# recbox suckless audio recording of your modular via an USB interface (e.g. a scarlett) with a raspberry pi, 2 systemd units and a couple lines Rust - runs on a raspi laying around anyways - starts recording audio after boot, just plug it into the same power strip - use [syncthing](https://github.com/syncthing/) or scp to move recorded audio files - or just point the out dir to any external data drive (USB stick, NAS share, etc.) - **dependencies**: jack, cargo, syncthing (optional) # hardware setup example ``` +------------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------------+ | Headphones | | Monitors | | Raspberry Pi | +------------------+ +-----------------+ | | ^ ^ | | | | | | cue monitor | | | | | | +--------------------+ +---------------------+ | +-------------------+ | | Synth / Mixer |----->| USB Audio Interface |----->| | jackd | | +--------------------+ +---------------------+ | +-------------------+ | | | | | v | | +-------------------+ | | | recbox | | | +-------------------+ | | | | | v | | +-------------------+ | | | Audio Files | | | +-------------------+ | | | | | v | +-------------------+ | +-------------------+ | | PC / Laptop |<----- wifi-----+-| Syncthing | | +-------------------+ | +-------------------+ | +-----------------------+ ``` # installation ```bash # install dependencies sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y jackd2 libjack-dev # optionally: syncthing curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh # install this cargo install recbox # find your sound card by name aplay -l cat /proc/asound/cards # configure the service files (change user, out dir and sound card) # install and enable systemd units sudo cp recbox/*.service /etc/systemd/system sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable --now jackd.service sudo systemctl enable --now recbox.service ```