use super::*; pub use the_module::reflect; #[ derive( Debug, Clone, PartialEq ) ] pub struct Struct1 { pub f1 : i32, pub f2 : String, pub f3 : &'static str, } // -- #[ derive( PartialEq, Debug ) ] pub struct EntityDescriptor< I : reflect::Instance > { _phantom : core::marker::PhantomData< I >, } // // xxx : qqq : qqq for Yulia : implement derive Phantom // // #[ derive( PartialEq, Debug ) ] // pub struct EntityDescriptor< I : reflect::Instance > // { // _phantom : core::marker::PhantomData< I >, // } // // #[ derive( PartialEq, Debug, Phantom ) ] // pub struct EntityDescriptor< I : Instance >; // // #[ derive( PartialEq, Debug, Phantom ) ] // pub struct EntityDescriptor< I : Instance > {}; // // #[ derive( PartialEq, Debug ) ] // pub struct EntityDescriptor< 'a, 'b, I : reflect::Instance > // { // _phantom : core::marker::PhantomData< ( &'a (), &'b (), I ) >, // } // impl< I : reflect::Instance > EntityDescriptor< I > { /// Constructor of the descriptor. #[ inline( always ) ] pub fn new() -> Self { let _phantom = core::marker::PhantomData::< I >; Self { _phantom } } } // qqq : qqq for Yulia : implement derive ReflectInstance impl reflect::Instance for Struct1 { type Entity = EntityDescriptor::< Self >; #[ inline( always ) ] fn Reflect() -> Self::Entity { EntityDescriptor::< Self >::new() } } // -- impl reflect::Entity for EntityDescriptor< Struct1 > { #[ inline( always ) ] fn is_container( &self ) -> bool { true } #[ inline( always ) ] fn len( &self ) -> usize { 3 } #[ inline( always ) ] fn type_name( &self ) -> &'static str { core::any::type_name::< Struct1 >() } #[ inline( always ) ] fn type_id( &self ) -> core::any::TypeId { core::any::TypeId::of::< Struct1 >() } #[ inline( always ) ] fn elements(&self) -> Box< dyn Iterator< Item = reflect::KeyVal > > { let result = vec! [ reflect::KeyVal { key : reflect::Primitive::str( "f1" ), val : Box::new( < i32 as reflect::Instance >::Reflect() ) }, reflect::KeyVal { key : reflect::Primitive::str( "f2" ), val : Box::new( < String as reflect::Instance >::Reflect() ) }, reflect::KeyVal { key : reflect::Primitive::str( "f3" ), val : Box::new( < &'static str as reflect::Instance >::Reflect() ) }, ]; Box::new( result.into_iter() ) } } include!( "./only_test/" );