AC_INIT([libredirectionio], [1.0.0], []) AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(/usr) AC_PATH_PROG(CARGO_BIN, [cargo], []) AS_IF(test x$CARGO_BIN = x, AC_MSG_ERROR([cargo is required. Please install the Rust toolchain from]) ) AC_CHECK_PROG(RUSTC, [rustc], [yes], [no]) AS_IF(test x$RUSTC = xno, AC_MSG_ERROR([rustc is required. Please install the Rust toolchain from]) ) dnl Specify --enable-debug to make a development release. By default, dnl we build in public release mode. AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug], [Build Rust code with debugging information [default=no]]), [debug_release=$enableval], [debug_release=no]) AC_ARG_WITH([target_dir], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-target-dir], [target directory])], [TARGET_DIR=$withval], [TARGET_DIR=]) AC_ARG_WITH([root_dir], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-root-dir], [root directory of cargo])], [ROOT_DIR=$withval], [ROOT_DIR=]) AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build Rust code with debugging information) if test "x$debug_release" = "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) RUST_RELEASE= RUST_TARGET_SUBDIR=debug else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) RUST_RELEASE=--release RUST_TARGET_SUBDIR=release fi AC_ARG_VAR([target_dir], [Target directory to use]) if test "x$TARGET_DIR" = "x" ; then RUST_TARGET_DIR=target else RUST_TARGET_DIR=$TARGET_DIR fi AC_ARG_VAR([root_dir], [Root directory of cargo to use]) if test "x$ROOT_DIR" = "x" ; then RUST_ROOT_DIR=. else RUST_ROOT_DIR=$ROOT_DIR fi AC_SUBST([CARGO_BIN]) AC_SUBST([RUST_RELEASE]) AC_SUBST([RUST_ROOT_DIR]) AC_SUBST([RUST_TARGET_DIR]) AC_SUBST([RUST_TARGET_SUBDIR]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([summary of build options: Install prefix: ${prefix} Debugging information: ${debug_release} ]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([libredirectionio.pc]) AC_OUTPUT