sdl with grid layout and window management to help build apps or video games. you can see an example of usage at # Getting Started use the function to create the window and run the application ``` Rust red_sdl::run( window title, fps, width, height, window builder: Fn(&mut WindowBuilder) -> &mut WindowBuilder, //ex:|window| window.fullscreen_desktop().resizable(), your window constructor: Fn(&mut Canvas) -> Result, ) ``` ## Order of called function init when created loop the rest for each frame in this order: 1. init_frame 2. event 3. update 4. draw # Elements ## Grid Let you place elements in a grid without overlaps. ### Parent new You can use his empty function for your new function of your parent element / window as long as you create it in the init function. ### Grid new Usually used for dynamic number of columns or rows ``` Rust Grid::new( ptr to parent,//self Vec of your columns, Vec of you rows, HashMap of Pos => Box of dyn GridChildren ) ``` ### Macro to create a Grid element Usually used for static number of columns or rows ``` Rust simple_grid!( RefToParent,//self ParentType,//Win //Your columns ColType::Px(min 1.), ColType::Ratio(minex 0.), ...; // char end of columns //Your rows RowType::Px(min 1.), RowType::Ratio(minex 0.), ...; // char end of rows Pos{x:min 0,y:min 0} => sub element, ... ) ``` ## RefElement Let you have the ownership of a sub element inside of another element. exemple: - Window contains SubElement - Grid contains RefElement - RefElement contains a reference to SubElement - - Grid can use SubElement as if it was him - Window can have an easy access to SubElement ### Remark Can be prone to errors if the sub element don't have the same lifetime of the parent. ### new ``` Rust RefElement::new(ref of the sub element) ``` ## ScrollView Let you have an unrestrained sized sub element inside your restrained sized Window/SubElement. ### new ``` Rust ScrollView::new( the child element, the child width minex 0., the child height minex 0., Func for the scrollbar color: Box Color> ) ``` ## UIRect Let you design a rectangle with the builder pattern. ### new ``` Rust UIRect::new( state function: Box StateEnum>, back color function: Box Color> ) ``` ### action Setup an action function. Get called in the event function. It gets called when the mouse is hovering over the element and the left mouse button is down. ``` Rust Box Result<(), String> ``` ### text Setup the text to write in the rect. Get called in the draw function. ``` Rust Box Result<(Option, Color), String>> ``` ### image Draw an image behind the text. Get called in the draw function. ``` Rust Box Result<&'static Texture<'static>, String>> ``` ## TextBox Let the user enter text inside this element. ### new ``` Rust TextBox::new( The id of the element, ref to the selected element field, the font, ref to the current text in the element, state function: Box StateEnum>, select_color function: Box Color>, line_color function: Box Color>, front_color function: Box Color>, back_color function: Box Color>, ) ```