# Rede Parser Library crate to receive the content of Rede's files and generate the requests or environments to use in the command-line binary. It can be used on its own to implement Rede's format in other projects or implementations. ## Usage The library offers the function `rede_parser::parse_request` to convert a given string into a valid `rede_parser::Request`. ```rust let toml = r#" [http] method = "POST" url = "http://localhost:8080/note" [headers] Content-Type = "application/json" [body] raw = """ { "title": "Implement rede_parser" , "description": "Implement it following the example } """ "#; let request = rede_parser::parse_request(toml)?; assert_eq!(request.method, Method::POST); assert_eq!(request.url, "http://localhost:8080/note"); assert_eq!(request.headers["Content-Type"], "application/json"); if let Body::Raw { content, mime } = &request.body { assert_eq!(mime, &"text/plain; charset=utf-8"); println!("{}", &request.body); } ```