# Rust-based image with cargo-tarpaulin pre-installed FROM xd009642/tarpaulin # This build-arg will be used by cargo-tarpaulin to upload code coverage reports to coveralls ARG REPO_TOKEN # Perform apk actions as root RUN apt install libssl-dev # Create build directory as root WORKDIR /usr/src RUN USER=root cargo new service # Perform an initial compilation to cache dependencies WORKDIR /usr/src/service COPY Cargo.lock Cargo.toml ./ RUN echo "fn main() {println!(\"if you see this, the image build failed and kept the depency-caching entrypoint. check your dockerfile and image build logs.\")}" > src/main.rs RUN cargo tarpaulin --locked # Load source code to create final binary RUN rm -rf src # If the bust file exists, it will be added # If it's filled with a random value, the testing and code coverage # cache will be broken COPY src bust* ./src/ # Copy the fit folder so code cov knows which branch we're on COPY .git .git RUN cargo tarpaulin --locked --skip-clean --coveralls $REPO_TOKEN