#!/bin/bash # If no argument supplied, set default path and build the binary. if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "No argument supplied, building the binary." export RUSTFLAGS="-C link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld"; cargo build --profile ci REDGOLD_BINARY_PATH="./target/debug/redgold" else REDGOLD_BINARY_PATH="$1" fi echo "Using binary at path: $REDGOLD_BINARY_PATH" # Continue with rest of script pkill -f redgold rm -rf ~/.rg/local_test sleep 1 export REDGOLD_BINARY_PATH export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 export RUST_MIN_STACK=20485760 # 20mb $REDGOLD_BINARY_PATH --network local --debug-id 10 --genesis --disable-e2e node >log0 2>&1 & export NODE_1_PID=$! sleep 7 $REDGOLD_BINARY_PATH --network local --debug-id 11 --seed-address --seed-port-offset 26880 --disable-e2e node >log1 2>&1 & export NODE_2_PID=$! sleep 7 $REDGOLD_BINARY_PATH --network local --debug-id 12 --seed-address --seed-port-offset 26880 --disable-e2e node >log2 2>&1 & export NODE_3_PID=$! sleep 7 cleanup() { kill -KILL $NODE_1_PID kill -KILL $NODE_2_PID kill -KILL $NODE_3_PID echo "-----------------" echo "LOGS FROM NODE 0 Below" echo "-----------------" cat log0 echo "-----------------" echo "LOGS FROM NODE 1 Below" echo "-----------------" cat log1 echo "-----------------" echo "LOGS FROM NODE 2 Below" echo "-----------------" cat log2 } trap cleanup EXIT sleep 10 cargo test local_e2e_it -- --nocapture || { echo 'First test failed, aborting.'; exit 1; } export TEST_EXIT_CODE=$? # If this exit code not 0 then kill processes and abort remainder script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" # https://stackoverflow.com/a/246128/1826109 echo "Script dir: $script_dir" "$script_dir/cli_test.sh" $REDGOLD_BINARY_PATH local second_test_exit_status=$? exit $second_test_exit_status