use reckoner::Integer; use std::{convert::TryFrom, fs::File, io::Read, mem::MaybeUninit, path::Path}; #[derive(Debug)] struct TestCase<'i, const I: usize, const O: usize> { operator: &'i str, arguments: [&'i str; I], outputs: [&'i str; O], } impl<'i, const I: usize, const O: usize> TestCase<'i, I, O> { fn parse(input: &'i str) -> Self { let mut segments = input.split(':'); let operator ="unable to split operator"); let mut arguments = array_from_iter( segments .next() .expect("unable to split arguments") .split(","), ); let outputs = array_from_iter( segments .next() .expect("unable to split outputss") .split(","), ); // resolve back references of the form `=n` where `n` is the referenced index for idx in 0..arguments.len() { if arguments[idx].starts_with('=') { let backref = arguments[idx] .trim_start_matches('=') .parse::() .expect("unable to parse backref index"); // the backref indices are 1-based, so need to adjust to array indexing. arguments[idx] = arguments[backref - 1]; } } TestCase { operator, arguments, outputs, } } } fn array_from_iter(mut iter: impl Iterator) -> [T; N] { // TODO: replace with `MaybeUninit::uninit_array` when stable // SAFETY: An uninitialized `[MaybeUninit<_>; LEN]` is valid. let mut arr = unsafe { MaybeUninit::<[MaybeUninit; N]>::uninit().assume_init() }; for idx in 0..N { let item ="Unable to extract all N items"); unsafe { arr[idx].as_mut_ptr().write(item) } } // TODO: replace with `MaybeUninit::array_assume_init` when stable // SAFETY: // * Earlier blocks guarantee all N elements are initialized // * `MaybeUninit` and T are guaranteed to have the same layout // * MaybeUnint does not drop, so there are no double-frees // And thus the conversion is safe unsafe { (&arr as *const _ as *const [T; N]).read() } } fn read_file(path: impl AsRef) -> String { let mut file = File::open(path.as_ref()).expect("unable to open file for read"); let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents) .expect("unable to read file to string"); contents } fn filter_comments_and_whitespace(input: &&str) -> bool { let trimmed = input.trim_start(); return !(trimmed.starts_with('#') || trimmed.is_empty()); } macro_rules! tc_path { ($s:expr) => { concat!("creachadair-imath-sys/vendor/imath/tests/", $s) }; } fn parse_integer(s: &str) -> Integer { let (s, radix) = if let Some(s) = s.strip_prefix("#") { let radix = match s.chars().next() { Some('x') | Some('X') => 16, Some('d') | Some('D') => 10, Some('o') | Some('O') => 8, Some('b') | Some('B') => 2, x => panic!("unable to parse radix symbol: '{:?}'", x), }; (s.get(1..).expect("unable to slice remainder"), radix) } else { (s, 10) }; Integer::from_string(s, radix).unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("unable to parse: {:?}. {}", s, err)) } #[test] fn check_test_data_add() { let file_contents = read_file(tc_path!("")); let test_cases = file_contents .lines() .filter(filter_comments_and_whitespace) .map(TestCase::<3, 1>::parse); for tc in test_cases { match tc.operator { "add" => { let lhs = parse_integer(tc.arguments[0]); let rhs = parse_integer(tc.arguments[1]); let result = lhs + rhs; let expected = parse_integer(tc.outputs[0]); assert_eq!(result, expected); } "addv" => { let lhs = parse_integer(tc.arguments[0]); let rhs_large = parse_integer(tc.arguments[1]); let rhs = i32::try_from(rhs_large).expect("unable to parse as small int"); let result = lhs + rhs; let expected = parse_integer(tc.outputs[0]); assert_eq!(result, expected); } x => panic!("unknown operator: {:?}", x), } } } #[test] fn check_test_data_sub() { let file_contents = read_file(tc_path!("")); let test_cases = file_contents .lines() .filter(filter_comments_and_whitespace) .map(TestCase::<3, 1>::parse); for tc in test_cases { match tc.operator { "sub" => { let lhs = parse_integer(tc.arguments[0]); let rhs = parse_integer(tc.arguments[1]); let result = lhs - rhs; let expected = parse_integer(tc.outputs[0]); assert_eq!(result, expected); } "subv" => { let lhs = parse_integer(tc.arguments[0]); let rhs_large = parse_integer(tc.arguments[1]); let rhs = i32::try_from(rhs_large).expect("unable to parse as small int"); let result = lhs - rhs; let expected = parse_integer(tc.outputs[0]); assert_eq!(result, expected); } x => panic!("unknown operator: {:?}", x), } } } #[test] fn check_test_data_mul() { let file_contents = read_file(tc_path!("")); let test_cases = file_contents .lines() .filter(filter_comments_and_whitespace) .map(TestCase::<3, 1>::parse); for tc in test_cases { match tc.operator { "mul" => { let lhs = parse_integer(tc.arguments[0]); let rhs = parse_integer(tc.arguments[1]); let result = lhs * rhs; let expected = parse_integer(tc.outputs[0]); assert_eq!(result, expected); } "mulv" => { let lhs = parse_integer(tc.arguments[0]); let rhs_large = parse_integer(tc.arguments[1]); let rhs = i32::try_from(rhs_large).expect("unable to parse as small int"); let result = lhs * rhs; let expected = parse_integer(tc.outputs[0]); assert_eq!(result, expected); } "mulp2" => {} // ignore mulp2 tests as not currently exposed in `reckoner` API. x => panic!("unknown operator: {:?}", x), } } } #[test] fn check_test_data_neg() { let file_contents = read_file(tc_path!("")); let test_cases = file_contents .lines() .filter(filter_comments_and_whitespace) .map(TestCase::<2, 1>::parse); for tc in test_cases { match tc.operator { "neg" => { let input = parse_integer(tc.arguments[0]); let output = -input; let expected = parse_integer(tc.outputs[0]); assert_eq!(output, expected); } x => panic!("unknown operator: {:?}", x), } } }