use std::env; use std::process::exit; use hex::decode; use reba_client::client::RelayClient; use secp256k1::SecretKey; use web3::signing::{Key, SecretKeyRef}; use web3::transports::Http; use web3::types::TransactionParameters; use web3::Web3; const AVAX_API_URL: &str = ""; // gets the specified environment variable // returns an empty string if it does not exist fn get_env(key: &str) -> String { match env::var(key) { Ok(val) => val, Err(_e) => String::new() } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // New HTTP provider. The provider is used to get information needed // to send a valid TX when sending via the Relay. let provider = Http::new(AVAX_API_URL).unwrap(); // New Web3 instance using the HTTP provider let web3 = Web3::new(provider); let pk_str = get_env("PK"); let private_key_bytes: &[u8] = pk_str.as_bytes(); let sk = SecretKey::from_slice(&decode(private_key_bytes).unwrap()).unwrap(); let pk = SecretKeyRef::new(&sk); let address = pk.address(); let mut client = RelayClient::new(address, &pk).unwrap(); let tx = TransactionParameters { value: 0.into(), nonce: None, to: Some(address), chain_id: 43114.into(), // Cam said this may fix it, still nothing. ..Default::default() }; let signed_tx = match web3.accounts().sign_transaction(tx, &sk).await { Ok(signed_tx) => signed_tx, Err(e) => { println!("Error signing transaction: {:?}", e); exit(1); } }; println!("Signed tx hash: {:x?}", signed_tx.transaction_hash); // this is not working. TX sends successfully, however it doesn't // get to the nodes. Does not appear on snowtrace. match client.send_tx(signed_tx) { Ok(_) => println!("Sent transaction successfully."), Err(e) => { println!("Error sending transaction: {:?}", e); exit(1); } }; }