extern crate tokio; extern crate futures; use std::env; use std::io; use std::io::BufReader; use std::thread; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::collections::HashMap; use futures::{Future, Stream, Sink}; use futures::sync::mpsc::{UnboundedReceiver, unbounded}; use redis_asio::{RedisResult, RedisError, RedisErrorKind, IntoRedisArgument, RedisArgument}; use redis_asio::stream::{RedisStream, TouchGroupOptions, SendEntryOptions}; struct Message(String); /// Implements the trait to allow use the structure as a RedisArgument within RedisCommand::arg(). impl IntoRedisArgument for Message { fn into_redis_argument(self) -> RedisArgument { RedisArgument::String(self.0) } } impl Message { fn into_redis_stream_entry(self) -> HashMap { let mut result = HashMap::new(); result.insert("type".to_string(), "Message".into_redis_argument()); result.insert("data".to_string(), self.into_redis_argument()); result } } fn main() { println!("Producer example has started"); println!("Please enter a STREAM to write to it"); let stream_name = read_stdin(); println!("Please enter a GROUP (is used only to create if that does not exist)"); let group_name = read_stdin(); let redis_address = env::var("REDIS_URL") .unwrap_or("".to_string()) .parse::().expect("Couldn't parse Redis URl"); // Create an unbounded channel to allow the main thread notifies a child-network thread // of the need to send a Message to a Redis stream. let (tx, rx) = unbounded::(); let child = thread::spawn(move || // Spawn a child-network thread and run the producer start_producer(rx, stream_name, group_name, redis_address)); println!("Please enter a message"); let stdin = tokio::io::lines(BufReader::new(tokio::io::stdin())); let stdin = stdin .map_err(|err| eprintln!("Cannot read from stdin: {}", err)) .for_each(move |line| { // Redirect the stdin stream to the channel sender (tx). tx.clone() .send(Message(line)).map(|_| ()) .map_err(|err| eprintln!("Cannot read from stdin: {}", err)) }); tokio::run(stdin); // Wait the child thread to complete (it will happen because if we are here the tx is closed, // therefore rx listening will finish with an error). child.join().expect("Expect joined thread"); } /// Creates and holds a connection to the Redis Server, waits new messages from /// the channel receiver (rx) and send them to a Redis stream. fn start_producer(rx: UnboundedReceiver, stream_name: String, group_name: String, redis_address: SocketAddr) { let touch_options = TouchGroupOptions::new(stream_name.clone(), group_name.clone()); // Try to create a group. // If the group exists already, the future will not be set into an error. // The create_group variable is the Future. let create_group = RedisStream::connect(&redis_address) .and_then(move |con| // Create group if the one does not exists yet. con.touch_group(touch_options)) .then(|_| -> RedisResult<()> { Ok(()) }); // Creates and holds a connection to the Redis Server, waits new messages from // the channel receiver (rx) and send them to a Redis stream. // // Note nothing will happen if the previous future has failed. // The producer variable in a result is the Future. // The Item and Error are required by tokio::run(). let producer = create_group .and_then(move |_| { RedisStream::connect(&redis_address) }) .and_then(move |producer| { rx .map_err(|_| RedisError::new(RedisErrorKind::InternalError, "Something went wrong with UnboundedChannel".to_string())) // Use fold() to redirect messages from the channel receiver (rx) to the Redis stream. .fold(producer, move |producer, message| { let options = SendEntryOptions::new(stream_name.clone()); // Serialize the message to pairs of key-value. let data = message.into_redis_stream_entry(); producer .send_entry(options, data) .map(|(producer, added_entry_id)| { println!("{:?} has sent", added_entry_id.to_string()); println!("Please enter a message"); producer }) }) }) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(|err| println!("{}", err)); tokio::run(producer); } fn read_stdin() -> String { let mut value = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut value).expect("Expect a valid string"); if value.ends_with("\n") { value.pop().expect("Expect no empty string"); } assert!(!value.is_empty(), "Expect no empty string"); value }