# rekordcrate - Library for parsing Pioneer Rekordbox device exports [![Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/rekordcrate)](https://crates.io/crates/rekordcrate) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/Holzhaus/rekordcrate)](https://github.com/Holzhaus/rekordcrate/blob/main/COPYING) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/Holzhaus/rekordcrate/Build)](https://github.com/Holzhaus/rekordcrate/actions?query=branch%3Amain) *rekordcrate* is library to parse device exports for the CDJ/XDJ series players (usually exported from the Pioneer Rekordbox DJ software), written in Rust. **Note:** This library is currently still under heavy development and might have breaking API changes in the future. ## Command Line Usage This library includes a command line tool named `rekordcrate` to inspect database exports (i.e. `PIONEER/rekordbox/export.pdb` files): $ cargo run -- dump-pdb data/complete_export/demo-tracks/PIONEER/rekordbox/export.pdb Analysis files (`.DAT`, `.EXT` and `.2EX` files in the `PIONEER/USBANLZ` directory) can also be viewed: $ cargo run -- dump-anlz -- data/complete_export/demo_tracks/PIONEER/USBANLZ/P016/0000875E/ANLZ0000.DAT The tool is also able to display the contents of `*SETTING.DAT` files (`DEVSETTING.DAT`, `DJMMYSETTING.DAT`, `MYSETTING.DAT` and `MYSETTING2.DAT` files in the `PIONEER` directory): $ cargo run -- dump-setting -- data/complete_export/demo_tracks/PIONEER/MYSETTING.DAT Information about additional commands can be accessed using the `--help` flag. ## FAQ ### Is this software affiliated with Pioneer Corp. or its related companies? No, this library has been written independently. ### Is the official documentation on the file format? There isn't any official documentation publicly available, but [James Elliott](https://github.com/brunchboy), [Henry Betts](https://github.com/henrybetts), [Fabian Lesniak](https://github.com/flesniak) and others reverse-engineered and documented it on [djl-analysis.deepsymmetry.org](https://djl-analysis.deepsymmetry.org/rekordbox-export-analysis/exports.html). ## License This software is licensed under the terms of the [Mozilla Public License 2.0](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/). Please also have a look at the [license FAQ](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/FAQ/).