo test --release` * Execution: with a freshly booted machine, without any other running processes, the following is executed: ``` clear; rm /tmp/*.mmap; sudo sync; sleep 10; ./target/release/examples/all-channels ``` * Summarization: For each measurement `all-channels` yield, the contents of the benchmark will have the individual best of 5 runs.