# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. # # This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full # list see the documentation: # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html import inspect import os import sys from os.path import relpath, dirname from pprint import pprint import recipemd # -- Path setup -------------------------------------------------------------- # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../recipemd')) # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- project = 'RecipeMD' copyright = '2019, Tilman Stehr and contributors' author = 'Tilman Stehr and contributors' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags release = recipemd.__version__ # -- General configuration --------------------------------------------------- # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ "sphinx.ext.autodoc", "sphinx.ext.linkcode", 'sphinx.ext.githubpages', 'sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel', 'm2r2', 'sphinxcontrib.fulltoc', 'sphinxcontrib.autoprogram', 'sphinx_autodoc_typehints', 'sphinxcontrib.apidoc', ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. # This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path. exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store'] # -- Options for extensions ------------------------------------------------- # autodoc settings autodoc_inherit_docstrings = True autodoc_member_order = 'bysource' autodoc_default_options = { 'exclude-members': 'schema,from_dict,to_dict', } # autodoc_typehings settings always_document_param_types = True # apidoc settings os.environ['SPHINX_APIDOC_OPTIONS'] = 'members,undoc-members,show-inheritance' apidoc_module_dir = '../recipemd' apidoc_output_dir = '_apidoc' apidoc_separate_modules = True apidoc_toc_file = False apidoc_module_first = True # linkcode, based on numpy source (https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/doc/source/conf.py#L313) def linkcode_resolve(domain, info): """ Determine the URL corresponding to Python object """ if domain != 'py': return None modname = info['module'] fullname = info['fullname'] submod = sys.modules.get(modname) if submod is None: return None obj = submod for part in fullname.split('.'): try: obj = getattr(obj, part) except Exception: return None # strip decorators, which would resolve to the source of the decorator # possibly an upstream bug in getsourcefile, bpo-1764286 try: unwrap = inspect.unwrap except AttributeError: pass else: obj = unwrap(obj) try: fn = inspect.getsourcefile(obj) except Exception: fn = None if not fn: return None try: source, lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(obj) except Exception: lineno = None if lineno: linespec = "#L%d-L%d" % (lineno, lineno + len(source) - 1) else: linespec = "" module_folder = dirname(recipemd.__file__) if os.path.commonpath([module_folder, fn]) != module_folder: return None fn = relpath(fn, start=module_folder) # get branch (set by github when running in action, else by the makefile) try: branch = os.environ['GITHUB_REF'].split('/')[-1] except: branch = "master" return f"https://github.com/tstehr/RecipeMD/blob/{branch}/recipemd/{fn}{linespec}" # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. html_theme = 'alabaster' # add edit_on_github html_sidebars = { "**": [ "about.html", "navigation.html", "relations.html", "searchbox.html", "edit_on_github.html", ] } # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static', '../logo'] html_favicon = '_static/favicon.ico' # needed to create CNAME file html_baseurl = 'https://recipemd.org' # -- Alabaster ------------------------------------------------- html_theme_options = { 'logo': 'recipemd-mark.svg', 'logo_name': True, 'logo_text_align': 'center', 'fixed_sidebar': False, 'github_user': 'tstehr', 'github_repo': 'recipemd', 'github_banner': True, 'github_button': False, 'github_type': 'star', } # -- Edit on Github ------------------------------------------------- html_context = { # The path (relative to root) for your documentation "doc_path": "docs", }