# redis-om
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A Rust/Redis ORM-style library that simplify the development process and reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed to build programs that leverage [redis] powerful capabilities and use cases.
**Status**: *WIP, fully testsed, possible breaking changes, stay tuned*
- ORM-style API to define/manipulate [redis data structures] (e.g. hashes, json, streams) using [derive macros].
- Automatic serialization/desalinization between Redis data and rust objects.
- Interoperability with [serde](https://serde.rs/), e.g. using `rename`, `rename_all` or `serde`.
- Nested [hash datatype](#hash) support (e.g. `list.1` or nested models `account.balance` as keys).
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Using Redis's Hash Datatype](#hash)
- [Using Redis's Json Datatype](#json)
- [Using Redis's Stream Datatype](#stream)
- 0.1.0
- [x] Enable users to define and derive Hash Model with most common methods
- [x] Enable users to define and derive JSON Model with most common methods
- [x] Enable users to define and derive streams with managers to publish-to/read-from them.
- [x] Support users to choose between asynchronous and synchronous runtime.
- 0.2.0
- [ ] Enable Multi-Stream Manager Support to enable users to combine multiple `RedisModels`.
- [ ] Support Serializing/deserializing `HashModel` complex fields using serde.
- [ ] Support `RedisSearch` and provide query-building API.
- [ ] .....
- 0.3.0
- [ ] Support validation of struct fields and enum values (most likely using [validator library]).
- [ ] .....
## Getting Started
redis-om = { version = "*" }
# TLS support with async-std
redis-om = { version = "*", features = ["tls"] }
# async support with tokio
redis-om = { version = "*", features = ["tokio-comp"] }
# async support with async-std
redis-om = { version = "*", features = ["async-std-comp"] }
# TLS and async support with tokio
redis-om = { version = "*", features = ["tokio-native-tls-comp"] }
# TLS support with async-std
redis-om = { version = "*", features = ["async-std-tls-comp"] }
## Hash
```rust ignore
use redis_om::HashModel;
#[derive(HashModel, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Customer {
id: String,
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
email: String,
bio: Option,
interests: Vec
// Now that we have a `Customer` model, let's use it to save customer data to Redis.
// First, we create a new `Customer` object:
let mut jane = Customer {
id: "".into(), // will be auto generated when it's empty
first_name: "Jane".into(),
last_name: "Doe".into(),
email: "jane.doe@example.com".into(),
bio: Some("Open Source Rust developer".into()),
interests: vec!["Books".to_string()],
// Get client
let client = redis_om::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
// Get connection
let mut conn = client.get_connection().unwrap();
// We can save the model to Redis by calling `save()`:
jane.save(&mut conn).unwrap();
// Expire the model after 1 min (60 seconds)
jane.expire(60, &mut conn).unwrap();
// Retrieve this customer with its primary key
let jane_db = Customer::get(&jane.id, &mut conn).unwrap();
// Delete customer
Customer::delete(&jane.id, &mut conn).unwrap();
assert_eq!(jane_db, jane);
## Json
redis-om support json data type through `redis_om::JsonModel`. It requires that the type
derives `serde::Deserialize` as well as `serde::Serialize`.
```rust ignore
use redis_om::JsonModel;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct AccountDetails {
balance: String,
#[derive(JsonModel, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Account {
id: String,
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
details: AccountDetails,
// Now that we have a `Account` model, let's use it to save account data to Redis.
// First, we create a new `Account` object:
let mut john = Account {
id: "".into(), // will be auto generated when it's empty
first_name: "John".into(),
last_name: "Doe".into(),
details: AccountDetails {
balance: "1.5m".into(),
// Get client
let client = redis_om::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
// Get connection
let mut conn = client.get_connection().unwrap();
// We can save the model to Redis by calling `save()`:
john.save(&mut conn).unwrap();
// Expire the model after 1 min (60 seconds)
john.expire(60, &mut conn).unwrap();
// Retrieve this account with its primary key
let john_db = Account::get(&john.id, &mut conn).unwrap();
// Delete customer
Account::delete(&john.id, &mut conn).unwrap();
assert_eq!(john_db, john);
## Stream
redis-om support json data type through `redis_om::StreamModel`. It requires that any nested type to derives `redis_om::RedisTransportValue`.
```rust ignore
use redis_om::{RedisTransportValue, StreamModel};
/// An enum of room service kind
pub enum RoomServiceJob {
/// An enum of room service kind
#[redis(key = "room")] // rename stream key in redis
pub struct RoomServiceEvent {
status: String,
room: usize,
job: RoomServiceJob,
// Get client
let client = redis_om::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
// Get connection
let mut conn = client.get_connection().unwrap();
// Create a new instance of Room service Event Manager with consumer group.
// Note: consumer name is auto generated,
// use RoomServiceEventManager::new_with_consumer_name, // for a custom name
let manager = RoomServiceEventManager::new("Staff");
// Ensure the consumer group
manager.ensure_group_stream(&mut conn).unwrap();
// Create new event
let event = RoomServiceEvent {
status: "pending".into(),
room: 3,
job: RoomServiceJob::Clean,
// Publish the event to the RoomServiceEvent redis stream
RoomServiceEventManager::publish(&event, &mut conn).unwrap();
// Read with optional read_count: Option, block_interval: Option
let read = manager.read(None, None, &mut conn).unwrap();
// Get first incoming event
let incoming_event = read.first().unwrap();
// Get first incoming event data
let incoming_event_data = incoming_event.data::().unwrap();
// Acknowledge that you received the event, so other in the consumers don't get it
RoomServiceEventManager::ack(manager.group_name(), &[&incoming_event.id], &mut conn).unwrap();
assert_eq!(incoming_event_data.room, event.room);
[derive macros]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/procedural-macros.html#derive-macros
[redis data structures]: https://redis.com/redis-enterprise/data-structures/
[redis]: https://redis.com
[validator library]: https://crates.io/crates/validator