# Rust - redb cli RedbCLI is a command-line tool for managing and operating Redb databases. It provides various commands to create, delete, query, and edit database tables. ## Requires Need vim ## Features - Set database path - Use specific tables - Edit table data - Query table information - Create and delete tables ## Installation 1. Ensure you have Rust and Cargo installed. 2. Clone the project repository: ```shell git clone https://github.com/jokemanfire/redbcli cd redbcli ``` 3. Build the project: ```shell cargo build --release ``` 4. Add the generated executable to your PATH: ```shell cp target/release/redbcli /usr/local/bin/ ``` ## Usage 1. Start RedbCLI: ``` sh redbcli ``` 2. Set the database path: ``` sh set /path/to/your/database ``` 3. Use a specific table: ``` sh use your_table_name ``` 4. Query table information: ``` sh info tables info key your_key info table your_table_name ``` 5. Edit table data: ```sh edit ``` 6. Create a new table: ```sh create your_table_name ``` 7. Delete a table: ```sh delete your_table_name ``` 8. Exit the program: ```sh exit ``` ## Command List * set : Set the database path. * use : Use a specific table. * edit: Edit the data of the current table. * info [tables | key | table ]: Query table information. * create : Create a new table. * delete : Delete a table. * exit: Exit the program. ## Example ```shell $ redbcli DB:[/path/to/your/database] TAB:[] >> set /path/to/your/database -> set database success! DB:[/path/to/your/database] TAB:[] >> use my_table -> Use table my_table DB:[/path/to/your/database] TAB:[my_table] >> info tables +------------------+ | Tables | +------------------+ | my_table | +------------------+ DB:[/path/to/your/database] TAB:[my_table] >> info key my_key -> data { "my_key": "my_value" } DB:[/path/to/your/database] TAB:[my_table] >> edit -> Save data to update the database DB:[/path/to/your/database] TAB:[my_table] >> create new_table -> Table created successfully DB:[/path/to/your/database] TAB:[my_table] >> delete new_table -> Table deleted successfully DB:[/path/to/your/database] TAB:[my_table] >> exit -> Exiting ... ``` ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you have any improvements or bug fixes. For more detailed information, please refer to the source code and documentation.